HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering -jn RECEI V-lo JUL 1,6 2015 Ken L avis o I i. ec re a Rid(Scott,V"0Va:'-10r October 14,2013 Melissa Smith Smithbilt Industries,Inc. 1061 Highway 92 West Auburndale,FL 33823 RE:Manufacturer Certification,ID MFr-208; Expiration Date:October 08,2016 Dear Melissa Smith It is my pleasure to Inform you that Smithbilt industries,Inc.,located at 1061 Hwy 92 West,n1a, Aubumdale,FL 33823,has been approved under the Manufactured Buildings Program,as provided for under Chapter 553,Part 1, Florida Statutes,to manufacture Storage Sheds,Manufactured Buildings for Installation In Florida. Construction or modification on a manufactured building cannot begin until the Third Party Agency has approved the plans in accordance with the current Florida Building Code. YourThIrd Party Agency is a contractor far the Department and has statutory authority and responsibilities that must be met to maintain approved status.You may expect and demand quality plans review and inspections. Each Code change will make your plans obsolete until they have been reviewed,approved and indicated[on the cover page of the plans]for compliance with the Code by your Third Parity Agency for plans review.Please ensure that your plans are In compliance and are properly posted on our website.All site-related Installation Issues are subject to the local authority having jurisdiction. The Departments contractor will make unannounced monitoring visits at least once each year. You must grant complete access to your manufacturing facility and records to remain in compliance with the rules and regulations of this program. Your certification Is approved far three years from this date.You will receive a renewal notice by Email generated by thg SCIS(www.fleridabuilding.orol for online ranewal.If you have questions you may contact Robert Lorenzo at 850-717-1835 or our FAX at 850-414-8436. Please visit our websiteeat w-uvw.floriclabuildino.oro to see valuable information on the Florida Manufactured Buildings Program.A copy of this letter must accompany applications for local building permits. Sincerely, Robert Lorenzo Manufactured Buildings Program cc:National Design and Inspection,Inc. SMITHBILT INDUSTRIES, INC. PORTABLE BUILDING ANCHORS BUILDING ANCHOR SCHEDULE BUILDING SIZE NO. OF ANCH. @ NO. OF ANCH. @ TOTAL ANCH. EA. END OF BLDG. EA. SIDE OF BLDG. PER BLDG. 6', 8', 10', 12' & 14' WIDE TO 24' LONG 2 NA 4 48' 2 1 6 50' 2 2 8 20', 22' & 24' WIDE TO 24' LONG 4 NA 8 48' 4 1 10 50' 1 4 2 12 11 BUILDING ANCHOR DATA MODEL LENGTH BAR EYE HELIX UPLIFT CAPACITY NUMBER DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER IN NORMAL SOIL 36SHE34 30" 1/2" 1 1 1/2" 4" 2500 lbs. NOTE: THESE ANCHORS MEET THE WIND REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA 2010 BUILDING CODE AND THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS STANDARD CODE ASCE/SEI 7-10. WIND LOAD: 190 MPH BOLT THRU ANCH. & 2x6 SKID OR SKID (TYP.) HEADER BEAM w/j"Ox4" LAG BOLT w/h" x 2"0 WASHER SIDE ANCH.� O DBL. WIDE — — — — — — — — ONLY BAR HELIX END ANCH. ANCHOR SPACING PLAN EARTH ANCHOR '83"0 LAG BOLT " WELDED CHAIN 1 ,�'?