HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: a PERMIT# REVISION FEE: S,O RECEIPT# a 6 6 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TY BUILDING&CODE 0 VIRGINIA LA T OEN DIVISION R4Ccc FORT PIERCE,FL 34982-5652 10 C�l�n (772)462-1553 FAX(772)462-1578 AUG'Q?p,5 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION 1. LOCATION/SITE AA � • - ADDRESS: ��4 Ivl A �1 lJ ►`�� 1r�- 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT 1 a S _ 16 - 6►a3- a a a-$ REVISIONS: Oka _ v 4� 4+n T e1 dC4 �L 152,:f of 117 -b dr(fQk 6n PMIlA IPL14 1 (a 5 Lt(p. 2,Lf baceA 6 y 5r 2t a � do� rr �a1Ya� C Daaf 3. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: / STATE of FL REG:C : If 2C� ST.LUCIE COUNTY CERT.#: 4 BUSINESS NAME: _ u 1�-I ADDRESS:QUALIFIERS NAME: U tl CITY: (/{-��j� - STATE: /)a G ZIP: PHONE(DAYTIME): 61-2-1 FAX: -7 -)a L(e 1-A-l4 4. OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: f-d'W R-f-d L1 gatiAm ADDRESS: TB-13 N CITY: S1p r- ' e�)•- STATE: N1 ZIP: 4. PHONE: (�t ?,O f5q�N FAX: 5. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE(DAYTIME): FAX: Revised 07/22/2014 rorxrr We d ION Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 1 RECEIVED AUG 12 2015 F�Ofta uC1fPflSl)> BCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics i Submit Surcharge j Stats&Facts Publications FBC Staff { BCIS Site Map Links Search Busines ICDIeJ��IJTIG Product Approval r ` USER:Public User (D Regulation fjr,M -,,3l11R AtR1ldISISRI Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List Search Criteria Refine Search Code Version 2014 FL# 16546 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model,Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Search Results-App lications FL# Type Manufacturer Validated By Status FL16546-R4 Revision Clopay Building Products Company Gary Pfuehler Approved History Category:Exterior Doors (513)519-6566 Subcategory:Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies -Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Contact Us::1940 North Monroe Street,t Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copvrioht 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: nom- sucUrlLvnt;;r�cicr: A PUP, zk i https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_lst.aspx 8/11/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 5 sy I IUilda D'Fpaarmient! BCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge ( Stats&Facts Publications i FBC Staff ;? BCIS Site Map Links Search Busines )rO��SSj {�aI USER:Public U�serOVai Regulation ,�!,#!l�Itlflalltltldd4lllll Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail FL# FL16546-R4 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived El Product Manufacturer Clopay Building Products Company Address/Phone/Email 8585 Duke Blvd. Mason,OH 45040 (513)770-6062 mwesterfield@clopay.com Authorized Signature Scott Hamilton shamilton@clopay.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer �d Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Scott Hamilton the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-63286 Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.-ETL/Warnock Hersey Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2028 Validated By Gary Pfuehler Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL16546 R4 COI Certification of Independence of Validation Entity_ Gary Pfuehler.pdf FL16546 R4 COI Statement on Independence of Evaluation Entity- ScottHamilton 120424.pdf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108 2005 ANSI/DASMA 115 2005 ASTM E1886 2005 ASTM E1996 2009 ASTM E330 2002 TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvgqu2w%2bnFgUM... 