HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4091424 OR BOOK 3767 PAGE 2773, Recorded 07/15/2015 at 10:06 AM ' ,+`PIER IL nTNO-RrmmuTO• � PEw&rNumBER: NQT(CE OF COMMENCEMENT The undemigood hereby gives nptice that improvement will be made to certain real property,amend,in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Smarm Statutes,the following information is provided in this Notice ofComencement11114 -t10-5^49496 i.DLWPPPION OPPROnXTr(I.c9-1 d-crPtian oftbe iaopary$atmt"&M%iravaibble)TAR FOUONW �Ak SOBn[Y6TON .06;04 Bl.oi:7t�p�19Af:1' LOT_,�Bt.bG UNltl' �•z J`�l_���'S�in �L�[t_,r�I31.�C a'lar h"' L(VOtRAL1)ESC9EMONOFIMPROVFM1 N(r Ir C` -- 7"mn� lr�y�P tiQ c 'd 3.OWNFR tNMRMAT[ON OR t.P.SSRE tNFORMATTON TP THE USM CON1RACM FOR THE 1W1%OVPMEttr: 4(,r ANuaeand wUv r. .S RU,7 Bt 6.tore<est laptcpMy./�ls�.GlQe�_._,7� 4/WO/ T _Sr!�� rte' Mame and addtw otfa aimPleriaelnldv([dtt'vrnt fierce Ower tatd.bore): 4.a.CONIRACLOR•SM.Mg: Jupiter Muminum Products Inc. y�� cn�.a.•a.ed�a�219 Juno Street,Jupiter.FL 33458 b,P,�ne —b-561-747-4166 C V" 5.6UItETY iI(appScaHe,a oopyohba paymwu trood u w.abed): ��'�7 s.Name and addase V b.Pbwe vunba: eAmwaattmki QQ a LENOER'SNADSEo ,• L-d es dd,ae hPboee stab,_ \ 7.Persons within the State of Florida designated by Ownerupon whom notices or other documents maybe served as provided by Section 713,13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes: ��( b.Powe tatmbaa ofd®®nodpn�nc . g.a.Inaddition tahimselforhasell:Ownerdcsigmrc of to receive*copy of the Timor's Notice as provided is Section 713.13(1)(b),Fhaida Smimes, b.Pboae—bexafpa ­91y d.W t dby 0­ 9.Eapimtion date afnotice ofcoimmcaammt(the expiration data will be i year Ecom the date ofrecotding unless a different date is specified): ,20 WARNMULTSLOWHIM ANY PA)MMM MADE BY AFIIR•TIM EO'ZATMN OF MIR NOTICE OF oQhMZM= ARP;CONS 1bF'P3)pttpkOPP1t PAYMF37fS UNDER CHAPM71"I MT S13C X 713,13,FLORWA E&U t�Nt3 Crx Fpgi><TWYOLm PAYING TWICR FOR IMPROVFMIBdifi'IT)YQ(-L PROPERTY ANOTb:OF QDMENCE141 b lcr Hfi Q ON IM JOB SnE B--- " IF YOU MGM TD OBTAIN WHOUQ1011M Az &hz7T (5iputtae otOtmer or tA`ssae, s (Print Name as h ovlde ftastory's-nattoffia) Authorized O��i-$M-^m/Diredor/P 1M=a State of Cotmty of :V.'lar-1 The foregoing inammment was admowiedgal before the dusS=ALL.day o U/v 20, .� (name ofporaon) (type ofauthori%...e.g.office,trustee,attorney in fact) far (name ofparty on bebatf of whom instrument was executed) Personally Known or Pte"e991tEa89FJlT of tib 4ft.1&u.-.d NO7ARY PUBLIC�TA OF FLORIDACornin"i EES73131lAqV fires 3/272017 o ry Pu(Prsn4 Tyssioned Nam ofNomty Public) Re,..tats-t2 STATE OF FLORIDA ST LUCIE COUNTY THIS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS) TRUE D CORRECT COPY OF E ORI S 8v, RK f epunnq orU E ^+ Date: "� � B 0�c