HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters ��,�1,ES I SL92 Nettles Island InC., o condominium 9801 South Ocean Drive,Jensen Beach, FL 34957 ®Rt�Q+ (772)229-2930 FAX(772)229-9901 July 20, 2015 Jim Rodgers 582 Nettles Blvd.. Jensen Beach, F132957 RE:New Roof Lot 582 The review of your Adjacent Property Protection Plan for Lot# 582 is complete. The Association approves of the roof replacement as per the documents submitted with this request. Please adhere to all Nettles Island governing documents including,but not limited to the Nettles Island Procedures Governing Contractor and building Activity on Nettles Island, and provide us with a copy of the Permit before commencing. Respectfully, i 9 o-kn - Tom Bellavance or Janice McLaughlin, Architectural Committee Chair. CC: Laura Jones, LCAM,File Buyer/Seller A. Settlement Statement Settlement Statement .r B.Type of Loan Q 1.FHA Q 2.FmHA Q 3.Conv.Unins. 6.File Number 7.Loan Number 8. Mortg.Ins.Case Num. - Q 4.V.A. p 5.Conv.Ins. 15.244 ID: C. NOTE:This form is fumished to give you a statement of actual settlement costs.Amounts paid to and by the settlement agent are shown.Items marked"(p.o.c.)"were paid outside the closing;they are shown here for Informational purposes and are not included in the totals. D.NAME OF BUYER: JAMES ROGERS,a single man,and ANNA C.TUMA,a single woman,as joint tenants with rights of survivorshp Address of Buyer. 582 Nettles Blvd.,Jensen Beach,Florida 34957 E.NAME OF SELLER: CARY P.SABOL,a married man Address of Seller: P.O.Box 1598,West Palm Beach,Florida 33416 TIN: F.NAME OF LENDER: Address of Lender: G.PROPERTY LOCATION: 582 Nettles Blvd.,Jensen Beach,Florida 34957 H.SETTLEMENT AGENT: Steger&Steger,P.A. TIN:65-0075140 Place of Settlement: 603 SW Cleveland Avenue,Stuart,Florida 34994 Phone:772-287-8888 I. SETTLEMENT DATE: 7/13/15 DISBURSEMENT DATE: 7/13/15 J.Summary of buyer's transaction K.Summary of seller's transaction rr400.Gross amount due to seller: 101.Contract sales price 83,500.00 401.Contract sales price 83,500.00 102.Personal property 402.Personal property 103.Settlement charges to buyer(Line 1400) 919.58 403. 104. 404. 105. 405. Adjustments for items paid by seller in advance: Adjustments for items paid by seller in advance: 106.City/town taxes 406.Citytown taxes 107.County taxes 407.County taxes 108.Qtdy HOA asssessment from 07/13/15 to 09/30/15 578.26 408.Qtdy HOA asssessment from 07/13/15 to 09/30/15 578.26 109. 409. 110. 410. 111. 411. 112. 14E 120.Gross amount due from buyer: 1 84,997.84 420.Gross amount due to seller: 84,078.26 rr500.Reductions in amount due to seller: 201.Deposit or earnest money 5,000.00 501.Excess deposit(see instructions) 202.Principal amount of new loans 502.Settlement charges to seller line 1400 6,027.25 203.Existing loans taken subject to 503.Existing loans taken subject to 204.Principal amount of second mortgage 504.Payoff of first mortgage loan 205. 505.Payoff of second mortgage loan 206. 506.Deposits held by seller 207.Principal amt of mortgage held by seller 507.Principal amt of mortgage held by seller 208. 508. 1209, 509. Adjustments for items unpaid by seller: Adjustments for items unpaid by seller: 210.Cityltown taxes 510.Ctty/town taxes 211.Countytaxes from 01/01/15 to 07/13/15 678.76 511.Countytaxes from 01/01/15007113/15 678.76 212.Assessments 512.Assessments 213. 513. 214. 514. 215. 515. 216. 1516. 217. 517. 218. 518. 219. 519. 220.Total paid by/for buyer: 5,678.76 520.Total reductions In amount due seller: 6,706.01 rr600.Cash at settlement tolfrom seller: 301.Gross amount due from buyer 84,997,84 601.Gross amount due to sellar 84,078.26 . (line 120) (line 420) 302.Less amount paid by/for the buyer (5,678.76) 602.Less total reductions In amount due seller (6,706.01) (line 220) (line 520) 303.Cash( ❑✓ From ❑To )Buyer. 