8/11/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 5 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 03/06/2015 Date Validated 03/25/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 03/29/2015 Date Approved 06/22/2015 Summary of Products Go to Page 4 ld Page 2/2 FL# Model,Number or Name Description 16546.21 21 W8-16 DSIU-11F471: GD2SU, Double-skin Insulated Intellicore(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; GR2SU,GD2LU,GR2LU,AR2SU, interior skin 27 ga.min.)Double-Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide) AR2LU,ED2SU,ED2LU,9202, WINDCODE@ W8 Garage Door with Optional Impact- HDPC20,7202,8202,MFC68U, Resistant Lites 9205,HDPR20,7205,8205, MFR68U Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R4 II 104822-Rev04.13df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+46 PSF/-52 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors(no FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-6.1)df glazing)or doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are Created by Independent Third Party: No impact-resistant(large missile impact). 16546.22 22 W8-09 PAN-21`443: GD4S, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan(min.24 ga.)Single- GR4S,ED4S,AR4S Car(up to 9'0"wide)WINDCODE@ W8 Garage Door with Optional Impact-Resistant Lites Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R4 II 104121-Rev03.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +50 PSF/-58 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors(no FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 131211-A.gdf glazing)or doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are Created by Independent Third Party: No impact-resistant(large missile impact). 16546.23 23 W6-16 DSIE-IF471: GD2SP, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2LP,AR2SP, interior skin 27 ga. min.)Double-Car(9'2"to 167"wide) AR2LP,ED2SP,ED2LP,4302, WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact- HDGC,6202,MFC68,4305,HDGR, Resistant Lites 6205,SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R4 II 104785-A-Rev03-signed.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.pdf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). 16546.24 24 W6-16 DSIE-1F471: GD2SP, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2LP,AR2SP, interior skin 27 ga.min.)Double-Car(9'2"to 167'wide) AR2LP, ED2SP,ED2LP,4302, WINDCODE@yGarage Door HDGC,6202,MFC68,4305,HDGR, 6205,SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R4 II 104785-B-Rev03-signed.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+38 PSF-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Doors with standard meet the wind load FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.odf requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16546.25 https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvgqu2w%2bnFgUM... 8/11/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 5 25 W8-16 DSIE-11`471: GD2SP, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2LP,AR2SP, interior skin 27 ga. min.)Double-Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide) AR2LP,ED2SP,ED2LP,4302, WINDCODEO W8 Garage Door with Optional Impact- HDGC,6202,MFC68,4305,HDGR, Resistant Lites 6205,SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R4 II 104786-RevO4-signed.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure.+46 PSF/-52 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.Ddf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). 16546.26 26 W6-09 DSIE-11`471: GD2SP, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2LP,AR2SP, interior skin 27 ga.min.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide) AR2LP,ED2SP,ED2LP,4302, WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact- HDGC,6202,MFC68,4305,HDGR, Resistant Lites 6205,SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R4 II 103954-A-Rev05-siianed.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors or FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.odf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). 16546.27 27 W6-09 DSIE-1F471: GD2SP, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2LP,AR2SP, interior skin 27 ga. min.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide) AR2LP,ED2SP,ED2LP,4302, WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door HDGC,6202,MFC68,4305,HDGR, 6205,SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16546 R4 II 103954-B-RevO5-sianed.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant, No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.odf requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16546.28 28 W6-09 DSIUO-1M749: Canyon Double Skin Insulated Intellicore(exterior skin 27 ga. min.; Ridge/Glenmoor//Coachman/ interior skin 27ga.min.)with Overlay Single-Car(up to 9'0" Settlers/Affinity wide)WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door with optional Impact- Resistant Lites Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R4 II 104948-A-Rev00,odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.odf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). 16546.29 29 W6-09 DSIUO-1M749: Canyon Double Skin Insulated Intellicore(exterior skin 27 ga. min.; Ridge/Glenmoor//Coachman/ interior skin 27ga. min.)with Overlay Single-Car(up to 9'0" Settlers/Affinity wide)WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16546 R4 11 104948-B-ReyOO.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.odf requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16546.30 30 W6-16 DSIUO-1M749: Canyon Double Skin Insulated Intellicore(exterior skin 27 ga, min.; Ridge/Glenmoor//Coachman/ interior skin 27ga. min.)with Overlay Double-Car(9'2"to Settlers/Affinity 16'2"wide)WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door with optional Impact-Resistant Lites. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R4 II 104932-A-Rev02.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors or FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.odf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). https:Hfloridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvgqu2w%2bnFgUM... 8/11/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 4 of 5 16546.31 31 W6-16 DSIUO-IM749: Canyon Double Skin Insulated Intellicore(exterior skin 27 ga. min.; Ridge/Glenmoor//Coachman/ interior skin 27ga. min.)with Overlay Double-Car(9'2"to Settlers/Affinity 16'2"wide)WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16546 R4 II 104932-B-Rev02.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.pdf requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16546.32 32 W6-18 DSIUO-1M749: Canyon Double Skin Insulated Intellicore(exterior skin 27 ga. min.; Ridge/Glenmoor//Coachman/ interior skin 27ga.min.)with Overlay Double-Car(16'4"to Settlers/Affinity 18'2"wide)WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door with optional Impact Resistant Glazing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R4 II 104951-A-ReV00.