HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Florida Building Code Online 1 -7 0 Z, Page 1 of 2 I / ov 1R Im'da poi`( entqSCIS Home i Up In User Registration HotToplcs submit Charge; Stats&F� wbllmdons # PBC Staff @CIS site Map Link j Search Busihes Ti g Product Approval Professi�r�al ttSERtPublic use, Regulation ' Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail FL# FL16133 "�"• ji� �"-��� , V",�J Flai' Application Type New Code Version 2010 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer MI Windows and Doors Address/Phone/Emall 650 West Market Street Gratz,PA 17030 (717)365-3300 Ext 2560 bSltiinger@miwd.cum Authorized Signature Luis Lomas rilomas@irlomaspe.comK— Technical Representative Ivan Paredes M.E. -- Address/Phone/Email 1001 W Crosby Rd Carrollton,TX 75006 (972)242-5271 iparedes@miwd.com Quality Assurance Representative Ivan Paredes M.E. Address/Phone/Email 1001 W Crosby Rd Carrollton;TX 75006 (972)242-5271 ipared"miwd.com Category Exterior DDons Subcategory Sliding Exterior Door Assemblies f Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Regist Ar ite Virida Professional Engineer C -Pi Evaluation Report-Hardcopy.Received _ +y ' Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Luis Roberto Lomas �' ■}+� 'V Evaluation Report Florida License PE-62514 �+ Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation&Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2015 Kfi Validated By Steven M.Urich,PE a "r J; Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received �� Certificate of Independence FLI5133 RO C0I FLCDI.pdf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) act Year AAMA 506 2008 AAMA/WDMAICSA 1019.S.2/A440 2005 ASTM E18a6 2005 ASTM E1S96 2005 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code .h4//floridabuUdmg-org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvyf4ngAXhl00b7td4... 8/21/2014 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 Product Approval Method Method I Option D -Date Submitted. 12/21/2012 Date Validated 12/27/2012 Date.Pending FBC Approval 01/04/2013 Date Approved 02/04/2013 Summary of Products FL* Model Number or Name Description 16133.1 ISERIES 620 ALUMINUM SGD OXOIMPACT SERIES 620,ALUMINUM SGD OXO IMPACT Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16133 RO II 08-00870BAW Approved far use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Luis Roberto Lomas 62514 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Intlependent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:;+50/-50 Evaluation Reports 1 Other: FI-16133 RO AE'.511417A.Odf -Created by Independent Third Pa :Yes 16133.2 ISERIES 620 ALUMINUM SGD Ono IMPACT SERIES 620 ALUMINUM SGD OXXO`IMPACT `Limits of Use Installation Instructions 1 Approved for.use in HVHZ:No FL16133 RO11 08-01882:Odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Luis Roberto Lomas-62514 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by,Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+50/-50 Evaluation,Reports Other: -FL16133"'RO AE512572.pdf Created by,Independent Third Party:Yes 16133.3 SERIES 620 ALUMINUM SGD.XX NON SERIES 62o ALUMINUM SGD XX NON IMPACT -IMPACT _ Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FLIG133 RO II 