HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs To:Angela Page 2 of 2 2015-06-25 20:07:24(GMT) 17729347333 From: Louis Cefolia Planning Development Services Building&Code Regulation Division ® 2300 Virginia Ave • Fort Pierce,-FL 34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772.452-6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT #: S� �C:l% JO. B ADDRES. : .f ,o PSCC ,3r,. BUILDERJCONTRACfOR: V4m. .� PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: � / E�� -� ��� PEST CONTROL LICENSE #: We,the undersigned, hereby certify, that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the.National Pest Control ciation. Square feet If area treated: D Chemicals used: �A � X92 Percentage of solution: L' Total gallons used: r .- Date of Treatment: Time of Treatment: - '1'71 Footing ab 1"TreatmenTreatment Re:Treat Re-Treat Driveway Pools 1-1 Treatment V5 Treatment. Re-Treat Re-Treat Other Pori er for Final Inspection. 11 Treatment Re-Treaty f Signature of"Exterminator Date Note; Theremust be acompleted form for each required treatment or re-treatment and this form must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspeelron will fall and a re4nspectian The charged. Fi3C104.2.6 Certificate of-Protective.Treatment forprevenNon oftermites A weather resistantjobslte posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Cerdfcates as each required.protective.treatment is completed, providing a.copy-for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the_building permit files The Treatment Certificateshall provide the product used,identity:ofthe applicator,time.and.date of the treatment site location,area treated, chemical used,percent concentration and number of gallons used, to establish a verlflable record of protective treatment, ff the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used,Mal exterior treatment shall be completed prJor to.final building.appmval. St Lucie County requiires for the-final inspection for CO,a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications; Revised 7!2412014: RECEIVED JUN 2 5 2015 11� -qq MIA 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 757715 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch:561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch:407=339-5311 t Concrete Tested ;-,❑Yes I P11i LOT# Water A ded at Customer's ',Cylinders Taken ' E]Yes Epos lRequest Commentsv gals.to full load {J(I_, S ! ? � gals.to 213 load Cli:U T f's!i Tl1t If`l! o �'j gals.to 1/3 load �C\stomer'§ Rep-Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL.W fTER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury.Avoid contact with SURFACE,DISCOLORATION skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH �,_ .• mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND DURABILITY.ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH,TIME:�.- medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed ,1 { cement products. AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. PLANT 71C (( _J 7RDE TRU(CK# LOAD SIZE MIX ry � r_[°]p SLUMP J 7 DATE / y .(R7.P (7 LIt,tt:..f s:.1 L..J .L ti.J L• .I- n �hh iJ Illyy.. Y rC 1"I'yi �Jn G!L !. JJ t::�L1. .1. CUSTOMER# SOLD TO P.O.# PROJECT# I E.lV!'? RUSTY NORVELi-- CONCRETE PUMPI +F35f_°t DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER 1.59 NE I'11=w;_:knJat A V e —,-FIBER.li..)�. STL_I t(]IE DIAIA`t Mitt I I e I GC'i i INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE PSI._ GY,I q11 L11 W_J I LTJ V1111:11.1:111111111111 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT • • . 1 lil. !(Yl1 1 a lZil�I 18. ki�l i(7l�JG}!(til�llill�! iili!!L! I-1R]al�� .I.n 4i11t1 'l 111a !L!21 1.a t,ID I F CAERR !=:I:BE�R6 -- ll c., �%uLn n'; :iz ee. ea 10 17,10 0. l�il;!'l E klivi I RO E NV I ROi� IENTA" . D I�>PO �:a 1 n O7 ?, lb. 00 FUEL. �L1R(�'r;NIE Cal= /SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT-CONCRET&AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING asc It a er oncrete�ompany will not assume liability for any property damage or any SUB-TOTAL equipment-damage for any deliveries beyond the curb line. 1 _1 TAX 1 AUTHORIZED°BY- SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. TOTAL . ^ T����� F� DELIVERY ISL MADE SUBJECT TOTHE FO0LOW/�G C0P�C���/NS: . ' 1 Customer agrees toprovide usuitable r8adway for our trucks from the street pavement toU � lnocenf of material. Msuch suitable roadwaysarenotpxzvided'wereaen/e#hehghtboatopdoiveheeUnb|conditiunearenymediedend.inuuuh *ven1. customer wiUboheld responsible for any loss caused thereby. ' 2. When delivery iemade beyond the curb line all the oua1ornerorcustomer representative's request,any damages inc.