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors or FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.0f doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). 16546.33 [Ridge 6-18 DSIUO-1M749: Canyon Double Skin Insulated Intellicore(exterior skin 27 ga. min.; /Glenmoor//Coachman/ interior skin 27ga. min.)with Overlay Double-Car(16'4"to ers/Affinity 18'2"wide)WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16546 R4 II 104951-B-ReV00.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.pdf requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16546.34 34 W8-09 DSIUO-1M749: Canyon Double Skin Insulated Intellicore(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; Ridge/Glenmoor//Coachman/ interior skin 27ga.min.)with Overlay Single-Car(up to 9'0" Settlers/Affinity wide)WINDCODE@ W8 Garage Door with optional Impact- Resistant Lites Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R4 II 104949-ReV00.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +54 PSF/-60 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.pdf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). 16546.35 35 W8-16 DSIUO-1M749: Canyon Double Skin Insulated Intellicore(exterior skin 27 ga. min.; Ridge/Glenmoor//Coachman/ interior skin 27ga.min.)with Overlay Double-Car(9'2"to Settlers/Affinity 16'2"wide)WINDCODE@ W8 Garage Door with optional Impact-Resistant Lites Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R4 II 104928-ReV00.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+46 PSF/-52 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors or FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.pdf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). 16546.36 36 W8-09 DSIE-11`471: GD2SP, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2LP,AR2SP, interior skin 27 ga. min.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide) AR2LP,ED2SP,ED2LP,4302, WINDCODE@ W8 Garage Door with Optional Impact- HDGC,6202,MFC68,4305,HDGR, Resistant Lites 6205,SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R4 II 104119-Rev04-sianedpdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +54 PSF/-60 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors or FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141.219-B.ndf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). Go to Page Page 2/2 https:H floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvgqu2w%2bnFgUM... 8/11/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 5 of 5 back Next Contact Us::1940 North Monroe Street.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EE0 employer.Coovriaht 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: M REM scicurit�as1�elitr,:- c https:Hfloridabuilding.org/pr/P _app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvgqu2w%2bnFgUM... 8/11/2015 4 ( � PLI)ELS.. -SHORT LONG MDDELS FLUSH ...GRti@Ii+ED - SF4E?' :REVISIONS CLOPAY € ) OF 4 REV. NO ZONE: DATE: ECN_N0.-APPVD: - DESCRIPTION GALLERYGD2SP,,G..2SP GD2LP„GR2L{? CCBPAY CLASSIC 4302, FtDGC 1 4365;F3D+aR - HOLMES. 03 – 12fT5f14. - SH ADDED CROWED MaQELS. _ ART STRY... >�'€AL. ED2SP ED2LP IDEAL CLASSIC HFC58 SYR58,MF968'. Eta XPRESSIn D OPTIONAL CLAZ14G MAY BE STANDARD (OSB..OR BETTER)-:OR:IMPACT D .RESISTANT.GLAZING..MAXIMUM GLAZING SIZE (DLO) IS 38-1/2'"03". GLAZING MAY BE SHOW?