HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Florida Building Code Online ��. I(Z Page 1 of 1 � C_ � SZ a �:lodda h parva- ! BCIS Home R Log In User Registration Hot Topics/( Submit Surcharge C Stats&Facts Publications ! FBC Staff ( BCIS Site Map Links Search Busines� Professib' al uoProduct Approval USER:Public User Regulation 11M2� Product Avoroval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List Search Criteria Refine Search Code Version 2014 FL# 15279 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model,Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Search Results-App lications FL# Type Manufacturer Validated By Status FL15279-R4 Revision Clopay Building Products Company Gary Pfuehler Approved History Category: Exterior Doors (513)519-6566 Subcategory:Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies *Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Contact Us::1940 North Monroe Street.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: ,.:x W eC6ixk 5t;CUriLYAsn Y4erC:"i https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/P _app_lst.aspx 7/24/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 6 s r. s Horida DeepaItlrent O BCIS Home Log In € User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge j Stats&Facts Publications ; FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links Search i Businesr product Approval bfessi nal USER:Public User Regulation y ' Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail 057, �eRy e- FL# FL15279 R4 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Clopay Building Products Company Address/Phone/Email 8585 Duke Blvd. Mason,OH 45040 (513)770-6062 mwesterfield@clopay.com Authorized Signature Scott Hamilton shamilton@clopay.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.-ETL/Warnock Hersey Validated By Gary Pfuehler W Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108 2005 ANSI/DASMA 115 2005 ASTM E1886 2002 ASTM E1996 2002 ASTM E330 2002 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL15279 RS Equiv 20150319-FBC-DASMA 108 equiv.pdf FL15279 R4 Eauiv 20150319-FBC-DASMA 115 eauiv.odf Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgv3yVVKJZI Q... 7/24/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 6 Date Submitted 03/19/2015 Date Validated 06/12/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 06/21/2015 Summary of Products Go to Page 0 0 Page 6/8 0 FL# Model,Number or Name Descrj ptio 15279.101 101 W6-16 PAN-21`153: 73,75, Steel an min.2�5 ga) ouble�r(9'2"to '2"wid 84A,94,42,48,42B,48B,4RST, WVINDG D„p yWy67Garaq Dona`r tii OptibnaHlmp -t 6RST,GD5S,GR5S,AR5S,ED5 Resistan ites��a Limits of Use Zg_ fication Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract a�f Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of inspection.pdf Impact Resistant:Yes FL15279 R4 C CAC W6 Listing Intertek.odf Design Pressure: +37 PSF/-41 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:Solid doors(no standard glazing)or doors with 05/21/2028 optional impact-resistant standard glazing are impact- Installation Instructions resistant(large missile impact). FL15279 R4 II 101539-A-Revl1odf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- ETL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.102 102 W6-16 PAN-2F153: 73,75, Steel Pan(min.25 ga.)Double-Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide) ! 84A,94,42,48,42B,48B,4RST, WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door 611ST,GD5S,G115S,AR5S,ED5S Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and proof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of insoection.pdf Impact Resistant:No FL15279 R4 C CAC W6 Listing Intertek.ndf Design Pressure:+37 PSF/-41 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:The standard glazing available for this product 05/21/2028 meets the wind load requirements of the building code but Installation Instructions DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for FL15279 R4 II 101539-B-Revl3.pdf windborne debris regions. Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- ETL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.103 103 W6-16 PAN-21`156: 76,2RST Steel Pan(min.25 ga.)Double-Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide) WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and proof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of inspection.pdf Impact Resistant:Yes FL1.5279 R4 C CAC W6 Listing Intertek.p Design Pressure:+37 PSF/-41 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:Solid doors(no standard glazing)are impact- 05/21/2028 resistant(large missile impact). Installation Instructions FL15279 R4 II 101539-A-Revl3.1)df Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- ETL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.104 104 W6-16 PAN-21`443: G4S,GS4, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan(min.24 ga.) GD4S,GR4S,G4SV,GS4V,GD4SV, Double-Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide)WINDCODEO W6 Garage GR4SV,E4S,ED4S,E4SV,ED4SV, Door SS4,AR4S,SS4V,AR4SV Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and proof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of insoection.pdf Impact Resistant:Yes FL15279 R4 C CAC W6 Listing Intertek.pdf Design Pressure:+37 PSF/-41 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:Solid doors(no standard glazing)are impact- 05/21/2028 resistant(large missile impact). Installation Instructions FL15279 R4 II 103489-A-Rev06.1)df Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- ETL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.105 https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgv3yVVKJZ1 Q... 7/24/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 6 105 W6-16 PAN-21`443: G4S,GS4, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan(min. 24 ga.) GD4S,GR4S,G4SV,GS4V,GD4SV, Double-Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide)WINDCODE®W6 Garage GR4SV, E4S,ED4S,E4SV,ED4SV, Door SS4,AR4S,SS4V,AR4SV Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No 1`L15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and proof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of ins ection.pdf Impact Resistant:No FL15279 R4 C CAC W6 Listing Intertek.pdf Design Pressure: +37 PSF/-41 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:The standard glazing available for this product 05/21/2028 meets the wind load requirements of the building code but Installation Instructions DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for FL15279 R4 II 103489-B-Rev06.odf windborne debris regions. Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- ETL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.106 106 W6-16 PAN-21`446: G4L,GL4, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan(min.24 ga.) GD4L,GR4L,G4LV,GL4V,GD4LV, Double-Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide)WINDCODE@ W6 Garage GR4LV,E4L,ED4L,E4LV,ED4LV, Door SL4,AR4L,SL4V,AR4LV Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and proof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of inspection.0 Impact Resistant:No FL15279 R4 C CAC W6 Listing Intertek.odf Design Pressure:+37 PSF/-41 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:The standard glazing available for this product 05/21/2028 meets the wind load requirements of the building code but Installation Instructions DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for FL15279 R4 II 103489-B-RevO6.pdF windborne debris regions. Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- ETL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.107 107 W6-16 PAN-21`446: G4L,GL4, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan(min.24 ga.) GD4L,GR4L,G4LV,GL4V,GD4LV, Double-Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide)WINDCODE@ W6 Garage GR4LV,E4L,ED4L,E4LV, ED4LV, Door SL4,AR4L,SL4V,AR4LV Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FLIS279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and proof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of inspection.odf Impact Resistant:Yes FL15279 R4 C CAC W6 Listino Intertek.pdf Design Pressure:+37 PSF/-41 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:Solid doors(no standard glazing)are impact- 05/21/2028 resistant(large missile impact). Installation Instructions FL15279 R4 II 103489--A-Rev06.odf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- ETL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.108 108 W6-16 SPO-21`449: Grand Steel Pan (min.24 ga.)with Overlay Double-Car(9'2"to Harbor,Stone Manor 16'2"wide)WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and proof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of inspection.pdf Impact Resistant:No FL15279 R4 C CAC W6 Listing Intertek.odf Design Pressure: +37 PSF/-37 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:The standard glazing available for this product 05/21/2028 meets the wind load requirements of the building code but Installation Instructions DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for FLIS279 R4 II 103555-B-RevOS.pdF windborne debris regions. Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. - ETL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.109 109 W6-16 SPO-21`499: Grand Steel Pan(min.24 ga.)with Overlay Double-Car(9'2"to Harbor,Stone Manor 16'2"wide)WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and proof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of inspection.pdf Impact Resistant:Yes FL15279 R4 C CAC W6 Listing Intertek.odf Design Pressure:+37 PSF/-37 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:Solid doors(no standard glazing)are impact- 05/21/2028 resistant(large missile impact). Installation Instructions FL15279 R4 II 103555-A-RevO5.pdf https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgv3yVVKJZlQ... 7/24/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 4 of 6 Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- ETL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.110 110 W6-18 DSIE-1F171: 4300, 2"Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; 4301,4310,4400,4401, HDG, interior skin 27 ga.min.) 16'4"to 18'2"wide WINDCODE@ HDGL,HDGF,66,66G,67,67G, W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact-Resistant Lites 68,SP200,SF200,SE200,6200, 6201,6203 Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and proof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of inspection.pdf Impact Resistant:Yes FL15279 R4 C CAC W6 Listing Intertek.odf Design Pressure:+37 PSF/-37 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:Solid doors(no standard glazing)or doors with 05/21/2028 optional impact-resistant standard glazing are impact- Installation Instructions resistant(large missile impact). FL15279 R4 II 101487-A-RevModf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- ETL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.111 111 W6-18 DSIE-11`171: 4300, 2"Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga. min.; 4301,4310,4400,4401, HDG, interior skin 27 ga.min.) 16'4"to 187"wide WINDCODEp HDGL,HDGF,66,66G,67,67G, W6 Garage Door 68,SP200,SF200,SE200,6200, 6201,6203 Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and proof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of inspection.pdf Impact Resistant: No FL15279 R4 C CAC W6 Listino Intertek.pdf Design Pressure:+37 PSF/-37 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:The standard glazing available for this product 05/21/2028 meets the wind load requirements of the building code but Installation Instructions DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for FL15279 R4 II 101487-B-Rev16.odf windborne debris regions. Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- ETL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.112 112 W6-18 DSIE-11`471: GD2SP, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: 2"Double-skin Insulated EPS GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2LP,AR2SP, (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 27 ga. min.)Double- AR2LP,ED2SP,ED2LP Car(16'4"up to 18'2"wide)WINDCODE®W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and proof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of inspection.odf Impact Resistant:Yes FL15279 R4 C CAC W6 Listina Intertek.pdf Design Pressure:+37 PSF/-37 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:Solid doors(no standard glazing)are impact- 05/21/2028 resistant(large missile impact). Installation Instructions FL15279 R4 II 104013-Rev02.pdf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- ETL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.113 113 W6-18 DSIEO-1M479: Double Skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; Coachman/Settlers/Affinity