|uding, but not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings, trees,shrubbery,septic tanks and septic systems, including the drain field, are 81the owner's risk. ' . 8. The custrmer agrees to reimburse said Company for loss of time and equipment by reason of such delivery, and also to indeninify and save harmless said Company from any and all claims,demands and suits for or on account of or in any manner caused bvorarising from, private driveway delivery. 4. Customer acknowledges'hat all material and services shown have been received,that 1run'times shww�are correct,and that the amount nfvvateradded et the customer's request is shown correctly. CAUTION:The addition ofwater reduces ooncmtostrength and durability. �. VVeo�m�n�ponni�efnrfin�h��aukgo�a�d fmm�|a�dof��o��; � i ^��nt�o���e�ng�eu�m�e quality of the completed job are beyond our scope of responqibiiity and control. � 6. Acharge of$1.0}per minute will bncharged after 8minutes percubic yard unloading time ieexceeded. 7. The customer agrees to provide a suitable wash down facility for-our trucks and tools at the place cfdelivery ofmaterial. 8 The customer hereby pgrees to pay all costs and expenses of collection, including a reasonable attorney's fee,it he sl'iall fail topay for the merchandise reflected inthis invoice,when due: Past due accounts are subject tom1-1/2%service charge on the unpaid past due balance.The customer hereby acknowledges receipt of the complete copy of this contract. . . ' ' ' ` � # 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 757718 South East Florida Division Dispatch:561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch:407-339-5311 Concrete Tested ❑Yes ��No LOT# Watgr Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑Yes 2 No Request Comments t" gals.to full load gals.to 2/3 load PREVIOUS TRUCK. 1 5 � gals.to 1/3 load Customer's Rep;-Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury.Avoid contact with SURFACE DISCOLORATION skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND DURABILITY.ANY WATER ADDED IS ;� BATC H°TIME jf p medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed 2-q! �:_; 7 [ ,s�� cement products. AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. Begin Wash To Plant 143 92D 7PPE77i,- 7 ]711AT#.-;. -c �ORJqt� TRUCK#p LOA¢.SIZ�° MIX SLUMP DATEt,�c:! ' '�+.� :. - ILiI'i _rf711�'!o f-�RPM �,- !�ll1! s�t6/26/15 CUSTOMER- SOLDTO , ",- 1 P.O.# PROJECT#- 5:•- �SE d.UCTY NORVEL-t_ CUi�lCRETE Ft-6,'-t I �3•_lk.t DELIVERY ADDRESS - ZONE,# USE DRIVER t-may ltl .1-•r'`Ayli a AVE, **FIBER** 5w_f.l �I�IEw I�WA'd DitVi� JE � 7NST UCT ONS TIME.DUE- RIU?T G- -.54• Alyl • • CUMULATIVE ORDERED PRODUCT •rE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. AMOUNT QUANTITY/� • • iJ. tLlC Zt:.�a 16t�I 1t�d ILIIL{ 5lfi:J•rf•0P-1lLil,�,.i .,;(�{lLIl1.,1 I-'f�i-•'r�! V0 1 o Ord 1. 0 1a 1+0 FIBERR FIBERS — Res ideri%: iiit ea 0. 0111 ENV I RO ENVIRONMENTAL. D1s'PO e 0. OIL FUEL SURCHARGE SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT-CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING asc meyer concrete company will not assume liability or-any property damage or any SUB-TOTAL equipment damage for any/d/eliveries beyond the curb line. I TAX AQTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS OWREVERSE SIDE. TOTAL THIS DELIVERY!S MADE S06JECT YCJ Ta FOLLOWING CONDMONS: a P su W e u t i r i rucks?i om'"ie stmet pave-Y ne n tto th a pace of del ive ry, of �-n'u'siorner vvi!i be hcii fo; any 1,3ss causeO thereby. 2. TMen WN.ory lsrnade boyond the curb iine at i!ia custnmer or. cusiofw-ir representahve's request,any Oarnages including, jet!t'.c'c to' ,idcvja:`ks, driveways, buNngs, sees, shmibberpy, septic tan�,s and SeP'ZiC SyStOrrls', WIdAg Me d0c -'--"nnbi�rsa sod Company for loss oftinne and equipm ,n,,11hy rea.8o1i A s=h deboy W so) Wen wHy app save,na'!Tj"(.S-S said C rampany lo,n any and aN cOms, demands and suits for or on F:v,-xou;-!t vi cr in ai-.,y -)r - v, , F u b3""or -:'-'ing f,nal-:,.dr' ale de'iva,, -;,usto r ackt wwl V)at ...ti 1-id se-ry les showo rove beer'!mcc ived, that tuck We s show r nu e cc ueq an 0. ;r"" of W24 ads,at ic Th:v adcJ',cn vi:ater anc, f'Iul '-'Cope c'f and con"--Ol' b C �; �)'-,-I&:-!'�'j"�i�"t��,�':�s p e r c u b i c y n-- i a d�t i g',i m e 3,'<�;'a(id ,-� -ha;g d T�i:: 0"002 to patios as KUY-W awl iu!-an tmcks and too!s a, hien .`t pay Q costs and experisoF }t toile inc:udirig a isasunab;e Vmneyl fee, H he shti WH to;)ay for the mer0andise re%Wd Ir?&B mokm 65en duo Pas due accouni's are s�.;!)jecttf)F, 1-1/2%