–P&N€L (HOT SHOWN) OR LONG–PANEL (1).20 GA. BACKER�'PLATE.AT EACH INTERMEDIATE 'SHOWN), SEE SECTION 8–B ON SHEET 2 FOR DETAILS. -HINGE LOCATION.,BACKER PLATES ATTACHED.WITH 1 C::I:ZWG:MAY BE INSTALLED.IN TOP SECTION (SHO' 4R DOUBLE-SIDED ACRYLIC ADHESIVE TO SACK.OF DOGFL,, INTERMEDIATE SECTION (NOT 57d©wm). �a-A (1) 12 GA. GALV. STEEL TOP ROLLER: BRACKET.. SEE SHEET,2 FOR DETAILS. 16 GA. MIN. GALV: c: d '—p; STEEL END STILES. —VIEW C' C TWO PONT LOCKING Ifoo TRACK. k OPTIONAL.OU-TSIDE KEYED BRF.C?SET --- LeAu.1WRR x"D'Ix iic'-2" LOCK.POSITION. USED FOR NEVE ELEWIMS BOTTOM , DOUBLE END SNAP'LATCH EY=ES S.TIM ONRO VERTICAL TRACK. £ND' . ,# OF ONE.SRkp LATCH ON "STILE., 4O0R HEIGHT SECTIONS EACH SIDE OF DOOR. UP TO woo 4 SLIDE.BOLT LOCIL ENGAGES6F7TO '8'3'TO 10'0`. 5 END VERTICAL TRACK: OUTS€DE. l 1013' TO @2'D' 6 STILE. .,ONE LOCK ON HANDLE. LOCK IBAR I2'3' TD 1410• 3 .EACH SIDE OF OUTSIDE END ENGAGES r4 14'3' TO 14'0' 8 DOOR. KEYED 5151 STILE.: �,?LACK ON MAX SECTIDN 14EIGWT= 24• ' HANDLE., .,t, EACH'SIDE INSIDE SLIDE=BOLT - INSIDE.IKkNDLE OF DOGFi` 710S DOOR t.1EE7S OR EXCEEDS THE DEStSN LOADS,FOR TW, LOCK OPTION, OU'fSILtE CK.lb2TH, 4tITCs'M' KEX D''LOCK WITH UL7IVAlE'WI4D.SPEEDS:USTED SU04 ACCGROrNG T3,TfrE FLORIDA - SNAP ,.A7CIi. Li Es,'1C_C_„4P1"d Pa .. .."..... yy11T17171IJ BI1 amG:CODE OR TIE 1NTERNAVOTAL ER-aLD543'.CODE(BASED ON [(3�}t.BAR t_OGiStN£; `�c�'��7.fikh4ilt�y'��y__:• S�axG 2)DOOR Has-2.OFG CONMOTH DITIONS:EUIDIa 5�ENDEZONE.3) r0 A4Y RD19f SLOPE,AND-a)TESTNG N ACCORDANCE IY rH IYNS4/0A%A 108.SITE-SPEORC csr_CS.tI.AVONS BY A D1L',URED DESIGN PRQFfSStONAI MAY DIFFER. YANLrACTURL\'GL,PRODUCT CODE LSPEED TE VIND DSIE—tf 7i SPEED<PSPN3 160 165 175 135 200 „O > _ .. DESIGN LOADS: +38.0 P.S.F. & -42.10P.S.F. PART NO::N/a: t� 5'TRl .S` TEST S +57A'P.S.P.:3e -0.0 P.S.F ri I ✓3�. TE OF Ctt:€ EXPl3SURE 7I:C.D F.C.D 1.C B.C n A .Q rv', cnTEseuzY TOLL€RANGE aMlo ay 6565 Dv¢e SWImnl v1NnLoAr RtsrPrG �?♦ MEAN.,.ROOF,HEIC44T. E5° T5' 2S' 15' 30' .D= 1:031 $a 1&4 Ik�l�xis Crly�ley '£�>No.5I-773»4653 V4E� �(- ...1 l3� RID ���? •06= x•015DESC$IPfIO I: 2'GALLERY EPS DOORS 56'2"W(SEE TABLE) ...f/11f112 141 y4�---._._.! .000- 3..QO5 ............_ - .0000- ,1.001 DRAWN BY:SH DATE:1/10/131 SCALE:NTS DTSG.T:j DESIGN ENGINEER Degrees = tt/Z CHECKED SH DATE;1/10/13 �HEET + OF SPIE SCOTT LICCL aE P.E.. *mgis RE of`xHm DWO, No 10478`5-A/6 VER:LBC FL RtDA�LI tJ No. 65286 '' .3 FLOO RODDI FD CODUCT APPM,OVAL L Ic;':' C 4 3 2 i i 'NOT,ELS SHORT LTINIG. nDELS FLUSHGR¢OVED SHi[7i REVISIONS CLOPAY ............_..r._ 2 OF 4. GALLERY 5D2SP,GRBSP GD2LP,..GR2LP' CLOP:aY"CLASSIC 4302,HMC -43115;.HDGR. REV;. ND. ZONE: 'DATE: ECN"R0. API?VD: DESCRIPTION` IN AR25P AMP .1?LTlI4ES LL ASSTC .6202 b20S 03 - - - SH SEE-REVD-.MSTORY ON MEET ow_ . I .ARTISTRY -__- PR.:ALN fD2S0 ED-PLP IDEAL CLASSIC 11i"E68 �.SPR68.:�HFRb d d I I IMPACT—RESTTS ANT.SQRISTRClCTJQtW STANDARD ASSEMBLY CONSTRUCTION: SOLID 010OR5(NO GLAZING) OR DOORS WITH OPTIONAL IMPACT-RESISTANT GLAZING ARE OPTIONAL—OSB OR 1/8`ACYRUC UTE$AVAILABLE OPIIONF.L ACRYLIC`GLAZtNG'IS i 0APACT-RESISTANT..OPTIONAL.IMPACT RESISTANT ASSEMBLY CONSjSTS OF ALUMINUM PiASKOL[TE OPTIY'OR LUCITE CP APPROVED CC2 PLASTIC IN ACCORDANCE V:1TH IBC/FBC 'FROn1T,mAmE-.AND SABfC;IP LEXANI.9034 (VERSIONS ALSO APPROVED;MRIO,`9630,. .2606. 96310, 90316,90317, 90311, 9031 A,.90355) OR:BAYER MAKROL N GP (VERSIONS THE ENTIRE DOOR.ASSEMBLY i'dSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE WITH.Tf_DS SECTION MEETS THE .ALSO APPROVED: SL..AR, 15),APPROVED CCI PLASTICS IN ACCORDANCE.WITH IBC/FSC WNO LOAD REOUIREMENIS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE OR INTERtATIONAL BDILDINIG. 