HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs 09/08/2015 12:27 7724662417 SEACOAST SHEET METAL PAGE 06 MPThis combination qualifies for a Federal Energy a Efficiency Tax Credit when placed in servica between Feb 17, 2009 and Dec 31,2014. Certificate of Product Ratinas AHRI Certified Reference Number: 7428126 Date: 918/2015 Product:Single-Package Air-Conditioner,Air-Cooled Model Number: GPC1448H41 E* Manufacturer: GOODMAN MANUFACTURING CO., I.P. Trade/Brand name: GOODMAN;JANITROL;AMANA DISTINCTIONS; EVERREST; ONE HOUR AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING; ENERGi AiR Region:All (AK,AL,AR,AZ,CA, CO, CT, DC,DE,FL,GA, Hl, ID,IL,iA,IN,KS, KY, LA, MA,MD, ME, MI,MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH,NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR,PA, RI,SC, SD,TN,TX, UT,VA,VT,WA,WV,Wl,WY, U.S.Territories) Region Note: Central air conditioners manufactured prior to January 1,2015,are eligible to be installed in all regions until June 30,x016, Beginning July 1,2016,central air conditioners can only be installed in region(s)for which they meet tho regional efficiency requirement. Series name: GPC14 Mallufaetu>rei`to 5i�1�'siblt:for:the'rsting.of this system Goim6tnation:'is::G!GY4y'U!NlAN MANIJP.AC1"UaING•CO.,LP. Rated:is-$i lows in,AlDcordance with:AHRI Stan dard'i•1012+ 646084n!iVrlitely J.4r- 66diti6fift-and;AleSouroe Heat:P:urtip'Equipme(>1t:andsubjsctf6'Verificationof:rstiing'i l6i ra�byS" H'?i-O:pd•1'Y#06d,ind004hddht;third Cooling:Capacity..,(Mtuh): 46bbd. .. Ei=��tsting:.(�oolilig)'. � '• •: ` ; 12•:40 • .. • . . SEER:Rtatng{ obliri'g�; 14.00 :. I�'El���i���tlrig"{'G��I�rtg);;,• . . . Ratings followed by or,Arieduk(')Indicate a voluntary renin of prevlout y publlshed data,unless accompnniod with a WAS,which Indicates an invok,ntory rornto. DIRCI,AI I101FR AHRI does not endorse the product(s)listed on this Certificate and makes no representalion$.Warranties or guarantees as to,and assumes no responsibility for, tho product(u)listed on this CertiflCato,AHRI expressly disclaims all liobilityfor domaps of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the produrl(s),or the unauthorized alteration of data ilStcd on this Certificate.Certified ratings are valid only for models and Conflgurlltiohs listed In the directory at www.ohrldirootory,orE, TERMS AND CONDITION$ This cerliflote and Its contents are proprietary products of AHRI.This Certificate Shall only be used for Individual,personal and ' sontldeotiel reference purposes.The contnntn of thle Ca,tlfluate may not,In whole or in part,1w roproducad;copied;dlssemimated; entered into a computer database:or otherwise utilized,In anylorm or manner or by any means,except for the user's Individual, personal and confidential reference. AIR-CONDMONINO,HtAYING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION &REFRIGERATION 1NsTITurr; The Information for the model Cited on this certificate can be veriited it Www.ahildlrectory,org,click on"Verify Certiflcete"link wr,,nahl:111,6 betwe, and anter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date On Which the certificate was Is,4ued, which is listscl ai.)9%and the Certiflsatc No.,Whlcn Is listed at bottom right. a-r•-.-, •......_._._.._. .._._.__..___...._.._... 130862048564165419@201.4 Air-Conditioning,Heating,and Refrigeration institute �RTIFI+CATrE NO.: 09/08/2015 12:27 7724662417 SEACOAST SHEET METAL PAGE 02 Jul 28 15 12:43p p,1 erg-ree,flexible, elastomeriC. Pope •_ n�t,l�tian•'�or,re.liable:p�otec�on�again� . ';:�: ..::.:.�• •�:';••:, f .carrTube Insulation y`ensati��i;:rraald,'. nergy . .•:ultraviolet:•radiation«resid�r��iak.