HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Treasure Harvey E.Koehnen 720sElyse Circle Coast Professional Engineer#8z831 YsiMod aa*eg-8Z%l BuUdkng Architect#AR00o9471 pHowc(772)466e509 E-nglmars, Certified General Contractor#CGCO24776 FAX(772)489-3035 � Inc. E-MAILhkoehoen@tcbaweb.com ' Contractor O Date ~~~~~~'`^~ &1ETALDOO8NG JAT NEW ROOF RE-ROOF REPAIRAREA ��i�d^ IMETALROOF PLAN 4_-nEE�*rig s lakin�kfflk ASCE 7-10&FBC 2010 ENCLOSED BLDG SEMI ENCLOSED BLDG OPEN PART 2 LOW RISE C&C SIMPLIFIED ROOF SYSTEM_AjjAAVj_V__!�I N13-A V1. 14-5-les-law MAX DESIGN PRESSURE PER NOA - DECK TYPE THICKNESS BASE SHEET NO.DF9Us5_1r��'�N ~��� � p~�u4m _.�-­� �� - _ --____- — r� -4xw PLY SHEET ~~ NO.DFPLIES _G43TENERTYP���� SPAC|NG��_____ TOP PLY —~ NO.OFPLIES FASTENERTYPE � SPA]Ns_c�____ INSULATION BASE LAYER TYPE SIZE TYPE OFFASTENERS: SPACING FIELD_� PEB(}NETER — COKNEKS_�______ INSULATION TOP LAYER TYPE SIZE - - TYPEOFFASTENE n0PcDGEs(Is °� nR|PMAzs8b\L FLASHING MATERIAL 4~4 FASTENER SPACING FOR METAL ROOF PANELS: FIELD—Ito� PERIMETER LQ7 cORNEn_Uo Ar�^��^���w����«�w� A1*������ \ T reasure Harvey E. Koehnen C oast Professional Engineer#32831 B uilding Architect #AR0009471 E ngineers, Certified General Contractor#CGCO24776 Inc. These Tables Are For Roof Coverings Roof coverings Installed on Buildings with a Mean Roof I^ieight of 30'or Less Located in Exposures B, C or D Table R301.2[2]_oiz. j'tCiU? 5-(A'n--Iff. 7-is COMPONENTS AND CLADDING WORST CASE DESIGN PRESSURE[PSF]. 160 Exp B 160 Exp C 160 Exp C 160 Exp D 160 Exp D (One story . (Two story*) (One story") (Two storyl Roof> 0 to 7 degrees Zone 1 -27.6 -33.4 -38.7 -40.6 -45,9 7degrees= 11/2/12 pitch Zone 2 -46.4 -56.2 -65.0 -68.3 -77.1 Zone 3 -69.8 -84.5 -97.7 -102.7 -115.9 Roof>7 to 27 degrees *Zone 1 -25.3 -30,7 -35.5 -37,2 -42 27 degrees =6/12 pitch Zone 2 �-44.1 -53.4 -61.8 -64.9 -73.3Zone 3 .r -78.8 -91.2 - 95.7 - 108:;1 Roof>27 to 45 degrees Zone 1 -27.8 -33.7 -40.0 -40.1 -46:2 45 degrees= 12112 pitch Zone 2 -32.4 -39.3 -45-4 -47.7 -53.8 r Zone 3 -32.4 -39.3 -45.4 -47,7 -53.8 U .150 Exp B 150 Exp C 150 Exp C 150 Exp D 150 Exp D (one story*) (two story*) (one story*) (two story) Roof>0 to 7 degrees Zone 1 -24.3 -29,5 -34.1 -35.8 -40.4 7degfe6s-11/2/12 pitch Zone 2- 46.$ -49,4- 67 _-.._ .8--._-_-- _ _._. -57.2 -60.0 -67 Zone 3 -61.4 -74.3 -56.0 -90.3 -102.0 Roof>7 to 27 degrees Zone 1 -22,2 -26.9 -31.1 -32.7 -36.9 27 degrees=6/12 pitch Zone 2 -38.7 -48.9 -54-2 -56.9 -64.3 Zone 3 -57,3 -69.4 -80.3 -84.3 -95.2 Roof>27 to 45 degrees Zone 1 -24.3 29.5 -34.1 -35.8 -40.4 45 degrees= 12/12 pitch Zone 2 -28.4 -34,4 -39.8 -41.8 -47.2 Zone 3 -28.4 -34.4 -39.8 -41.8 -47.2 Ocie story"=one story building with a maximum mean roof height of 15 feet Two story=two story building with a maximum mean roof height of 30 feet -If-allowed by the Miami Dade N.O.A or Florida Product Approval., any system.that does-.not meet the minimum components and cladding pressures for the area that the building is located per this form may require a Florida licensed engineer to revise the fastener spacing T C B E, Inc. 7205 Elyse Circle PHONE (772)466-5509 Port Saint Lucie FAX (772)489-3035 Florida 34952-8212 E-MAIL hkoehnen@tcbeweb.com WEB SITE http://www.tcbeweb.com . swi luu"UHUltib wuc vniine Page 1 of 2 Florida Depar neentq BCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Tapia Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications FBC Staff BCI$Site Map .Links .Search - Pro yS5� k � Product Approval USER:Public User Regulation 119971lt � Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail III FL m FL14520-RI = = Application Type 'on . �` Code Version2010 Application Status roved Comments Archived I" Product