2606 AND APPROVED CI PLASTICS�IN.ACCORDANCE WITH FBC 2612. CODE BUT D&U„tiOl IAZET THE IMPACT RESISTANT.REQUIREMENT FOR upIkDSORNE DEBRIS. THE ENTIREDOOR,.ASSEMBLY INSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE"WITH THS SECTION 4Az_ETS'THE REGIONS (REF. CHAPTER 16FBC/IBC), j %FIND LOAD PEGUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE-AND iNiER A11% L BIS=€D`N6 - [ CODE AND IS.,LARGE- AklD.SMALL-WSSiLLE,:IMPACT'RESISTANT. SECTION B-B` (NON—IMPACT RESISTANT,GLAZING OPTION I SECTION B-13 (IN;PACT—RESISTANT ,GLAZING' OPTION} FRO14T FRAME WITH V.V. COATING ON OUTSIDE SURFACE. NOTE THAT FRONT FRAME ISNARROWER THAN,, INSULATED'DOOR SECT;QN, fbiPACT=RESSTANT.FRNME. i� DECORATIVE FACADE.. rr f SELF98-10:x.tSCR 6rJ2riG1 EXTERIOR OF DOORSELF -TAPPING- -TAPPING sCR£1V5: MOLDED INSIDE .. 175: LITE RELAttiER: INTERIOROFDOOR, F8x3/4-PAN HEAD SCREW (10 SCREWS PER UTE).. RETAINER, ALLa.1MN:FRAME. SELF=TAPPING SCREWS,. 1/4'THICK POLYCARR&NATE' GLAZING, IMPACT—RESISTANT ASSEMBLY DETAILS. STANDARD ASSEMBLY DETAILS DRAIWIMG 1041678 s-A DRA{tLANG''1.034785-13 *. � M�7' 2p,� :x M(. 1FACTUR2NG,PRQQUC7 CODE �`JI - �4�): DESIGN LOADS: +38.6 P:S.F. & -42.0 P,S.F. �.'4: a..3t'C.a"1 TEST.DADS '+67.0 R. .F, .0 P.s:F.. PART NO.: N/A . A ��'. 3T E.OF L+J Z" Mtus'sld-w alnerass¢. 1:1003Y 8535 DWw Bcu"e=d WINDLOAD RATIt,* c � TOLERANCES, ftascn„oH 450s0 VA td.Qc.:513-370-aF.AD f�,. D ,Q.� *.031 14n'��.Ft �6+V°`F' :Fcc taa,�S13-)79-485Y t�'Y 1J P38T 3.015 DESCRIFMON: 2'.GALLERY EPS DOORS 16'211(SEE fAt ILL) GDO _._.._....Stu111_...... . .0000 u 1.001 DRAWN 8Y:SH D1iTE:1/?r3/13 SOLE:NTS DWG. DESIGN ENGINEER: .._.., oegreea ±I/2` CHECKED BY: SH I DATE:1/10/0 1 SHEET 2 OF.4 SIZE SCOTT HAMtLTON, VA [,FLORIDA U N_E Nm 032 OWEEN E wr,HE- DWG. NO, 1047854/8 1 VER'IBC 4 Y '` 2 FLOO R SDA.G°3 )0DUCT APPROVAL 165408 4 3 2 1 MODELS SNORT LONG MODELS FLUSH GS20D/ED �E T' REVISIONS LOPAY GD2SP,GR2SP GD2LP;.GR2L.P CLOPAY CLASSIC 4302,HDGC 4305,HDGR 3 OF `} REV. N0, ZONE:I DATE: N�ECNO.1 DESCRIPTIONGALLE : ,HOLMESL 03 M-- - - SH SEE RStOWHISTORY ON SHEET ONE . ART.T1tx,_, ARaSP ARZLP 'HOLMES CLASSIC, 6202`' 6215 IDAL ED2SP ED2LP IDEAL CLASSIC Nf C68 SFR58. NFR68-- %PJ SILICO D. RONTNt�10 BACK E FILLED CSKIN OFEL SEPARATES D HDRaaNTu (TCP)JCM$ .IAMB TO SUPPORTING 5TRLIGTURE .ATTAG�I#v�ENT (No LOAD FAOU 00R) EVOI"E'�. ------j t,ALL WE LOAD FROIA TN'v:OOOR ISJRANS"M*?ED TO T£fE TRd K AND THEN,FROm THE..TRACK TO 1-95,_7H+CK. 19.DENSITY THE 2.6 VERTICAL SYR![GRACE:92 CSR BETTER)-ZAP.NO.LDAs}FMA TJfE:VOOR:IS EXPANDED'POLYSTYRENE FBbRbt. TRANSFERRED TO THE HSIRIZOI AL(TOP)JUt39D€SULAT€^.thy LAMt?QATED 3'O f3f7TY4 97.'G#.GALSS STEEL Tt?I?.ICk13iER 2.':EACH VERTICk XWO SEES A tAX0AUM OESMN LORIS'OF }304 LB& -138�LB:PER LINEAR FOOT OF JAMS. EXTERRZR AND INTERSOR SKINS.. 8RACI±ET. EACH BRACKETAiTACNffl' 3..ALL JAMB FASIMRS WAY BE(BUT ARE NOT REQUIREDTOBE:)COUNTERSUNK 10 PR0:7LE A WITH (4)-#14x5/8"SHEET METAL FASTENER FLUSH'VOUNTWG SURFACE. SCREWS. TYPE 4,A 1/3 STRESS INCREASE FOR WIND LOAD WASIi`9T USED IN THE CALCUTAT!ON OF ALLOWABLE LOADS FOR ANCKORS AfZD FASTENERS FOR STEEP.CONCRETE_3ND MASONRY. MAx,Lt,C. PRF!'A32ATSC)N OF .)AMPS. BY OTHERS TONGUE AND GROOVE JOINTS_. 27 Gk.-(0.016-MEN) INTERIOR STEEL SKIN S �. 