interior skin 27ga.min.)with Overlay Double-Car(16'4"to 18'2"wide)WINDCODE®W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract an roof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of inspection.pdf Impact Resistant:Yes FL15279 R4 C CAC W6 Listing Intertek.pdf Design Pressure:+37 PSF/-37 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:Solid doors(no standard glazing)are impact- 05/21/2028 resistant(large missile impact). Installation Instructions FL15279 R4 II 103519-Rev04.1)df Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- ETL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.114 114 W6-18 DSIU-11`171: 9200, Double-skin Insulated PUR(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; 9201,9203,HDP20,HDPF20, interior skin 27 ga. min.) 16'4"to 18'2"wide WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact-Resistant Lites https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgv3yV VKJZ 1 Q... 7/24/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 5 of 6 HDPL20,7200,7201,7203,8200, 8201,8203 Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and prooF Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of insnection.odf Impact Resistant:Yes FL15279 R4 C CAC W6 Listing Intertek.pdf Design Pressure:+37 PSF/-37 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:Solid doors(no standard glazing)or doors with 05/21/2028 optional impact-resistant standard glazing are impact- Installation Instructions resistant(large missile impact). FL15279 R4 II 104261-A-RevOl.pdf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- EfL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.115 115 W6-18 DSIU-11`171: 9200, Double-skin Insulated PUR(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; 9201,9203,HDP20, HDPF20, interior skin 27 ga.min.) 16'4"to 18'2"wide WINDCODE@ HDPL20,7200,7201,7203,8200, W6 Garage Door 8201,8203 Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and proof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of inspection.pdf Impact Resistant:No FL15279 R4 C CRC W6 Listina Intertek.odf Design Pressure:+37 PSF/-37 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:The standard glazing available for this product 05/21/2028 meets the wind load requirements of the building code but Installation Instructions DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for FL15279 R4 II 104261_B_RevOl.odf windborne debris regions. Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- EI"L/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.116 116 W6-18 DSIUO-1K479: Canyon Double Skin Insulated PUR(exterior skin 27 ga. min.; Ridge/Brookstone interior skin 27ga. min.)with Overlay WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door 16'4"to 18'2"wide Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and proof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of inspection.pdf Impact Resistant:Yes FL15279 R4 C CAC W6 Listing Intertek.pdf Design Pressure: +37 PSF/-37 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:Solid doors(no standard glazing)are impact- 05/21/2028 resistant(large missile impact). Installation Instructions FL15279 R4 II 104267-Rev02.odf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- ETL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.117 117 W6-18 PAN-21`143: 84A,94, Steel Pan (min.24 ga.)Double-Car(16'4"to 187"wide) 48,48B,4RST WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact- Resistant Lites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and proof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of inspection.pdf Impact Resistant:Yes FL15279 R4 C CRC W6 Listing Intertek.pdf Design Pressure:+37 PSF/-39 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:Solid doors(no standard glazing)or doors with 05/21/2028 optional impact-resistant standard glazing are impact- Installation Instructions resistant(large missile impact). FL15279 R4 II 101485-A-Rev14.odf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- EfL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.118 W11,46B,411ST 8 W6-18 PAN-21`143: 84A,94, Steel Pan(min.24 ga.)Double-Car(16'4"to 18'2"wide) WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and proof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of inspection.pdf Impact Resistant:No FL15279 R4 C CAC W6 Listing Intertek.pdf Design Pressure:+37 PSF/-39 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:The standard glazing available for this product 05/21/2028 meets the wind load requirements of the building code but Installation Instructions DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for FL15279 R4 II 101485-B-Revl4.pdf windborne debris regions. Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- ETL/Warnock Hersey https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dti.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgv3yV VKJZ 1 Q... 7/24/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 6 of 6 Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.119 119 W6-18 PAN-2F153: 73,75, Steel Pan(min.25 ga.)Double-Car(16'4"to 18'2"wide) 84A,94,42,48,42B,48B,4RST, WINDCODE®W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact- 6RST,GD5S,GR5S,AR5S, ED5S Resistant Lites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and proof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of inspection.pdf Impact Resistant:Yes FL15279 R4 C CAC W6 Listing Intertek.pdf Design Pressure:+37 PSF/-37 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:Solid doors(no standard glazing)or doors with 05/21/2028 optional impact-resistant standard glazing are impact- Installation Instructions resistant(large missile impact). FL15279 R4 II 101485-A-Rev14.udf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- ETL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.120 120 W6-18 PAN-21`153: 73,75, Steel Pan(min.25 ga.)Double-Car(16'4"to 18'2"wide) 84A,94,42,48,42B,48B,4RST, WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door 6RST,GD5S,GR5S,AR5S,ED5S Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL15279 R4 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and Droof Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes of inspection.odf Impact Resistant:No FL15279 R4 C CAC W6 Listing Intertek.pdf Design Pressure:+37 PSF/-37 PSF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other:The standard glazing available for this product 05/21/2028 meets the wind load requirements of the building code but Installation Instructions DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for FL15279 R4 II 101485-B-Rev14.Ddf windborne debris regions. Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.- ETL/Warnock Hersey Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Go to Page Page 6/8 Back Next Contact Us::1940 North Monroe Street,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mall to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: tis-.. ®HE seCut`i1�`af f•'YAICik' https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgv3yVVKJZ1Q... 7/24/2015 MODELS 2"THICK STYRENE THIS DOOR MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE DESIGN LOADS FOR THE REV DATE DESCRIPTION LOCK BAR LOCKING ENO ULTIMATE WIND SPEEDS LISTED BELOW ACCORDING TO THE FLORIDA !0.21�02/13/12 10/15/07 INITIAL RELEASE BUILDING CODE OR THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE(EU HOLM ON HOLMES A R2S RLP INTER, STILE ASCE7-10)FOR THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:1)ENCLOSED 08/08 ADDED IMPACT RESIST. CONST. DETAILS. IDEAL EXPRESSIONS ED2SP ED2LP STILE LDARKOC BUILDING,2)ODOR HAS 2'OF WIDTH IN BUILDING'S END ZONE,3) UPDATED WINDCODE CHART. SHORT PANEL LONG PANEL GUIDE ANY ROOF SLOPE,AND 4)TESTING IN ACCORDANCE WITH OUTSIDE ANSI/DASMA 108.SITE-SPECIFIC CALCULATIONS BY A QUALIFIED HANDLE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL MAY DIFFER. (1)20 GA BACKER PLATE ON CENTER BETWEEN LOCK BAR ULTIMATE WIND ?'TRACK CONFIGURATION(DOORS WEIGHING LESS THAN A00 IRS) TTNHE INTERNEDIATE XINCE LOCATION.BACKER (1)20 GA BACKER PLATE AT EACH ENGAGES IN SPEED(MPH) 150 155 16S 170 190 PLATES ATTACHED WITH DOUBLE-SIDED BACKER INTERMEDIATE HINGE LOCATION.BACKER TRACK ON ADHESIVE TO BECK OF DOOR. PLATES ATTACHED WITH DOUBLE-SIDED OUTSIDE KEYED LOCK EACH SIDE EXPOSURE g�C,D B,C,0 B,C B,C H ACRYLIC ADMESNE TO BACK OF DOOR. OF DOOR. CATEGORY NOflRONT/1 TRACK SUPPORT BY A DOOR INSMLLFR(TO SUIT) ^� MEAN ROOF HEIGHT 25' IS' 25' IS' 30' ME.H.2 6 CA DOUBLE END