08-01367B4Odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Luis Roberto Lomas62514 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third.Party:Yes Design.Pressure,N/A Evaluation,Reports Other.REFERTO INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR DESIGN FL16133.R0 AE 511984A.pdf PRESSURE RATINGS Created by Independent Third'Party:Yes 16133.4 SERIES 620 ALUMINUM SGD XXO NON SERIES 620 ALUMINUM SGD XXO-NON IMPACT IMPACT Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved foruseIn HVHZ:No FL16133-RO II 08-01880.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By.,Luis Roberto Lomas-62514 i Impact Resistant:No Created by IndependenbThtrd Party:Yes Design Pressure-N/A Evaluation Reports Other:REFER TO INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR DESIGN F116133 RO AE 512570 odf PRESSURE.RATINGS Created by Independent Third Party:Yes f 16133.5 -SERIES 620 ALUMINUM SGD XXXO NON SERIES 620.ALUMINUM SGD XXXO NON IMPACT IMPACT (I Limits of Use Installation'Instructlons Approved for use In HVHZ:NO FL16133.R0 II 08-01881FLpdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:.Luis Roberto Lomas 62514 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure-N/A Evaluation Reports Other:REFER TO INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR DESIGN FL16133 RO AE 512571.0f PRESSURE RATINGS Created by IndependenLThird Party:Yes Contact Us::1940 North Monme Street.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:BSO-487-1824 The State of Florida isanAA/EEO employer-Copvriaht 2007-2013 State of Florida,::Privacy Statement::Acrossibllity Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,emaii.addresses are public records.If you do not want your e=mall address released in response to,a public-records reques4 do not send electronic mail to this,endty:Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.if you have any questions,please.contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to Section 455.275 (1),Florida statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Depaitment with an email address If they have one The -emails provided may he used for official communiratlon with the licensee:However email addresses are public record_If you do not wish tosupply a personal address, please pmvide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public:To determine if you area licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,phase aldc here. Product Approval Accepts: �crr�i http://floridabading.org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvyf4ngAXhl00b7td4... 8/21/2014 REVISIONS REV DESCRIPTION DATE I APPROVED 192 .9/16" MAX, O.A. FRAME WIDTH 42 1/4" MAX. 48" MAX. D.L.O. WIDTH PANEL WIDTH NOTES: 1) THE PRODUCT SHOWN HEREIN 1S DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED ToCOMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING 00 CODE. 2) WOOD. FRAMING AND MASONRY OPENING TO BE DESIGNED AND ANCHORED TO PROPERLY,TRANSFER ALL LOADS TO STRUCTURE. FRAMING AND MASONRY OPENING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF 93 5/8" THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD. 88 7/8" 4000/1 E 96 L MAX. O.A. PANE3) ALLOWABLE STRESS INCREASE OF 1/3 WAS NOT USED IN THE MAX, D.L.O. O X X 0 HEIGHT HEIGHT FRAME DESIGN OF THE PRODUCT SHOWN HEREIN._WIND LOAD HEIGHT DURATION FACTOR Cd=1.6 WAS USED FOR WOOD ANCHOR 4) FRAME MATERIAL: EXTRUDED ALUMINUM 6005—T5. j 6) UNITS MUST BE GLAZED PER TM E1300-04. SEE SHEET 7FOR APPROVED GLASS. 