��nr� . ' : ':° :: •,:: �'`-�vmn7erciaE.applic�tons.• - - . . • X1:4 u'; .'L... •Closed-cell structure provides excetlent condensation , .. and energy loss control Effective) retards degradation due to ultraviolet radiation a r m a le , �> `� r4�,"�•,�''• Flexible material With dusted,relaxed 1D's far easy instaUat3en,Superior tough n?ss to withstand on-site `,:•.��'.;.�-��:Al,.��J„ti�,.�. handling ,^, •i:'n%YCt,'•:.yM111`yl'µ"_': * Built-in vapor retardant barrier eliminates need for ��:. m+; additional vapor retarder ''c' �''s'ti ��- 09/08/2015 12:27 7724662417 SEACOAST SHEET METAL PAGE 03 PipcInsutativn fleaeriptioti: . Stack flexible etastomeric thermal pipe in'uiat!Cn '$p�(ticatlonS Co'rrFpilia/1itR' • ASTM C 534,Type I-Tubular Grade I 'AI►pr�r'Coh1Q(i0tttese •Manufactured without CFCs,HFCs,HCFCs,PSOEs,or Formaldehyde. •All Armacell,facilities in North America are ISO 9001:2008 certified. 5pi k titfds: lrolurs too Nathdih Thermal Cond"wft Btu•in./h•ftp a°F(W rnVJ ASTM G 177 or C 619 756 F'MOmn Temperature(24 Cl 0.2710.0391 90°F Mann Temperature[821Cl 0.27610-0401 WaterVtrpor Permeability: 0.0811-i6 x 70•"1 A5TF4 E 96.Procedure A Perm-in.[KgAs•m•Pail Flame Spread and Smoke 25/50 rated ASTM E 84 DeWtow itMelt: Water Absorption, 0.2% ASTM C 209 %by Volume: Mold Growth! Passed UI-181 Fungi Resiatan": ASTM G21IC1339 Bacterial Resistance: ASTM 022 UppefUsel-11MR!' 220°F[1o5°Ei ASTM 0534 Lower Use Limit:2 -297°F(-183°Ci 8 ASTM C534 Oze"Resistance- GOOD Stt11a: Wall Thickness(norofnstl 3/8-1/2-,3/4-and 1"(10,13,19 and 25mm1 (nside Diameter,Tubular 3/8",iD to 4-118"ID 1111mm I D to 105mm IN Length of Sections,Tubular 6'(1.83m) Outdoor Use Na paintinq is necessary for performance of the product.Howmr,all elastomeric-used cellular insulation wilt show surface defects after prolonged exposure to UV radiation.Painting will minimise these defects if installed outdoors. On the heating cyclo.AC Aceeflex pipe insulation will withstand tarnperstures as high as 22DIP Il a5"f:l,520,520 Etack or$70 BLV Adheslve may bq u86d with pipe insulation applications up to 22(t°F[las°CI, 'At tomperatures below-20`F 1-294CI,elastorneric inaUtatlan starts to become less lioWle.However,this charactoristic does not affect thermal cf5ciencyand resistance ro weir e vapor permeability of Accaflex ineutation- For applications of-401F to•297°F I-b0°C to-183"C),contact Armacell, ARMACM.L LLC TEL:$00.966.5638 � FAX. 919.3 acel i A r m a c e l l infa.usfdarmacelLcarn www.armace(Lus 7600 Oakwood Street Extension.Mebane.NC 27302 advanced insulation Anmrenit prrrvldfs this information as a technical seNic9.To th9 extant the infarmTtion Is derived from sources other than Armacalt,Armacell is substantially,if not wholly,rety�ng upon the othersourcetsl to provide atcurata infom�arron,Inforn-otion provided as n result of Armecalrs own technical analyXis and testing is aecur'ate to IN extent ed aur Anowf 1 and Affity,as of date at prinGrtg,using effectiiw standardized methods and procedures,Foch user of these products,or informatian,should perform their mm tests to determine the safety. f"ss?red ituitabilfty of thepradurts,or combination of products,for any foromohle purposes,applications and uses by the user and try any third party to which the user may convey Iha products.Sine Armacell eannot control oho end uee et this product.Armnroli does not guarantee thmt the dserwill obtain the same results as published in this document.The ti and Informatlon areprovlded as a techniwt servic(bed ars subject to change without notice. AC Aecellex Submittal 006AC I EnglUSA 1 412014 0 2074 Armacell LLC.Printed in United States of America