HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit Number;_ J o(14 Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulaticn Division 2.300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34,982 Phone:(772)4621559 Fax:(772)462-1578 COmmerciai Residential x PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Mechanical I!. I "�i 1I hid. i I �' I ��biiii;••ylli:i`i" ,.,,( ,. I i V L,ia.li t"i1(inj i 1i Yil A I''I}�llj (il'9i"Ltisll hil'r'�I,"nl'i ! Ir i,LUuy!i;h All hl,�lui"rA7,ii,a:11�,orai 11 l•.r II �i�iifl';I��Y�'II llij IjG I, � '•41� GC I!tin`Ili!!tiii'id Irll,'•�II{hetuU:j„i:,,:..;r,.'.,,:• Address: 481TREE TOP TRAIL n.�(�.` „11un•U„!i[l�1Ali1:,,i1!i';n11l!Y,1(1,Uli.i'(tl�,ll"auat„LArii.i1,l:G.�a,..„,:".'!'.,�Pair':” I!I;ih°I`i•� Legal Description: Property Tax ID#: 1418-243-0010-000.6 Site Plan Name: Lot Na. Project Name: Block No, Setbacks Front Back: ����- Right Side: Left Side: 1411 , I l+1 I V r If! �!��^1fI,1�Iry' Ir, L� I '"'i,tl 1�T,){�I hlf'I{' . �:'',•li)1�'! !1171.1 n' I I"".i ,n°•,': �I•; lil;.`I�!1, I i .� ,�, F�4.5 7 I ��� I i'r�'1 �i� 'I�i1!'��`4''�.di`'71(ii�,l t �lil'-i�'• I'if�7 1r� ,m ,�,11J6ffiVYL.i m IIuu A,11t101�fltltl�i�il;rlt�ll,�fi!rtriJ,fJtilfNrl�iipu,I ',ft'il G "11Ihl +7Sl,hliryl 'jl1 'f111infhl�ltii,:}.I•IR"':,,t., 'lY{I�IAI�;ri4i!dG,,,u111..1..1V1 i ,c t j I((JJJJII I. ,lthbr�7`pl1i `I n �. (lin �I A�A,ti�(nL 1 I do td y1,Nil,n'i�•'""' . LIKE FOR LIKE CHANGE OUT 2.5 TON 16 SEER KW 5 5 �1 ai 1 �1• [ !I � ( litti,'I;,iPln,.i ��i,!iip�i'lll'„ •!f i�i;li 4, IStRf�41 �I1�R (:gi'i'I�1('r•irn,.11,,llli7, 1!'1';11ihh,l"1!'(iI�Plliiii !181J Ihl'ptff,,I h!Yi'i'9''; H i!,'.r,, Y, 'M}Lll�l1tflllnsr �.r.14��•':::1,IL,la1,��!;ri!;l?hi!1!U'•,��AfiA't 7UiliY'irAlli": 'IY'1��,,�1.�QII+ t1�y..,lyll�+lY .,}.1 1171111n1!L'nN��It,la;l�l1Ih11!I(I,�I;'tl.:p,•,.i liri;l.. Mona wor p e „n,l•;,d, ,lt u� A 9 t, :.'Y`7;i,:`:;.';; e Orme un Er IS 11 perm t—c ec a app Y tl!Itu1l,,hh1111c:;l ilti,i`.'::it`ii [MVAC Gas Tank L]Gas Piping p g �Shutters �Windows/Doors Electric Plumbing Sprinklers Generator �Roof Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Sq,Ft-of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$ 5012.00 Utilities: Sewer Se ,; ��:,�.• (,..� � ptic Building Height: N111100 f1l lriIii•l)t,I1�luYllff1ll�1 nn1'J I�1I11(('it1.tfqhY,�l�I I`uN1rn,,1}11.,U°7,1�11I1�O'rtpS,L(I�n1'a,IIIn�I,U'.1}rI1,' ........ Il2iil bin }1Y,I.rI ;1:U�t1c'I 1�� r.Il q' ht�I 1,;1,•,,r.'i.�I',`ltA.'nfRdli:•�c"',4} 1,4;'('9rI1,;tt,r;rl'l'r;rli,i^alig'y'tii.ii •n,if[p;I M, I!WETVILLER IAt�•;:•;' . .°.;. Address:4811 TREETOP TRAIL Name: JOHN V LANGEL City. FT PIERCE; Company: SEA COAST A/C Zip Code: 3 F 4951 State:` Address: 2601 INDUSTRIAL AVE 3 ax: FT PIERCE Phone No.772-686-2748 City: State:FIL, E-Mail: Zip Code: 34946 Fax: 466-3053 Phone Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page I if different E-Mail: TLSEACOASl'AIR@AOL.COM from the Owner listed above) state or County License: CACG16446 If valuQ of cpnstruction is$2500 or►r,ore,a RECOR4ED Notice Of Co m m encement is required. Z0 39dd -1d13W 133HS 1Sd00d3S LTVZ99VZLL 80:bZ 5Z0Z/L0/80 'evil S T11 1141i DESIGNER/ E COMPANY, Not Applicable Name, Address; City, State: City; State: Zip; Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: —Not Applicable Name: Name. Address: Address: City: City: Phone: Zip: Phone: I cartifythat no work or installation has commenced priorto the issuance of a permit. St.Lu Count makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure Lucie n con� which Is I,ct with any applicable Home Owners Association rules,bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure.Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit,I do hereby agree that I will,In all respects,perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St.Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review.,room additions, accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER.,Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements Zt your property.A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the Wurst spection. you intend to obtain financing,consult lender or 7 attorney before commencing rk or recd in g vour Notice of Commencement W/1 . A 5 —Signature owner/Les /Agent� Signature Contractor a Hold tr Signature re FLORIDASTAT FLORIDA STA OFIY 0 CO Ty FL COU YOFsTwc4p OF T ucl _ Th"oing In ru n acknowled The forgoing Instrument was acknowledg e me .1 15-efore me ?"� this+day o by this I day of A113 21)/__I_by JOHN V! ELl JOHN V LANGQL e erson acknowl ging 1 (Name QA1_e*fr_acknowledging) tlublic e of Florida) (Sig' ure Persona K n rRP i Personally own X R Produced Identification OR Produced identification TypeOS ype o ification Produced Type of ide ific ced Commission No. (Seat) Commission z j (Seal) J "h XV V L) '0 o", Revised 0' 7/151201 REVIEWS FRONT Z PLANS VEGETATION N ��E COUNTER REV ,.REVIEW REVIEW 4>11REVIEWANGROVE DATE uyp pyo00, COMPLETE INITIALS LTOZ99VZLL 80:i2l SIOZ/LO/80 60 39Vd -1V13W 133HS JSVDDV3S