STILE SNAP LATCH ENGAGES ONTO VERTICAL TRACK. ONE SNAP LATCH ON 13 GA GALV.STEEL FLAG BRACKET. i i EACH SIDE OF DOOR. EACH FASTENED TO WOOD JAMB WITH P C VIEW.B. INTER.STILE SLIDE BOLT NML ABOVETME DOOR OPENING (3)5/16•x1-1/2"WOOD LAG SCREW. j ENO LOCK ENGAGES II NEW"C" ODES NOT AFFECT THE WIND STILE INFO VERTICAL LOAD RATING OF THIS DOOR. DOOR LOCK a BOTH POSITIONSIDES) OUTSIDE END LTO TRACK ONE B EIGHT 7" _ KEYED STILE KEYED INSIDE HANDLE OF DOOR. 8-0 eB g ONAPIO aT CH INSIDE TON INSIDE SLIDE BOLT 2•GALV.STEEL TRACK, 8'-6" 94 a 1OCK ,L, TRACK THICKNESB:.083" 9_0 100 10-0 112 m l1.2-1/2•x12 GA GALV. J� LAL JAMB TO SUPPORTING STRUCTURE ATTACHMENT 3 STEEL TRACK BRACKETS. --�A OPTIONA �T L OUTSIDE KEYED LOCK POSITION I) L THE LOAD FROM THE DOOR IS TRANSFERRED TO THE TRACK AND $ DISTANCE BETWEEN BRACKETS 12-0 138 MAX.DOOR WIDTH 18'-2" BRACKET USED FOR THEN FROM THE TRACK TO THE 2x6 VERTICAL YELLOW PINE(GRADE#2 NOT TO EXCEED 14.O.C. BOTTOM DOUBLE OR BETTER)JAMBS.NO LOAD FROM THE DOOR IS TRANSFERRED TO THE INSIO I EVATIONS END STILE HORIZONTAL(TOP)JAMB. PROVIDE AK FLUSH MODUNTINGMAY SURFACE NOT REQUIRED)COUNTERSUNK TO HORIZONTAL(TOP),IAMB (NO LOAD FROM DOOR) (4)81425/8"SHEEP Of SREWSMMSUPSTRUCTURALNC SR(UCRALELEMENTS SHALL BE DESIGNED BY A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER FOR WIND LOADS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING. FASTENER 4SELF u TYPE SCR 1EWS 14 GA END HINGE 1B GA INTERM.HINGE PREPARATION OF JAMBS BY OTHERS, MAX.O.C. SECT C-C Ul, — MIN. ' OF FASTENERS 16 GA MIN.GALV.OR PAINTED STEEL END STILE PER VERTICAL v1vx %SDiQD JAMB SECT A-A 2"TRICK BASE DOOR 12 GA GAILY.STEEL TOP ROLLER BRACKET. EACH 226 VERTICAL JAMB RACKET ATACXED WITH 12 GA GALV.STEEL TRACK A AN BRACKET FASTENED TO WOOD (4)81425/8"SHEEP JAMB WITH ONE 5/16"x1-5/8" 27 GA STEEL MIN.INTERIOR&EXTERIOR SKIN WITH METAL SCREWS. WOOD LAG SCREW PER BRACKET. LASH NUTS 14 GA MIN.GALV.STEEL CENTER HINGE G-40 GALVANIZING,BARED-ON PRIMER ONE 1/4"X 5/8"BOLY ALL ROLLERS FASTENED TO BACK OF DOOR W/4 AND A BAKED-ON POLYESTER PAINTED TOP COAT. &NUT. 2"GALV.STEEL TRACK EACH 814x5/8"SHEET NETAL SCR . FASTENED TO TRACK BRACKETS. 14 GA GALV.STEEL ROLLER HINGE 1-}'WIDE X 16 GA EACH BRACKET ATTACHED WITH ONE FASTENED TO END SOLES W/(4)EACH ONE POUND DFNSffY EXPANDED GALV.STRAP.(7)PER Iy4•x5ye•Two 1/4'MRIVETUT S. t<j,�s,�a SELL.FF TAPMETAL PING SCREWS. 2x6 JAMB TO SUPPORTING STRUCTURE ATTACHMENT POLYSTYRENE FOAM INSULATION DOOR SECTION ON LAMINATED TO BOTH EXTERIOR AND 18'-2"WOE DOOR(SEE 2"10 BALL LONG STEM STEEL NOT TO BE USED FOR ATTACHMENT OF TRACK BRACKETS INTERIOR SKINS INSIDE ELEVATION).EAC M HURRICANE ROLLER WITH STEEL TIRE DOORS UP TO 18'21Yx8'H STRAP ATTACHED WITH 3 MAXIMUM }"X�"SELF TAPPING MIN.No.OF ON CENTER SCREWS FASTENERS DISTANCE 1"O.D. 14 C0.CATV. PER VERTICAL BETWEEN WASHERS STEEL ROLLER BUILDING TYPE FASTENER TYPE JAMB FASTENERS REQUIRED? TONGUE AND GROOVE JOINTS. HINGE.SEE WOOD FRAME 3- YES SECTION C-C IMPACT RESISTANT ASSEMBLY DETAILS 2000 PSI CONCRETE 1/4 x 1-3 4 NIH.EMBED TPPCON CONCRETE ANCHOR 10 10 YES 6" DRAWING f 04013 - x 1-1 I. AN 12-1 4 INCLUDED VIEW 0 ONE 8"TALL, 16 GA.C-CHANNEL 2000 SI MIN CONCRETE - 1 -1 2 6"TALL C-CWWNEL 2_1/2• PER DOOR SECTION(SEE VIEW D).(1) IMPACT-RESISTANT CONSRit1LR1ON; 16 GA GALV.STEEL 1/4"X 3/4" SELF TAPPING SCREW m�wsN,¢oow DESIGN ENGINEER: MIN YIELD STRENGTH SOKSI 5/8" ) PEN INTERMEDAITE HINGE LOCELFATION ^ m � � rs�:W MARK W.WESTgERFIELD,RE DESIGN LOADS: +37.0 P.S.F. & -37.0 P.S.F. SCREND W PER DOUBLE4ENDSSTILE�PING ie�ocRl. NCO RE #23832.#23832.TEXAS P.E.891517 (1)CENTER REINFORCING TEST LOADS: +55.5 P.S.F. & -55.5 P.S.F. PLATE IN THE CENTER OF EACH C-CHANNEL 27 GA STEEL MIN. MANUFACTURING PRODUCT CODE VINDLOAD RATING MAK SIZE, INTERIOR SKIN WITH Clopay DSIE-1F471 13 GA.GALV.STEEL G-40 GALV.,BAKED-ON CLOPAY BUILDING PRODUCTS COMPANY DATE W C 18'2" x 12'0" BOTTOM BRACKET. PRIMER ANDA 8585 DUKE BOULEVARD 9/10/07 DESCRIPTION- ATTACHED WITH(2) BAKED-ON POLYESTER 04x5/8"SHEET Top COAT. CINCINNATI, OH 45040 DRAWN BW BFA /- MEGL SCREWS. ALUMINUM EXTRUSION B u i I d i n g Products (513) 770-4800 2" GALLERY �nERAv EPS +37 37 PSF DES. &NNYL WEATHERSTRIP. CHECKED BYE Com an Clopay CorO rpoDon All RigNLA Rasene4. 104013 FLOO RMA PRODUCT APAP 3OWAL T5279