HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALL.APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION.TO BE ACCEPTED u Date:CPe it Number: RECEIN17D JUN`2 5 201 f Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772)462-1553 Fax: (772)462-1578 Commercial Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click ar,ow at the end of line @�- PRO POSED'IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 02 rf /eeWe-e.&r 91A r-e- Io s L 3 Y 1 S"-2 Legal Description: G 1c� Gct c.`e Gfx,des Property Tax ID#: J yP2'eo - 7 0,7 D O 74 - Q p 0 - Lot No.—i--41- Site o. i-4Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Le t Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK.: t12 4 cg-lee 7ep, c o T s.J r Yee_Au- i h •�fe c.> > S At,-t e CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: . Additional work toe e rme un ert is perms -checka appIV: HVAC Ei Gas Tank 7Gas Piping _Shutt ers L_]Windows/Doors Electric J Plumbing Sprinklers Generator Roof Total Sq.Ft of Construction: SFt.of Fir Floor. Cost of Construction:$ Ssr O. wo Utilities: Sewer _Septic Building Height: OWNERAESSEE: CONTRA OR: Name_ Name: c,s ev Address: i8 /3 r- iqk vMa 60 Company: City. Y:�71-e-O StateeVZ- Address: f d o2 Sd Ve l Zip Code: Q 8 0 0 Fax: City: 1 L State: �- Phone No. .6 - . 733 S 6 Zip Code: 3 Y cl-s-� Fax: 33.r 42-26 1 o E-Mail: Phone No. 3 3 7 3 4�a Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(if different E-Mail: e1�J I'�k�. �. 1�`+�ir�► from the Owner listed above) State or COL my License: CF C 3 If value of construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commenceme it is required. l•'d 089Z-9EE-ZL1L seoimeS 6ulgwnld slsauae eLti:L0 9l,9Z unp aJPR BM ENTAL OONSTRIJCRON LIEN LAW-IN ATI DESIGNE=R1 EMGINEER Not Applicable M ORTG kGEOOMPANY Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address Oty: gate: City: gate: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SM PLE TITLE HOLDER Not Applicable BON DIN3300 M PANY Not Applicable Name: Name: Address. Address` City: City Zlp: Phone, Zip: Phone: Icertifythatnoworkorinstallationhascommencedpriortothe issuanceof a permit. ,q Ludo Countyy,makesno representation that is granting apermit will author ze the permit holder to build thesubject structure whidl sin conflict with any applicable Home WersAssopation rules,bylaw or and covenantsth%may restrict or prohibit such structure_Aconsult with your Home OwnersAssociation and review yout deed for any restrictionswNch may appl . Y I n consideration of t he granting of this requeded permit,I do hereby agree t h; I will,in all respectss perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the RorideBuilding Codesand Et.Luci (buntyAmendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full c oncurrency review.room additions, acoessory structures,swimming pools,fenoes,walls,signs,screen rooms and g ocessory uses to another non-residential use WARNIINGTO OWNER Your failure to Pacord a Notice of Commen ment may result in your paying twice for improvementsto your property.A Notice of Commencement mut be recorded and posted on thejobslte before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing,cons ilt with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recc)rdin-q your Notice of Commencement. gnat ure of CWnerl Age Lessee ure Dnolder I STATEOF FL.ORI DV STATE OF FLORI DA. COUNTY OF v c i C COUNTY F_ 'W Thefor Ing instrument esadmowledged b ore me the fpr in instrument acknowledged b fore me this I day of .. 20 3 by this _d of__ cl"n 2D y ILI (Name of r n ledgin (Nameo p sin n 4ging grrature t Pu i of Rorida) Sgnatu a of Publirida) FL-rsonal „ �, erg ion Person f i cation Type of 1 : t owe�e i7 Type 01 _iR%�S��e�i-tr1= f299 ti,w. EXPAEs May 21,2 EXPIRES May 2t,2019 Oomrrd , 1) Gommi 1 Sardca.com f U+' onlxeon: Revised 07/15/2014 FLM E VS R:KW ZONING SJPBR/ISOR PIANS VC33ETAl10N cFA7URTLE MANGROVE COUNTER FOAB V WOEl1V FBABIV FEAEVV l;VIEIV FEAEVll DATE OOMPLEfE INITIALS £'d 0892-9££-ZLL seouueg Bulgwnld siseueO eL1710 91.9Z unp