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Florida Building Code Online ® Page 1 of 3 �Ll FIQIdfa Depamme ntof BCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics i Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts '.. Publications FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links ; Search I B,usiBusin esF�o) *Product n siI Approval ProfeUSER:Public User Regulation Product Aooroval Menu>Product or Aoolication Search>Application List>Application Detail FL# FL11847-R2 a. Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived ❑ Product Manufacturer Metal Roof Factory Address/Phone/Email 599 Gus Hipp Blvd Rockledge,FL 32955 (321)632-8300 FLvalidation@yahoo.com Authorized Signature Thomas Bruckner FLvalidation@yahoo.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Metal Roofing Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer ® Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Locke Bowden the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-49704 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications,Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 08/04/2025 Validated By Zachary R. Priest,P.E. © Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL11847 R2 COI FL 11847 Metal Roof Factory ss.Ddf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year TAS 100 1995 TAS 125 2003 UL 1897 2004 UL 580 2006 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqub%2fM2eroZ... 8/20/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 3 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 06/04/2015 Date Validated 06/14/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 06/21/2015 Date Approved 08/18/2015 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 11847.1 5V Crimp 26 Ga.5V Crimp Roof Panel over APA Rated Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11847 R2 II Details Non-HVHZ and HVHZ ss.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Locke Bowden,P.E.49704 Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-156.SPSF Evaluation Reports Other:-108.5 psf @ 12"o.c,fastener spacing. -156.5 psf FLi 1847 R2 AE FL 11847 Metal Roof Factory ss.Ddf @ 6"o.c.fastener spacing.Install per manufacturers details. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes For use in HVHZ Zones in compliance with FBC 2014. 11847.2 Mechanical Lock 1 1/2"Mechanical Lock 24 Ga. 16"wide over APA Rated Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11847 R2 II Details Non-HVHZ and HVHZ ss.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Locke Bowden,P.E.49704 Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+N/A/-123.5PSF Evaluation Reports Other:-59.75 psf @ 24"O.C.Clip Spacing.-123.5 psf @ 6" FL11847 R2 AE FL 11847 Metal Roof Factory ss.pdf O.C.Clip Spacing.Install per manufacturers details.For use Created by Independent Third Party:Yes in HVHZ Zones in compliance with FBC 2014. 11847.3 Nail Strip 1"Nailstrip 24 Ga. 16"Wide over 15/32"APA Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL11847 R2 II Details Non-HVHZ and HVHZ ss.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Locke Bowden,P.E.49704 Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-153.5PSF Evaluation Reports Other:-59.75 psf @ 16"O.C.fastener spacing in panel FL11847 R2 AE FL 11847 Metal Roof Factory ss.Ddf slots.-101.0 psf @ 6 3/4"O.C.fastener spacing in panel Created by Independent Third Party:Yes slots.-153.5 psf @ 6 3/4"O.C.fastener in slot&12"O.C. fasteners in Pan(See Details)Install per manufacturers details.Not for use in HVHZ Zones. 11847.4 Rib 26 Ga.Rib over 15/32"APA Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL11847 R2 II Details Non-HVHZ and HVHZ ss.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Locke Bowden,P.E.49704 Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-146.OPSF Evaluation Reports Other:-69.25 psf @ 24"O.C.Fastener Pattern Type A. FL11847 R2 AE FL 11847 Metal Roof Factory ss.pdf -146.0 psf @ 12"O.C. Fastener Pattern Type B.Install per Created by Independent Third Party:Yes manufacturers details. 11847.5 Snap Lock 1 1/2"Snap Lock 24 Ga,and 0.032 AL Snap Lock over APA Rated Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11847 R2 II Details Non-HVHZ and HVHZ ss.