HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application 07/06/2015 09:36 7724621578 ST LUCIE CO IMPACT PAGE 01/03 jiusksrnann /Air Uondilionin 772M3989727 P.2 ALL APPLICABLE 11YFp lVltfS{Be COMPLETro FOR APP CATION TO 8E aCCEP'7 Ep bate` • -W Permit Number: �v 005 r � Building: P rrrit AppliG>atto�n t P1Qnnina and Qeverppn7ene Servicrs BUM1 fg p►:d Code RegWaVW D(Visfon 23001lri7lhia Avenue,Fort Piai'te FL 34982 Phone:(772 4e2, 53 Fax:(772)a6z-3578 Co merciaf Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select frlom d dpbox, click arrow at the end Of line ' .�... Baa:;�?�::;-::, _ n4:R•:;•�:r,�. �S!-. -:.r'. �: ,:,..;:+•;i• Ln Address; n/}p I.., �•f - Legal Dcscrip'tions�L�-d 1 PMPPrtV Tax ID#: Lot No, � Site Plait Name: i Black tVo.�� ProjectNarne:�f��!-+a, Setbacks Front , Sack,-�Right Side• heft Side: r .riJC,ftiPT - �'ikY! •:ii: _'t.y 'i tii!i.�•s, ry:�:.,,. :,r�:err:.:• 01 CON 1 ....r...:.•:.: u:r'• i:.; r?.:• -.' �iX;••, �; -r c`Se: t'�'.;;�:::,:�.;,,,,•.?+r'-� ..':.li}• ...C•��r�. ''..nn��1 �;i�O•ir�Y1-' `�: c •• -..'1"•fv�Vd>' .._•4"K�:::�a.}?�lt:.;,P?".�u..Rd��1a• :-z,,......- , - -=.v.. -o•r_ ..: _ �F, ?1Ffr,:". .c�:=''�"'�,��•.a.'�"';>�Y�;'`r`.y:=C^l:'�;Ail!��`•7:•l�•',`;�..��:'?r�,'yP_.._Zl:,,`�,'�.,Ei� � •.•.1., .d r`r�:•�.t:r ,n• Aiddl na`wor t0 br Uri �r :5' 1. ... r:.x ,r,. `•.; 1......at ;r�.,'(�^� e>.hf., �.:.. me permit-c ec a app y; ,:. •�,�. �..;•� CHV,AC �Gas Tank Gas P' in _ �P g 5[,utters Windows/Doors �Eleciric Pluml,ingSprinkiers Generator Rauf Total Sa.Ft of CanstrurCion^ S •Ft.of First Floor: Cast of Construction;$ �. iJtiNi7es: Se+nrer Septic ' Building Height:_ ,�] - :!�? A�?=:7'47�:•?�1 e1�.�,:,+•:�,ie��;,.W�'"��+�:r�,�F,:1.,'•"•��Y: .•ri• r.�. _ -r..�!n .�4.�7ii+q-,o.- •;,`,'ep ..�'t:YL,{F�'.:,y. Name Address- Company a :Ivv _ State' Address' i Zip Code: Fax: I Phone No. 1 - ? �� City: State: i', Zip Code: Fax-, � 6-Mall_ �. L°c✓}/ ti E Phone No- fill in fee simPle ritle Holder on next page(if different E-Niaih from the Owner listed above? $t�teprCourltyLlcense: (� H value of constrgction $z5oo or tr�pre,a RECORO£D NOtim 4f lOrnmE'hmment i7 required PAGE 02/03 07/06/20l5 09:36 7724621578 ST LUCIE CO IMPACT =/vm*xmnn */ruonditinn|V 772~3989727 P.3 I GNERIENGINEER. Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Appli�ble Name: Name;Address: Address:im-t SIMPLF'MTLE HOLDER: l4bf Applicable RONDING COMPANY! —Not ADD ble Name, Name:Ad ressi. Address-,CRY; 77 city,Phone, Phone,I ceMfy that no work or Installation has coramenced prior to the issua nee of a permitStu spresing tion that is granting a—hirmit will authorize the permit holder to bulld the su re is in can ict w any applicab s Aome Owners Assom on rules,bylaws r and mvenarits that may restr it su strumni.Please comuit with your Rcme Owner, I rid review your Seed for any restrictions which rnayallPfy:in cmisIderatlon of the granting of this requested M-,--,,.do hereby agree that I m4l),In all respects,perform the work in awordance with-the approved planS,the Florl0a Building Coes and St.Lucie C*Unty Armandmcrits.The folbv4ng building permit applications are exempt from uRdergairig a full roncurrency reView.room additioris,;3"essory oruchwer,swim rning pool%fen CC%vjall.t signs,'e, erk roorrl$:and aoceswry uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWWR:Your failure to Record a Not'lle,of Commenoement may rewlt in your paWS1 twicelfor improvements to your property.A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jo&Ae before the first inspection.If you intend to obtain financing.consult u4th lender orgin attomey befor6 STA "Lo(Narne of person acknowledging) (Name ot person acknowledging�OR Producad Identification(391 ti. Gieritle MY Revised 0711512014 REVIEWS FRONT ZONiNG SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETAMON S15A TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER RVIEW REVIEW REVIEW RtVIEW REVIEW RtVIEW DATE COMPLM I MA