HomeMy WebLinkAboutLiquor License C'r els .
Building and Code Regulations Division
2300 Virginia Ave JUN 2 4 .2015
Fort Pierce,FL 34951
001%, C. 772-462-1553
Name of Business: K e C j 0,jj Ois j & l C 2e ex v 1 + 5 OL&b
Type and description of business: c� f
Number of Employees Number of Parking spaces av ilable for business `o
Address of Business: q2-- / / ���C�u< �7c9 �L Zip
Name of Shopping Center,if applicable: �? n
Name of Applicant: "LuotJ tea! 6t-A (,Pvwtt J 42 u
Mailing Address: Y 2 ,Od�"U w o o ' D/`
ContactPhone: y/,� L� l mail: F�'tiJrf L �1f12 ����ar!S�/�a��l ►�/i�S,Cv
Property Tag ID#:(Available from the Property Appraiser's Of ce) l' ? - / l
Is this a restaurant?Yes—N6 If yes,will alcohol be serve . Yes v***No Comply with distance req:YesjNo_
If yes,need a copy of License from ATF
Is this a conditional Use?Yes /No If yes,p ase attach Conditional use document with conditions of approval.
I understand it is.my responsibility to contact t Fire Department prior to the issuance of the Zoning Compliance. This
application certifies that the property on which a above described business will operate is properly zoned for that purpose
pursuant to applicable county'land develop en code regulations. I further understand that a site inspection may be
required to ensure compliance with appli le land development,building,safety,and property maintenance regulations.
Applicant's Signature/ Date Please Print Name
"ICE U fl
Zoning:` and Use: w� • SIC Code:
Landscaping Req.:Y /No; Parking Req:Yes/No Notes:
Name.&type of pr ious business: Site Plan Name:
Verify if propose use triggers a"Change in Occupancy"? Yes/No;Building permit needed:Yes/No
PDS taff Date
Revised 6/12/2015