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Name Mary and Douglas Zirkle F L O R I D A Date 7 // solar & air By p � e I P _ t _ G _L r My I �` L O R I ,D A � r --h Company Profile: ®® s o ar &air State Certifi . wilding,Air Conditioning&Electri ntractors. License Nu ars:CBC05§952,CAC18164T5 1 E013004514&CGG131151017 �A 1 WI�IODQ�IV DIVISION $2M Liability surance Coverage,Bonded. (0 A+1J pt �) State Certified rgy Raters,EPA&'NATE Certified. Your Home. Your Savings. Our Difference. - livalified&Experian se n Ion Team J ,h: 56 Miramar Pkwy.•Miramar,Fl- 33025 A+.Rating with BBB(Better Business Bureau) 877-310-0310•Fax:877-515-0220 Member of State Homeowner Construction Recovery Fund. www.solarandaircom S+LD00y 1-jWINDOW WORKSHEET Scole P S � +/1 71 z: re, . c 0050 61 0q0 A So 6 t q as 3 . 1C I 0 C b'0 is Y 5 ._,g. ,s- „ L a hI zqqq 12 1 q ,3 5 G � 6 , ® � ' 00 ,9 . 17 5 e5l- 450 ,9 _ V C: I 19 t 2000, 22 23 n 24 1 23 27 29 29 3DVJL o _ ! Total List Price _ Scope of Work:(All Included in PlAce Given) �y��- - Employee based installation MO Subcontractors En is lcu=tions, ad Transfers.Obtai ermits a ec OA a roval.Remove old windows/dcors.Prepare openings,Replace and install new u/aoden bucks.Install new windows/doors.If sills damaged they will he replaced. Comclete flntshing work(caulk.concrete.stucco,drywall as necessary but we do not oaintl Garbage and debris cleanup.Final city inspection. All materials and labor Includej NO HIDDEN COSTS AND NO SURPRISE MiM GEST Warranty: L v _ _ Original Manufacturers Warranty(depending on product chosen) Plus Lifetime Labor W ty X1dand Air. ❑ TM 3-20yrs ❑ CWS 30yrs ❑ Simonton Lifetime ❑ p 3Qy ❑ ETI 10yrs Payment:550%down andj0%at completion or 100%Financing Available,For Those Who 0 ify. I M fAccepted. c� s' Customer Name: Signature: --Date•l G �J -dile Manufac. C Bldg Floor l Name Mary and Douglas Zirkle ❑❑ (r_)� ' ar & a Frame ��� #Stories Date ❑❑ Glass _ Lof)v\ BY Inside Inside Outside Outside Location Op Width Height Width Height Elev Product Config OBS Grid Special 31 /Os aL2 � �5 S �� + )4-0q/,5,0-7 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1209 ob Description: eplace doors and windows Ia.Single French Doo openings 7-1/2"x 81-1/2" 7.6/77.6 NOA#13-0226.06 1b.Selfmating Sidelit 16-1/4"x 81-1/2" 77.6/77.6 NOA#13-0226.06 Guest - I Garage F`� 1. Living Bed Master Dining Family Kitchen 2. 3. 2. Horizontal Rolling 3. Horizontal Rollin window window 105-1/4" x 62 1-1/8"x 61-3/4" 61.6/61.6 5/65 NOA#14-0915.07 NOA# 14-0915.07 Mary & Douglas Zirkle 921 Water's Edge Dr. Fort Pierce, FI 34949 Specialty Engineering Consultants Ina ,et NEFq�, VJlnd Volocld In South Florida $ 1568 SW 30 Avenue,Suite 020 J Dade Bmsvard Pa lm Bcaeh Boynton Beech,FL 33432 V Risk Cot,1 I7S 166 156 Low tisk to humans ramie ehcde FL.CA N 006217 � Risk Cnl,2 ITS 170 170 Single FamilyResidences (C,'J(��- p Risk Cal:3814 186 18U 18UEmntial Facilities P:=qhGCp Intstuctionsand limitations of Use .. 1 Charts Provide wind pressures based on the mean roof height.And shall not exceed 601•0'. 2 Design pressures are for an enclosed builindin shutters or other Impact resistance Protection required). V(:"Pill 170 1620 FBC for HVHZ,or Fig,26.5.10 3 User shell determine the mean roof he hl Eave he ht+Roof Peek M. Risk Cmegory 11 Table I.S.I.page 2 4 End zone distance Is the lessor of 10%of length,10%of width,or 40%of the mean roof ha ht and not less than T-O" Exponim C Section 26.7 5 If 50%of a component Is Ina particular zone then that component Is considered to be In zone with the majority of the area.ituestlonebls then lace In Zone 5 Kd 0,85 Table 26.6.1,page 250 6 Each component,window,door,mullion has a tribut0 area that Is area to be used.Area of components to rounded down but shell not be lass than 10 of, Kzl 1 Figure 26.0.1,page 252 7 For NOKs that require a Kd•1.0 then muftithe values listed herein by 1.18. GCPI 0311 {0118 0.55 8 Wind pressures are based on Allowable stress design. pitch orroor 3112 14.0 degreesB Des n ressures listed herein are valid for sures B and C and exposure D.max roof height 30 theta 14.0 ftnecs 10 Charts and values listed herein are only valid when el ned dated and sealed by Gary McDou le PE 056214 or Mark LeBlanc PE#35683 11 Wind des n ressures ere calculated in accordance with ASCE 7.10 Method 2 12 No retludlon MUM for slopes less then 10 degrees. 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