7) APPROVED IMPACT PROTECTIVE SYSTEM IS NOT REOUIRED FOR THIS PRODUCT IN WIND BORNE DEBRIS•REGIONS. 8) APPROVED CONFIGURATIONS SERIES 620, 2—TRACK UNITS: XX, SERIES 620/630/640 ALUMINUM SLIDING GLASS DOOR Ox, XO, oxo, Oxzo, xxxx, XP, PX, XIP, PIX, PIXXIP AND EXTERIOR VIEW PXXP. 9) APPROVED CONFIGURATIONS SERIES 630, 3—TRACK UNITS: DESIGN PRESSURE RATING IMPACTRATING XIX, XIIP AND PIIX. 10)APPROVED CONFIGURATIONS SERIES 640, 4—TRACK UNITS: XIIX, f50PSF LARGE'AND SMALL XIIIP AND PIIIX. MISSILE IMPACT LEVEL D ZONE 3 SIGNED: 12/20/2012 MI WINDOWS AND DOORS 0\111111/I/l/ 650 WEST MARKET STREET \���J�S R•1L��q�ii GRANTZ, PA 17030-0370 �v�.�GENS.'.��ii TABLE OF CONTENTS F SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION SERIES 620/630/640 ALUMINUM SGD ^k• �II106 * IMPACT yE�s 1 ELEVATION, DESIGN PRESSURE CHART AND NOTES ELEVATION. & NOTES �0. TAT OF 2 ANCHORING LAYOUT AND NOTES' DRAWN: DWG NO. REv F� cLDR1 \ 1-1? 3 — 6 INSTALLATION DETAILS V.L. onTE 08-0188 E2 7 INSTALLATION DETAILS AND GLAZING DETAILS NTS 12/20 2012 1 OF 7 REVISIONS 6" MAX. rl 16" MAX. O.C. I �6" MAX. TYR 'REV DESCRIPTION DATE I APPROVED I 1D" MAX. NOTES: f 1) SHIM AS REQUIRED AT EACH INSTALLATION ANCHOR WITH. LOAD BEARING SHIM: SHIM .20" MAX. O.C. WHERE SPACE OF 1/16. OR GREATER OCCURS. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SHIM STACK TO g BE 1/4". N N 2) FOR ANCHORING INTO MASONRY USE 1/4" TAPCONS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 1/4" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO, SUBSTRATE WITH 2 1/2" MINIMUM EDGE 0 o DISTANCE. LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN IN ELEVATIONS AND INSTALLATION DETAILS. _ = 3) FOR ANCHORING INTO WOOD FRAMING OR 2X BUCK USE #14 WOOD SCREW WITH o SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 5/8" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO SUBSTRATE FOR INSTALLATION ANCHOR O HEAD, SILL AND JAMBS AND 1 3/8" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO SUBSTRATE FOR HOOK SEE NOTES THIS PAGE m m STRIP. LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN IN ELEVATIONS AND INSTALLATION DETAILS. AND INSTALLATION ¢ �a DETAILS ' 4) FOR ANCHORING HOOK STRIP INSTALL (1) ANCHOR AT EACH ANCHOR LOCATION. 5) FOR ANCHORING 2, 3 AND 4 TRACK FRAMES INSTALL,(2) ANCHORS AT EACH ANCHOR LOCATION IN HEAD, SILL AND JAMBS, 10" MAX. 6) ALL FASTENERS TO BE CORROSION RESISTANT. T 7) INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, AND ANCHORS SHALL NOT BE USED IN SERIES 6201630/640 ALUMINUM SLIDING GLASS DOOR-IMPACT SUBSTRATES WITH STRENGTHS LESS THAN THE MINIMUM STRENGTH SPECIFIED BELOW: A. WOOD - MINIMUM SPECIFICGRAVITY OF G=0.42 4 PANEL UNIT SHOWN,ANCHOR LAYOUT IS APPLICABLE TO ALL APPROVED B. CONCRETE - MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3,200 PSI. CONFIGURATIONS.SEE CHARTS BELOWFOR REOUIRED NUMBER OFANCHOR LOCATIONS. C. MASONRY - STRENGTH CONFORMANCE TO ASTM C-90, GRADE N, TYPE 1 (OR Number of anchor locations required fort track.units(2unehorper.location) GREATER). Frame Single Panel and 2 Panal.Unh Width(In) Haight 