HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs luau � i iuui iii i i n "The On Time Concrete Company"ac "The On Time Concrete Company" � CE11iTRACONREE CONCRETE PATCHERSMIX.►NC:: IIIIIIIIIIII�IIII�IIIII ( III�tI.' CERITRACORETE CONCRETE PATCHEMI INC. I�I��IIII�IIIIIII���IIIIIIIIill�ltl'I'11��N�� South Dispatch: (305)284-7101 ftll!!i Ifi!!111! !1 i i 1 li I South Dispatch: (305)204.71Q�•,. I 1 LI(!Itlllii II Illi!Iltt lit i iI NorthOlspatch: (501)928-5384 North Dispatch: (581)92&8364_ CUSfOM O: -DEI ERYTRCKET C�ISTOMER.NOs,: dSL`(VEFiY.7'1CttET-` �DATE Bock Dispatch: (305)605220 - Blick Dlapetdt: (305)806226 1MNW.SUPERMI%.COM WNIW.SUPERM XCOM MAIN OFFICE:4300 S.W.74th Ave.•Miami,FL 33155 PCDEMrrn 1,t-t 1 rs ¢P,1.1�/,s MAIN OFFICE:4300 S.W.74th Ave.•Miami,FL 33155 'cDrt�toco 14-! PHONE:(305)262-3250-FAX:(305)267-0698 PHONE:(305)262-3250-FAX:(305)267-0698 — SERVING MIAMI-DADE,BROWARD, PALM BEACH,MARTIN&SL LUCIE COUNTIES SERVING MIAMI-DADE,BROWARD,PALM BEACH,MARTIN&ST.LUCIE COUNTIES .,». t ..SOL_bT0 :;" _• , > . - = :t s ;:- ,.,_;;,�,DELIVEfilfi)►DbiiESS, '-' ,,.� :A y" `4 ),, � 'SQLDTO _ s�j1F.LLVERY¢ODEiFSS PC DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION LLC -100 BIRCH DR PSL ^C DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION LI_C 611710 BIRCH DR PSL s5 1s�F3D��JMNk� IAL CIRCLE rARIOUS SdFS _Me COM*FRCFKtl. CIt41_.(._F VAR?TOUS JI189 1 =�O PO`? 4.3-t-3 FORT PIERCE: ,FL 34943 30 *:ROMAN rCf.T PI'RC ,FL 34948 PO 4nRONAN ORDER# 156 DROJECT t#: 12480 O(t7ER4'' 15%: PROJECT ¢#t ' 124G!A IAP PAGE„ CBC25 LOT/BLOCK: A8343216 MAP PAGE: CBC25 LOT/PL DCKt A834:3216 I NSTRUCT I ONS: 1 INSTRUCT I ONS ».. ;ITEM:';'- ,.. "_,DESCRIPTIQN .. ,.. UNIT.-..:PRtCE;x•,,,.�'EXTENSt N"-,Y. =:auasiTlTY ; t7EfL1 DESCR(PTtON _ - ,-'tINiT„, pRtC.f; -EXTEtt}SJt� iwl.,00 309014 3000 REGULAR 40 'SLAG ay 10,091 309014- 300% REGULAR 40 SLAC, cy 1ir• 00 1=INER34L IBERMEStd 3/4 LII/CY 16 !rn,PIM F_rAEf':3:rL. -TF:IE:RIri-91-I 3/4 LR/GY !la FUEL SUR TONIV.FBI.EER ENV FEE f=+!V .. rr MtNNEa ALLOWABLE TOM, PER MINLttE M""ES &WwAaus T"'E' PER MINUTE EXTRA UNLOADING TIME CHARGE y _ X$1.00 a EXTRA UNLOADING TIME CHARGE y .. X$1.66 r� - •6 MINUTES PER CU.YD. ALLOWED SHORT LOAD CHARGE* "6 MINUTES PER CU.YD. ALLOWED SHORT LOAD CHARGE* SLUMP THIS DELIVERY TOTAL CU.YDS.1:m•cnr) AMOUNT SLUMP THIS DELIVERY TOTAL 20.00 CU.YDS. AMOUNT 4+/-_ l n OF YOUR ORDER FOR 214•mm CU.YDS. TAX p a In OF YOUR ORDER FOR 20.00 CU.YDS. TAX CUSTOMER OR HIS AGENT ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ST•HENGTHAND(OR .� ..7ut!4, 'r i;''��CY't? LITY PERFORMAN E OFCUSTOMER OR HIS AANY�CONCRETEE PASSUMES �nED�1'1=DES S OR WHEN $ ` ES PERFORMANCE OF ANY CONCRETE PLACED ABO DESIGN P OR WHEN WATER IS ADDED. WATER ADDED ❑YES O v GLS. `”'±� r»�Is .° e ydt. WATER IS ADDED. WATER ADDED tE9 ONO GIS. N -... r.. ,..