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T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599
-NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) N"vw.miamidade.gov/economv
JA Taylor Roofing
302 Melton Drive
Ft.Pierce,FL 34982
This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials.The
documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be
used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ).
This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section
(In Miami Dade County)and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the right to have this product
or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner,the
manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify, or suspend the use
of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if-it-is
determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet-the' requirienients,
of the applicable building code.
This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida BuiidmgC§zle
including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code.
DESCRIPTION: Edge-Loc 1.0 x 1611 wide x 24 ga.Steel Panel over Wood Deck
LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo,city,state and'fil1l-o
statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved",unless otherwise noted herein.
RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change
in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product.
TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the
materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product,for
sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of
this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA.
-ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the
.expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done
in its entirety.
INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and
shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official.
This revises NOA No. 13-1015.05 and consists of pages I through 5.
The submitted documentation was reviewed by Juan E. Collao,R.A.
-DADE COUNTY NOA No.: 14-0416.01
�F.192'Wl 03=1 0-7110/7-0/ Expiration Date:01/09/19
Approval Date: 06/05/14
Page 1 of 5
Category: Roofing
Sub-Category: Metal,Panels(Non-Structural)
Materials: Steel
Deck Type: Wood
Maximum Design Pressure —101 psf
Test Product
Product Dimensions Specifications Description
Edge-Loc 1.0 Length:various TAS 110 Corrosion resistant,prefinished, coated
Width: 16" galvanized,galvalume, standing seam,metal
Height: 1" panels.
Thickness 0.024"(24 ga.)
Min.Yield Strength: 50 ksi
TrimkFeces Length:varies N/A Corrosion resistant,prefinished,coated
- Width:varies galvanized,galvalume,standing seam,metal
`_'-Thickness 0.024"(24 ga.) panels.
t =, -
� ..
Test Ages cy Test Identifier Test Name/Reyort Date
Va�Spar 433X515 ASTM B 117 11/21/11
43313173 ASTM D 4587,ASTM G 23 11/21/11
Force Engineering&Testing 72-0314T-06A-C TAS 125 03/24/07
Farabaugh Engineering and T158-07A TAS 100 04/14/07
Testing Inc.
NOA No.: 14-0416.01
DE COUNTY Expiration Date:01/09/19
Approval Date:06/05/14
Page 2 of 5
System: Edge-Loc 1.0 Panel x 16"Wide x 24 ga. Steel
Deck Type: Wood,Non-Insulated
Deck Description: New Construction 19/32" or greater plywood or wood plank, or for re-roofing 15/32" or
greater plywood.
Slope Range: 2: 12 or greater'/
Maximum Uplift See Table A below
Deck Attachment: In accordance with applicable Building Code,but in no case shall it be less than 8d ring
shank nails spaced 6"o.c. In reroofing,where the deck is less than 19/32"thick(Minimum
15/32")The above attachment method must be in addition to existing attachment.
Underlayment: Minimum underlayment shall be an ASTM D 226 Type II installed with a minimum 4"
side-lap and 6"end-laps.Underlayment shall be fastened with corrosion resistant tin-caps
and 12 gauge 1 '/a"annular ring-shank nails,spaced 6"o.c. at all laps and two staggered
rows 12"o.c.in the field of the roll. Or,any approved underlayment having a current NOA.
Fire Barrier Board: Any approved fire barrier having a current NOA. Refer to a current fire directory listing for
fire ratings of this roofing system assembly as well as the location of the fire barrier within
the assembly. See Limitation# 1.
Valleys: Valley construction shall be in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 133
and with PAC Contractors Association's current published installation instructions.
Metal Panels and Install the "Edge-Loc 1.0 Panel" and accessories in compliance with the current published
Accessories: installation instructions and details in PAC Contractors Association's Installation Manual.
Flashings, penetrations, valley construction and other details shall be constructed in
compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 133.
Panels shall be secured at a spacing listed below in Table A with#10-13 x 1"pancake head
screws of sufficient length to penetrate through the sheathing a minimum 3/16 of an inch.
