HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 4 i Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 2 f1 t I I 0 y Y'. �I w.✓.. 3 flAi(1<3 C1ar+s tpi SC IS Home Log In' User Registration Hot Topics Submit Sur arge Stats a Facts Pub`licatlans FBC Stall SCIS Site Map Lintas Search Busines ; ` _ Professial _. Product Approval USER:Public User { Regulation ` Produa ALLroyal t4enq>Pro u n A tiona Ilc t' k >Applieet n Detail # F 10674-R1a Application Type vision t Code Version 2 14 j Application Status A proved j } i Comments j Archived j Product Manufacturer ! 0 ens-Comin Address/Phone/Email 0 e Owens Co Ing Parkwa T ledo,OH 43 59 { ! ( 0)404-7$2 i gr g.keeler@o enscomijng.com Authorized Signature E G g Keefer l gr g.keeler@o enscoml�ng com i I l I Technical Representative ; M I Sancrant j Address/Phone/Email j 1 wens Corni g PKWY i } T edo,OH 43 59 I (4 9)376-836 I m I.sancrant@ wenscomig�Corn Quality Assurance Representative I I Address/Phone/Small Category Rc ofing E Subcategory As halt Shingh s i , Compliance Method Ev gluatlon RepLt from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Fl rida Profess) nal Engineer Evaluation keport-Hardcopy Received i II Florida Engineer or Architect Name who Ro 3ert I.M.Nle inen developed the Evaluation Report i Florida License PE 59166 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration,Date 08 20/2017 Validated By 1 lot in W. Kneze Ich, PE j Validation hecklist Hardcopy Received { Certificate of Independence FL 06 4 1170 01 2015 COI Niem(nen.gdf i Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Year A TM D3161 2009 M D3462 I 2009 D7158 2008 i Equivalence of Product Standards ! I j http://Www.flolidabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtllaspx?par =wGE QwfD #BNbEYSV%2... 8/1212015 1 1j Florida Building Code Online ; I Page 2 of 2 I Certified By I ; i Sections from the Code I ' 1 I i Product Approval Method Mett od 1 Option D I Date Submitted I 04/22/2015 Date Validated I 04/ 3/2015 I Date Pending FBC Approval 04/25/2015 Date Approved i 06/ 3/2015 i Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or!Name Descri tion 10674.1:', Owens Corning Asphalt Roofl g 3-tab, tab,5-tab,laminated,starter and hip&ridge k Shingles and Starters shin le; I Limits of Use Instal atlon Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:No 171-1015 74 RID h iM 0 FINAL ER OC ASPHALT Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes $HIM F X0674 Ri0,QdF Impact Resistant:N/A i Verifled By: Robert J. M.Nleminen PE-59166 Design Pressure:N/A Creatby Independent Third Party:Yes Other:Refer to ER,Section S. Evalu tion Reports FLl 6 4 R10 AE bQ1.5 04 FINAL EP OC ASPHALT SHING S F.1067}-R10.Ddf Creat by Independent Third Party:Yes I I liarlc N xt I I I I � i Contact Us::1940 North M mroe S reet.Tiallahasge-FIL 32399 Phone:850-4e7-1824 The State of Florida Is an AAJEEO employer. o I 20 7.2 a ofFlorida,::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public rerkrds.If you do not want your a-ma 1 address released In response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mall to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phi ne or by traditio ial mat?.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395. 'pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective Octobe 1,2012,licensees licensed rindeF Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an emall address If they have one.The emalls provided may be t sed for official c mmunlcation with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.lf you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provl le the Departme it with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine If you are a lice a under Chapte r 455,F.S.,please dick here. Produ t Approval Acc pts: Six uritv.r::xiurs I I I I i I i ' r j I i I i i I I I i I ' I I; http://www.floridabuilding.org/pi/pr Etpp_dtl.aspx?par =wGE XQvA,E gtBNbEY5V%2... 