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Locke Bowden,P.E.49704 Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure:+N/A/-116.OPSF Evaluation Reports Other:HVHZ panel 24GA-86.0 psf @ 24"O.C.Clip Spacing. FL11847 R2 AE FL 11847 Metal Roof Factory ss.Ddf -108.5 psf @ 12"O.C.Clip Spacing.-116.0 psf @ 6"O.C. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Clip Spacing.Non HVHZ AL panel-45psf@16"o.c., -52psf@6"o.c.Install per manufacturers details. For use in compliance with FBC 2014. Back FNe:t Contact Us::1940 North Monroe Street.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Coovrioht 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqub%2fM2eroZ... 8/20/2015 Locke Bowden,P.E. Metal Roof Factory FL 11847 9450 Alysbury Place 599 Gus Hipp Blvd. Montgomery AL.36117 Rockiedke FL.32955 --- QualltyAssurance Program: Keystone Certifications Category:Roofing Sub-Category:Metal Roofing Code:FBC 2014 51h....ed.;__Method 1-D Sections:1504.3.2, 1506." .1507:4;"1518:9;:1523. Description Substrate Design Uplift Pressure* Fasteners 1 5 V Crimp 26GA 15/32"APA plywood -108.5 psf* 3/8"tall rib Corrosion resistant:, 24"coverage for Non HVHZ, fastening panel rib Thru fastened #9-15 WoodZac w/Zac Head with sealing 50 ksi For Reroofing HVHZ @12"o.c. washer or approved equal Non Structural additional 15/32"APA W min.penetration through plywood HVHZ plywood over existing. -156.5 psf* Min.slope 2:12;Lap sealant must be used For HVHZ use 19/32" fastening panel rib for slopes less than 3:12.Fire APA plywood for new @ 6"o.c. classification not part of this acceptance. construction.All installs Use RAS 133 for HVHZ. Over supports fastening max spacing 24"o.c. Designed in compliance with FBC 2014 - .2 1.5 Mechanical Lock Fasten with steel slider -59.75 psf* 1-1/2"'rib Corrosion resistant;(2)#12-11 Pancake Standing Seam clips into 15/32"APA Clip spacing 24"o.c. 1800 seam type A 24GA plywood decking for 2 fasteners per clip double lock Corrosion resistant;1500SC,1-1/2 sliding 16"width Non HVHZ.For w/mechanical clip assembly,two piece slider 50 ksi Reroofing HVHZ -123.5 psf* seamer Top-2213A galvanized steel HVHZ additional 15/32"APA Clip spacing 6"o.c. Base-16GA galvanized steel plywood over existing. 2 clips per fastener '/,"min.penetration through plywood For HVHZ use 19/32" Min.slope 2:12;Lap sealant must be used APA plywood for new for slopes less than 3:12 construction.All installs Fire classification not part of this over supports spaced acceptance.Use RAS 133 for HVHZ. max.24"o.c. .3 1.0 Nailstrip Thru fastened into min -59.75psf*Panel slot #"male rib- Corrosion resistant;through panel slot(1) 24GA 15/32"APA plywood fastening:16"o.c. slotted nail #10-13 GP Pancake Type A 16"width decking over supports strip snap i In Panel slot 50 ksi with max spacing 24" -101.Opsf*Panel lock (2)#10-11 eclipse head Type A in the Non Structural O.C. slot fastening 6- Panel Pan Non-HVHZ 3/4"o.c. #10-12 Type A PH @ 6-3/4"o.c.(see details) -153.Spsf*Panel YV min.penetration through plywood slot fastening:6- Min.slope 2:12;Lap sealant must be used 3/4"o.c. @12"o.c. for slopes less than 3:12 Panel Pan fastening Approved fire barrier. Fire classification 6-3/4"@12"o.c. _ not part of this acceptance. ..4 Rib Thru fastened into j-69.25psf*@24"o.c. Y"rib height Corrosion resistant;thru fastened 26GA 15/32"APA plywood Fasten 9"-9"-9"-9" Thru fastened #9-15 HWH WoodGrip with sealing 36"coverage decking over supports washer 80 ksi with max.spacing 24" -146 psf*@ 12"o.c. '/,"penetration through plywood Non Structural O.C. Fasten 6.5"-2.5"- substrate Non-HVHZ 6.5"-2.5"-6.5"-2.5"- Min.slope 2:12;Lap sealant must be used 6.5" for slopes less than 3:12 ! Approved fire barrier. Fire classification not part of this acceptance. .5 1 Snap Lock 15/32"APA Plywood -86 psf @ 24"o.c.* 1.5 rib height :Corrosion resistant: 16"width For Non HVHZ. -108 psf @ 12"o.c.* standing Fastener#12-11(2)fasteners per clip 50 ksi For Reroofing HVHZ -116 psf @ 6"c.c.* seam snap Pancake Head Type A.Clips:1500SNS, Non Structural additional 15/32"APA lock with clips 1-1/2"sliding clip assembly.1/4"min HVHZ plywood over existing. penetration through plywood substrate For HVHZ use 19/32" Install per manufacturer details;HVHZ use APA plywood for new RAS 133 for compliance with FBC 2014 construction.All applications over supports with max. Spacing of 24"o.c. i E i 1.5 Snap Lock 15/32"APA plywood -45psf @ 16"o.c* 1.5"rib height Corrosion resistant:(2)#12-11 Pancake .032 AL new and existing -52 psf @ 6"o.c.