The adjacent panel shall overlap and be secured to each other when The female rib of panel
is snapped over the male rib of panel.
Roof Areas Field ,✓ Perimeter and Corner' <
Maximum Design Pressures —59.75 psf —101 psf
Maximum Screw Spacing 16"o.c. vf 6.75" o.c.
1. Extrapolation shall not be allowed
NOA No.: 14-0416.01
htu�ru•o4�e couN rr Expiration Date:01/09/19
Approval Date: 06/05/14
Page 3 of 5
I. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance;refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire
ratings of this product.
2. The maximum designed pressure listed herein shall be applicable to all roof pressure zones(i.e. field,perimeters,
and corners).Neither rational analysis,nor extrapolation shall be permitted for enhanced fastening at enhanced
pressure zones (i.e. perimeters, extended corners and corners).
3. Panels may be rolls formed in continuous lengths from eave to ridge.Maximum lengths shall be as described in
Roofing Application Standard RAS 133.
4. All panels shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturer's name and/or logo, city, state, and the following
statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved" or with the Miami-Dade County Product Control
Seal as seen below. All clips shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturer's name and/or logo, and/or
5. All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and
Rule 61 G20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code.
6. Panels may be shop or jobsite roll formed with machine model#5521095 or 7031100 from PAC Contractors
NOA No.: 14-0416.01
MLAMI-RADE COUNT Expiration Date: 01/09/19
Approval Date:06/05/14
Page 4 of 5
Fastener Relief, Stiffening Ribs and Striations are Optional
Field Condition
NOA No.: 14-0416.01
MIAMI•DADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 01/09/19
Approval Date:06/05/14
Page 5 of 5
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21-1-1 Apnirai >Apcih—h—i .,>Application Detail
as a FL# FL9777-R3
Application Type Revision
Code Version 2010
Application Status Approved
Product Manufacturer Owens Corning
Address/Phone/Email One Owens Corning Parkway
Toledo,OH 43659
Authorized Signature Greg Keeler
Technical Representative - =
Address/Phone/Email - a-
Quality Assurance Representative _—
Category Roofing
Subcategory Underlayrrents �
Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida
Professional Engineer
Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Zachary R. Priest
Evaluation Report
Florida License PE-74021
Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 03/08/2015
Validated By Locke Bowden
Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received
Certificate of Independence FI 9:Z77--P-z-rnr nrafnnn) cvaluatior Report 'ruin car Wfhprl c-k
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard v
ASTM D 1970 2001
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
Sections from the Code
Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D
Date Submitted 05/06/2014
Date Validated 05/08/2014
Date Pending FBC Approval 05/08/2014
Date Approved 06/23/2014
Page 1 of 2
Florida Building CodehDpWoridabuilding.org/pr/pr_appjtl,aspx?param=WGEVXQwtDqtgkcMGblcW71%2fZr7gduqvK%2byVUTv85[uE%3d
Summary of Products...
