HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy Calculation Form & Manual J's ' 'URT Ar gs�A ►" 4 AHRI Certified Reference Number: 7657390 Bate: 8/14/2015 Product: split System: Air-cooled Condensing Unit,Coil with Blower Outdoor Unit Model Number: CAI4NA0301**A indoor Unit Model Number:FV4CNF002L Manufacturer:BRYANT HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS TradetBrand name: BRYANT HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS Rt: ion: Southeast and North (AL,AR,DC,DE,FL, GA,Hl,KY,LA, MD,MS,NC,OK,SC,TN,TX,VA AK,CO, CT,ID, iL,IA, IN,KS, JNA, ME,Ml,MN,MO, MT, ND, NE,NH,NJ, NY,OH,OR, PA,RI,SD,UT,VT,{SVA,WV,WI,WY, U.S.Territories) Region Nate: Central air conditioners manufactured prior to January 1,2015,are eligible to be installed in all regions until June 30,2416. Beginning July 1,2016,central air conditioners can only be installed in region(s)for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. Series name,_ 4.SEI.P.UiQN.+ G.•.. Man ufar tturok^•resp6risible;for thd-rafing'of.this system coMNnatiorl:,is'AkY.A.N -WE4gt.G;AW COOLING SYSTEMS Rated:.is.fQil4ws•in•accorO�Ina w.iti?,AHRI,Standard 2101,24,0.»200$.for Unitary AirrOonditioning a.nd Air-Source Heat.R;ttrrrtp:Equ•ipment anf -,.subject to.'verjficatich-of•rsting.accuraey.:by.AHRi-s..ponsorod, independent,'third party t!t:>`tting:;.,. ''• Coaling: cit : ,sti,ri);.'w. ". ..: 2,ae 0 S!kF :,.Otirt! ':(Gopl(R9):; t3,G0 SEER Rating(CooM ): f5.50 JEER Rating(Cooling): i "Ratings followed by an asiodsk(')indicate a votuntery mrsty of previously pubiit;hod data,uNoss accornponled with a WAS,which indicataa an involuntary roraio, DISCLAIMER AHRi riots not endorse the product(s)ilstod on this Certificate and makes no representations,warranties or guarantees as to,and assumes no responsibility for, the products)fisted on this Certificate.AHRt expressly disclaims ail liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or ptrformance of the product(s),or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate,certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed In the directory at www.ahrldlreetory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This etrtiticato and its contents are proprietary products of AHRi.This Certificate shalt only be used for individual,personal and 6 confidential reference purposes.The contents of this Certiftc.,te may not,to whole or In part,be reproduecdi capied;disotminated; entered into a computer database:or otherwise utilized,In any form or manner or by any means,except for the user's Individual, personal and confidential reference, Atn.coNPITIONING,tfMlNti, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION t,RkFfit®[rtA-DOW WS'nT= The information for the model Cited on this cortlficate can be vorirltd at www.ahrfdiroctory.org,oil&on"verify cortlricato"link v C nWl,�illi G:ttrr" and outer the AHRI Certified Refortnee Number and the date on which the certlficate we*lsoued, which is fisted above,and the Certificate No,,which Is listed at bottom right. - •-- - •- - •— -- .__ ... _. i;-r.^•�.�, @2Oi4Air-Conditioning,Heating,and Refrigeration institute i,CE•RTIFICATE NO.: 13(3840484676764468 t LIVZ99VZLL 9090 9T0ZtLZt80 90 3Jad -,d13W L33HS 1Sv03d3S Techoi,_,a� Da,_:i: AC A ccof I�x* Pipe I nsut at ion pescriptions Stock Uftibie elastomeric thermal pipe insulation 0 df 1"fim r4mpu 0-ft ASTM V$34,Type I-Tubular Grade I AWO •Manufactured without CFCs,HFCs.HCFCs.P$DFs.or Formatclehyde, •ALL Armace(L facilities in North America are 150 9001,2009 certified, toes TRst Methods Therniat Cohd"Vft' Stu-in./h #ft-'•'F(W/mXI 75°F h%an Temperature(24°C) 0.2710.039] ASTM C 177 or C 518 9011F Mean Tempemitura(32°Cl 0,276(0.040) Water Vapor Formembift 0,08 D.16 x 10-1,11 ASTM 5 96,Procodare A Perm-in.CKS/Is-m*fail Flame Spread and Smolo; 25150 rated ASTM E 84 O*V*t*p*4 Index: WaterAbsoratilom Q2% ASTM C 2051 1/0.by Volume, Mold Growth: Passed UL191 Fungi Resiswce. ASTM G21/C133B awariaL Resistancel ASTM 022 Upper Use UralL. ASTM 0534 Lower Use limits= -2970F(-183°C)3 ASTM C534 Ozone Resistance. 0000 Watt Thickness fnarninaLl 3/8"1/2",314-and 1 (1o.13,19 and 25mml loside Diameter.Tubular 318-,10 to 4-1/0"ID(113mrn ID to IDSmrn IDI Length of Sections,Tubular 6'1%83m) Outdoor Use No printing is necessary for performance of the product.However,all eiastom 'ric-based cellular Insulation will show surface defects aftar prolonged exposure to UV radiation.Painting wilt minimize ThesLe defects If instated outdoors. On the heating Cycle.AC AccafleK pipe ingutatIm wiltwithatandtarnparatures as high as 220'F 11051M.$20.520 BLackor=BLV Adhesive may be used with pipe Insulation applications up to 224°F(1050CI, 'At temperatures below-20'F J-291CI,i.Ustoinerlc insulation start;to become tessitaxiblu.Howevtw,this characteristic durunpt affect thermatefficiency and rvaiskonce to warol, vapor permeability of A=(Lax insulation- For application:of-4WF to-297"FI­4*'C to-1B3'C),contactArmocell. ARMACELLUC TEL, info.980e0a.80646-V563FAX; s7rmace47 u13ll a cel I voAniv.armacelWs arm 7600 Oakwood Street Extension,Mebane.NC 27302 advanced insulation Arnmeall provides this information as a technical service.To the extent the information is derived frorn sources other than Armacelf.Armv4Vtl is substantially,if not wholty,relying upon the other sourcclsi to provdc accurate information,Information provided as a result of Arnaceirs own technical analysis and tostin Id is securers to Cha extent of our knowl*eand ability.as of date at printing,uxirtg effective standardized methods and procedures.Bach user of these or"Vets,arintannotion,should perform th&own tests to determine the safety. tftn*66 and suitability of the produrtts,or combination of products,for an seeable purposes,appilcmians and uses by the user and by any third party to which the user mean convey tho products,Since Armacelt cannot control.tho and use of thisproduct,=7.1ce(l due:;not guarantee that the usarwiLl obtain the same rawl%as,published in this document.The data and Information arc provided as a technical.service and ni-sublact to change Withgul notice. I ACA-afh* I;Uhrditfal I ZZ I 9nglU5A 4/2814 0 2014 ArrnacetL LLC.Printed in United Status of Anwriea EO 39Vd 7V13W 133HS 1SV00V3S kTVZ99VZLL 90:90 5T0Z/,LT/80