HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering l L., AROO 1Q. CORPORATION CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT October 9, 2014 Mr. Allen Berger DAB Doors,Inc. 12195 NW 98g Avenue Hialeah Gardens,FL 33018 Re: Series 824 16'-2"x 16'-0" Garage Door Drawing#02-21 Wood Buck Anchorage Dear Mr. Berger, In addition to the wood buck anchors listed in drawing#02-21 for an 16'-2"Sectional Garage Door the 2x wood buck can be anchored into a wood substrate with 1/4"Lag Screws anchors with 1- 1/2"min. embedment and 3/4"min. edge distance as listed below: NOA# Drawing# Design Load Wood Buck d Anchor S acro 12-0110.14 02-21 +36.0,-44,0 psf 15 "o.c. Please find attached supporting calculations for your reference. Please note that the above is subject to Building Dept. approval. If you have any questions,please feel free to call us. Very Pyours, Chief gineer C.lUserslveronica.AFCENG011DocumentskveronicaDocumentslJB(DAB)DoorslDAB-Wood Buck Ur 02 21.doc Q., 1235 SW 871h Avenue Miami,FL 33174 T:305.264.8100 F:305.262.6978 www.afcens.com aifaroog@afcens.com ,rs, Inc. V 9814-Avenue ardens, FL 33018 ries 824 16'-2" x 16'-0" Garage Door awing # 02-21 god Buck Anchorage 3erger, ition to the wood buck anchors listed in drawing# 02-21 for an 16'-2" Sectional Garage x wood buck can be anchored into a wood substrate with 1/4"Lag Screws anchors with 1- -mbedment and 3/4" min. edge distance as listed below: NIDA # Drawing # Design Load Wood Buck _Wd) _ Anchor Spacing ,,-0110.14 02-21 +36.0,-44.0 psf 15 11) O.C. find attached supporting calculations for your reference. Please note that the above is Building Dept. approval. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us. Very YJ yours, ad, �dhief gineer eronka.AFCENG01IDocumentsIVeronkaDocumentslJB(DAB)DoorsIDAB-Wood Buck Ur 02-21.doc nue Miami, FL 33174 T: 305.264.8100 F: 305.26.2.6978 www.afceng.com alfarooq@afceng.com • 1 j r \ DD GE \ DIST. IN z / •,`1-1/2" MIN. /cX cfi' i •EDGGE DIST. w \ m o I I I w\\ I \ N 3 \\ 1/4" DIA. LAG SCREWS 2BY \� I 1/4- DIA. LAG SCREWS BU AT 6" FROM ENDS WOOD BU i AT 6" FROM ENDS AND 15"O.C. MAX. ' \ AND jt; O.C. MAX. s 1, „ WOOD BUCK CONNECTION TO WOOD SUBSTRATE Ta -- 6 - =z P..A:N; EB*3538 #.70592 S.W. 87th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33174. Tel. (305)_2-054=4-60- SPAN, '>=;L FT 16.167 DES ON LOAD POSITIVE = Pdp PSF 36.0 LOAD / FT (POSITIVE DIR) R = L * Pdp /2 LB/FT 291 PIVOT ABOUT POINT B ECCENTICITY = e IN 2.455 RESISTING ARM = d = IN 1.500 PULLOUT ON ANCHOR = T = R*ax/d LB 47.6 NNCHOR TYPE : 1/4" LAG SCREW THRU 2X WOOD BUCK W/ 3/4" MIN EDGE DIST. rMBEDMENT 1-1/211 >UBSRATATE WOOD ALLOWABLE TENSION = Ta (LB) (C -1) 624 'PACING REQ = Ta / T *12 15.7 JSE SPACING (IN) - USE 15" O.C. OK BY INSPECTION// 1 ,Q --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------ ----------------- DOWEL-TYPE FASTENERS 112 Reference Withdrawal Design Values 112-2.1 Lag Screws When lag screws are loader from end grain, reference withdrawal de,, The reference withdrawal design values, in shall'be multiplied by the end grain facto lb/in. of penetration, for a single lag screw inserted in When lag screws are loaded side grain, with the lag screw axis perpendicular to the the tensile strength of the lag screw at wood fibers, shall be determined from Table 11.2A or section shall not be exceede# (see 10.2.3) Equation 11.2-1, within the range of specific gravities and screw diameters given in Table 11.2A. Reference withdrawal design values, W, shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 10.3.1) to ob- tain adjusted withdrawal design values, W'. W= 1800 G"'D" Table 11.2A Lag Screw, Reference Withdrawal Design Values (W)l Tabulated withdrawal design values (W) are in pounds per inch of thread penetration into side grain of ma Length of thread penetration in main member shall not include the.length of thelapered tip (see Ap pei Specific Gravity, Lag Screw Unthreaded Shank DiaxneterD. G 1/4" 5/16" 3/81", 7/161!1 1/2" ..5/8" '3/411 7/8-11 0.73 3917. . 469 538 604 668 789 905 1016 1123 122( 0 71 381 459' -1 9 x640 757 868 974 Q77 117E 357 422 484 543 0.69 600 709 813 913 1009 1103 '078 413 49- 0.58 281 332 381 428 473 559 641 719 795 869 55 260 307 35 . 395 : 437 5:16 592 6 232 274 314 353 390 461 528 593 656 116 0 50 -2 0.49 218 258 296 332 367 434 498 559 617 674 0.46 199 235 269 302 334 395 453 508 562 613 T. J. -, 5 2­`,`�, 0.43 179 212 243 273 302 357 409 459 508 554 0 42 I73 205 2-7 9 .0.41 167 198 226 254 281 332 381 428 473 516 0 40 161 =190 T 3 3 re I9_. ;. ..'_" 5 1. 1.1 .4