FL# Model,Number or Name Description
9777.1 Weatherlock G Weatherproofing Underlayment
Limits of UseInstallation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No ElQ777-R';-iT-nrR14nn?511Al-';4fion.ReP0rt 7010 ER
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 441eatheid or k 0-50714 prif
Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By: Zachary R. Priest 74021
Design Pressure:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Other:See evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports
Ff Q777 R-; AE 0C-R1 4002 Evaluation Report 701 n EEC
WZath,a ca GC�Q-714 pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
9777.2 Weatherlock MAT Waterproofing Underlayment
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No PI c272-P14 TI nCR14np-? F:,,aIt,Atir,a,PPP0rt 7010 FPC
Approved for use outside HVHZ.,Yes Wzatla.,i ,r!nrn714 pdf
Impact Resistant, N/A Verified By: Zachary R. Priest 74021
Design Pressure:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Other:See evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports
Q 9-7-72—Q-4-Ar,j)(721 4f)f):?EvaktatiReport 201 n PAC
weatherl ork 050214 pelf
Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
9777.3 Weather-Lock Specialty Tile&Metal Weatherproofing Underlayment
Limits of Use i installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No El 9727 R3 IT nr-RL4GO2-EyzWatio��
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes WpAthAd oa E50714 prif
Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By: Zachary R. Priest 74021
Design Pressure:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Other:See evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports
Ficl777 P"4 AF,-c)rpldr)n? rval—unn.PePorf '2010r9(-
wpat her'on k nrn7l 4 pdf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Cn,t—flk::1q4Q rinftb Moame.Str—r Tallah--o El 17109 Dk—'---PA
The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.CapVright 2007-2013 Stan,of Finfida-::Prll�qtatomao ;j Arl—lijility.Statecaent:!gerund Stat—nt
Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.if you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send
electronic mail to this entity,instead,Contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850,487.1395.*Pursuant to
Section 455.275(t),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if
they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to
supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee
under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click horn
Product Approval Accepts:
01 ® M
Page 2 of 2
^ ,
Certificate ofAuthorization No. 20824
1752OEdinburgh Drive
(813)480-3421 '
Manufacturer: OVVEN8CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC Issued May 7,20/4 .
iOwens Corning Parkway
Toledo,0H43O57 '
Manufacturing Location: Brentwood, NH '
Quality Assurance: ULLLC(JUA8825) !
Category: Roofing
Subcategory: Uodndaymaoba
Code Sections: 1507.2.4,1507.2.9-2,1507.3.3, 1507.5.3
Properties: Physical properties
RepsREmcEa .
Report No. Standard Year |
nn�a�me|sTocxrmmg�a NEI-039-02-01 ASTM o1y7o zno
� —-----nnMamn�sTechnologiesNB'o400unIREve ASTM o1o7n 2001
P� Construction ( NEI-045-02-01 TAS 103 1995�
PRI Construction Materials Toc ' NEI-045-02-01 ASTM o1as uuoo
PRI Construction Materials Technologies NEI-053-02-01 TAo103 1e95
PRI Construction Materials Technologies nsm*3o2-01 ASTM G1ns 2005
' Ri-onst,uction Materials Technologies(TaTao*y) NEI-093-02-02 ASTM o1om uoo�
PRI Construction Materials Technologies� e) oor'213'02'01 ASTM o1oux 2009
VVeatherLock@G WeatherLock@ G is an ASTM D 1970 self-adhesive underlayment constructed from SBS .
modified uapha|t, o fiberglass mat reinforcement and surfaced with Qnonu}oo. The
product iasupplied in2~oq.rolls with nominal dimensions of3-Ux00.7'ft.
VVeeUharLocN@ G is permitted to be used with mechanically fastened asphalt shingles, �
wood shakes or shingles, and state roofing on prescribed in the FBC, Exposure on the
roof deck shall belimited b,amaximum 30days. �
VxeatherLook@Koat VVeutherLuck@ Mot imanASTM D 1970 self-adhesive under|ayvmntconstructed from
SBS modified asphalt with ufiue,g|avomat reinforcement. The product iasupplied in1-
oo. rolls with nominal dimensions of3'ftx33.84fand 2sq. rolls with nominal dimensions
WeatherLock@ Mat is permitted to be used with mechanically fastened asphalt shingles,
wood shakes or shingles, and slate roofing as prescribed in the F8C. Exposure on the
roof deck shall balimited mamaximum audays.
VVeadhe,LockO VVeatberLook@ Specialty is an ASTM D 1970 self-adhesive undedoymentuonstmctad
Specialty Tile&Metal from SBS modified asphalt and surfacedwith anon-woven polyester fabric. The product
is supplied in 2 oq rolls with nominal dimensions of3'ftxV6.74t and 2.14 sq. rolls with
\ �
nominal dimensions uf34txT1.34t.