< „• mow•.. ..- ARRIV b J S'.f 'ST ED iINL Al11NQ' '.FINISHED.UN OADI i'i EAVIN6TNi JQB;:: -. T� .., a cnv TIMEARRIYEQONJbB;...+STAiITED k A0)NQ ^:'•'FINI$RE[)Ull1(?ADING -,# AVt�14Tt1(S.:JRB ART ti UB IECTTOTHETERMS,CONDITIONS AND'CAUTION"WARNING LISTED ON BOTH THE SUBJECT TOTHE TERMS,CONDITIONS AND'CAUTION"WARNING LISTED ON BOTH THE FRONT AND BACK OF THIS TICKET. FRONT AND BACK OF THIS TICKET. >. c':a--TRUCK a,DR)VER. -w,: I acknowledge that I havf1h;i elveIf and accepted the materials listed on this ticket.r ;TRUCK;,• RR/EH I acknowledge that I have received and accepted the materials listed on this ticket.I understand and agree tootms an both the front and back of this ticket. E+v' understand and agree to the terms on both the front and back of/)his ticket. 74t9 .3'111 RECEIVED BY: X 1 a t iACHADO I.UPE RECEIVED BY: X 21 LOADING POINTS AT 1 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER 'it'f;.CONTRQL 21 LOADING POINTS AT 16 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER ra MIAMI•DOWNTOWN MIAMI-WEST MIAMI-AIR ORT-OPA-LOCKA-MEDLEY-PERRINE•PEMBROKE PINES //((//JJ'^' �a'r � MIAMI•DOWNTOWN MIAMI-WESTMtAMI-AIRPORT-OPA•LOCKA-MEDLEY-PERRINE•PEMBROKE PINES 14- 18623 DEERFIELD•BOCA RATON-RIVIERA BEACH'S ART-W.BROWARD•FL PIERCE•E.BROWARD•DELRAY 'Ll(( 14- 19 3 6 5 DEERFlEC-SOCA BATON•RIVIERA BEACH•Y READY •W MIXED CBROWARD•FL PIERCE•E.CONCRETE •BLOCK PRODUCERS AND SUPPLIERS OF QUAUTY Y MD(ED CONCREIEAND CONCRETE BLOCK HRMt i��� PRODUCERS AND SUPPLIERS OF QUALITY RFADY MIXED CONt`ltElE AND CONCf267E BLOCK. NRMCIi OFFICE COPY " OFFICE COPY "�« "The On Time Concrete Company" P CENTRAL CONCRETE SUIPERMlk INC. CONCRETE DISPATCHERS: South Dispatch;.(3D�254-T,D,. 1llillklilllallllIIIIIIIIINilll11111111fallf�� .,.. North Dispatch: (561)828.9384 CU$70ME `NO-I raDELIV IiYTICKETe i'. .DATE a' Block Dispatch: (305)8053220 WWW.SUPERMIX.COM L4!-.-111 MAIN OFFICE:4300 S.W.74th Ave.-Miami,FL 33155pCDEMOC(] ?785) IA 15 PHONE:(305)262-3250-FAX:(305)267-0698 SERVING MIAMI-DADE, BROWARD,PALM BEACH,MARTIN&ST. LUCIE COUNTIES PC DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION 1-1-C 6100 BIRCH DR FJSL 7348 COMMERCIAL CIRCLE L)Avr01JS JOBS i P,7 90" 43.43 FOORT PIERCE ,FL.. 3-,948 PO #.ROMAN ORDER4 1,16 PRO TELT 4r, Re PRIDE; 1=r+8ih L._. . INSTRUCT-,PNS1 --------------- QUAN-, %._,...;•REM . .l7SCNIPT7UN, :_.L : ... a: ,..UNITL. CE ENSI�N.yE: 2..50 309014. 30041 REGULAR 40 SLAG ; cy 2,.00 FIBER34L FIBERMEFSH 3/4 I_R/CY Lb I FUEL_ SUR EIV FEE MINUTES ALLeWABLE TINE' PER MINUTE EXTRA UNLOADINGTIME CHARGE I* X$1..00 '6 MINUTES PER CU.YD. ALLOWED SHORT LOAD CHARGE y SLUMP AMOUNT THIS DELIVERY TOTALS CU.YDS: OF YOUR ORDER FOR CU.YDS. TAX CUSTOMER OR HISAGENTASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR STRENGTH AND/OR 'L 11�• ; �y•'m''t• L�. c.E x It 2'.f PERFORMANCE . ANY CONCRETE PLACED A93 NO SIGN SLjIMP OR WHEN ...