8/12/2015 i j f E�ERIOR RESEARCH&DESIGN,I.I.C. , CertIftcoteofAuthorization#9503 `` TRIM � -Y,ER® 353 CHRISTIAN STREET, r06478 OXFORD,CT 06478 ! PHONE;(203)262-9245 FAX:(203)262-9243 EVALUATION REPORT Owens Corning valuation Report 037940.02.12-R5 One Owens Corning.Parkway i FL10674-R10 Toledo,OH 43659 Date of Issuance:02/06/2012 Revision 5: 04/22/2015 SCOPE: i This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and i regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida.The documentation ubmitted has been ire�iewed by Robert Nieminen,P.E.for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida B ilding Cod ,Residential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 51h Edition:(2 14)Florida Building Cc de,sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles LABEUNG: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredit d Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until 5,Uch time as the named products) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes,or provisions of the C de that re ate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement;tonotify Robert Nieminen,P.E.if the product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. Trinity RD require a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Coo Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded byte words ' rinitylERD Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,th n it shall'be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be p ovided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at i he request of the Building Official. i This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 6.1 ! Prepared by: ' ,����tttirrr,f+•r ;• 'C t9T+'~? ' Thefacs i Ile seal appearing was authorized Robert Meminen, Robert J.M.Nieminen,P.E. �`'•,;'s 5••-ti;•,y. '� ,+� �OUA4 s�• P.E.ons"^x{/22/2015.This does not serve asanelectronlcalrysigned Florida Registration No.59166,Florida DCAANf1983 i a'••++�"s`ts dond mant.signed,sealed hardcoplos have beentransmitted totho ProduwIpprovalAdministrator and tothe named dient CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCES � 1. Trinity IERD does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will ii acquire, a financial ihterest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. Trinityl ERD is not owned,operated or controlled by any company m3nufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen,P.E.does not have nor will acquire,a financial in erect in any company�m inufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial 1 erest in an other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity ERD nor RoberrIt Nieminen, E.are,in a way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was us d for permuting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. ' I i i t j i + i 4 I _• I TRINITY Roomrs SYSTEMS EVALUATION: 1 � I 1. SCOPE: Product Category: Roofing j Sub-Category: Asphalt Shingles Compliance Statement: Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles,as produceby Owens Corning,have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the Florida Building Code anc Florida Bui dingCode,iResidential Volume through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is subje to the Installlation Requlrements and Limitations/Conditions of Use set forth herein. I i 2. STANDARDS: Section Proge Standa d year 1507.25,R905.2.4 Physical Properties! ASTM D462 2009 1507.2.7.1,11905.2.6.1 Wind Resistance ASTM D 161 2009 1507.2.7.1,R905.2.6.1 Wind Resistance i ASTM D 158 2008 3. REFERENCES: { EntityExamination Referen a Date UL LLC(CER9626) Physicals&Wind Resistance File 112T43,Vol.3 02/15/2007 UL LLC(CER9626) Physicals&Wind Reslstance 20120 -82453 05/16/2012 ULLLC(TST9628) Physical Properties 06CA203 04/18/2006 UL LLC(TST9628) Wind Resistance 11CA34 1 02/18/2012 UL LLC(TST9628) Physicals&Wind Resistance 47860937 02/01/2014 UL LLC(TST9628) Wind Resistance 47861232 02/10/2014 UL LLC(TST9628) Physical Properties CiassificIon letter; 1 02/13/2014 Miami-Dade(CER1592) FSC HVHZ Compliance VariousAs I Various UL LLC(QUA9625) Quality Control Service onfirmation,i 2453 Exp.08/20/2017 { j 4. PRODUCT DESCRiPT{ON: 4.1 Asphalt Shingles: 4.1.1 Classic and Supreme are fiberglass reinforced,3-tab asphalt roof shingles.; 4.1.2 Berkshire'are fiberglass reinforced,4-tab asphalt roo F shingles. 4.1.3 Devonshire'""are fiberglass reinforced,5-tab asphalt roof shingles. ll 4.1.4 Duration', TruDefinition• Duration, Duration Pre ium Cool, ruDefinition Duration* Designer Color Collection, TruDefinitton*Oakridge,Oakridge•and{'WeatherGua d@ HP are fi ergiass reinforced,laminated asphalt roof shingles. 