Manufacturer J A TAYLOR ROOFING Address/Phone/Email 302 Melton Drive FT PIERCE, FL 34982 (772)466-4040 flvalidation@yahoo.com Authorized Signature Kyle Taylor fivalidation@yahoo.com ti 4" Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Metal Roofing .Compliance Method Evaluation Report from-i-Fldfrlda Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer F Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who Charles L THOMAS developed the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-29439 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications,Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04/11/2021 Validated By Locke Bowden R_ Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL14520 R1 COI Certificate of Independence FPA.odf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year TAS 125 2003 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By http://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquxTVBjriRcYsCCTD3D3z4Qf6pO9... 1/16/2012 .t xvijua LjU1IUJIIg%-oue unnne Page 2 of 2 Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 11/07/2011 Date Validated 11/07/2011 Date Pending FBC Approval 11110/2011 Date Approved 12/06/2011 ISummary of Products FL# 1114odel,Number or Name IlDescription 14520.1 115 V CRIMP 1126GA METAL ROOFING PANEL I Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL14520 R1 11 5V Crimp Evaluation Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Report Details Rev.odf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: PRI Construction Materials Technologies, Design Pressure: +N/A/-129.25 LLC Other:The required design wind loads shall be Created by Independent Third Party: Yes determined for each project per the Florida Building Evaluation Reports Code,The maximum fastener/clip spacing listed herein FL14520 R1 AE 5V Crimp Evaluation Report Rev.od shall not be exceeded.This product is not evaluated for Created by Independent Third Party: Yes ,juse in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. Back Next Contact us:: 1940 North Monroe Street,Tallahassee FL 32399 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2010 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,e-mail addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions regarding DSPR's ADA web accessibility,please contact our Web Master at webmaster(a)dbi)r.state.fl.us. Product Approval Accepts: H M http://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr�_appjtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquxTVBjriRcYsCCTD3D')z4Qf6p09... 1/16/2012 JA,Taylor Roofing Inc.- Evaluation Report for 26 ga.5V Crimp Metal Roof Assembly FL#14620-RI Evaluation Report Report for. J.A.Taylor Roofing Inc. Date: November 3,2011 302 Melton Drive Fort Pierce,FL 34982 Building Code:2010 Florida Building Code Compliance Method: Rule 9N-3.005(i)(d) Section(s): 1504.3.2 Category: Roofing Project No.: FAE-001-01-01 Sub-Category: Metal Roofing Scope: Product Category. Roofing Sub-Category: Metal Roofing Compliance., The 26 ga. 5V Crimp Metal Roof Assembly described herein has demonstrated compliance .with Section 1504.3.2 of the 2010 Florida Building Code. References: Test Application Standard (TAS) 125-03 Standard Requirements for Metal- Roofing Systems, Section 8 testing pursuant to Hurricane Test Laboratory; LLC (FBG Organization ID No.TST1527)report no.0224-0501-06, dated October-.,31- 2006. Report addendum for report no. 0224-0501-06 (Specimen #1, 2, &4) issued,by* Hurricane Test Laboratory, LLC (FBC Organization ID No. TST1527), dated., September 28,2011 Drawings # '26" 5V ZV Coverage' issued by Hurricane Test Laboratory, LLC (FBG Organization ID No.TST1 527),dated September 20,2011. Engineering Analysis