<r4 WATER ISADDED. WATER ADDED YES NO OLS. "'= gt �TiME gRRIVED,ON JOBz STARjED UNLOADING'-::FINISHEDl1NLOgDINQ:;>, ;, LEAV N 'INIS;yIQEi., »,•„_TOrALjIME�>,,.,.t,• SU JECTTO THE TERMS,CONDITIONS AND'CAUTION"WARNING LISTED ON BOTH THE FRONT AND BACK OF THIS TICKET. I acknowledge that I have received and accepted the materials listed on this ticket.I understand and agree to the terms on both theant and back of this ticket. y 6559 feaubrint. IIor.I RECEIVED `'aa'°CONTROL 21 LOADING POINTS AT 16 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER MIAMI-DOWNTOWN MIAMI-WEST MIAMI-AIRPORT-ORA-LOCKA-MF-0LEY•PERRINE-PEMBROKE PINES 14- 18628 DEFAFIELD-BOCARATON-RIVIERA BEACH-STUART-W.BROWARD-T PIERCE-E.BROWARD-DELRAYQC ( MW PRODUCERS AND SUPPLIERS OF QUALITY READY MIXED CONCRETE AND CONCRETE BLOCK NRMU OFFICE COPY -_ Planning&Development Services wilding&Code Regulation Division i 2300 Virginia Ave • • - Fort piercer FL 34982 772-462-21.72 Fax 772-462-6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE.TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT #:--' JOB ADDRESS: �d 16:T4 f)( - BUILDER/e,ONTRAC70R: PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: PEST CONTROL LICENSE #: We, the undersigned,hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association, Square feet if area treated: 5 Chemicals used: _ ) 1�W.��I Percentage of solution: • 11 , Total gallons used: Date of Treatment:_ � Time of Treatment: 1�, Footing Slab 1d Treatment P Treatment Re-Treat Re-Treat Driveway Pools It Treatment 5'-1 reatment e Treat e--Treat t?ther erlm er for Final ins on I�Treatment / 8,e-Treat Signature o rminator Note: There must be a completedform for each required tt»ent orm tr imentand tft form mustbe on the job site to be picked up by the inspecttiratb'me ofeach irzspe or the Wed itaspecdon will fall and a•re-inspection fee dfarged. FBC1.04.2.6 Certificate of Protective Treabnentforprm(endonoftermites A weatherreststantjobsiteposdagboard shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Cetiftates as each requited protscuve treatment is complet md, providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and anodher copy for the building permit files The Treatment Certificate slhall provide the product used,ldent/tyofthe applicator,time and date of the treatment;site location,area treated,chemical used,percent concentration and numberofgallons userl, to estahllsh a venfrable record of protective treabnent If the 5011 chemical barrier metth0d for termite preventron is used,final exterior treatment shall be completed prbr to final building approval" St Lucie County requires.For the final inspection for CO,a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover,listing all the treatments and dates of applications.