HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement NOTICE OF COWENCEMENT Permit No. Tax Folio No state of Florida cois n ty of St.Lode The unaersigned hereby gives notice=hat improverrent will be made�to cenair,real property,ariici it,.accordancewith Chapter 713,Florica Statutes, the fpli3wing Information is provided in;his Notice e Cann encemert. Legal Description of Property-.[and srreet address if ;U;aF>0-a 0)o r- M 0 M-Q) 0 :*Zm General description of improvement, 4-15±17-dt (10 ", lu 0-D, V 0 A 0 r-= 2 -c P?w-4 0.m Owner information or Lessee information if the Lessee contracted for the improvement,-. N 4 Name 0 vy, 0 0 P>Qo:; Address %k^� $-�w G)W,C M Z 0 Name and address of fee sirnpie Titleholder(if different from Owntr iisted nbove)- ro IM M A co 00 00:1 0 Contractor's Name: o 0 Ccntracror Addres s. C- im,.,,€'� ,L,-Ej- Phone N'Umber.-21A �U- M 0 Surety(if appficab`e.a cony of tinem payem hood is attached):Amourt of bont, S CD� z Name and address: do number 0 0 Lender Name: Phot ilumbef; 0 Lender's address; Persons within the Stats of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices of Other documents may be served as provided bySectioi Z22-134)(a)7,Florida Statutes: Name: Phone Numbe,-, Address: in ads tion to Kira self or nersell Owner designates. C.Opy o�the Lierior's NeVceasprovided in Sacticn 7Q,'13(4)(bl ,Florida Stazutes, Phone number of person or entity designate: by owner- 5xviration date of notice Vl zommenerncrir,- (the exoiratiorijate miy no;t�e befa,e zhe otrrplleticrl,0*1 COM-11.1CIllor,and Ena!Dayment:TO thy. contractor,but will be 1 year f rorn the date a-recording LnleSSa diffetent,date isspedfied) WARNING TO OWIN�7R.ANY PAYMENTS IMADE BY Ti tE OWNER AFTER HE EXPIRA j!M,OF THE NOTi CF OF ARV- Dz RE IMPROPERPA,YMEN115 UNDER CJRAPTr-R 213,PART 1,SECTION 713,13,FLOR;DA 57'ATIITES,AND CAN RES UL7 W YOUR PAViNG rIMCE FOR MTPROVEM NTS TO Y0Gk PROPS JRTY�A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE 106 SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSULTWfTH YDUR tENIOER OR AN A704NEY BFrORE COMMENaNG WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMM-ENCEIVITNT. Llnder'malty ofperjury,i declare that'have read the dr ging ratice W',c r^ f ncement and that bast of .m knowledge and belief, (5 1 en a t U re 0, vv r,e r or L ess e L Cr 4�, n' t',",, esse as A:j t h 0 6 z ed 0 cc--JD rect o r/Pa r-n r/N',a n a ga r (Signatory's Title/Office) lbe forencung instrument was acknoviletigea before me day o sy Zj,-/ as fn, 4'ei'aiof whom in�;Vurnent was ixecuwo Name of Per Type Of auti'mwity �e-&&iicer, 50nal known or re a"N toy ubi, Of FQrlda) (Print,Type,Or 0 COmrTjs-6nmr! n� M,�3,, 1, of I �C -'&j 0 ;rod cod 5L . 1, LC,51-`/­7—/Cq�–� ,e-JV KELLY WIDMAN SKI My COMMISSION#EE122560 EXPIRES October 01,2015 L407)398-01E3__._. Floddallolarv8e-vicexom ... ..........- . .........