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FL# FL12765-R4
Application Type Affirmation
Code Version 2014
Application Status Approved
Archived L1
Product Manufacturer Janus International Corporation
Address/Phone/Email 134 East Luke Road
Temple,GA 30179
(770)562-2850 Ext 360
Authorized Signature Curtis Schroeder
Technical Representative Curtis L.Schroeder
Address/Phone/Email 134 Janus International Blvd.
Temple,GA 30179
(770)562-2850 Ext 360
Quality Assurance Representative Jake Lyons
Address/Phone/Email 134 Janus International Blvd.
Temple,GA 30179
(770)562-2850 Ext 304
Category Exterior Doors
Subcategory Roll-Up Exterior Door Assemblies
Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a
Licensed Florida Professional Engineer
0 Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Joseph H.Dixon,Jr
Evaluation Report
Florida License PE-7768
Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/22/2015
Validated By Gordon Thomas,P.E.
D Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received
Certificate of Independence F1.12765 R4 COI 2901.8 cert of fi.indep.odf
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year
ANSI/DASMA 108 2005
ASTM E330 2002
TAS 201 1994
TAS 202 1994
TAS 203 1994
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
http://www.floridabuilding.org%pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsmFBeODh9XI... 8/10/2015
Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 3
Sections from the Code
661 affirm that there are no changes in the new Florida
Building Code which affect my product(s)and my product(s)
are in compliance with the new Florida Building Code.
Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity OYes r No O N/A
FL12765 R4 COC 3. self affirm 12765 R3.odf
Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D
Date Submitted 03/10/2015
Date Validated 03/10/2015
Date Pending FBC Approval
Date Approved 03/15/2015
Summary of Products
FL# Model,Number or Name Description
12765.1 Series 1100 Series 1100-26 Gauge Door Assebmly Max Size: 8'-8"x
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:No FI.1.2765 R4 II 2.9018 Dwa 1-1.01.2 Rev A.odf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL12765 R4 11 29018 install 750 L100A)
Impact Resistant: No Verified By:Joseph H. Dixon,Jr.7768
Design Pressure:+24.4/-27 Created by Independent Third Party: No
Other:Not for use in High Velocity Hurricane Zones Evaluation Reports
FL12765 R4 AE ER-09-0008-R.odf
Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
12765.2 Series 1100 Series 1100-26 Gauge Door Assembly Max Size: 10'-0"x
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL1.2765 R4 11 2.901.8 Dwa T1.01.3 Rev A.ndf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL1271�5 R4 11 2901�_illstall 750 1100.1)df
Impact Resistant:No Verified By:Joseph H. Dixon,Jr.7768
Design Pressure:+19.4/-22.7 Created by Independent Third Party: No
Other:Not for use in High Velocity Hurricane Zones Evaluation Reports
FL12765 R4 AE ER-09-0008-R.odf
Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
1 72 65:3 Series 3102 � Series 3100-26 Gauge Door Assembly Max Size: 16'-0"x
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL12765 R4 II 34012 Dwa T1004 E.odf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL12765 R4 II 34022 Mod 3100 inst.instr.p_df
Impact Resistant: No Verified By:Joseph H.Dixon,Jr.7768
Design Pressure:+36/-41 Created by Independent Third Party: No
Other:+36/-41 psf at 12'-0"wide.Varying loads are Evaluation Reports
shown for widths 8'-0"to 16''-0". Not for use in High Velocity FL12.765 R4 AE M3100 FI.12765 T1005G P2.1)df
Hurricane Zones Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
12765.4 Series 3100 Series 3100-26 Gauge Door Assembly Max Size: 20'-0"x
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL12765 R4 II 32041 FL T1005-F 0002.odf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FIA2765 R4 II 34022. Mod 3100 inst instr.odf
Impact Resistant:No Verified By:Joseph H. Dixon,Jr.7768
Design Pressure:+35/-38 Created by Independent Third Party: No
Other:+35/-38 psf at 16'-0"wide.Varying loads are Evaluation Reports
shown for widths 15'-0"to 20'-0". Not for use in High FL12765 R4 AE 32041 ER-09-0007-R2 120112 0005.odf
Velocity Hurricane Zones Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
12765.5 Series 750 Series 750-26 Gauge Door Assembly Max Size: 3'-0"x
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL12765 R4 II 29018 Dwa T1000 Rev B.odf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes F1..1.2765 R4 II 2901.8 install 750 1100.odf
Impact Resistant:No Verified By:Joseph H. Dixon,Jr.7768
Design Pressure:+35/-45 Created by Independent Third Party: No
Other:Not for use in High Velocity Hurricane Zones Evaluation Reports
http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?para,tn=wGEVXQwtDgsmFBcODh9Xl... 8/10/2015
TABLE 1609.3.1
V„ir 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
V-d 78 85 93 101 108 116 124 132 139 147 155
For SI: 1 mile per hour=0.447 m/s
a.Linear interpolation is permitted.
b.V•,d=nominal design wind speed.
c.Vm,=ultimate design wind speed determined from Figures 1609A,1609B,or 1609C.
TABLE 1609.7(1)
EFFECTIVE WIND AREA V„d determined in accordance with Section 1609.3.1
Width Height
(ft) (ft) 85 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Roof Angle 0-10 degrees
8 8 10.5 -11.9 11.7 -13.3 14.5 -16.4 17.5 -19.9 20.9 -23.6 24.5 -27.7 28.4 -32.2 32.6 -36.9
10 10 10.1 -11.4 11.4 -12.7 14.0 =15.7 17.0 -19.0 20.2 -22.7 23.7 -26.6 27.5 -30.8 31.6 -35.4
14 14 10.0 -10.7 10.8 -12.0 13.3 1-14.8 1 16.1 -17.91 19.2 -21.4 -25.1 26.1 -29.1 30.0 -33.4
Roof Angle>10
9 7 1 11.4 1 -12.91 12.8 1 -14.51 15.8 1 -17.9 1 19.1 1 -21.6 1 22.8' 1 -25.81 26.7 -30.2 31.0 -35.1 1 35.6 -40.2
16 7 1 10.9 -12.2 1 12.3 1 -13.71 15.2 1 -16.9 1 18.3 1 -20.4 1 21.8 -24.3 1 25.6 1 -28.5 1 29.7 -33.1 1 34.1 -38.0
For SI:1 Square foot=0.929 m',1 mph=0.447 m/s,1 psf=47.88 N/m'
1.For effective areas or wind speeds between those given above the load may be interpolated,otherwise use the load associated with the lower
effective area.
2.Table values shall be adjusted for height and exposure by multiplying by adjustment coefficients in Table 1609.7(2). O�
3.Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the building surfaces.
4.Negative pressures assume door has 2 feet of width in buildings end zone.
TABLE 1609.7(2)
(feet) B C D
15 1.00 1.21 1.47
20 1.00 1.29 1.55
25 1.00 1.35 1.61
30 1.00 1.40 1.66
35 1.05 1.45 .1.70
40 1.09 1.49 1.74
45 1.12 1.53 1.78
50 1.1'6 1.56 1.81
55 1.19 1.59 1.84
60 1.22 1.62 1.87
For SI:1 foot=304.8 mm.
a.All table values shall be adjusted for other exposures and heights by multiplying by the above coefficients.
R612.8.5 Garage door labeling.Garage doors shall be labeled with a permanent label provided by the manufacturer.
The label shall identify the manufacturer, the garage door model/series number, the positive and negative design
pressure rating, indicate impact rated if applicable,the installation instruction drawing reference number, the Florida
Product Approval or Miami-Dade Product Approval number if applicable,and the applicable test standards.
The required garage door components for an approved garage door assembly may be indicated using a checklist
format on the label. If a checklist format is used on the label, the installer or manufacturer.shall mark the section
components on the checklist that are required to assemble an approved garage door system.
The installation instructions shall be provided and available on the job site.