79,319.08 603.Cash( Q To ❑ From )Seller: 77,372.25 Substitute Form 1099 Seller Statement: The Information contained in blocks E,G,H,and I and on line 401 is important tax information and is being fumished to the IRS. If you are required to file a return,a negligence penalty or other sanction will be imposed on you if this item is required to be reported and the IRS determines that it has not been reported. Seller Instructions: If this real estate was your principal residence,file Form 2119,Sale or Exchange of Principal Residence,for any gain,with your tax return;for other transactions,complete the applicable parts of Form 4797,Form 6262 and/or Schedule D(Form 1040). DoubleTlme® Buyer/Seller Settlement Statement Page 2 L.Settlement charges Buyer POC Seller'• Paid from Paid from 700.Total Sales/Brokers Com.based on price $83,500.00 @ 6.0000%= 5,010.00 1 Buyers Sellers 701. 5,010.00 6.0000%to Nettles Coastal Realty Funds at Funds at Settlement Settlement 702. %to 703. Commission paid at settlement 5,010.00 704. to BuyerR57fteirns-payable in connection with loan: • •O 801. Loan origination as %to 802. Loan discount %to 803.Appraisal fee to 804. Credit report to 805. Lenders inspection fee to 806. Mortgage insurance application fee to 807.Assumption Fee to 808. to 809. to 810. to 611. to .00.Items 'by lender to be paid in advance: Buyer t • 901.Interest from to /da 902.Mortgage insurance premium for months to 903.Hazard insurance premium for years to 904.Flood insurance premium for years to 905. yors to 000 •with lender: Buyer•• •• 1001. Hazard insurance months per 1002.Mortgage insurance months @ per month 1003.City property taxes months Q per month 1004.County property taxes months a per month 1005.Annual assessments months a per month 1006.Flood insurance monthsper month 1007. months 6D per month 1008. monthsper month 1009.Aggregate accounting adjustment • • 0r 1101.Settlement or closing fee to Steger&Steger,P.A. 250.00 1102.Abstract or title search to Attomeys'Title Fund Services,LLC 85.00 1103.Title examination to 1104.Title insurance binder to 1105.Document preparation to 1106.Notaryfees to 1107.Attorneys Fees to (includes above item numbers: 1108.Title Insurance to Old Republic Nat.Title/Steger&Steger 313.53 (includes above item numbers: 1109.Lenders coverage(Premium): 1110. Owners coverage(Premium): $83,500.00($313.53) 1111. Endorse: 1112. to 1113. to 1200. 1201.Recording fees Deed $18.50 Mortgage(s) Releases 18.50 1202.City/countytax/stamps Deed Mortgage(s) 1203.Statetax/stamps Deed $584.50 Mortgage(s) 584•50 1204. to 1205. to 1300.Additional settlement charge Buyer POC •• 1301.Survey to 1302.Pest Inspection to 1303.Mail box keys and lock to Nettles Island,Inc. 25.00 1304.Trash can lid/liner to Nettles Island,Inc. 35.00 1305.HOA estoppel fee to Nettles Island,Inc. 150.00 1306.Reim.condo documents to Nettles Island,Inc. 50.00 1307.Courier fee to Steger&Steger,P.A. 35.00 1308.Transfer fide to mobile home to Mobile Home Title Service 252.551 137.75 1309. 1400. Enter on lines 103 Section J and 502 Section K 919.58 6,027.25 I have carefully reviewed the Settlement Statement and to the best of my knowledge and belief,it is a We and accurate statement of all receipts and disbursements made on my account or by me in this transaction.I further certify that I have received a copy of the Settlement Statement. Buyer Seller JAMES ROGERS CARY P.SABOL Buyer Seller ANNA C.TUMA The Settlement Statement which[have prepared Is a true and accurate account of this transaction.I have caused,orwill cause,the funds to be disbursed In accordance with this statement. Steger&Steger,P.A. By. As Its Authorized Representative Date WARNING:Itis a crime to knowingly make false statements to the United Slates on this or any other similar form.Penalties upon conviction can Include a DoubleTime® fine and Imprisonment.Far details see:Tide 18 U.S.Code Section 1001 and Section 1010.