24.0 30.0 418.0- 42.0 46.0 (ia)' 46.0 .60.0 7t0 14.0- 66.0" HAS I Jamb I HAS I Jamb HAS Jamb HAS Jamb .HAS Jamb 60.0 4 4 4 4 5, 4 8 4 7 4 DL0 4 1 5 1 4 S- 5 5 16 '5 7 5 80.0 4 1 S 1 4 55 5 0 6 7 5 D6.0 4 5 4 fi 6 5 6 S 7 5 Number of anchor locations requ/red for 3 track units(2 andhors0er.location) -single Panol and 3 Penal Unit Width(In) Ftema 21.0 1 30.0' 36.0 1 42.0 1 46.0 Ffi .75.0 80.0 708.0 120.0 144.0 (inn)) HAS JOmb HAS Jamb HAS Jamb HAS Jamb NAS Jamb fflilzl' 5 .4 B 4 7 4 8 4 10 '4 56B5 10'1 5 5 5 B 'S 7 5 'B" 5 ..10 -5 5 1 5 1 D 5 7 6 9 5 is 5 Number ofanchor locations required for 4 Track units(2 anchors per location) MI WINDOWS AND DOORS \\\\���ftTREET .LIII� IFrameIBiOnt 24.0.... 91no Panel and 36,OPanel UnRWi�2.01n), 4MID GRANTZSTPAAR7030KET S0370 `�J�S\OEbS�9d''�� (In) 80.0 120.0 144.0 "168.01 102.0 a 4 F HAS Jamb HAS. Jamb 'HAS Jamb HAS Jamb HAS Jamb =p1 O,• 0SERIES 620/630/640 ALUMINUM SGD n a t3 a7 4 4 1D IMPACT so 4:0. 7 s s T((s,A.(T8E 1OFANCH BI:O, 7 fi' a .5 10 5 N 5 13 5 CRAMD'NC NO. REV DATE 08-01882 SCALE NTS 12/20/2012 2 OF 7 2" MIN. REVISIONS SEPARATION REV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED 2 1/2" MIN., 2 1/2" MIN'. EDGE DIST. EDGE DIST. MASONRY/CONCRETE BY OTHERS d G 1 1/4" MIN. EMBEDMENT 1/4" 4 a TAPCON 1 1/4" MIN. 1/4" MAX. �L EMBEDMENT SHIM APPROVED SEALANT BY OTHERS 1/4" MAX. MASONRY/CONCRETE SHIM BY OTHERS 1X BUCK BY, OTHERS, 1/4" 1X BUCK TO BE TAPCON PROPERLY SECURED 2 1/2" MIN. lNTEE7fOR 1/4 EDGE DIST. a TAPCON �1 2" MIN. SEPARATION EXTERIOR INTERIOR 2 1/2" MIN. EDGE DIST. I 1/4 TAPCON EXTERIOR 1X BUCK BY OTHERS, APPROVED SEALANT 1X BUCK TO BE BY OTHERS PROPERLY SECURED HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 2 TRACK FRAME INSTALLATION 1X BUCKMASONRY/CONCRETE 1/4' 1)4.. TAPCON TAPCON uu APPROVED SEALANT MASONRY/CONCRETE BY OTHERS BY OTHERS LL 1 1/4" MIN',4 EMBEDMENTMI WINDOWS AND DOORS \��2 1/2" MIN.. EET 2" MIN. 2' 1/2" MIN. GRANTZ, Vt. to 650 TPAA117030-0RKET 370 vJ\v\GE S EDGE DIST. SEPARATION EDGE DIST. SERIES 620/630/640 ALUMINUM SGD fr• 0 61 •• VERTICAL CROSS SECTION IMPACT' INSTALLATION DETAILS yD.� TAT OF eta 2 TRACK'FRAME INSTALLATION i0 fXSUCKMASONRY/CONCRETE DRAWN: DWG No. REV �i'� •'c�OR1DP• V.L. 08-01882 - ����5'9%••• CAG\�� SCALE DATE SHEET NTS 12/20/2012 3 OF 7 REVISIONS 2X BUCK/WOOD FRAMING REV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED BY OTHERS, 2X BUCK TO BE PROPERLY SECURED #14 WOOD SCREW 1 5/8" MIN. EMBEDMENT APPROVED SEALANT BY OTHERS 1/4" MAX, SHIM 1 5/8" MIN. 1/4" MAX. #14WOOD EMBEDMENT SHIM SCR SCREW Vic] INTERIOR #14 WOOD SCREW EXTERIOR INTERIOR EXTERIOR APPROVED SEALANT 2X BUCK/WOOD FRAMING BY OTHERS BY OTHERS, 2X BUCK TO BE PROPERLY SECURED HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 2 TRACK FRAME INSTALLATION LjU 2X BUCWWOOD FRAMING #14 WOOD. SCREW I 2X BUCK/WOOD FRAMING APPROVED SEALANT BY OTHERS, 2X BUCK TO BY OTHERS BE PROPERLY SECURED 1 5/8" MIN. EMBEDMENT MI WINDOWS AND DOORS \\\\11►�illL!!