�. . v •° o• REFER TO_BUI_Dltv`G ANCHOR." _ SCHED E FO ?ANCH*�PAMJ"O LAG BOLT w/LEAD INSERTOR J"O RAMSET RED HEAD CONCRETE'SLA6TRUBOLT WEDGE (CAT. NO. BY OTHERS - WW-3826) OR EQUAL CONCRETE ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL 3X1 5 SCALE NONE DATE I LOCATION OF JOB A A McCARTHY ENGINEERING,INC. PORTABLE BUILDING ANCHORS DRAWN BY WDM 11/11/13 ANYWHERE FL V4 STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS LAKELAND.FLORIDA SINGLE AND DOUBLE WIDE BUILDINGS CHECKED BY WJM 11 11 13 4305 ORANGEWOOD CIRCLE—LAKELAND,FL 33813 SMITFIBILT INDUSTRIES INC. CHECKED BY PROJECT NO. PHONE(863)646-9390 AUBURNDALE FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION No.6394 13039 William J McCarth P.E 24553 DWG, NO A-1 EV TA/>d'/Aal d-d ro dd-d � Y-o• oars mA®fir-o'waMml rd w 14' A'61S mAaD 11=1'wfHHlil I•-YUfK.ImbSW(J}yBGrNra (IIP./dW GWr) lOR II•-a'xo(daGglS P..aKIAP SIlmJ B I.J fl®1]Y. r.eLdAam rAQl sa,r . ��5 r.aamam , A dd,u¢ lP ausrW HOGS _ Ivy H?d a1r OI)m H•-B'NmW'BIl+IvJ uuuLr ogQr6 UY lT1 Rr NMalLra) L YAIINBS I.IP.iM•AOa' A � P r 1 HILI(laJ Ams rro W erAlr its �yi mAMBBAarmvAss Au rrr-uueaAcnLeo Batasm A q Nw-.4L Mer2C oar nenadll Hr/M.s mB . iuoW a mmoar Lmr rw aw.woH••w as a.c urmw,mr I a/Yarsan rtoW ` fpf A r.a,cmu ��.aePIA¢flm. r'.e'1RIAW aA¢ FLOOR FRAMING PLAN ewB smLeW AnrsA.vo HAlrs,oMv,Y nrv.•ua eMo Jau•Irnrvo' NIM IW a�caairo HLUL B<vAtsaw,Lmr YaYALaK a/'amWortoW LSAIm a A611mMfr aMAmA N.AQ rASlHd�9GLL BC Imr 61i0 a(K 1.rWt Lo�A�ewr f4" —aF P-P r.9ENR B HiN JrP.RNA SOR r `\\ Qau•M ems Ie=d laH� �� !) mAH(Ir>'raP HDIS \ e cuew, ar— ro•.re•Auam+l / m A N A J P.IIeW. AIXF ,) i1 J•-0•ALW6Hal m yJd wmr-C xdW � C ImmBI L{ ) T a 1 YIB BRA4 - ).a HAT afAL HOa f1 OEL f HOa \I P AA•r a BINr W) M _2.H I NNTAS (QP � aerl M1) 17 q(r,y al bnLi.. f OimBlfQv.auego,.rp aA¢ _ I DING07�aoLJ-SOMERCO"UL N D Yd' s r a L2LNH w�roerL Aws`0nug1 le41 r.aoHrHw.Aes 2-�s ae„armAu,farrBrml r—I i.ansrescar YY aanAm nmv/ AQ{arnwd Blob"J"m4rur�uQ" — APPROVED mDESIGN CODES ry ' HWdln Won EMAfter Hui&C.OruQcR a YddP9Ct END ELEVATION w/DOOR DOCUMEN z Aaf/b P-lo mor SIDE ELEVATION w/DOOR& WINDOWS DESIGN LOADS ' I.nom l/LL Lao---mvsr.(A.ers BSY ac) :aoW Lnr Lao--mvu.(Aars•re•arJ aHrQm wL Hcmu¢,ax a BOO'LIKL6ID—_____mvu. /Etas HmHc l9rIW a Ana Lao----rm Lox yM� AQ nn6T bl®WOAH'afSa® umuL mo raeas s slLacnLa ulmaer—I f.3 B�Hm q ro rrarr orals assns 6 HrmLarAcrW—C ii z aQaxlL rRfsiLa cmrLlLLr-eaie a Hos LrAsao As,rv(ulxor IW IBHuIu� lP.. T..h 2.1 P.. 2.1 GENERAL NOTES r-e• L ImW Aurs Arm xaa HLvc cxa aswMH,Ivr(r.lJ r-d - 2 afiAD i1BW 9GIL eE Ud DIR SA1A'00u Hq a aK rr¢pa4 (+mJ � aux rwar AAD amo¢Rnem-I-naal 1!.I[UL MB AW nQlmm SIILLd Aa r RVHWIIa¢ 2,I P.. r.1 P.. IAOa'Aa)rlLf.RlIY 9WLSl/j'LYR&LIIm AQABAIY IIMA •( leYlrfQ/WAI'IAP IDI.L Na A.jLB'a/P.BWI9LU1� ![WIrAtla®IrOY aaY Mgr.aA[I Aa/G1N.raL H-11 ALLOT a aR(Afm rASaAQPa rW AIHBYiAI MAAAB Stam M eC e aamrr saes LusrAam AaYNmLa m smm LUHLAc> H(bx QFK�aax w '� 4am lmW res aa�m¢wQx �au�L�L'�vrm o'�ildiNAalll' NBI9mW Aa2�(flf�iL)®A(M�TA�L%A6r��SAMLTACLIJtfB BY L2 .or LM. m/RS AararmD lxarmA r.0 Ml6aaatC.aw ANe-er LR.ILL A W HHQ mNidart a WDLSAam/AJIAAS M 11L WUBT LGMC®N aAQS.aL1Lt a altaY nI WJ r 1 J/E'SRAL.9NAa Labe HAKS a ASAN W!p•L!J/H nrN SYD LaxR RHS Aw a I/Y LIIWR lu SIDE ELEVATION w/o DOOR& WINDOWS ENO ELEVATION w/WND W 6 aYHasaa wrHNAamm�vaCausmW la Inm asruuo uors.varcJ ro tau ALfABKLL A nmaw n sol ro wf a nrcaawrcnw 1Hw vaax s1Wa m uac arae rn:r-d srALc Vr-I•-a• ' _. . _ . am--a Qanx mxn Aw rTa9ez tm saw Leen,r-a•. �r d-Y oAP.La BOW aLr M2atlrq rtASNa AA9 Wlmn Jm atrulm amQa•BoxeAn mBuv �urW LK noaN asmm tmr m,o a ticaaL aaar o'na rtamrHmwx Lmrauo N.T.s NO1 McCARTHY ENGINEERING•INC. STREAMUNE STYLE BUILDING 7M 3 1 YY TYPICAL PORTABLE SINGLE NIDE rw aneu SMITHBILT INOUSIRIE INC. DA r�xoa awlLur-'u° 0 Lr,wrA¢a AuuaaunW I,o euL