by PRI Construction Materials Technologies (FBG Organization No.TST6878),dated April 19,2011. Product Description: 5V Crimp panel, minimum 26 ga. corrosion resistant steel (Grade 80), 26" panel (24" maximum coverage), 1/2" ribs; material shall comply with 2010 Florida Building Code,Section 1507.4.3. Minimum #9-15 HWH corrosion resistant fasteners with sealing washers designed for metal to wood connections of sufficient length to penetrate 6116" through the sheathing. Material shall comply With 2010 Florida Building Code, Section 1507.4.4. Limitations: Limitations and Conditions of Use include the following. • This evaluation does not include use of the product within the High-Veiocity Hurricane Zone(HVHZ). • Fire Classification is not within scope of this Evaluation Report; refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. Page 1 of 3 JA,Taylor Roofing Inc. Evaluation Report for 26 ga.5V Crimp Metal Roof Assembly FLO 14520-Rt 0 The product shall be installed in accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions and the Roof Assemblies section herein. 0 Modifications of the products as evaluated herein are beyond the scope of this evaluation. 0 All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with F.A.C.Rule 9B-72. Roof Assemblies: Assembly No.I Max Design Pressure: -69.25 Slope: 1/2:12 or greater Deck: `Minimum 15132'plywood or wood plank Deck Attachment: In accordance with the applicable Code. In no case less than minimum 8d x 2"annular ring shank nails spaced 6' o.c. In reroofing,where the deck is less than 19/32'thick (minimum 15132")the above attachment method must be in addition to existing attachment. Deck attachment to be designed by others. Underlayment Minimum ASTM D 226, Type 11 (No. 30) in accordance with Section 1507,2.8 of the 2010 Florida Building Code or any Approved undedayment having current Florida Statewide or Local Product Approval. 5V Crimp Panels: Installed in accoydance with Manufacturers installation instructions. /Minimum #9-15 corrosion resistant fasteners with sealing washers designed for metal to wood connections of sufficient length to penetrate 6/16" through the sheathing installed 16' o.c. along the crown of the rib in the center of panel and along the lap (See Drawings). Assembiv No.2 Max. .... ^ n Pressure: A29.25 Slope: 2:12 or greater Deck., Minimum 15132"plywood ood plank Deck Attachment In rdance wit e applicable Code. In no case less than m ' u d x 2"annular ring shank nails spaced 6" o.c. In re where the deck is less than 19132"thick (mi J m 15/3 a above attachment method must be . addition to e)dstin chment. Deck attachment to be designed by others. Underiaym Minimum ASTM D 226, Type 11 (No. in accordance with Section 1607.2.8 of the 2010 Florida . Code or any Approved underlayment having current Fl We Page 2 of 3 J.A.Taylor Roofing Inc. Evaluation Report for 26 ga.5V Crimp Metal Roof Assembly FL#14520-RI Statewide or Local Product Approval. 5V Crimp Panels: din accordance with Manufacturer's tion n accordance a c-e th Manufacturer's co i n wi �'5 co 'on r stru M nimum #9 Instructio Minimum #9-15 co ton resistant fasteners s asteners with ling washers-dCsigned for metal to W wi wood connections o nt length to penetrate 5/16' wood connections 1 t through the shea in d 8"o.c.along the crown of th the , t f I he dnb in center of pane along the lap (See Drawings). Drawings: 5-V PANEL PROFILE 24"Coverage ..5-V FASTENER DETAIL Quality Assurance: Keystone Certifications.(FSC Organization No.QUAI 824) Evaluator: Charles L.Thomas,P.E: Florida Registered Profis'gional Engineer PE No,:29439 FBC Organization No.:Al�E9008 14609 Dixie Hwy,Hudson, OL,-,34. 6797 L7 Date: 11-3I t ...... Page 3 of 3