//41650 WEST KETi #14 WOOD GRANTZ, PAA17030-0370T •v F SCREW VERTICAL CROSS SECTION SERIES 620/630/640 ALUMINUM SGD *• 0 61C IMPACT 1•be�' ' �� 2TRACK FRAME INSTALLATION INSTALLATION DETAILS �o, StAT OF ee,� 2XBUCK/WOOD FRAMING DRAWN: 13WO NO. REV �'� SCALE DATE GB-01882 '-' '�� S�QNAL1�\G\\` NTS 12/20/2012 4 OF 7 Ar REVISIONS 2 '1/2" MIN. 3 3/4" MIN. MASONRY/CONCRETE REV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED EDGE DIST. SEPARATION BY OTHERS d d Q. .d a 1 1/4".MIN, EMBEDMENT d a -� 1/4" MAX. SHIM 1 1/4" MIN, 1/4" IAAX. 1X BUCK BY OTHERS, APPROVED EMBEDMENT SHI' 1X BUCK TO BE SEALANT PROPERLY SECURED INTERIOR BY OTHERS V 1X BUCK BY OTHERS, a 1X BUCK TO BE 1/4" a PROPERLY SECURED Q1�111Uh TAPCON 1/4" 1/4" Vic TAPCON TAPCON v 3 3/4" MIN, SEPARATION V v 1 EXTERIOR INTERIOR D E2" EDo ST. a EXTERIOR APPROVED SEALANT BY OTHERS HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 1/4" MASONRY/CONCRETE 3TRACK/4 TRACK FRAME INSTALLATION TAPCON TAPCON BY OTHERS IXBUCK MASONRYICONCRETE U o 11 II II II 3 TRACKSHOWN,4 TRACKSIMILAR' MASONRY/CONCRETE APPROVED La SEALANT BY OTHERS BY OTHERS L- !� d1 1/4" MIN. EMBEDMENT MI WINDOWS AND DOORS \���1nn►III 4' 650 WEST MARKET STREET �����y\°;R•`C.'k, /i, 2 1/2" MIN. 3 3/4" MIN. GRANTZ, PA 17030-0370 `:••��GENs�,• S. EDGEDIST. SEPARATION SERIES 620/630/640 ALUMINUM SGD `dt• 0 67 •* VERTICAL CROSS SECTION IMPACT �� �`' 3TRACW4TRACKFRAMEINSTALLATION INSTALLATION DETAILS �0,� TAT OF iXBUCKMASONRY/CONCRETE DRAWN: DwO NO. REV �i�'��s:C�OR10Q: 3 TRACK SHOWN,4 TRACK SIMILAR V.L. onTE 08-01882 - Y/ �0►1JA i I�? NTS 12/20/2012 5 OF 7 aEvsloNs REV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED 2X BUCK/WOOD FRAMING BY OTHERS, 2X BUCK TO BE PROPERLY SECURED APPROVED 1 5/8" MIN. SEALANT EMBEDMENT BY OTHERS ,. 1 1 5/8° MIN. �J 1/4" MAX, EMBEDMENT' I SHIM INTERIOR 1/4" MAX. SHIM #14 WOOD 4 SCREW #14 WOOD #1'4 WOOD SCREW T-7 SCREW v- 2X BUCK WOOD FRAMING BY OTHERS,,2X BUCK TO BE PROPERLY SECURED :[] D Dar EXTERIOR INTERIOR EXTERIOR 9 APPROVED SEALANT BY OTHERS HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION #14 .WOOD #14 WOOD 3 TRACK14 TRACK FRAME INSTALLATION SCREW SCREW 2X SUCKAV000PRAMING I II it 6"0 3TRACKSHOWN,4 TRACKSIMILAR APPROVED � g_p 2X BUCK/WOOD FRAMING SEALANT BY OTHERS, 2X BUCK TO BY OTHERS BE PROPERLY SECURED 1 5/8" MIN. EMBEDMENT MI WINDOWS \\`� S\lRl l I I cI/O MARKET STREET !/ GRANTZ, PA 17030-0370 -� ; �GENS�9sIs. VERTICAL CROSS SECTION SERIES 620/630/640 ALUMINUM SGD =1i• 0,. 251 3 TRACW4 TRACK FRAME INSTALLATION IMPACT 2XBUCK/WOODFRAMING INSTALLATION DETAILS � TATE OF 3TRACK SHOWN,4TRACKSIMILAA' DRAWN! DWG NO. REV �iFS..OR% 08-0188 SCALE NTS GATE 12/20/2012 6 OF 7 RENSIONS REV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVEO 1 5/8" MIN. EDGE DIST. 4 4 1 1/4" MIN. INTERIOR EMBEDMENT 1 1/16" O.A. MASONRY/CONCRETE 3/16" ANN BY OTHERS 15/32" O.A. .100" SAFLEX HP 1X BUCK BY OTHERS. 3/16" ANN BY SOLUTIA 1X BUCK TO BE PROPERLY SECURED 3/16" ANN 5/32"TEMP 3/16" ANN rPC(TAPCON .100" SAFLEX HP BY. SOLUTIA EXTERIOR INTERIOR EXTERIOR EXTERIOR r INTERIOR ALUMINUM HOOKSTRIP INSTALLATION SPACER MASONRY/CONCRETE SYSTEM DOW 995 DOW 995 SILICONE SILICONE 5/8" BITE 5/8" SITE INTERIOR 1 .3/TW' MIN. GLAZING TYPE A GLAZING TYPE B EMBEDMENT #14 WOOD SCREW EXTERIOR HOOK STRIP INSTALLATION 2X BUCIOWOOO FRAMING MI Wlo DOWWEST MARKETDTDOORS `REET \\\J\ t¢ItLo(/z?/�/ GRANTZ; PA 17030-0370 `v,•v\C6NSF•9cP�� SERIES 620/530/640 ALUMINUM SGD *• 0 61 *= IMPACT �' INSTALLATION DETAILS AND GLAZING DETAILS i~90• TAT OF 0. �� DRAWN; DWG NO. REV /���►s sca E DATE oB sNEET 82 — /�i75'ONA11 ����\ NTS 12/20/2012 7 OF 7 MT V TEL- PTI T i' • 3 at'�-S_ _ '',ice n«p�� .. yPR'�. t�ll�.q P p� 77171' '�-�il�i 1� �. a�` � i.: � •II' �!� 1141'x?.- _.Y=-[ar c•r�Y l=i;J 'ter=� �. � =^r .�"..•::'I -a,.a.:++• _ 7'774 .-¢n,'.8... 77 - it 7,75- ar 177;0-4 k 77 -77777-777777.77-7— mal I � , MlR41 II -^at.t -�x�'ac�r.v,•r�- § C'�r- Y- r•�F-,,-.r- t _:,$ I ^TSMI�1 Ie._a• rS'_f'...:i _.t;_ I `fl",y..i A' `-.."{n (.t'�.: '", i 'i9Mi�l� - ') E'•m; . �Illll�r c' mg�N±�d11 _,Il�lou'npl Quote Date: 6/5/2015 .• .•••• .• ... Seeing You Through. Seeing You Through. Customer Name: Project Name: JBR EXTERIORS Address: Quote Name: Misc Quote Number:998516 Phone: Order Date: Quote Not Ordered Fax: PO Number: Customer Information: Comments: RO size for Flange is for standard 1x buck with precast sill. Please contact your supplier for other Flange opening RO's. _ _ ,ITEM&SIZES LOCATION/,TAG'PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE/EXTENDED,PRICE.,; Line Item: 100-1 None Assigned ***PRODUCT*** Quantity: 1 Row 1 185 Single Hung-Vent-1 Units-52W x 72H ***DIMENSIONS*** RO Size: 52.5"X 72.5" 52W x 72H,Sash Split BCMR-Oriel,35" Unit Size: 52"X 72" ***FRAME*** Aluminum, Frame Type-Fin,Impact,55DP,Exterior Color-Dark _. Bronze ***GLASS*" Glazing Type-Insulated,Glass Tint-Clear,HP Low-E ***SCREEN*** Screen-Half,Screen Mesh Type-Charcoal Fiber,Screens Packed Separately-Yes _ «**NFRC.** ---�� Series 185::SingleHung�Factor-0.63 SHGC::0.25,VT::0.44 Q E 52 185 Single Hung-Vent-CustomCustom Quoted by: Gail Buchmeyer Quote Number: 998516 Pages: 1 of 2 Print Date: 8/11/201511:44:09 JBR Exteriors,Inc. CHAPTER 4 [RE] RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY SECTION R401 mitted to demonstrate code compliance for the building. A 1 GENERAL copy of the EPL display card can be found in Appendix C. 1 R401.1 Scope.This chapter applies to residential buildings. R401.2 Compliance. Projects shall comply with Sections SECTION R402 identified as "mandatory" and with either sections identified BUILDING THERMAL ENVELOPE as "prescriptive" or the performance approach in Section R405. R402.1 General (Prescriptive). The building thermal enve- lope shall meet the requirements of Sections R402.1.1 R401.3 Energy performance level (EPL) display card through R402.1.4. 1 (Mandatory). The building official shall require that an 1 energy performance level (EPL) display card be completed R402.1.1 Insulation and fenestration criteria. The and certified by the builder to be accurate and correct before building thermal envelope shall meet the requirements of 1 final approval of the building for occupancy. Florida law Table R402.1.1 based on the climate zone specified in 1 [Section 553.9085, Florida Statutes)] requires the EPL dis- Chapter 3. 1 play card to be included as an addendum to each sales con- R402.1.2 R-value computation.Insulation material used tract for both presold and nonpresold residential buildings. in layers,such as framing cavity insulation and insulating 1 The EPL display card contains information indicatingthe sheathing, shall be summed to compute the component R- 1 energy performance level and efficiencies of components value.The manufacturer's settled R-value shall be used for 1 installed in a dwelling unit.The building official shall verify blown insulation.Computed R-values shall not include an that the EPL display card completed and signed by the R-value for other building materials or air films. builder accurately reflects the plans and specifications sub- TABLE R402.1.1 INSULATION AND FENESTRATION REQUIREMENTS BY COMPONEN P 1 ff a CRAWL `-GLAZED' WOOD MASS BASEMENT` SLAB CLIMATE FENES 0 SKYLIGHT' CEILING FLOOR SPACE` ZONE �I�FACTOR° I�FACTOR FENESTRATION R-VALUE FRAME WALL WALL R-VALUE WALL R-VALUE WALL SHGC R VALUE . R-VALUE R-VALUE &DEPTH R-VALUE 1 .65 0.75 0.25 30 13 3/4 13 0 0 0 3 0.35 0.55 0.25 38 20 or 13+5 8/13 — 19 i_5%13r_ 0 5/13 4 except 0.35 0.55 0.40 49 20 or 13+5' 8/13 19 10/13 10,2 ft 10/13 Marine 5 and 0.32 0.55 NR 49 20 or 13+5° 13/17 309 15/19 10,2 ft 15/19 Marine 4 6 0.32 0.55 NR 49 20+5 or 13+10'' 15/20 309 15/19 10,4 ft 15/19 7 and 8 0.32 0.55 NR 49 20+5 or 13+10'' 19/21 389 15/19 10,4 ft 15/19 For SI: 1 foot=304.8 mm. a. R-values are minimums.U-factors and SHGC are maximums. When insulation is installed in a cavity which is less than the label or design thickness of the insulation,the installed R-value of the insulation shall not be less than the R-value specified in the table. b.The fenestration U-factor column excludes skylights.The SHGC column applies to all glazed fenestration.Exception:Skylights may be excluded from glazed fenestration SHGC requirements in Climate Zones 1 through 3 where the SHGC for such skylights does not exceed 0.30. c. "15/19"means R-15 continuous insulation on the interior or exterior of the home or R-19 cavity insulation at the interior of the basement wall."15/19"shall be permitted to be met with R-13 cavity insulation on the interior of the basement wall plus R-5 continuous insulation on the interior or exterior of the home. "10/13"means R-10 continuous insulation on the interior or exterior of the home or R-13 cavity insulation at the interior of the basement wall. d.R-5 shall be added to the required slab edge R-values for heated slabs.Insulation depth shall be the depth of the footing or 2 feet,whichever is less in Climate Zones 1 through 3 for heated slabs. e. There are no SHGC requirements in the Marine Zone. f. Basement wall insulation is not required in warm-humid locations as defined by Table R301.1. g.Or insulation sufficient to fill the framing cavity,R-19 minimum. h.First value is cavity insulation,second is continuous insulation or insulated siding,so"13+5"means R-13 cavity insulation plus R-5 continuous insulation or I insulated siding.If structural sheathing covers 40 percent or less of the exterior,continuous insulation R-value shall be permitted to be reduced by no more than R-3 in the locations where structural sheathing is used–to maintain a consistent total sheathing thickness. i. The second R-value applies when more than half the insulation is on the interior of the mass wall. j. For impact rated fenestration complying with Section R301.2.1.2 of the Florida Building Code,Residential or Section 1609.1.2 of the Florida Building Code, 1 Building the maximum U-factor shall be 0.75 in Climate Zone 1 and 0.65 in Climate Zone 2. 1 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE—ENERGY CONSERVATION,5th EDITION(2014) R-4.1