HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application 08/10/15 11:03AM Acl—'S Alt Co I1 LL Oo L aa, Ian. 772-878-3951 P.02 ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Permit Number: �� v Date: RECEIVED Building Permit Application AUG 10 2015 Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone:(772)462-1553 Fax:(772)462-1578 Commercial Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropboxK, click harrow at the fend of line `d 4•s "�7bi^n i "` a "vs�} " j r i! � { : >� '` < f Y ..,". ��:xt `c, r2''•, r+ ` '�'t{,. 4�T �r..r ,r tk`i�'a' ., 'S�aY 1 i4�i4 a,•� .FAQ.- .... v Address: F r t , 5� Legal Description: l ' r� r PropertyTaxlD#:,'� ��-C��� -U��C�� - L�(�(�—C�► Lot No. �-- Site Plan Name: Ij Block No. Project Name: 1Lk UU 1 1 1 57= Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: a r, r&ea3 4i k c c a 'S. x ne F i r x} W*m l aS1 �� ;11 s. • ,",�r w t war �'� ,h � w�r a"�� Ra.3�,n � � r0x1rj , v•�*°rtx��,� i�n1� .'� ;?er.#5�:,+.y,.k M'a��'+,.s� .� l J ��p��-e �1�, ] t.} t Y.. 1}>z,rm,;,.�`?� {tN 1 i{�u�yN Sk•F,f HIM u';k�:,,�c1.' "l• -i; i w<s .r. 'r'�t+�•-s•''n`E: N N YYff� '�,i ,�y:.�w��.,H�s'`g r kl`tj u Add itio a wor to e e orme under this permit—cheCK all Mal appy: Lr1HVAC Gas Tank Gas Piping _Shutters a Windows/Doors Electric Plumbing Sprinklers Generator Roof Total Sq.Ft of Construction: So. Ft.of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$ ►�-� '� Utilities: Sewer E Septic Building Height: f �➢`^.�` }. .viso - - 13.,r •-�.k�14y: �"°ui1.;,�1,r.. ..7.'a'r.,F, ' r�k.G��iki}�{tir.�</,;a�.,.*�+r'{Krf, a,wE..�-k_. - iti}Sn,k..h+.�kfj. "4'£ vC.3 «,r�'E9 �Ys. v^�y`'';;.,F 1�.?xw <}.SPf< hS ! , u1 ikI�cR't,t:�i`bf'l Name Name: Address: --1. Company: 1-;4,4-m4;gA-l;tif: Irat°t City: u��-,�.- State:r� Address: S�pii.st�Ianin.FL: 498 Zip Code: ( rF�ax: City: State: Phone No.9-7:2, — L i l '"�� �_ Zip Code: 2Fax: E-Mail�Y� ��f __ry � �jt..la n13 y1/1 Phone No.C �. Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(if different E-Mail: from the Owner listed above) State or County License: Wl-' If value of construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. 00/10/15 11:03A24 Aa- m A1s Co=clY tlo Ll qr, =no. 772-679-3951 p.03 af�) pL1�lll " cf, JNSTR�lGT1CP�39f~N 1 AS1U j�fFf�ftiV)r�TiO.N: µ J3E$IG�JERWUNIEM Not7Applilabl�e7AGE COMPANY: _#71EaL.Applicable Name: . ..� .. .w � . _ . w . _ .��rass: _ _ ____ . s: ..._.City: �. Statestate: zip: __.: Phone:._�.....M,._.r-.. IF�:..� _..� _..Phone, ._. FRE SIMPLE TITLE Flt)tiDER: ,,,,__Not Applicabht, BONDING COMPANY: ..—Not Applicable Nance; Address: �. ._ City: Ctty Zip: Phone: 7.ip _ Phone: f conn V that:no work or instaltattion has commenced prior to ttty tssuaneo of a Pon-ail. St.Lucia Count make repreSertt�tian that 1s tgta4rtin(f a Aerrnit villi aµt+�c7r(z(t tti8 p@rtllit ikdir}tf tp btaycf the Suhje�t str��i�wrt� which is in Contlictwit. any pT� a e Woi a 0w ors Assne;ttion ruiv,l yaws 4r ontl coveay Mita tftit may r stnctY rPPrpYhi structure.Piease consult m rt your Nome AWnaf$As, tion and rU f, our cdd nr Art restr'rctian5 vrllSL may a In consideration of the graiyting of this requvsted perinit,t cto herDby agree that t will,In alt M040$,perform tl'le work to accordance mth tate approved plans,the Florida Wdding Codes anti St.Lucie County Amendments. Thg foiiowing building pormftapfolitations are exempt from und."oing a full concurrency review:room aciditions, accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen roonyts end acr_essmy uses to another non.reslderrttai use WARNING TO OWNER:Your failure to Record u Notice of Commencement may result illyour paying twine for Improvements to your property.A Notice of Commencement:Oust be retarded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection.if yop-Intrsrtd to obtain financing,consult with lender or an attorney before commencin woflc arra ordtn our pati of Con�mencemPnt. .� I/G�"7h�Rf yam,._ ......„..,««.«..r.� '�..�.9.•--+,.w L:.�r f �r � ...e..»_—.�...._,.._......�...,.. S griatgr”f O$+hd�jAgent. Wva, 5i..gnF,tlfr,?.itf•('ontritctor/!i .Orfs' oldry A f ATE OF FLO ra �S'T'ATO OF FLt�itit? COUNTY OF. �l,�i� __- COUNTY OF.-- The fo oing in'.1f stent was adnowledged_i�efore the The(or ping Inwument was acknnwtodge�d before me this liayof_. ._,..., 2v _b,� thisltl2yaf_( .t�i �24�1by r (Name of person acknowledging j (clime o person s knOwtedging) 1 (Signature of Notary Public.State of Aorlft) (Signature 'f Notary Wublic-State cif Florida l Personally Known OR Produced Idsntlfication.✓ Personally Knomi ,_,✓_ OR Produced identffic.at ion Typd of identification Produced -ice) /./7 ,_ `type of identfffcatlort 9mduce0 _,.,,,_.__ commission slo,• Kraft ( r} Commission NistEn Rei) ftY PUBUC STATE OF FLORIDA •^ ComM#FF133193 Revise Comm#FF133193 E*r"6/16/2018 E)q ores OW/1 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE. ,.......T.,, . _,..,..w...T+ ...._ ..�..�..�.�..... INITIALS v