'ysF:THE DESIGN OF THE.SUPPORTING STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL (DRAWING QUALITY) WITH G-40 MIN. GALV., BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF T14£ PROFESSIONAL'OF RECORD FOR THE BAKED-ON PRIMER AND A WED-ON 9UILDING OR STRUCTURE.ANO IN ACCORDANCE:WITH CURRENT BUILD€r7G "— POI'YESTER.PA1NS£D TOP COAs-APPLIED.TO 2E6 L'ERTICAt,SAM$ CODS FOR THE LOADS LISTED ON THIS OP,AtYING. BOTH SIDES OF STEEL SKIN. 4-1/`T" 14 CA. GALV. ROLLER HINGE. EACH HINGE L FASTENED TO END STILES WITH (4) V E3L_V`� 114s5le SHEET METAL AND(2). _ 4 TALL TAPER STRUT- 1/4-Y-3/4-SELF TAPPING:SCREWS; SEE 0,062"WN, GAL V, STEL. :VIEW'B", 2.6 jAmB M SUPnwiNG STNLi Tj,tft,�,._ATiA K.136. '` _.. t3O KSI, #AIN,: (NOT 10,82 USED FOR ATTACHMENT:OF-TRACK AN3LE 70-2x6.4`ERTICAL JAMBS OR SUPPORTING STRUCTURE) ntAxltA)M ONE 4'T-STRUT PER SECTION. (SEE ON-CENTER �/"VZW "D') EACH.T-STRUT ATTACHED AT DISTANCE EEL 27 GA(0.015'MIN.) EXTERIOR / .EACH HINGE LOCATION..WITH (2) BEtWe££J atASHEftS STEEL-SKIN DRAWING OUALiIY 4/4:s3j4"SELF TPPPINO,SCREWS, emolt1G TYPE FASTENER TYPE F.V`'T£t3Eii5"REOVIRED, C ) ICA 4"'s l-E 4"84tH.. It FAP tJ T 7-1 T"'U.D, WITH G-40,MIN. GAIV, 1906 P+..1'UNJ,CIANCRETE -t O.D.. BAKED-ONPOLYESTER_PAINTED ' R 3/8-X t- 4"MVL E%PBr` vtEJ-fT AftA VrE.StEEV-ANCHOR �`f:L sa TOT' COAT APPLIED TO BOTH a }-3F4"MSN:COR T .,Ss A" Nccb 'D' SIDES OF STEEL,SKIN, WOOD RAtJ' YP . _per"LAG$C.R£W(ASTM A307.GRADE R1.E-5t8"EAQBED dNTO-STRtJ7:TUR 7- A" 7 t .. RBST(BOTTOM)ANCHOR STARTING AT,NO MORE TFAN'HALF-OF THE:MkXMU•1(SN-CENTER DISTA&M- Ws WEST ANCHOR WSTALIEO .. AT LEAST AS NEON AS THE DOOR.OPERINS.. €3 CA, GALV. STEEL BOTTOM BRACKET.ATTACHED CLOPAY DOES.NOT SUPPLY JAMS ATTACHMENT FASTENERS: WITH (2) f,14s5/8'"SHEET METAL.SCREWS. MIMMUN DISTANCE$ETM{EN.CENTER OF:,ANCHOR AND EDGE OF COHERE?£:BLOCK:2-1/2'",EXCLUDWO StUU_D 7F'4KNESS, ALUMINUM EXTRUSION 8.VINYL WEATHERSTRIP. t �ao� O��tH {lT �i o Q, 14ic5/9"SHEET:B!.ETI SCREWS, S£CTd()ISA-A.(SiDE-V3£W) ` `.Gj V�CEN�� }, s£ ANUFACTURING PRODt!:T COLE N 2o ' o nsiE-IF473 ' 1/4 z3j4"SELF - DESIGN LOADS: +38.4 S.F. & -42.0"F.S.F. 1c TAPPING SCREWS. TEST LOADS.+57:0 P.S.F. d,: -63.0 P.S.f. PART NO.:N/A. :A i '31:. STATB OP 4J`y: 14 CA. END'HINGES 18 GA, JMIN,} 1NTERtAEDIATE NiNGE ta�+cvE SRn:cd fl4Rcrsisc —.� ®� 85&3{Aske$mderviil 'V[rt31LDAD RdSF1HG TOLERANCES eye 4&tsa4i,f"45IK0€ISA ( `' VIEW " " S?,.E$V�"t�`- l "' #o.513-770-4HMO W <. L::) 3 'Fcs 4,0:513-T70-A$SS _ �ls� r�(VIg4L .00e bESCRII�'I-ION: 2"GALLERY EPs DOOR .000 (SEE TABLE) �....................... AiXtLI+ .. DESIGN EfJGINEER=-� Du�DrDco6 d �6/11 DRAWN, BY:SH DATE:1f1tf/13 SCALE:1aT5 DtTO. DESS HAMILTON, [uuaEE sto:ea oMnx:rsc CNECY.ED BT: SH DATE:1/10/13 SHEET.3..OF 4 SIZE SCOTFLCP.:DA LICENSE Na. 632)B6 rIg"as ARE I:Jt.,—�1"EEss.DW15, NO.: 144785-A/B VER:IBC ma h s S78PRTtUVG' #4E3K�£LS 6l.LIsHt cRooVEU sK £a REVISIONS C,L.flPCiY.- G'usp,':'cwsP... G33WI:F';..GR2LP' 'CL.flPAY CLASSIC 4362,F[8}GC. ?SGb'2. �cr' r _ .. - GALL.CRV .4365. I .' nv. !10 ZONE: DATE: FCN N©::APPVD;I D£SCRIPTIM ,: .. N , AF2SP 1GtES LASS - .62-Fc- - - . SH SE';tENSF6S: STY f' SHEE3C.E.ARTI�TR SSIIDEAL EB?SC' EX £II2LP IDEAL,CLASSIC MFMS �SE'R6.R..MIr.R68 . Q S. ii._iR/,CK CONF1f; T ZN. fi{6III?7RACSf C,CL`dFtS NOT FIECT .121E HC�2tZfA*lTiBY:D OR #FUDR OPETVlRQi�00E5 RS�1r AFFECT its SIiYrE%JRT...!?Y�DOOR WMM LOAD RAITNU OF THIS"DOOR. IN SUIT). . D OOROUNT RE3ALAA'CE..SYST£M _ :JAAM$ NagVF`�rR}'l(74, . ©E " FOUR 2!'J IACKt MV.STEEL FLAG SRA^KET:ATTACHED TO. illi{)6116",x,1 5/e LAC SCREWS- _N T�DOOR-Qvea . TRACK WITH(2) 1/4 RIVETS: 7._ (EAC24,SIP WOOD:Z46i6.SEE', OPT0ZAL.-STOP MOULDIT44 BY 1NSTALLM(TD SUIT), P.ACNIG NTE 14:"O:C. 1 `aAL±B PREPARATKON PJQTE`. ^ ,. 18 GA GAL4'.STEEL 0Q7tBLE-•flaJf3-5T#fE FASTEh'rD'Cti'fii'(II)»jf5%.,Sf1•.:WAFER-SCREE10 Vit .DPA.,6-3 j4 x 2-1/6":x 3JW'", GAIV. STEEL.TrtACK, is-6.74 ". 2.