HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application 07/10/2615 14:03 7724621578 ST LUCIE CO IMPACT PAGE 02/04 Jul 10 15 10:04a Grossmann Air Conditionin 772-3989727 p.2 ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST 3E COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTM �t -•� Date: a `� Permit Number• Building Permit Application Planning and nevelopmeritServices Building and Code Regulotion Division 2300 V1rglRla avenue,Fort Pierce F4 34982 f Phone:(772)462-1553 l=ax:(772)462-x578 Commercial _..._. Residential ,•/ ppPERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at the end of line ..1'7tLI,�V 4!u?� - f ,I pp����Si.. u� I.Y Ydu ip.4: .•h kl ' n.:'y.;.l au. H i ..1 'lu..7`a _ — _I'�. �' liwr'�-z':�--'es_ '�IRi�il�ll:;fl".�el.y :l!" F�;�•5'o�,.q;"_ I�,Y :"� Cf!.8":.:� Address: {GirC Y7 �a Cd Y'. Legal Description: FPri 0.tf"')q A i 57�it��NlJI GLcIB e rr ! __ Property Tax ID#: LL2 e8X—D 0-0Q0-3 Lar Ne. 6a - Site Plan Name: ' I f'1,cy Y Q��V- 5Iock No. � Project Name: Setbacks Frorrt Back: Right Side: left Side; c ry u:Vlwa ism ell R A6 �a.c '' 11 1. ' •s.:w�ee I:41. `rctI7u l' 'A- „ti- n0•�. d f; .I :'1 I.I 'p` `;�4 .: 1, fe f. Y �' • _ _ fppr rY I.. .Y'.. Ik Al i I a wor •t4 e e Orme un ert 'c+s permYt— ec a appy: HVAC UGasTank❑Gas Piping InShutters Windows/DOM Electric Plumbing ❑Sprinklers Generator Roof Total Sq. Ft of Construction: sq.Ft.of First Floor: cost of Construction:$ i�P�S Utilities: Sewer E Septic - Building Height: I NA Name�I"L�NYit�S �� � Name: y L:(; — Gt~'A�S 2 „ Address-1 " oCompany: V'© ,5i-r1G_1r�I�}i Ganem'-N&Yt'% city- rf •Wb-c- State.,F' • Address: — 3 Zip Code:_�Q'�2— _ Fax: —'er r Q =1 CFty:PhV+ ��U_fit 2__. State: Phone No. �7�21�~ ? 5— _ Zip Code: .._ Fax;"77_ E-Wil: rtie)- Phone No. ''�'7-2�' e-1?I 117S- Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(if different E-Mall, lYA from the Owner listed above) State or ounty License: If value of construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. 07/10/2015 14:03 7724621578 ST LUCIE CO IMPACT PAGE 03/04 rnu 'IU 'IU,Uba Grossmann Air Conditionln 7723989727 p.3 rp.��{�,'�i p. it �• b .1 �:' 11 � _. ..�, . _.r' r�..L,' .,i,.ia ... `p t p �, �• ,.'J,i, :''.�G?1.'�'y�„t~ .^Y�� DESIIGNERJENGINEER: iUot A rplicabie MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Name; Address; Address: city: State: City: State: ZIP: Phone: Zip:_ . Phone: FEE SIMPLEMTt6 HOLDER: _Nat Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _„Not Applicable Narrie: I Name; Address; ( Address: City: City: ZIP; Phone; i Zip; Phone: I certifythat no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of s permit. St.Lucie Count mak s no nspr ant tion that is granting a Pormit ,il authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in convict with any applicable Home Owners Assogratron rues,bvialws or and covenants that may,restrict or prohibit such .structure,please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions Which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit,i do hereby agree that 1 will,in all respects,perform the work in accordance with the approved pians,the Florida Building Godes and St.Lucie County AmerWrnents. The following building permit apptications are exempt ftm undarScling a full concurrency review:room additions, accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residantiai use WARNING TO OWNER:Your lialiureto Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your parying twice for improvernerm to your property.A Notice of Commencement mList be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection.If you intend to obtain flnanc'in&consult with lender or n attorney before commencing,work or rbrdin our Notice of Cvndimencentent. ;U&Nwo� wrier Agent/Lesser= Signatur ract Licanse Holder LORIDA tt STA, '� LORIDA Ly i r CO TY OF L&V The forgoing instnament was acknowledged hpfore me The forgoing instrument was acitnowledged before me this—10 day df 'moi 20 I+ by this day a#�� ZUf}j;, by l (Name crf person acknowledging) (Name of person acknowledging) (Signature of Notary Publ of Florida} (Signature of IN t •State of Florida} Personally Known tf DR Produced Identification Personally Known OR Produced IdeMifiaati0n Type of idenWication Procd�uced Type of identification Procdduuced Commission No, cl-0. _ (seal) Commission No._ 7.1l%� (seal) germs "tri' Lail H. Gentle A Is Revised 07/1512014 `.ir toA3 �AFy.CQM ^xplirss+ir41d,1A5m?li a ` POP IRl4Y7.ArAT REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PiANS ; VEGETATiON SEATURTLE MAiVGROVE COUNTER RMEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS