HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs CERTIFIED� Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number; 7849829 Date: 7/23/2015 tStatUS: Active Product.,Water/Brine to Air Heat Pump Packaged Unit Model Number:50PCV036L/R**3/CA Manufacturer., CARRIER CORPORATION Trade/Brand name: CARRIER Rated as follows in accordance With ANSIIAHRI/ASHRAEASO Standard 13256-1 for Water-to-Air and Brine-To-Air Heat Pumps and subject to verification of rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, independent,third party testing, Air Flow Rate-Cooling: 1200.0/ 1200.0 Air Flow Rate-Heating: 1200-011200.0 WLHP(Water-Loop Heat Pumps) Full Load Cooling Capacity(Stuh) 37900 37900 Cooling EER Ratlng(Stuh/watt) 14-70 14.70 Cooling Fluid Flow Rate(gpm) 9.00/9-00 Heating Capacity(Btuh) 41800/41800 Heating COP(watttwatt)� 4,tiO 14.60 Heating Flujd-.flow'Rate(90m) g4019.00 GWHP(Gr0und-Water HepJ Pumps) Cooling apa'ity(ptu �), � , " 'C' c Coolihg'196ld Floyv RatO(qprn); Heating:.Capp,qAy'(Btuh) Heabh.9 100 Heating FJqid':Fl6W.Rate(dprn)' GLHP (Ground-Loop Heat,Pumps). Co ing'oa city(liltuh) 399001$9900 Cooling ER14Rating(8tIJh'Jwatt)i 16.90 90/ 16.90 Cooling Fluid Flow Rate(gpm) 9-60/9.00 Heating Capacity(Btuh) 26900/26900 Heating CCIP(wattiwatt) 3.5013.50 Heating Fluid Flow Rate(gpm) 9.00/9.00 Ratng*followdd by an astarit%*(')Indicate;voluntary Willa Of PrOVIOLZ;ly published data,untess accompanied with a WAS,which indicates an Involuntary rants. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the products)listed on this Certificate and makes no repnozentations.wwrantirs or guarantees as to,and assumes no irtspohsiblitty for. the producti(s)listed on this Cvniffoatc.AHRI expfvssly disclaims all Ilability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(4),or the unauthorized alteration of data 11%ud on this Cortificatc.Cattifled ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed in the directory at www.ahirldirectory-orIll. TERMS AND CONDITION$ This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI.This Certificate shall only be used for Indlviduiil,persona,and confidential reference purposes-The contents of this Ccrtlticatt may not.In whole or in Dan,be reproduced;copied:disseminated; entered into computer database;or otherwise utilized,In any form or manner or by any means,except for the user'*Individual, personal and confidential reference, AIF1.r0NbITIONIrlQ,HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION &REFRIGIERATIONiNsTaLrriz. The Information forthe model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.ohildiructory.org,dick on*Verify Ceirtificate*141k NNc lllalw lite.OuLW" and enter the AHRI Certified ftefvrence-Number and the dato on which the certificate was issued, wrilch Is listed aboVo,and the cartifftate No.,which Is listed at bottom right. 130821457966194647 @2014 Air-Conditioning,Heating,and Refrigeration Institute 1''CIERTIFICATE-NO.: 50 39Vd -1v13W 133HS ISVOOV11S LIVZ99VZLL SZ:ZZ SToZ/6Z/L0 tlefiChtpttaa� , Black flexible etastorneric thermal pipe insulation 5lMdf'lc�►tioris ASTM C 534,Type I-Tubular Grade 1 AWOVAS.60*0001W CmM0iilAGw, +Manufactured without CFCs,HFCs.HCFCs,PBOEs,or Formaldehyde, All Armacetl facilities in North America are ISO 9001:2008 certified. tsp±liettictl3pfe � Valttlar.. Ted Ml4606 Thrrrma!GaaducNutW.. Stu"in./h•ft'■'F(W/MX1 75°F Mean Temperature(246C) 0.27 W-0341 ASTM C 177 or C 519 40'F Mean Temperature 132°C) C276 10.%01 Watelrvapot'Pera""I ty: 0-0E 11.16 X tl1^y1 ASTM E 96.Procedure A Perm-in.AM•m•Pall Flame Spread and Smoke 25/50 rated ASTM E 64 DevetopodtndRx: WalarAbsorptiit+r4 0.2% ASTM C 204 %by Volume: Mold Growth: Passed UL191 Fungi Resistance: ASTM 02'1/C1338 Bacterial Resistance: ASTM 022 tipper tfset,vk7 r 220pF 005+0 ASTM 0534 Lower Uao Limn:" -297°F(-183°Ct 4 ASTM C534 Ozone Rosishuxt: GOOD Woil Thkkness lnomirAU 3/8"112".314'and 1"110,13,19 and 35mm) Inside Diameter,Tubular 318",ID to 4-1/9"10(10rnm ID to 105mm 1D1 Length of Sections.7ubular 6'11.83m) Outdoor Usa No painting is necessary for performance of the product.However,alt elastorneric-based ceitular rnsutation will show surface defects after prolonged exposure to UY radiation.Painting will minimize these defects It installed outdoors. on the heating cycle,AC Aceotteu pipe insulation wittwithstand temperatures as high as 220'F(1051CL 520.520 Stack or520 SLVAdho"may be used with pipe insulation applications up to 220'F(1051CI• r At tamperaturas below-20°F 1-2M),clastornwIr insulation start;to become tees Ackl3te.Howtwer,this characturistic does not affect thermal Ofkiancy and rvustance r0 water vapor pernioabildy of Accofialt insulation, 'For applicatium of-401F to-247'F 1-40'C to-183'Cl,contact Armacet6 ANLL i.t C TEL 800.866.5638 �:919. ar"^1 a cell ittfa u sfcla rmacetLcam .++ww arrrtacelt.us 7600 Oakwood Street Extension,Mebane,NC 27302 advanced insulation Art racell provides this information res a teehrticat service.To the oxtmt the Informs tion is daHwil horn sources other than Armaeud,ArmraacaN is substandatty,if not wholly,ft ng upon the other sourcels►to provide accurate inforNadioa Information provided as a result of Armacell's own tedhaicat analysis and t�est�iifrryy is accurate to the pxrant of our k. e and abitity,as of date of pru+ting,using etfactire standardized methods and procedures Each user of these products,or informatim should{w forYn their'own tares to datertrvne the spiety, fitness end suitability of the p udy � or cornbirtatiai o1 pradue>:s,for an toresseab{p purpasps.appiidallons and uses by the user and�bS3 any,ird p to which the usw may c4ow" the products,.Siena Armacc cannot controLtho end use of this product krnfacelL does'not Tjorwas a that the user wilt oboin the same mutts as put in thi:document.The data and intarmation are provided as a Wchrucat urVwe and are subject to change without nolier- ACAwmfkx I Subtutttal I 00W I Eng/USA 4(2014 4 2014 Arnwced!RC_Printed in United Stbtvf of America ZO 39tid -1d13W 133HS 1Stf00t73S LTVZ99t?ZLL SZ:ZT STOZ/EZ/L0