4.2 Berkshire' Hip & Ridge Shingles, Hight Ridge, Hip & Ridge with Sealant, WeIatherGuard HP Hip & Ridge Shingles, ProEdge Hip&Ridge Shingles and DuriaRidge""Hip I k Ridge Shin les are fi#befglass reinforced,hip and ridge asphalt roof shingles. l 4.3 Starter Strip Plus and Starter Shingle Ro}}.l are starter si rips for asp alt roof shingles. S. LimaATIONS: 5.1 This Is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity( RD nor Rob rt Nlemine(, P.E.are,In any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previ us versionsthereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifi5allyfor that p 4rpo5e. 1 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in the HVHZ. 5.3 Fire Classification is not part of this Evaluation Repo ;refer to c rrent Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. j 5.4 Wind Classification: S.4.1 All Owens Corning shingles noted herein are Classifi d in accord nice with F13C Tables 1507.2.7.1 and R90S.2.6.1 to ASTM D3161,Class F and/or ASTM D7158, Class H,in icating the hinges ale acceptable for us in all wind zones up to Va,d=150 mph(Vult=194 mph). Refer to Section 6 fo installation equiremW to meet this wind rating. 5.4.2 All Owens Corning hip&ridge shingles and Starter St Ip Plus note herein are Classified in accordance with FBC Tables 1507.2.7.1 and 11905.2.6.1 to ASTM D3i61,Class F,in icating the hingles are acceptable for us in all wind zones up to Vwd=150 mph(Veit=194 mph). Refer to Section 6 foi installation equirements to meet this wind rating. i Exterior Research and design,LLC. Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-RS Ceif#kute ofAathorkatlon X79503 F110674•R10 i Revision S:04/22/2015 ! Page 2of6 'I I i I i -� TRHNr Y'ER® 5.4.3 Gasslfication by ASTM D7158 applies to! exposure category B or C nd a building height of 60 feet or less. Calculations by a qualified design professional are required for condition outside)these limitations. Contact the shingle manufacturer for data specific to each shingle. 5.4.4 Refer to Owens Coming published information on wind resistance nd Instaliation limitations. 5.5 All products in the roof assembly shall have quality a surance au it in accordance with the Florida Building Code and F.A.C.Rule 614320-3. j 6. INSTALLATION: 6.1 Underlayment: { 6.1.1 Underlayment shall be acceptable to O rens Corning nd shall hold currentiFlorida Statewide Product Approval,or be Locally Approved per Rule 61G20-3,peri FBC Sections 507.2.3,15 0 7.2.4 or R9D5.2,3. 6.2 Asphalt Shingles: 6.2.1 Installation of asphalt shingles shall co ply with the manufacturer's current(published instructions, using minimum four(4)nails per shingle in accordance ith FBC Sections 1507.2 o R905.2,wit the following exceptions: D Berkshire shingles require minimiI m five(5)na Is per shingl . WeatherGuard"HP shingles requlFe minimums (6)nails pe shingle. i ➢ Devonshire"shingles require minimum six(6)r ails per shin le. ➢ Starter StripPlus requires minimum five 5 nail eq ( ) Per strip. ; i Refer to Owens Coming published Information on wind resistant and installation limitations. 6.2.2 Fasteners shall be In accordance with the manufact rer's published requirements, but not less than FBC 1507.2.6 or R905.2.5. Staples are not permitted. i 1 6.2,4 Where the roof slope exceeds 21 units vertical in 12 units hor zontal, special methods of fastening are required. Contact the shingle manufacturer for details. I 6.2.5 Minimum Nailing—Classic®&Supreme j f Normal Mansard or Arse para Normot I Mansard or Area pan U111nd Areas High Wind dsavenss y Wind as j High Wind desvenea y Area pan vlantos normsios Areas vfanMs lusraeu I toArea pa vrantos nortnalos Arsos viontos fasrs r rtu z S' Pa O 6 Sir 6 posuro l:xp8rleidrf poaiei6n !l 6.2.6 Minimum Nailing—Berkshlre°: I I Seabsp snip i soman(Wip Latlrvdosellzdot i i Latbadospuldo/ 9 Yt' 8th' 0 VD i e I � I !i$phan roeWgcement I ! Cear�ntodotahodoestaito � I i i i Exterior Research and Design,LLC. 1 i Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R5 Cer0fCate of Autharisatlan#9503 iFL10674-R10 Revision 5:04/22/2015 Page 3 of 6 i I i ER ® RINTY' 6.2.7 Minimum Nailing—Devonshire'"': .........- - Nails Nails TarkI T Spots of Asphalt Boot Cament 6.2.8 Minimum Nailing—Duration®,TruDefinlion"Duratior Duration® Premium &TruDeflnition Duration Designer Color Collection: 4 Nail Pattern 0 Nall Eovemadb4clavos Pattern I I F awapd Optitulott. EWOM3 IMT SuieyllaiWtastani�oesawAithd.5g".. TUXT.I.S. I Area do dam SumNa UO ::33ftiftalarbMto sweirewratip. 1. S(Feaip go"N", *4�- I f5�-t I M 10 31fam — -1-7— \, ..21 4 it etwo - Om �- kridatier b -0- SUPWPO F, IT W."Exposuce NaHs 6%-'rspaze j 9..4 pulp.4*expoad6n Glares S%puhj. a dMP&*Af?? SV Expo Lite Nab W Uposm 5'f pulp. arposkido Cam Pi pubj•do eirposid4n 6.2.9 Minimum Nailing—TruDeflnitlon*Oakri ge*,Oakridg(O: 4 Nall FaMm 6 Nall Patter I EWama can 4 clavas Esquarna ac 16 clavos 6 5XI Uposure Nails 56w,sxposur4 flails ndaSbJ6prag 5 Clam 6 Die'Expoll sfplazldo66/Spulg Expaslar6ro da 6 5/6'PU19. 6.2.10 Minimum Nailing—WeatherGuard"HF: I Sinai b Slide VM w 3, Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-RS Certificate cifAufficirkation 49503 FLI0674-R30 Revision 5:04/22/2015 Page 4 of 6 KfAMMAYEnow MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCE (RER) i 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION I iMiami,Florida 33175-2474 1 T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OA ! www.miamiaaae.�ov/economy Polyglass USA Inc. j 150 Lyon Drive j Fernley,NV 89408 i ' SCOPE: This NOA is beingissued under the applicable rules and regulations ov rnin the use of construction materials.The Ppg g i documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Autho ity Haven Jurisdiction(AHJ). I This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated be ow.The iami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County)and/or the AHJ(in areas other than iami Dad County)i eserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If the productor materiaffails to perform in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of'such testingand the HJ may immediately revoke,modify,or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdi tion. RE reseryes the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Se tion that t is product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. i This product is approved as described herein,and has been designed to c)mply wit the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Cod.. iIIS i DESCRIPTION: Polyglass Polystick Underlayments f I LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent lab lel with the manufacturer's name or logo,city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", mess oth rwise noted herein. I RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal i Lpplicatio has been�iled and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting1the performance oft is product . TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after thelexpirationate or if There has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or,process.Misuse of is NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA�Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NO . I � ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words iami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. 11 any porton of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. I INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided i o the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Officiil. I I This revises NOA#1.2-0713.02 and consists of pages 1 through 9. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Alex Tigera. f I i NOA No.: 14-0717.08 MIAMI•DADBCOUNTY E Expiration Date: 09/13/16 Approval Date: 01/22/15 Page 1 of 9 i i I ROOFING COMPONENT APPROVAL j Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Underlayment j Material: SBS,APP Self-Adhering Modified Bitu men PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION: Test Product Product Dimensions S ecificatio ( Description Polystick MTS Roll: TAS 103 A hc mogeneous,rubberized asphalt waterproofing Manufacturing Location 65'8"x 3'33/8" me brane,glass fiber reinforced with polyolefinic #2 60 mils thick I film on the uplier surface for use as an undt rlayment for metal roofing,roof tile,slate tiles and shing a underlayment. I Polystick MTS Plus Roll: TAS 103 A hc mogeneo�s,rubberized asphalt waterproofing Manufacturing Location 65'8"x 3'33/8" me brane,glass fiber reinforced with polyolefmic #2 60 mils thick film on the upper surface