* Standing Head fasteners per clip.Clip:18Ga 23 ksi min construction over seam snap Stainless steel.''/.penetration through 16"Coverage supports attached with lock with clips plywood substrate.Install per Non Structural #8x2"woodscrews with' manufacturer details.Panel Perimeter: Non HVHZ max.spacing 24"o.c. Use 0.5"bead Titebond-WeatherMaster sealant along seam *Design Pressures includes,.afety factor=2.0 References .Entity .Report# Standard Year Force Engineering&Testing(TST-5328) #234-0063T-07 M-O TAS 125-03:UL 580-941/1897-981 (20061/20042) Farabaugh Engineering and Testing(TST-1654) #T130-07 TAS 100-95 #T215-08 TAS 100-95 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST-5878)#VLS-004-02-01 TAS 110-00(ASTM G 155)(ASTM B 117) #VLS-005-02-01 TAS 110-00(ASTM G 155)(ASTM B 117) Force Engineering&Testing(TST-5328) #72-0313T-06 TAS 125-03:UL 580-941/1897-982 (20061/20042) Farabaugh Engineering and Testing(TST-1654) #T157-07 TAS 100-95 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST-5878)#VLS-004-02-01 TAS 110-00(ASTM G 155)(ASTM B 117) #VLS-005-02-01 TAS 110-00(ASTM G 155)(ASTM B 117) Force Engineering&Testing(TST-5328) #72-0314T UL580-941/1897-982 (20061/20042) Farabaugh Engineering and Testing(TST-1654) #T158-07 TAS 100-95 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST-5878)#VLS-004-02-01 TAS 110-00(ASTM G 155)(ASTM B 117) #VLS-005-02-01 TAS 110-00(ASTM G 155)(ASTM B 117) PRI Construction Material Technologies(TST5878) FMRP-002-02-01 UL 580-06 FMRP-002-02-01 UL 1897-04 PRI Construction Material Technologies(TST5878) FAE-009-02-01 UL 580-06 UL 1897-04 1. UL 580-941 test standard Is equivalent to UL 580-061 test standard. 2. UL 1897-982 test standard Is equivalent to UL 1897-042 test standard Limitations: 1. Underlayment to be compliance with current Florida Building Code. 2. Minimum slope to be in compliance with Florida Building Code 2014,and in accordance with Manufacturer's installation reference. 3. Products are compliant for State of Florida product approval per Rule 61G20-3 4. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. 5. Shear diaphragm values are outside this report. 6. All support framing to be in compliance w/Florida Building Code 2014,Chapter 22 Steel,Chapter 23 Wood,Chapter 16 Structural Loading. 7. Engineer must evaluate the wall panel attachment to substrate for fastener pullout/pullover per AISI Specifications. S. This report does not imply warranty,installation,recommended product use outside of this report. Compliance Statement: These products herein evaluated by Locke Bowden,P.E.have demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2014 with referenced documents submitted. Certificate of independence: Locke Bowden,P.E.does not have,not will acgwre:a financial mteres� p;ahgldtM1lpop %manufactunng oc distributing" products under this evaluation.Locke Bowden,P.E.is not owned,operated ar controlled by,'an par_9m iry�or distnbuting`prodLlctsi under this report. G.,+ LQ01Nfi(�TCE F `r da Re l g4 °p S1ATE 0 . -3�,o Irl 5 V Crimp-HVHZ*l f�T) #9-15 x 1 1/2 WOODGRIP w/ ZAC HEAD & SEALING WASHER 4 It 1.5 Mechanical Lock-HVHZ*l 16'1 N r (2) #12-11 x 1" PANHEAD ' PER CLIP "1500SC SLIDING CLIP 1.0 Nail Strip*' 16 'S S?' PLYWOOD LetO--!+ ,c I" GP TYFE a?atuCAlcE Rf SRAC_ICE �k WATER SHIELD SPE LAC TAGLE FOR SPACI"16. OVER ENTIRE ROOF CECK 1'P= 2 inS;.E:"�ER PATT'F N I" 'YOE A P.aNCAK�-'' a 6 311" O.C. I =,�'- 11 X I' E LIPSE HEAD a 12"OC, FEN PANEL 15/32- PLYWOOD W1 GRACE ICE k WATER SHIELD OVER EN11RE ROOF DECK Rib Panel 26GA-Non HVHZ*lrJ TYPE A FASTENER PATTERN -,A! 24" O.C. .#9-15 x 1 1/2 W000GRIP N(/ SEALING WASHER �,/ TYPE R FASTENER PATTERN Al 12'0.c. °,� e..1/2 _. s / '. _a 1/2-_ z)/t a 1/2- V1/z,_ _ 0 ,4Z- 41 9-15 x 1 1/2" W000GRIP W1 SEALING WASHER *1 Install detail drawings by Terrence Wolfe,P.E. Snap Lock-HVHZ*l 16" T, (2) #12-11 x 1" PANCAKE TYPE A PER CUP 1500SNS FIXED CLIP Snap Lock Aluminum—Non HVHZ*Z 1 112" 16" Coverage ,` (2) #12-11 x 1" PH screws per clip 0.5" bead of TiteBond WeatherMaster Metal Roof Sealant along seam •i Install Detail provided by PRI Construction Materials Technologies ����Q�aair�Ilrpj ., STATEOF''