HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY _ FILE # 4064225 OR BOOK 3740 PAGE 1331, Recorded 04/28/2015 at 04:27 ® NOT{6OFCOMMENCEMENT RF�F�v Tb be completed rykeR ouufNRNoe sole CYTeeda S1171SMOD 1 \O PERMTTM TAK F000I 10.21.3--5L I! - Cbsf STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY01IFSTt110E // �001�. The underslSned hemby{Ives notice that Imprvuement wit be mark to ortaln real property,and N accordance with Chapter 713,Florida Statutes,the following Information IF prorkNd M this Notice of CommpKemenl. )trOESCItlPiION Off PROPRIT'"?STl-EETADDAESS. ,7, 7rc'y f) ,C;,,CIC j 1,,,4 « Iz_. Itrc"1 -V• ILL GENERAL DESOUPF)DNOFNPROYBIFBIT:NWdIttlOI1WNU)kMleShlbI. OWNER INF-ORTION OR LESSEE IN TON,iiHErrsa:ECON)MCTWFOA THE IMPROVEMENT: Name: Addrata: s nr �s.i_ !w G waror<U.T 10 1 Internist In properly:a /A1s unga— Name end addrua dl fn atnlpkUlle htlldof(If different Imm Owner Dred abew): CONTRACTOn NAME:EM Mt ShIAW Services.kx. t>tmone No.:(772)871.1815 Address:1828 SW BEDrldre SL.PPR St Ludo.FL 3991E SURETY COMPANY(H appyahle,a copy of the paymemtwnd Is anad,ed): Name and eddmo: Phone No.: Dond amount: LENDERS NAME: Phone No.: Address: Personsedthl the Stab dHMlde deFknatel by osmer upon wham natlns M otlur dotsanan4may be Need as proNdad by Stolon 113.13 ® 11)1.)7.Reticle fbtutaa: Name. Phone No., Addro.. In addition to himself or herself,owner desipates of to receive a copy of the LFenoes Notice n prvvlded In Section 713,131111b),Florida Statues. Phone number of parson or entity deslpWed by Owner. Expiration dab of Nofke or Ca smeneema At lthe asWkadmt deb my ootbe bafwe the ceemPlation atwmt Will"and eras payment to the conhsranr.but will be 1 year from the date of nee nfhq unllm•dllhwntdate IsspcRkd): . i t WAP.NING TO OWNER:Af!Y PAYMErsrs M.nE Ey THE OWNE11 A.:..THE E74RATION OF 7HE NOTICE QF COMMEN[EMENT ARE CONSIDERED __— )MPItOPER PAYMENrS UNDER Ct4:PTE9713.PA!r.L BECKON 7ta sa n r+aDA STATLrT�AND[a!!RESLrLT IN YOUR PAYIN[�TWI[F FOR IMPiL:•EMt705 TO YOUR PROPERTf A NOIR DF[OM1a1QEllelY IIILNY kEeFmRDEDaxb POf7ED ONT1!Job ala RFORE THE FlRST Wsa:CT10N IF YOU INTENOTO OBTAIN RNAWONCL CONSULT WITHYOURLEMJEROR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE tY1MMFN[ING WORK OR Under pe efft ,Ideaknt due I here rsed oN and tlRl the hes In It are true to the best of my knowledia a T. HEATHER VZMD =AT= PUBW slpMlfPe ,orOrrrsarlessedaAlFtAodudOlFlmF/DkeOa/hrb+ar/MaruSer/Mtorneylhlact STATEOFFLOMIDA ODRIIIE/FF17M a% lay."do/office nd �`. I Evkft l2o,e The f pIng(IInsstrument was aclm`owwk kedpbefore me t/hl�s /� =day of zo� ey( 1 T i-O, V�'155i,� lJwl)X, ror /�Na Name.1 person Type ofaulhorlty(e.l.officer.trustee) Party an behalf of whom instrument was executed DCVPersonally known O or produced ntebt Notary's SISnatureVu Type of ldemelutlon products S.Q (Print TYM Of StWW[anmsluloned Now of Notary) T`.Om 3LD%Wft_FouWew ApplWUorifforps Woll.OfComrsa—metDo. ��a -oS� Rw eJlvrt TATE OF FLORIDA ST.LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGL. OSEP ?MX,CLERK aY: I PIA Af�p'� 2015 Dale: