HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4064228 OR BOOK 3740 PAGE 1334, Recorded 04/28/2015 at 04:27 RECEIVED JUL 0 8 2015 ® NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT TO be completed when . AcemM+ctmveduue exceeds$ OL0 PERMIT hTXFU.aQrUQ"`jP0\zUA^OW-1-p STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY DF ST LUOE The undersigned hereby gives notice that Improvement will be made to certain reel property,and In accordance with Chapter 713,Florida Statutes,the fooUowing Information isprovidedIn this Notice of Commencement. LEG/tSpES[itl/E F 1��(YCti�VI��[n°i�rvi(I}nt+ GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT:Instalmon of Hurricane ShuBero OWNER INfOR Or—. n�D If ECONITIACTEDF TNEI PIIOVE NT• Name: 10T l r Address: Interest In property fs1 Jf Name and address of fee simple title holder(If different from Owner listed above): eoNTRACT08'S NAME:UM Sturtter Servloee,Inc. Phone No.:(772)871-1015 Address'.1628 SW Ellibnom St.,Port St Lucie FL 34948 SURETY COMPANY(N appilable,a copy of the payment bond Is attached): Name and address: Phone No.: Bond amount: LENOERS NAME: Phone No.: Address: Persons within the State of rmWa designated by Omer upon whom notices or other documents may be served As provided try Section 713.13 AWN 11)(a)7,Florida statutes: . Name: Phone No.: Address: In addition to hlmseff or herself,owner designates of to receive a copy of the Uenol's Notice ss provided In Sectlon 713.13111(b),Florlda starves. Phone number of person at eotfty deslgmded by owner. Eaplestlon date of Notica of Cemmancemene -- (the aVIratidn data may cot be before that completion of construction and final payment to the contractor,but will be 1 year from the date at rerordry unkso■dHferent date Isspecified); WA.NINC TO OW NER•ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER ASR TRE E%PIRATIINf OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPRDPER PAYMErarc UNDER L7LsPTI:R 71a PARTI eECTI0N 713+3 Fl_nmlDAcrATUTES AND D,eN RES 4T IN YOUR PAYING TW ICE FOR 1MPROVEMENIS TO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUSTIBE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE lEFORE THE FlRST INSPECTION IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AH ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR flECINtDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Order rtatty of Pedec4re that 1 ad tta foss k+f and that the hcts In It are true to the hest of my knowledge and lu9eT. Slpu iOwner or triseik or Owner's or s ANlnrhed Office r/Director/Partner/Manoser/AttomeyhtdaR , sigrutcelh Tltl./(N1iw n The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me this1:20 day of By: as for Nauthorhy(e.g.officer. Party on behalf of whom Instrument was executed m Personalty known produced ldent8latlon 13 s5 naturep CommissioType of ldentlRcat on produced (Print, ,or ,' amp Name of Notary) T:IHLDWdg_ForrnMW AppliedionalFotmsWodm OfCavuaencem t. �e,,, MARGARET M.LEONARD p 1'Y Notary Public-Slate of Florida Rev.9115/[t =My Comm.Expires Jul 17,2015 Commission N EE 77881 Banded Through National Notary Assn. STATE OF FLORIDA ST.LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRU AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORI I AL. SEP IAITK CLERK ®Y aPA�'`���2o5