for use as an unde rlayment for metal roofing,roof tile, slate j tiles and shinge underlayment. Polystick IR-Xe Roll: ASTM D 19 0 A fi ie granular/sand top surface self-adhering, Manufacturing Location 65' x 3'33/8" APP polymer modified,fiberglass reinforced, #1 &#2 Or 65' x 3' I bitui iinous sheet material for use as an 60 mils thick and rlayment iri sloped roof assemblies. Desi aned as an ice&rain shield. Polystick TU Plus Roll: TAS 1103 and A TM A ru berized asphalt self-adhering,glass- (Surface Printing) 65' x 3'33/8" D 1970 fiber polyester�reinforced waterproofing Manufacturing Location 80 mils thick ; me brane. Designed as a metal roofing and roof #1 &#2 j the nderlayiment. i Polystick TU P Roll: TAS 1103 and A TM A ruberized a phalt waterproofing membrane, Manufacturing Location 32'10"x 3'33/8" D 1970 glas -fiber/polyester reinforced,with a granular #2 130 mils thick surf ce designed for use as a tile roof unde laymen. Polystick Tile Pro Roll: TAS X103 and A TM A ruberized asphalt self-adhering,glass- Manufacturing Location 61' x3'33/8" D 1970 fiber!polyesterlreinforced waterproofing #2 60 mils thick memsane. Designed as a metal roofing and roof the nderlaym nt. Polystick Dual Pro Roll: TAS 103 and A TM A ru berized alphalt self-adhering,glass- ManufacturingLocation 61' x 3'33/8' D 1970 fiber{polyester einforced waterproofing #2 60 mils thick membrane. De�ssigned as a metal roofing and roof the under] merit. i ! CMIAMI-�= NOA No.: 14-0717.08 DADE CO Expiration Date: 09/13/16 Approval Date: 01/22/15 Page 2 of 9 i i ' f i i I PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION: i Test Product Product Dimensions Sbecification Description Polystick TU Max Roll: TAS X103 and ASTM A ru berized a phalt self-adhering,polyester 65'8"x 3'3-3/8" D 1970 rein orced waterproofing membrane. Designed as Manufacturing Location j #2 60 mils thick a a r of tile unJ erlayment. i II Elastoflex S6 G Roll: TAS 1103 and A TM Poly ster reijnfprced, SBS modified bitumen 32' 10"x 3' 3-3/8" D6164 membrane witl�a burn off polyethylene or sanded back face and a granule top surface. For use in roof ile underl'ayment systems. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: 1.Hazelton, PA 2.W inter Haven,FL EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test Agency Test Identifier Tet Name a ort Date Trinity I ERD P10870.09.08-R1 TAS 103 12/04/08 P10870.04.09 TAS 103/ STM 64798 &G155 04/13/09 P33360.66.10 STM D170 07/01/10 P33370.03.11 TAS 10• 03/02/11 P33370.04.11 ASTM D 1,623 04/26/11 P36900.09.11 TAS 103/ASTM 64'1798&G155 09/01/11 P37300.10.11 AS 110/ STM D4798 98&D1970 10/19/11 P40390. 08.12-1 TA 103 &;TAS 110 08/06/12 P40390.08.12-2 ASTM D 1623 08/07/12 P40390.i 0.12 LSTM D 1 X970 10/03/12 P37590.07.13-1 STM D6164 07/02/13 P45270.05.14 TAS 103,TAS l la&ASTM 05/12/14 D16231 P46520.10.14 ASTM 61623 10/03/14 P44360.10.14 TAE 103 &ITIS 110 10/07/14 P43290.10.14 ASTM D 1976, TAS 110 10/17/14 i � I PRI Asphalt Technologies PUSA-035-02-01 TAS 103 09/29/06 PUSA-055-02-02 TAS 10, 12/10/07 PUSA-089-02-01 TAS 103/kSTM D4798 &G155 07/06/09 Momentum Technologies,Inc. JX20H7A TAS 103/ STM 64798 &G155 04/01/08 RX14E8A TAS 103/{'ASTM D4798 &G155 11/09/09 DX2368B TAS 103/.ASTM 64798&G155 02/18/10 DX2368A TAS 103 STM D4798&G155 02/18/10 j i MIAMI•DADE COUNTY i NOA No.: 14-0717.08 j Expiration Date: 09/13/16 Approval Date: 01/22/15 Page 3 of 9 I i INSTALLATION PROCEDURES: Deck Type 1: Wood,non-insulated Deck Description: Min. 19/32"plywood or wood plank j System Type E(1) Anchor sheet mechanically fastened to deck,membrane adhered Anchor/Base Sheet: One or more plies of ASTM D 226 Type II or ASTM D 2626. Fastening: Per FBC 1518.2& 1518AINails and tin caps 12- grid,6" o.c.at a minimum 4"head lap.(for base sheet only) Membrane: Polystick membranes self-,adhered. Surfacing: See General Limitations Below. I Deck Type 1: Wood,non-insulated Deck Description: Min. 19/32"plywood or wood plank System Type E(2) Anchor sheet mechanically fastened t a deck,m mbrane a i hered Anchor/Base Sheet: One or more plies of ASTM D 226 T pe II or ASTM Q2626. Fastening: Per FBC 1518.2& 1518.4!Nails and I in caps 1 "grid, 6" o.c.at a minimum 4"head lap.