HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4101742 OR BOOK 3778 PAGE 343, Recorded 08/14/2015 at 12:27 PM ArMRECORVM-RMMTO: R E C E I VE 0 AUG 14-2015 ITIUMFINUMBER: NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be rude to certain real proparty,and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes,the following infimnation is provided In this Notice ofCommerneOrent. I.DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(IcSd description of the property&street ad&essifavailsbit)rAxFotiotio.: 3T 7/0-.5 7-41 1106—0700—Z Stfflo"VISION 6 EEO K- ('V n J 0 S-ee—( eLgt.7G—MCF--LOT_BLDq._UNrr--79 5717— 7-3 2.GENERAL DESCROPTION OF"MW�A-cL 3.OWNER INFORMATI OR LESSEE INFORMATION IF THE LESSEE CONTRACTED FOR THE IMPROVEMENT- me Na-Wk Pit IL a 11 -70-it a r- M 0 Se C-,f- 71315,-f', r-� 1L hfn�inprWcrty: -bwpiew, 4.IL CONTRACTOWSNAMZ; �_ RP— C—E7Q,-&T .TN C. C&Www'.ad*= a.Name and od&.x h.Phn —b-. a Amours ofbmW: 6.a.LENDERS NAME; Lender's"dm- - -&Ph- 7. Persons within the State of lorida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents maybe served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7 Florida Statutes &N-...dddrma: b.Phn.—b-o(d=iS.WMp—. 8.a.In addition to himselfor herself.Owner designates —f to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 71113(1)ft Florida Swats. b.Phone numbv of perp..amity d®gw-d by Owner. 9.Expiration dole of notice of commencement(the expiration date will be I year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified)._2Q­ W&RNKG1OOMUM,ANY PAYMENTS MADE Y THE QWM AETER THE UMATION OF THE NOTIM OF COMM13NCEMF21T DEREDTM -- -RLHAFMM 713-PART L SECTION 71:10 FLORIDA FLORIDA STATUTES,AND CAN RESULT N 'OUR PROPERTY,A hIl=E Of COMMENCEMENT Mm- B BP AND PG5TED ON 7FiE108 crtF AFFORCTHF Fi2cT DJc>ErnON IF YOU IN-TEND TO OBTAIN FTNANCrNG,CONSULT WJTJ YOUR LUDER 0 R CQMMENC1140-wo R RECORPM YOUR NOTICE OF COM (Signature of Owner or[AAPW,or"eras or Lamwe's iguntory's Title/Office) Authorized Officer/Direftor/PartmehWanagm) State of r--4-,Aj,9A— Coumyof L-r-.&.LEC! The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beforeme this day-f_&61CZ�20 ty fe&k)Ot.� ---as (name ofperson) (type ofauthority e.g.officer,Waster,attorney in fact) for (name ofparty on Whaffol7whom instrument"M Personally Known_or Produced Identificati.-rType of Identification Produced ( ICHkqO dyh*l q 02, My COMMISSION#EE138134 (Signature o(Notv4 B(PIRES:OCT 16.2015 (Print.Type,or Stamp Commissioned Name of'Notary Public) Wo ponded throulh Istmaka=6 STATE OF FLORIDA I'll COUNTY THIS is 'I-L TO CERTIFY T AT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT OPY OF TH OR j FpH . MITH, etaftsr — L. Datl):