-,Ef2" :#2 GA GFLV,STEELR�4Cx THYh'taE55:-0.QB3": 31- 1 4` TkiDK ER4CKETS FASTENED TDtT 1HwD AMES VwH 5/6It - T8 GA.CALL,STEEL.CEFITER HINGEM1-518 LAC�SCREWS JOT TO PUSSH 7fI6 LD,RO:fN° FASTENED TO SEC$ON W/(4)EACH EXCEED 14-CNGEWER, FASTENEIL �14xS/8'St_;'ET METALSCREWS. -TTP.;2--1/2"K T2 CA.GALSt73'-a t6'STEEL'TRACK BRACKETS. T - 'j 14 CA,CALv;::STEELROLLER HINGES FASTENED TO:ETSO STIL£S:W/(4)EACH�#'144/8-ATTACHED TO JAMS WITH(1) 14-0' SHEET METAL SCRE'4S:AND(2)1/4"SELF TA.PPMG.SCREWS PERD40 HINC£.3/!1;"X Y-5/S'LZGSCREW PER 14'-'1 ` 2"'CALV.STEELTRRC3L FA.4TENES3'TRACK:BRACKET, S 12.OA 4, .STEEL Y-b 1WITH#'�EITHER:(2) 114 DLA.RuETS OR •-2".iJIA, 7-1/2"z.O71Cr'STEM. 10 FALL STEEL ROLLER:NITH STSs"EL�OR NY[.ON TIRE., i -T' "' (1) t/a":X 5/8"BDLT,lcNUTPE+Rs actxcr. SEEG?'.0_f 13iR eRAratET(2-1127:=5-3/4-'.TZGA) .. FRt`PAF{wTtO(�F:L1E-JRS.tix3s EY QTATTACHED:.WMH(2) 7,j4"x 3/4"'S"sif'T#PPth"h#. .. ... - .. SCREWS,,NDTE'THAT CHR 6RA£1 3S.AF .AL50 t€P,ED WITH:DOUBLE'END SW-E"AS:SHD%N 7N S'.TRACK-coNFT(mAT6q, c`K.9.iE;TRACK LQNRGURATTON ABOVE THE -ZONE'8-3.SHEET 1 DOOR OTSIO.NG DOES NOT AFFECT THE Ak16'�CIINfIGt#RATftTN .. W:JM LOAD RAIMC OF::THIS OO .DR.' 'L.. WUSiS IRACK FOR :3- TRACK.;. LOW HEADROOM'QPTTDPI (AV4L.:FOR BOTR...2".At20..3"TRACK) ' ' 9T:E HLN21204€TA:, ;, TRRCK. _.. t"DQOR OVERLAP(EAGKi ., .. z 6 s'ta-:fR:3C16 3AMH1.'SEE sTaP Mc�,rilseuc Bx ci#oR ktsiALt.Eii(YO s�isT) p T 3"GAC§ TAPERED STEEL TPACK AND ANCLE.TRi K JAMS PREPARATION NOTE-JA 16 cAQALY STEEL DBU�lE-END=ST3LE FASTENM- ATIH(S)#8 X 1/2"WAFER L� Ir 7tHwjzsS:0.101".ANGLE TKCtl NESS!.0.060': H;ORIZOWAI.TRACK RESS'.Eta.+Sait£,OtM_5-3fa K 2-#f6"%.-dNCE.E.f17R1EN5l0{P5 3-1 f4"x'2-7/$'; SUPPOrRT.EY DOORvE[tT,r+ HDRZQTAL TRSCK 1a"1dAXIMUIt 6PACxG LwSaALLER GflsvtT} 3-1/4'it 2-7/E Wt,K,x 0.080fdNCT1S,"5 TR1 9/a BCK .FROM LAST 1RKJUR'C P'UYT ULT EACH TRALK SCAT TQ TRa4C1C;&UTiCT Y .ANGLE SEE 1f.G BaL7 NF*URATt > 18 CA.,£iAt c.STEEL CETJTER 11tN@>E C0Nf1GURATf7/16"1.0- LTtNB FASTENED TQ'SECTON Vlf(4)EACH PUBM N417 145$"SHEETAVALSCRDVS. AD:NTIONA4;MOUNTNG•SLOTSFASTENER. 5FAQEQ AT T2"C$NTERS.: 14 GA.CALv:STEEL ROLLER H19GFS FAsTETIED'TO'END Q.1O3"Tf#C1T 3"CA?V.STEEL TRACT:' .(t4#H�yjE tzi_ IZ"ON CENTER' TAPERED..ATIGLE W1TH ONE 1;4"x5/8`BOLT dc+ :ANO(2).1/4"SELF TAPP04C SCREWS PER E1HINGE:Citi is s g TO€kP£REQ A`dstE.4RADR.ATSTILES W/(4)EACktas.4/0`SPtE£F METAL§REW&' �O,...... ., NUT Aa EACH MOUNTING SLOT,': llF53GN LOADS..}313.02"LONG STEM BALL SEA3Y1NC,9T£E1._ROLLER. 5 DA 8=} Aas3TACTUYTNL PR2IBUDT CODE h, 2 34- .ONE.ka TRACK BCK.T AND'NtR"AT:£ACH.' ,?Afi Tt N� J�AAE�s 5Y 6Tt€fRs. D9�I '-•).,t 1 1L. MOUNTING:SLOT LOWON. �"` P.S.F'. & -42.0 PZ.F. a € $TRTE (3F ti� 0DO2'VERTICAL— TEST UAC& -}5`".€}'T2.5 f _6 T 0 P S.F PART I�4.:.SJf , (}• L/,f."; 22':' MESCkiT K LENGTH Umms¢Staceo tY ner to i'� •...8565 EHcef..e EQute orb W'TP##ILl3",iS RAT= ?K •� R • , 7_ TOLERANCES 6 Mc�n AH 4564N LOA A loPaY Tmewll.50-tv-4to I r l -1D" �D••.. s5 atsE s/1a's 1:-:5/B"tAG.SCRON sPAC.ED AT THE:'SAME .0@=a: -c.©'T &i&q ftz✓+xH Lss Far,aW.`513-77L3 -0 W. "`. DISIANCFS AS:T#i£TRACK BOLTS(F.E. 3-t/'a". 10".M".3a`; .AOC �.•.00"s. T3 REPT`(6N::2'.GALLE.R't EPS-DOORS 1E+`?"Yl(SEE TABLE) 1 �.......... 46%ETC.).- ADDITIONAL USC SCREWS LOCATED AT,IC.28%ik DRAWN.BY-.SN DAM T/10/73..SCAM NTS .0000; 4.Offi7 w DSSG.RR DESIGN ENGINEEt�= �a/z %�-Q a6c 4©'FROM BOTTOM. TTYQ LAC SCREWS ALSO eDDATEQ ABtrE Deve" - t1/z- :CHECK3 SHEET"4 Or 4 SIZE L.) SCOTT'HAMILTON, P.E. VERTrAL/HORIZONTAL.TRACK.JUNCTION. Vid-'Skog+f Ob-- FLORIDA.LICENSE Ng. Q286 ommsmNs.:,ARE Ota iwNmj M. Mt 104765->"t•/6 VETO:isc, 2. L 0 ROD L7 �t1�?Ut PD Ni00V L055 4 655