(for base sheet only) Membrane: Elastoflex S6 G,hot asphalt applied. Surfacing: See General Limitations Below. Deck Type 1: Wood,non-insulated I Deck Description: Min. 19/32"plywood or wood plank System Type E(3) Base sheet mechanically';fastened deck, sub equent!c p membrane self-adhered. Anchor/Base Sheet: One or more plies of ASTM D 226 Type lI or ASTM D 2626. Fastening: Per FBC 1518.2& 1518.4INails and tin caps 12i'grid, 6" o.c. at a minimum 4"head lap.(for base sheet only) Ply Sheet: Polystick MTS Plus,self-adhered wit 1 minimu 3"horizontal laps and minimum 6"vertical (Optional) laps. Membrane: Polystick TU Plus, self-adhered. i Surfacing: See General Limitations Jelow. I I , � 1 i I i I i I I i i I i I { NOA No.: 14-0717.08 MIAMI•DADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/13/16 Approval Date: 01/22/15 Page 4 of 9 I � i INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: 1. All nails in the deck shall be carefully checked for protruding head . Re-fasten any loose decking panels,and sweep the deck thoroughly to remove any dusk and debris prior to plication, 2. Place the underlayment over metal drip edge in accordan a with S111.1 3. Place the first course of membrane parallel tolthe eave,rolling the membrane,Ito obtain maximum contact. Remove the release film as the membrane is applied. All side laps shall be;a minimum of 3-'/2"and end laps shall be a minimum of 6". Roll the membrane into place after removing the release strip. Vertical strapping of the roof with Polystick is acceptable. Membrane shall be back nail d in ac,co(dance with applicable building code. 4. When applying the membrane in the valley,start at the 1 w point a d work to the high point,rolling the membrane from the center outward in both directions. 5. For ridge applications,center the membrane and roll frot ri the cent r outward in both directions. 6. Roll or broom the entire membrane surface so as to have full conta A with the surface,giving special attention to lap areas. I 7. Flash vent pipes,stacks,chimneys and penetrations in cc mpliance with Roof Assembly current Product Control Notice of Acceptance. I 8. All protrusions or drains shall be initially taped with a 6' piece of nderlaym nt. The flashing tape shall be pressed in place and formed around the protrusion to ens ure a tigh fit. A second layer of Polystick shall be applied over the underlayment. GENERAL LIMITATIONS: 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. 2. Polystick MTS,Polystick MTS Plus,Polystick TU Plus,Polystick Tile Prdarid Polystick Dual Pro may be used in asphaltic shingles,wood shakes and shingles,non-stru dural met 1 roofir g,roof tile systems and quarry slate roof assemblies.Polystick TU P may be used in all the previous assemblies listed except metal roofing. Polystick IR-Xe may be used in all the previous assembli s listed except metal roofing and roof tile systems. Polystick TU Max may be used in non-structural metal rc ofing and roof tile systems. Elastoflex S6 G may be used in roof tile systems only. 3. Deck requirements shall be in compliance with applicable building code. 4. Polyglass Polystick membranes shall be applied to a smooth,clean and dryi surface. The deck shall be free of irregularities. 5. Polyglass Polystick membranes and underlayments shall iot be adhered direc Jy over a pre-existing roof membrane as a recover system. I � 6. Polyglass Polystick membranes shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than the amount of days listed in the table below after application. Polyglass reserves the right to revise or alter product exposure times; not to exceed the preceeding maximum time limitations. Exposure Limitations da s MTS IR-Xe Elastoflex TU Plus TU P Tile Pro (Dual Pro TU Max MTS Plus S6 G Winter Haven, 180 90 180 1 180 180 180 180 90 180 FL. Hazelton,PA. N/A 90 N/A 180 N/A N/A i N/A N/A N/A ' 1 7. All products listed herein shall have a quality!assurance Ludit in ac:ordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 9N-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. NOA No.: 14-0717.08 MIAMI•DADE COUNTY I Expiration Date: 09/13/16 AD Approval Date: 01/22/15 Page 5 of 9 � I 1 i 8. In roof tile application, data for the attachment'resistance f roof tiles shall be las set forth in the roof tile manufacturer's Notice of Acceptance.Polystick TU Plus, Polystick ile Pro,Polystick TU Max or