HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4099130 OR BOOK 3775 PAGE 1185, Recorded 08/06/2015 at 12:05 PM srrrx rtntxx:uli`lu_rtsrlaw 1v: � 1 s I j r rneear NL%4aM- NOTICE OF COMME=bWS1 The uxkmgned hereby gives notice that improvrmaat wi11 be made to amain teal property,and in sccordairee with Chapter 713, s Florida Stemtes,the following inSorntaIIon is provided is this Notice of Commenoemem g�>> 1. DWSCREIItNt of rAovea'nr(Leo desaiptioa ofibe ptopaty g radd<zss,ifavadebk)iAxMR.rO NO.: suaomsM OUtP 's t.0 Y�' AKX Z� 7RACr 1ATL/ BLDG UNrr �Z3 (i�Z'060 - 0a�0-S� I Q�CG— •' –pf–p;e*e �3 V V E. 2G N12ALDYSCRIMONOFLrQ"QOVP.6�N'r: 1�Cc,�.o�..%�Doro ✓ ts-�il.!/�.-fZ o - `. 3. OWNM94FO1ZMA OY ItONIF18ELffi9�CONTRACMDPORTIMUMPROVEPAI : 1 N=eaadaddte� n vwe,1�s W7_Q(�e�,.15 rt- P 1 elvice h Ink=s in ptopaty: O LUy1&I✓ a.None azd add'en of The Ample fdebolder Ctfcs eft from onaa ridsd akp-)r 4- a•WNTWC OR'SN Cemadwssddre= 1 7 b.Pbooe is S. 1(VFWM(fapptimWe,a thepsy— Goadisa-cbedk R; z. atimeaad addrtr. t:; cry b.Phone oimba ,f(" a Amown afbwd:S6. 1JUMM'S MUM k W f LLJ wok,t ti. t en LL- Lesda'aaddiestr b.Ebaoe camber. 7. 14isafs within W hC Stene of Flatda dG4$OSSOd by Owner upon wham aDab=or other a dormm es may be saved as OLLJ provided by j Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida, o U a.Name aid sd8ese ter U 'Y hPhomenmebasofdeseg+a0edpdsm= LL-U CJ S.a In addition to himselfar herscK Owns desilpnata of n►}—¢tz rr to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutm rt v o ; hPboeenamI ufpasoormtkydadg;.stedbyO-6w. 7-1 9. Expinitim date of notice ofeemime nowma(the wirstim date may net be before the oompidim of oms� u ctiaand final o v C0�< ' payment to the contcaekor,but will be 1 yew from the date ofrecardiog mhsa a differa date is saocifiad): 20.3LLj WAMMTDOWMM ANYPAY[Int+NnMAW BYTltEQ011MM=THETen (WMffiMUMOFOObfl�FCPtv1�NI~ M rn Q AuxCDEWNae i��PRripFRPA G :MtDUVRCHAPTMt713PA>rt•1�'exnrt713.iIHDRI ASTA'rtrr�A wTr°T°� O RWYMM AND POSrWON•IFMFOR SUE B>;ORFXM MZrDCHBMM IPY1311ltll'ENDTQR FKAt MIGY.QQtM= `. WITH YOUR 1ENDE4 99 AN ATIYiRtlxrr gRPrM QQMb9WM WCOX QRlt_Mmrrv_ntr3 YOUR I9WAM OF O 1 r Under pawYty of perjury,I declare that I bave read the foregoing nadoe ofcomincuccirt=and that the thets stated therew am titre to rite afmy Xliac err, &ems It�wev� E (siaptme Grown r or ca or Owner's air Imee s (Print Nsnoe d provide toy's 170d0ffice) {` Aathoeixed t3f6tser/Direetor/Flvtaafifa�ger) j Stave of County of Ld •theg' t ams edged befona me tbi--�l day of I L (rine of Pasco) (type ifataharity.-..eLg.ofii—.ti,l fteG attorney is fad) for (name of party on behalf ofwhom nish meot vers a:eat6od) Personally Known or Produced Idernifrcatian� Type of Idtatifi aduoed Q R I Ir FALI (Segaat—of Notary ) r. t.Type,or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) ft v.1"1-11(S ag JOHN M.SPELL �' o MY COMMISSION**220 ��" • EXPIRES:MAY 12,2019 i arV Bonded through 15t SWt01tls1»ee F