HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JUN-24-2015 13:08 From:SPEEDY AC To:7724621578 Page:4/4 JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAXNT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4094551 OR HOOK 3760 PAGE 2473, Raeolydtd 06/24/2015 at 11:50 AM AFnM RECQR01N ; hV& Ycr• PIDMQNustaaR; 7'A.cast,:��rchn era f v,..n„l:ms 4Jn flso��a3oa NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undeoigned hereby givmi nuilm that improvement will 6e made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chaplor 713, 171n:;4a sm ics the following 1d rumation is provided In the Notice of commencement, '339�1- aoa-oc agr L3 00- �L I.DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(Legal doscriptinn and street address)TAX FOLIO NI)MDER: StiBD1vI.RION kLUCK TRACT_ LOT_Q-1 BLDG UNIT C_&AI Ct.(� _ ) o i' arc 3z — GENERAI.DMCRTPTION O)F CMPRovEMP.NT: al Z A t it C o r0-.H t o r,h r 4_S3 5-14 rn S 3.OWNER INFORMATION: a.Name J' Y:2 QA%J 1,5 `r _ b.Addross 10619 J t�e�SSOl ` �ArCJtR c.inte,e�trpropeny 1� o d.Nana and address orfoe simple titleholder(irnther than owner) 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 5.SURETY'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: F.LENDER'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER 7.Persona within the State of Ftaridn dexignecd by Owner upon whom notice%or othrr daeuntcuts may ba served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florlda Stamles: NAME,ADDRESS AND PLONK NUMRF,R: S.In adtl[lun to hihmclr or hcraclr,Owner deslgnalcx tre following In receive 11 copy of the•Llcam's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b).Florida Smimes: NAM,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUM M 9.Expitadon data of ooliuw of curnmencemcni(the exaltation date is 1 year rmm the date of recordhig ualeas a diltureat date is apccified) mif"C SU, 'az1%—'- WARrONG TO OWNER:ANY P.6)2NPNI'S-MADE BY THE OWNER AFI'Rg,�}(E-P�tFRKA'rION OF THF NDTiC6 OF COMMBNCLMihyi RR 1.ORIDA LT IN YOUR PAYING TWICEPOR_1MkA0,V,Fgy h POSTED ON THR lOB S(1'B�18EpKP._THe FIRST INSPECTION IP YQ1,(.1(iT�tf�7D OBTAIN FINANCINQ CONSULT WrrH vfRN`IPR Llik=OR ANATHHPORIT L OMMLNCING WORK OR RLICOgNNOYOUR NirDCR OF COMMRNCB1v EW. Signature oI owner ur Print Name and provide Signatory's Y'llldOlGce Owner19 Authorized Offtcer/INracco■/Partncr/Manager State of Flnridy County of Poyt slr.r xAV-t r1��� � 1be forcgaing instrnmeni wax acknowledged bcfofe me this r�clay of e- ny as r (Name of person) Cr*of authority—o'g.Owner,officer,(tastes,anardaAyti rarl);�4 ,r; Pur >>7 .- r (Name of party nn behalf of whom InStNmWlt W89 executed) Personally Knawo,.,,,_ar produced the following tyiAeifCf:- r�VeC�S,S.,K p i r1 f 1..,Ar'YJlA `rY}�y1e. �Jp1.t.L.('+aY�4 1,_J6�,4xJ4ar►a''d '�' �t�� R Y (Printed Name of Notary Public) (signMtusd orNotaxyPublic) iSrnD ?y� Under penalties nr perjury.T declare that I have read the foregoing and that the footsr�� ([ItAt 'Qa d�.•+'h�R•1 belief(section 92.525,Florida Statu(es). ��1• MY�y COMM urslo.Ia.. moi. ,a F.7tprAEs MVY ZO 9igmrlure(s)of Owner(s)or Owner(s)'Authorized Of lrrr/lDire"MW P er Wba nn•.mnaaom,s.maub STATE OF FLORIDA ST.LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AN CORRECT COPY OF THE ORISIN fio E.S IT , 'LER By: Date: