HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 3 KA f oilida CcPaftmntl BCIS Home t Log In User Registration I Hot Topics (Submit Surcharge ;Stats&Facts Publications FBC Staff i BCIS Site Map {Links Searchi j Busines Professi "{I @IgProduct Approval USER:Public User Regulation Product Aooroval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail FL# 5891-R4Zkik Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived r Product Manufacturer r ru Corporation Address/Phone/Emall 1 :>� strial Drive E g on, H 43517 298 0 ri.- @ dg onsultants.com Authorized Signature Rick Wrig t rickw@rwbldgcd ultan .com r , Technical Representative 'y Address/Phone/Email r Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer F Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who Lyndon Schmidt, P.E. developed the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-43409 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2018 Validated By Ryan J. King, P.E. F Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL5891 R4 COI CERTIFICATE OF INDEPENDENCE.odf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year SSTD 12 1999 TAS 202 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquw6mPIZhp%2... 8/13/2015 IHERMA-ITRU V.SrMAX.OA. # � � FRAME WIDTH. THERMA TRU DOCORS 36.W MAX. 11B INDUSTRIAL QR.. ED©ERTON, OH 43S17 PANEL WIDTH still �}'�zp " i- � � .: Ef . . 3'Orr 1/ 61811- a N m a.a T "SMOOTH STAR" 5£ 3d FIBERGLASS SINGLE DOOR z INSWING!OUTSWINGat F � O ., GENERAL NOTES o W 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 5th Edition(2014)Rodda Buil ng & a Code(FBCJ structural requirements excluding the"High Velocity Hurricane Zone"(HVHZ).A o a m 2. Product anchors shoes be as listed and spaced as shown on details.Anchor embed to material shall be beyond wail dressing or stucco:' 3. When used to areas requiring wind bome debris protection this product complies with Se : n 3 1609.1.2 of the FBC and does not require an impact resistant covering.This product meets m eeVoid isAte �, vel"p" Wi and excludes nd Zone 4 as defined in ASTM E1996 and Section.1609.1.12 of the FBC. a N 9 4. For 2x stud framing construction,anchoring of these units shall be the some as that shown for 2x n buck masonry construction. S: Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing requirefurther engineering analysis by a licensed engineer otregi#ered drehitect. z � TAELE OF COtitIBfIS SfI�Ti 13ESCRiPRON = a+O J . 1 Typical elevations demgn pressures 3 general notes OIYERd IL Dic$ICrNRFS$URE{FSiZ o n - - u 2 " . Door pone!details, . NG M NCO .3 Hor¢ontotaosssecrrorrS N, �(rltlE. NC 17yV sin 4'N.T.S. . ,p1.8 5( _r 4 Vertical cross sections soul N.7 S. - INSWING 37 54"x8219" +67.0 "b7.0. 5 Bvctcandfromeanchoring-2Xbuck masonryconstwation - Msr AL m z 6 Frame or&0Ing-IX buck masonry construction OUTSWING 3T 54"x8069" +b7.0 -b7 0 am m US 3 Y 7 Bili of Moter9Z 3 Components on�mwc em a FL-5891.2 a n 9¢tt 1 or T O FLAafeMs\Therms Tru PERMANENT\Floddra Product Approvals\FL-5891\DraMngs\Current\FL-589Ldwg,22 °0 ® IX In 0? o ° m m - . La a to 0 A 0 H N CA n a �, "�� Z �0.81r cli P O A. T ttllllllll///// ift 2 O =* No.43M t B - PRODUCT: vocurmrw Plgww Br:-i t, ttOG�Or IN FIBERGLASS DOOR FF E Noon F43409•Idt '��i�,',I/��IU."1�`t�,,,`, I. z N . /r111 1►v . Q, to . r. y L4 2- '1 28 15 UPDATE TO 8TH ED. 2014 FBC LFS PART OR ASSEMBLY: BUILDING CONSULTANTS, I� !n p 1 B 11 12 REVISED TO 2010 FBC JK P.O. Box 230. Valdeo, FL'33808 �o NO -DATE BY DOOR PANEL DETAILS phone Noa 813.959.9197 R I I FBPE C.A. No. Gets 0 SCUM R.W.BUILDIND OoN13ULTANib IND. R10ientsmerma Tru pERMANENT\Flodda ft&ct ApprovaMM.5891\Drawings\Curmol.589Ldv4 32 9 f m - `.of Q CJ pq 0 b. ve �. v rn oap V g D, x 0- I0 A P W W W N . . m WW (700 - . . - 00. G� SS, A A o ry �� o z x WN A a f . fl �- w a f1 � g x A r" t' No.43409 t " PRODUCT. FtBERGG4SS DOOR pp 6.d NoK43409 fat '�i�r'IIII����a eA,,`i''`,.�`" I� y` W 2 7 28 75 UPDATE TO 5TH ED, 2014.F8G LFS PART OR ASSEMBLY: BUILOINO CONSUL[ANT3 (V tJ N 1 6 1 12.REVISED TO 2010 FBG. JK P,O, Box 230, Vdirleb, FL 333808 HORIZONTAL Phone Nb,t Wlbbo,D'11iT 0 0 T .. Y CROSS SECTION REVI510 5 FBPE OA No. 4tl13_-- -- - _ .. 0 bbbO ft W,13UiLb1Nb CbNbULtANtb Nib. . R'\CBems\Themta Tru PERMANEM\Flodda Product Approvals\FL-5891\Drawings\Current\FL-5891dwg,42 0 m C3, ° $ m n 0 °O o rn yy �. b 0 p. °o v ° ° 1-1/4"MIN. EMB.(TYP.( in m $ $ a v NA cr o O b,r, V OD A Q A _ °. CD WIN MIN. EMB.(1YP.) // No,4d100 - T: DewtmeMa Prope6d 1 ' ._ _.000 PRODUCT, tlY+ :�� �pig�p 'ra iHERMA TRU Won F. §ehtntel �i '+.�C�IDFIBERGLASS DOOR E No. 43400 ��, ,moiP 11``11_2 1 28 15 UP ATE TO.STH ED._ 2014 FBC LFSPART.OR_gSSEMBLY: BUILDINo CON§ULTANToINC� - 0 1 6 11 12.REVISED TO 2010 FBC __- X -" - Iv VERTICAL 0 0: Box 230j VclHee+ FL 33906 NO DAT _ BY PheB. Nat 613.660.8107 R . SIONS_- CROSS SECTIONS KBpB C A, No: 0613 ®2tltld q.W:tll11LOIN0 CONtruLTAIITII INht - b" �• g 4. n to D 0 r) t E Z aZa MASONRY TYP.HEAD& — ?; MASONRY H 43 d s n ENING JAMBS OPENING o M dal° LL a E OZ FRAME K Nz fn TYP.HEAD& zU ZI n: JAMBS U w w O ^O C7 0 �o c=iN 2X BUCK--\ EL p �o � 2X BUCK � Z — 4m vry1 � a mm a a in u rt 0 C N U 9 BUCKANCHORING STRIKE JAMB FRAME ANCHORING HINGEJAMS W o 0 Masonry 2X buck conshuction hN D)CONCRETE ANCHOR NO o0 1.Concrete anchor locations at the comers may be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mortar joints. a 2.Concrete anchor locations noted as"MAX.ON CENTER"must be adjusted to o $ maintain the min.edge distance to modorjoints,additional concrete anchors Z may be required to ensure the MAX.ON CENTER"dimension are not exceeded. 9 n 3 Concrete anchor table: w i ANCHOR ANCNOk : 28 K :J{6[�1 .. MIN Cf�ARANCE MIN.C...EARANGE' o 7YRF ...................SimMTO MASONRY ............... TOAOJACENT:?; 3 10 EQLiE.......... ..._.ANCNGR.....;> n Z o 10 1TW 27 K are,4 23%08 $ g TAPCON® 1/A" 1-1/4" 2" 4" sate N.T.S. ELCO dic.er .AL n ULTRACON 1/4" 1"1/4' 1" 4" n«.fff. LFS 3 WOOD SCREW INSTAUATION NOTES: DpjmmG No, u 1.Maintain a minimum 5/8"edge distance,i"end distance,&1"o.c.spacing HINGE DETAIL LATCH i DEADBoLrDETAIL FL=5891.2 0 of wood screws to prevent the splitting of wood. sir. 5 or.7 w L. 0. 44 -il4.k �v"• � � app UN— m �1 gg v tl aZ� rOPENNG m S d.=a ` m a a c t< C O 28 � �9EE Z AD& mBS 0 z3o x � E77 Z o za �= o 1X BUCK W =U = LATCH&DEADIIOUDUAR a3 �? U O O m V U U g STRIXEJAMB FRAMEANCHORING HINGEJAMS 6 z 9 Masonry IX buck construction W tl o N N CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: o o 1.Concrete anchor locations at the comers may be adjusted to maintain the min. �. edge distance to mortarjoints. w a 2.Concrete anchor locations noted as MAX.ON CENTER"must be adjusted to H 9 a Z maintain the min.edge distance to'mortar joints,additional concrete anchors. v' may be required to ensure the'MAX.ON CENTER"dimension are not exceeded. 3. Concrete anchor table:: 10 N a :::.::::.:::: :::::::::e::•.:::.:v::e:t:.. . JINCNOR ANCHO....-.:...:;;MLNr: MIN.CLEARANCE MIN Ct, "Ncz 10 � J ::.:.::....:::.... TOMASONRY :::TO:ADIACEM..... z . :::::Sl ::::;:s J A..��fSM�N.....:::.: :..::.. W ................................ .............. ......... .............. ..:::. iEDGF.is:;::`::%:?. .;.:ANCNbR:.': o'"z' p° ITW -.4123108 z° . iAPCON ® 1/4" 11/4' 2" 4 sryr• N.T.S. 2 111N. e o►c er: AL m .. TAPCON 3/16" 1-1/4" 3" cwL up. LFS. 3 WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES: HINGE DETAIL �pp, m 1.Maintain a minimum 5/8"edge distance,]"end distance,&1"o.c.spacing FL-5891.2 a° of wood screen to prevent the splitting of wood. stm<r 6 or 7 BILL OF MATERIALS ;`Q'Wrr REM DESCRIPTION �, 6 A IX BUCKSG>=0.55. . MATERIAL ' WOOD �>� # � s�_ B. 2X BUCK SG'>=055 WOOD 4.56. O•'''•SSS o a.j . C MAX.I/,f SHIM SPACE WOOD D 1/4"X 2-3/4"PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW i ,• ` u o' STEEL 'i��i «• ``���� ?�;o 0 MASONRY 3,000 PSI MW.CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI E 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 CONCRETE ` 'rl z G' 3/16"X 3-1/4"PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL o F�236" c� { D Z.° v H 1/4"x3-1/4.PFHITWCONCRETESCREW. STEEL u 9 m oa J 1/4"X 3-3/4"PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL ` �' K #B X 2-1/T PFH WOOD SCREW. STEEL 19 20 orb a SIDE g c D L #10 X T PFH WOOD SCREWSTEEL 9pZ 7 SHORT REACH COMPRESSION.WEATHERSTRIP FOAM 3a 8 LONG REACH COMPRESSION WEATHERSTRIP FOAM 9 .4"X 4'HINGE'.097"THK. . . . STEEL 10, #10 X 3/4"PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL. 17 KWIKSET SIGNATURE SERIES PASSAGE LOCK STEEL 18 LOW PROFILE OUTSWING BUMP FACE THRESHOLD ALUM./WOOD 2.2D �gz 19 HEADER'JAMB PINE,S.G.>=0.42 WOOD 1 L ;y JR 20 SIDE JAMB PINE,S.G>--0.421 WOODSa. 21Rica o0 . KWIKSEfSIGNATURESERIES 80 DEADBOLT STEEL r T w 27 LATCH STRIKE PLATE STEEL 4br m I cu -� o 28 DEADBOLT PLATE S� o 32 DOOR BOTTOM SWEEP PVC 0 33 SELF ADJUSTING INSWING SADDLE THRESHOLD. ALUM.COMP. 18 LOWPRONlEOUAWINGBUMPFACE a 40 FIBERGLASS DOOR PANEL-SMOOTH STAR ° 41 SS DOOR SKIN.070"MIN.THK.FIBERGLASS BY SMC THERMA-TRU WITH YIELD STRENGTH FY(MIN.)=6,000 PSI 42 TOP RAIL COMPOSITE 43 LATCH STILE LVL WOOD o g 44 HINGE STILE . WOOD N" En 45 BOTTOM RAIL COMPOSITE w o 0 9 46 .POLYURETHANE FOAM CORE-1.9 LBS.DENSITY FOAM 5,75" �`N 0 �. 47 1 LOCK BLOCK REINFORCEMENT WOOD. a o W in NOTE WOOD/LVL COMPONENTS(PINE SG>=0.42) Q a ?� z v n N ti 41 2 2 ( SEIF ADJUSTING SADDIf THRESHOLD Ni Z a 33' - A 42308. z SrAE: I N.T.S. 2, o F wic.en AL m . cm sr. LFS ; Fl_-5891.2 o scFr 7 or 7 d .