F 77 7-10
WeatherLock@ Self-Sealing Ice&Water Barriers
WeatherLock@ WeatherLock@ Specialty Tile&Metal is permitted to be used with mechanically fastened
Specialty Tile&Metal asphalt shingles, clay or concrete tile, metal roof panels or shingles, wood shakes or
(continued) shingles, and slate roofing as prescribed in the FBC. WeatherLock@ Specialty Tile &
Metal is permitted to be used with adhered clay or concrete tile roofing using either 3MTA°
2-Component Foam Roof Tile Adhesive AH-160 (3M Company) or TILE BOND TM Roof
Tile Adhesive (The Dow Chemical Company) up to a maximum design pressure of-45
psf and in accordance with the system approval. Exposure on the roof deck shall be
limited to a maximum 90 days.
The maximum roof slope shall be 6:12 when used with clay or concrete tile installations
without battens. Tile shall be stored on battens for roof slopes greater than 6:12. Tiles
shall not be stacked greater than 10 tiles per stack.
Min. Roof Slope: 2:12 or in accordance in with FBC
Application: Deck substrates shall be clean, dry, and free from any irregularities and debris. All
fasteners in the deck shall be checked for protrusion and corrected prior to underlayment
application. Prior to beginning installation, the underlayment shall be unrolled and
allowed to relax for a minimum of 3-5 minutes.
The underlayment shall be installed direct-to-plywood decking with the release backer
removed and pressed firmly into place to ensure complete contact with the deck. The
underlayment shall be installed with the roll length parallel to the eave, starting at the
eave, and with minimum 3"side laps and minimum 6"staggered end laps. End laps for
WeatherLock@ Specialty Tile& Metal shall be primed with ASTM D 41 primer or sealed
with asphalt roof cement a minimum of 3-4 inches across the width of the lap.
It is permissible to nail the underlayment 18-inches on-center as needed (nails shall be
installed perpendicular to deck with the nail heads flush to the top surface of the
underlayment). WeatherLock@ Specialty Tile & Metal shall be back nailed when
installed on roof slopes greater than 3:12.
For valley applications, the roll shall be applied centered along the valley prior to
installing the underlayment at the eave. For eave protection, the underlayment should
extend to a point 24-inches inside the exterior wall.
The underlayment shall be installed over metal drip edge at the eave, and under the drip
edge at the rake or valley pan when used as a valley liner. Alternately, it is permissible
to install the underlayment under the drip edge in accordance Section 1507.2.9.3.
Min.Application 40°F; Contact the manufacturer when installing at temperatures below the minimum
Temperature: application temperature.
1) This evaluation report is not use in the HVHZ.
2) Fire Classification is not within the scope of this evaluation.
3) Installation of the evaluated product shall comply with this report,the FBC,and the manufacturer's published
application instructions. Where discrepancies exist between these sources, the more restrictive and FBC
compliant installation detail shall prevail.
4) The roof deck shall be constructed of closely fitted plywood sheathing for new or existing construction.
5) The space under the deck area shall be properly ventilated in accordance with the FBC requirements.
6) All side lap seams shall be installed to shed water from the deck.
7) The underlayment may be used as described in other current FBC product approval documents.
8) All products listed in this report shall be manufactured under a quality assurance program in compliance with
Rule 61G20-3.
OCR14001 FL9777-R3 Page 2 of 3
This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK
Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid.
This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use,or other product attributes that are not
specifically addressed herein.
^ . ~
CREEKmmamerLvcwmSelf-Sealing me&Water Barriers
Tsc*w/CAL SsRv/css. LLC
The products evaluated herein have demonstrated compliance with the 2010 Florida Building Code an evidenced in �
the referenced documents submitted bythe named manufacturer.
No 74021
13 STATE OF 20:18k15 -04`00' /
�o��F[Priest,PE /
' Florida Registration No. 1 |
111,10NA`i- Organization No.ANE9641
CREEK Technical Services,LLC does not have,nor will uacquire,afinancial interest many company manufacturing or distributing
products under this evaluation,
CREEK Technical Services,LLC i�not owned,operated,or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products under
this evaluation. |
Zachary R. Priest, PE. does not have, nor will acquire,afinancial interest inany company manufacturing muistriumingproducts
under this evaluation.
Zachary R.Priest,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the