Elastoflex S6 G may be used in both adhesive set and mechanically fastened roof ile applications.Polystick Dual Pro is limited to mechanically fastened roof tile applications.Po ystick M S and Polystick MTS Plus are limited to mechanically fastened with the limitations outlined in Section 9.Po ystick TU1 P may be used in mechanically fastened roof tile applications with the exception of mortar set tile a 3plicati6ns. 9a. The maximum roof slope for use as roof tile un'derlaymen for(dire t-to-deck)tile assemblies shall be as follows: (See Table Below) j Tile Profile Polystick MTS Elastoflex S6 G Polyst ck TU PI as, Polystick TU Polystick MTS j TU ,Tile Pro, Max Plus' al Pro i i Flat Tile Prohibited 4:12 No limitation Nd limitation 5:12 without battens Profiled Tile Prohibited 4:12 1 No limitation No limitation 4:12 without battens I The above slope limitations can be exceeded only by usin battens and counter battens in accordance with the Approved Tile System Notice of Acceptance and applicable Florida Building bode requirements. Battens are required for both loading and installation of tiles at all times. 'The following limitations shall be apply when using Pol. stick MTPlus: • Slopes up to those shown in the table above will require st ging of tiles—two tiles laid perpendicular to slope followed by a maximum four till stack parallel to the slope, for a total of 6 tiles. (See Figure I below) • Battens shall be used for stagging of lugged tiles ibove 4:1 • Battens shall be used for stagging of flat tiles abc ve 5:12 i J/S ope I I I j I i 11 f Figure 1: Sta ging Mett od 4 9b. There shall be no roof slope limitation for the,Polystick TATS Plus Polysticl TU Plus two-ply underlayment system when a applied using the stagging method outlined above. i I i i 1 ! I NOA No.: 14-0717.08 Mu►MananE counenr I Expiration Date: 09/13/16 Approval Date: 01/22/15 i Page 6 of 9 t i i k 10. Care should be taken during the loading procedure to keep foot traf lc to a minimum and to avoid dropping of tile directly on the underlayment.Refer to P4glass' Tile loading d tail belov for loading procedure for all underlayments except Polystick MTS which slaIl be load d onto b flans. Roofin Tiles ------ —_ ---- -- -- ------. {6 Ma Per SYackl I d 12 a 6 �— I m f �I� i k F bof Deck pn�spr&!idh POUSTICT Rus k I ! 11. Refer to prepared roofing system Product Control Notice of Acceptince for,lilted approval of this product with specific prepared roofing products. Polystick MTS,PaIy ick MTS lus,Polystick IR-Xe,Polystick TU Plus, Polystick TU P,Polystick TU Max,Polystick Dual Pro, olystick He Pro or Elastoflex S6 G may be used with any approved roof covering Notice of Acceptance listing olystick TS, Polystick MTS Plus,Polystick IR-Xe, Polystick TU Plus,Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Max,P lystick D al Pro,Polystick Tile Pro or Elastoflex S6 G as a component part of an assembly in the Notice of Acc ptai Polystick MTS,Polystick MTS Plus, Polystick IR-Xe,Polystick TU Plus,Polystick TU P,Pol stick TU ax,Polystick Dual Pro,Polystick Tile Pro or Elastoflex S6 G are not listed,a request may be made o the Aut f ority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ)or the Miami-Dade County Product Control Department for ap roval pro ided that appropriate documentation is provided to detail compatibility of the products,wind up ift resist ce,and fi`e testing results. LABELING: 1. All membranes or packaging shall bear the imprint or iden iflable m rking of the manufacturer's name or logo,city and state of manufacturing facility and the following state ent: "Mi mi-Dade County Product Control Approved" or the Miami-Dade County Product Control Seal as shown elow. � MIAMI•l?ADE COUNTY '' '• BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: I� Application for building permit shall be accompanied byl Copia of the fo{lowing:; 1 1.This Notice of Acceptance. 2.Any other documents required by the Building Official or ap licable b iilding code in order to properly evaluate the installation of this materials. i ;t j I k k , I I . w k 1 r I MlAMI-DADE COUNTY= NOA No.: 14-0717.08 ( Expiration Date: 09113/16 Approval Date: 01122115 Page 7 of 9 � I i I � POLYGLASS GENERAL APPLICATION GtIDELINE .FOR P LYST C,K MEMBRANES: 1. Polyglass does accept the direct application of Polystick imderlaym ant membranes to wood decks. Installers are cautioned to refer to applicable local building'codes prio to direct eck installation to ensure this is acceptable. Please also refer to applicable Product Data Sheets of the correspo ding products. 