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Standard Curb Mount:
Features:Factory sealed and assembled for quick and easy installation.Allows installer to use a site built,pre-fabricated or ------ - -'—- _�--'--- ----
any type of existing curb to meet your specific job application.Use on any pitched or flat roof with any,type of shingle,tile, 3-Part
or built u application.The frame comes with pre-positioned fastener holes to insure proper attachment to the curb.An Approval Drawing
P PP P P P P Specification
integral condensation gutter'traps any moisture that may accumulate.Maxim uses a specialty sealant tape that bonds the 1 Model CM -
Model CM
glazing to the skylight frame virtually eliminating the possibility of water infiltration.Glazing options are available in acrylic•, ,
&polycarbonate,domes&pyramids,flat multi-wall polycarbonate(pu�sedro/only),and insulated glass(pitched./o„iy).When
plastic domes or pyramids are chosen,the same specialty sealant tape is used to permanently bond the inner and outer
glazing together,thus preventing my moisture from accumulating between the glazing-'and we guarantee it!Our standard
Insulated Glass is Cardinal LoE3660 with Argon Gas.With a U=0.24,this is one:of the highest performing law E glass
available.Frame finishes are available in mill,bronze anodized,clear anodized;and white powder coat.Unlimited powder -
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Thermally Broken Curb Mount: j
Features:Factory sealed and assembled for quick,and,easy installation.Allows installer to use a site built,pre-fabricated or _
any type of existing curb to meet'your specific job application.Use on any pitched or flat roof with any type of shingle,tile, - 3-Part '
or built up application.Theframe includes a urethane thermal break to help reduce thermal.transmission through the frame Approval Drawing Specification
and an integral condensation gutter traps any moisture that may accumulate.The frame also comes with pre-positioned - Model TCM Model TCM
fastener holes to insure proper attachment to the curb.Maxim uses a specialty sealant tape that bonds the glazing to the "
skylight frame virtually eliminating the possibility of water infiltration.Glazing options are available in acrylic&
polycarbonate,domes&pyramids,flat multi-wall polycarbonate(pada%oily),and insulated glass(pur amfonly).When -
plastic domes or pyramids am chosen,the same specialty sealant tape is used to permanently bond the inner and outer
glazing together,thus preventing any moisture from accumulating between the glazing-and we guarantee it!Our standard -
Insulated Glass is Cardinal LoE3669 with Argon Gas.With a U=0.24,this is one of the highest performing Low E glass .
available.Frame finishes are available in mill,bronze anodized,clear anodized,and white powder coat.Unlimited powder -
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Single Wall Self Flashing"Low Profile 3"Curb"Wall Height:
Features:Provides installerwith a fully assembled frame,curb and counter flashing for quick and easy installation directly
to the roof deck.Designed for use on sloped roof applications where shingles will be used as the finished roof material.An 3-Part
i Approval Drawing
integral condensation gutter traps any moisture that may accumulate.Maxim uses a specialty sealant tape that bonds the - " Specification
Model Low Profile ;
glazing to the skylight frame virtually eliminating the possibility of water infiltration.Glazing options are available in acrylic Mo el LOW Profile -
&polycarbonate,domes&pyramids,flat multi-wall polycarbonate,and insulated glass.When plastic domes or pyramids .- _ SF
are chosen,the same specialty sealant tape is used to permanently bond the inner and outer glazing together,thus preventing
any moisture from accumulating between the glazing-and we guarantee it!Our standard insulated Glass is Cardinal
LoE3660 with Argon Gas.With a U=0.24,this is one of the highest performing Low E glass available.Frame finishes are
available in mill,bronze anodized,clear anodized,and white powder coat.Unlimited powder coat colors am available to - -
�Sirigle Wall Self:l lashing High Profile 5.25"Curb Wall Height:
'Features:Provides installer with a fully assembled frame,curb and counter,flashing for quick and easy installation directly
to the roof deck.Designed for use on sloped roof applications where concrete,clay tile,metal or other high profile roofing 3-Part
Approval Drawing
materials will be used as the finished roof material.An integral condensation gutter traps any moisture that may accumulate. Specification
Model High Profile
Maxim uses a specialty sealant tape that bonds the glazing to the skylight frame virtually efiminating the possibility ofwater - SF Model High Profile j
infiltration.Glazing options are available in acrylic&polycarbonate,domes&pyramids,flat multi-wall polycarbonate,and ' _.___.—_._r.._ _ _.._._..._.__ec____ _-
insulated glass.When plastic domes or pyramids are chosen,the same specialty sealant tape is used to permanently bond the ,
inner and outer glazing together,thus preventing any moisture fromaccumulating betcieeu7heglazung-and we guarantee it!
Our standard Insulated Glass is Cardinal LaE3660with Argon Ga W rth a U=0.24 this is one of thehighest pei fommng) -
Low E glass available.Frame finishes are available in mill,bronze anodized,clear anodized,and white powder cont
,Ultra Self Flashing Low profile 3"or High Profile,5.25"Curb Wall Height:
Features:Maxim has mastered the process of laminating a 3/S"white cellular PVC to a 2X4 or 2X6.And by including an. 3-Pact
.060"extruded aluminum counter flashing, we have created the ultimate in thermal performance with a pre-finished white Approval Drawing
colors are davailable to match an metal roof project.bronze
anodized or white powder coat.Of course,unlimited powder coat Specification
interior and aluminum exterior available in mill,bronz ., Model Ultra GSF
y., p 3 is unit is only available with insulated glass,and with options from • - Model Ultra GSF
tempered glass to our most impact resistance I"IG with DuPontT SentryGlas®Plus,add Cardinal LoE3660 with Argon -" _.... ..... ......
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