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w Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number: 7921804 pate: 7/2312015 tStatus:Active Product:Water/Brine to Air Heat Pump Packaged Unit Model Number:50PCV042L/R**3/CA Manufacturer: CARRIER CORPORATION Trade/Brand name-, CARRIER Rated as follows in accordance with ANSI/AHRIlASHRAE/ISO Standard 13256-1 for Water-to-Air and Brine-To-Air Heat Pumps and subject to verification of rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, independent,third party testing, Air Flow Rate-Cooling: 1400.0/1400.0 Air Flow Rate-Heating: 1400.0/1400.0 WLHP(Water-Loop Heat Pumps) Full Load Cooling Capacity(Stuh) 40000/40000 Cooling EER Rating(Stuh/watt) 13.70/13,70 Cooling Fluid Flow Rate(gpm) 10.00!10.00 Heating Capac)ty.(Btuh) 46.300!46300. Heating CQf?'(�uatt/wattj..., 4.30/4..30 Heating Fluid Flow Rate(�gPM) 1-0:00/'1.0.00. GWHP(Ground-Water Heat Pumps) Cooling Copacity.(8tuh) Cooling E'ER Rating(Stuhltvatt). Cooling Fluid Floyir Rate(gpm:) Heating 0apacl;y(l3tuh) Heating C0P(waW.watt) Heatin Flub Flow Rate(gpm) GLHP (Gr6gnd-Loop Mpilt PLimps) Cool! ng'CaaGlty Sfi1h) 4600/42600 Cooling EER Rat ng.(6tuh/yvatt) 14.8.0114.80' Cooling Fluld Flow Rate(gpm) 10.00! 10.00 Heating CapaCity(gtuh) 31000 131000 Heating COP(watt/watt) 3.30/3.30 Heating Fluid Flow Rate(gpm) 10.001 10.00 Ralhyet followed by an astaftit(`)Indleato a volwAnry rerate of provlouely published data,un6"*accompanlad with a WAS,which Indicates an involuntary rorale. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the products)listed on this Certificate and makes no ropresentatlons,warrantics or guarantees as to,and assumes no rewonslblllfy for, the products)listed On this Certificate.AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any land arising out of the use or performance of the product(s),or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate.Certified ratlq%are valid only for models and configurstlons listed in the directory at www,ahrldiructory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AIM.This Certificate shrill only be used for individual,personal and confidential reference purposes.The contents of this Certificate may not,in whole or In part,be reproduced;coplod;dlsaeminated; entered In to a computer database;or otherwise utilized,In any form or manner or by any means,except for the user's Individual, personal and confidential reference, AIR-CON01710NINe,HEATING. CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION &RIEFRI9ERATION INSnYOTE The Information for the model cited on this cert)flcate can tie verified at www.shy ldlroctory,erg,click on"verify Certificate"Onk . Ii1b bcttcr- and enter the AHRI oertifled Reference Number and the date on which the certificate way Issued, which is listed above,and the CortiNOate No.,which Is listed at bottom right r r. _.... .______,.,__.__._. _,.. ....._...... ©2014 Air-Conditioning,Heating,and Refrigeration Institute 'CERTIFICATE NO.. 130821554276095316 50 39dd -d13W 133HS 1Sd00d3S LTbZ99bZLL 80:5T STOZ/£Z/L0 t7efsviptioflo Black(Laxible eiastomeric thermal pipe insulation ASTM C 534,Type 1-Tubular Grade 1 Approvow carwicado14 compuan ": Manufactured without CFCs,HFCs,HCFCs,PSDEs,or Formaldehyde. •All ArmaceR facilities in North Arnerica are 150 9001:2008 certified. IF,rlws Taunt Math"; Waren4 Conductly Btu■in.1h a ft2.OFi fin ► 75•F M'ean'femperalure(24"C) 0.2710,0391 ASTM C 177 or C 5119 9011F Mown Tampentura 1320C) 0.276(0.040) Water VaporPermeabitityn CLOS 11.16 x 10•131 ASTM E 96,Procedure A Perm-in.ft/1s•m•Pa)] Bain%5ptwa ang Smeke 25/50 rated ASTM E 84 OevoLopedtodem wab1;rAbsorptiom 0.2% ASTM C 209 No.Mold Growth: Passed UL181 Fu10 Resist"ka: ASTM 021/C 1338 Bacterial 9645160q: ASTM 022 Upper Use Limit:t 220°F 11059CI ASTM C534 Lower Use Unft-I -297°F I-183°C)a ASTM 0534 Ozone Resistance: GOOD -- 5ipsat: Walt Thickness lnominall 3/8"1/2",3/4`and 1 110,13,19 and 25mm) Inside Dionater,Tubular 3/8-,ID to 4-118"1D(10mm I D to 105mm I DI Length of Sections,Tubutar 6,11.83m} outdo"Use No painting is necessary for performance of the product.However,all elastameric•based cellular insulation witt show surface defects after prolonged exposure to Ulf radiation.Painting will minimize rhese defects if installed outdoors. On the heating Cyc(e,AC Acceftax pipe insulation will withstand temperatures as high as 22D"F(10M).5211520 Btack or 52D 8L4 Adhesive may bQ used with pipe insulation eppliebtions up to 220OF(1054CI• 3 At temperatures betow-20"F(-29"CI,elastomeric insulation starts to become less Itexihle.However,thee chanutAcritiLk durS nvl affeot thefntirl vrrkicnq and rvsnaiincc to wutel' vapor permeability of Accoflax inautabon, +For applications of-4WF to-297'F 1-4VC to-183`CI,contact Arnwcrll. ARMACELL LLC TEL-800.866.56313 FAX:919.304-3847 armacell infuxsfdarmacell.com www.armacelLus 7600 Oakwood Street Extension,Mebane,NC 273D2 advanced insulation Armacall provides this information as a techWcat service.To the extent the Information is derived from sources other than ArmaceU,Armacell is substantially if not wholly,relnng upon the ether sourcalsl to provitle acturale intorntafSat.lnfurnwtion provided 95 3 resylt of Armament's own technical analysis and testlnp it;aeturato to the actenl or aur krwwledge antl aei64 as of date of priniinq using efkdivr standarditCd mkrhOd9 end prat cdures Each usdr of thaw products,ar information,should perform their own lusts to dekrmine the solely fitness and suita6rittyy et the products,ar cemtrinatlon of products,fpr any tereseeabte purposes,app0cations and uses by Ura uear and b5'any third party b which the user max cvmay the products.Since Aminate ©anon control the antl u:e of th'r.' utL' rmacelt does apt guarantee that the userwill obtain tho same results as published in this document.Tho data ;nd infor",."are provided as a technical servKn and art eel to dmanga wltheUt netier. AC A.R. I Submittal I 004AG I 19n USA 1 4/2014 4 2014 Armavmt LLC-Print.4 in United Status of Anwria ZO 39dd -ld13W 133HS 1Sti00d3S LTVZ99VZLL 80:5Z STOZ/EZ/L0