2. All rolls,with the exception of Polystick TU Plus should be back-n filed in'selvage edge seam as per Polyglass Back Nailing Guide. Nails shall be, 11 gauge!ring shank type,applied with'aMinimum 1"metal disk as required in Dade County or simplex type nail as otherwise allowable in othe regions,at a minimum rate of 12"o.c. Polystick TU Plus should be back nailed in designated ar a marked"nail area area para clavar"on the face of membrane,with the above stated nails and/or disks.The ead lap rr.embrane to cover the area being back- nailed. (Please refer to applicable local buildi�g codes pr or to inst ]lation.), I 3. All seal lap seams(selvage laps)must be rolled with a h d roller t ensure f ll contact. e end laps, shall hav a 6"wide,uniform layer of Polyglass 4. All fabric over fabric; and granule over granui Polyplus 55 Premium Modified Flashing Cement,Polyglass Polypl s 50 Premium MB Flashing Cement, XtraFlex 50 Premium Modified Wet/Dry Cement,Polyglass PG50 MB Flasl ing Cement,applied in between the application of the lap.The use of mastic b�tween the aps does not apply to Polystick MTS. 5. A maximum of 6 tiles per stack are allowed ween loading tile on the underlayments.Refer to the Polyglass Tile Loading Guidelines. See General Limitations 99 and#10 ({ 6. Battens and/or Counter-battens, as required by the tile manufacturers NOA's,Imust be used on all projects for pitch/slopes of 7"/12"or greater. It is suggested that on pitch/slopes in excess of 6 '/4"/12",precautions should be taken,such as the use of battens to preventf the sliding during theloading process. 7. Minimum cure time after membrane installation&before loading c f roofing tiiles is Forty-Eight(48)Hours. 8. Polystick membranes may not be used in any exposed application s ach as crickets,exposed valleys, or exposed roof to wall details. I 9. Repair of Polystick membranes is to be accomplished by applying I loiyglassolyplus 55 Premium Modified Flashing Cement,Polyglass Polyplus 50 Premium MB Flashing Ce ent,XtrTFlex 50 Premium Modified Wet/Dry Cement,Polyglass PG500 MB Flashing Cemen to the ar a in need of repair,followed by a patch of the Polystick material of like kind should be set and hand rol led in place over the area needing such repair.Patching membrane shall be a minimum of 6 inches in either direc ion. The repair should be installed in such a way so that water will run parallel to or over the top of all laps o the patch. j 10. All self-adhered membranes must be rolled toI ensure full contact with approved substrates. Polyglass requires a minimum of 40 lbs for a weighted roller for the rolling o the field embrane-. Hand rollers are acceptable for rolling of patches or small areas of the roof. Brooming may be used where,slope prohibits rolling. 11. All approved substrates should be dry, clean and properly prepared before any application of Polystick membranes commences. An approved substrate technical bulletin can be furnished upon request.It is recommended to refer to applicable building codes prior o installation to verify acceptable substrates. 12. The Polyglass Miami-Dade Notice of AcceptAnce(NOA approval for Polystick membranes can be furnished upon request by our Technical Services Depai ment by c lling 1 (8 0) 894=4563. I r t MIAMIOADE COUNTY I NOA No.: 14-0717.08 Expiration Date: 09/13/16 Approval Date: 01/22/15 Page 8 of 9 i , I 13. Questions in regards to the application of Po6lass pro ucts shoo id be dir!I c-.ed to our Technical Services u Department at 1 (800)894-4563. 14. Polyglass recommends that applicators follo,%k good roof ing practi es and applicable procedures as outlined by the National Roofing Contractors Association' (NRCA). 1 F SPECIFIC PLEASE CHECK WITH LOCAL BUILDING CODESOREGARD G LIMITATIONS 0 i APPLICATIONS. LOCAL CODES MAY SUPERSEDE POLYG, SS RE UILREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. END OF THIS,A -CEP TANt' t NOA No.: 14-0717.08 MIAMMADECOU Expiration Date: 09/13/16 Approval Date: 01/22/15 Page 9 of 9