HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4103112 OR BOOK 3779 PAGE 1161, Recorded 08/19/2015 at 11:47 AM FILE CO RECEI%'71) SEP 09'.1015 NOTA DF COMMENCEMENT To be cwnplefed when mmbtM`jWa wSSSreJJerare((d��s S��,S,o/0.�'0''OIt, � PERMrTR: TAXFOUOII 1'lNJ'"lY1li"l�(;I'I�IAJG�C� } STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTYOFSTLUOE The undersigned hereby gives notice that Improvement will be made to certain real property,and In accordance with Chapter 713,Florida Statutes,the following Information Is provided In this Nolle of COmmencemenL . OESUtI itNOFPROPERTYIAKDSTRWAODA ,tFAVATIASLE), GE < ��LL�QQ 71G�N NERAL�P'nDrJOFi);I'oVENENT:I Lo(HUdeei Shull l OWNER IN, TIONOR FE F07A'TiOf1, IHE�ECpNri1 R IE IMPROVEMENT: Name: 1 W Address IL41 �T 1[v fA til 5 \1 Interest in mooertY. GWUC Name and address of fee simple title holder fit different from Owner listed above): CONTRACTOR'S NAME Exoed Stutter Swill=.Inc. Phtme No.:(7721871-1915 Address 1528 SW Blibndre SL Post St LJIUe.FL 34948 SURETY COMPANY(If appl able,a copy of the payment bond Is attached): Name and address _ Phone No, Bond amount: LENDER'S NAME: Phare No.: Address Persons within the State of Florida designated by owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 ® (1)(a)7,Florlda Statutes: Mame: Phone No.: Address: In addition to hlmself or herself.owner designates of to receive a copyof the Ltsmaea Notkaas provided In SFQbrl71T.13(1)(b),Florida Statues. Phone number of person or entity designated by Owner. - Eapirattan date of Notice of Commencement: (tho uptratlon date may not be baton the completion of construction and final payment to the contresto,but rill be Iyear from the date of moording unless a di(item date Is apMlled): WAANINGTO OWNER ANY PAYMENTS MADE SYTHE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTKE OF COMMENCEMENrARE CONSIDERED IDA STATUTESAND NNRFSIILT IN YOUR PAYINGTINIf>r FOR EPROVEMEh TO YOUR PROPERTY A NODcE OF COMMENOMfir MISK*BE RECORDWAMPPOSTED ON THEJ08 NTE BEFORE THE FIRST ON iFYOU R`^ENOT008TAIN FIM.�ra'rNG COrSULT WITH YOL LENDER OR AN ATrMEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORN OR R ECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT, Underpenel of 11decLnthan a longol and that the facts InItare true tothe beat ofmykndwledgea HEATHER VI2ZO N Y NOTARY PUSUC XOF shgns of Ovmer or wner Leme,orOs #Lesseesth Auaked WRm lmdu/Porter/Manager/Atromeyan•fact STATEFLORIDAU ColrtTl�I�17S268 Expires 11113/2018 Slgnatorys Tide/oMce The foregoI Inatmmelt W352nowbefore me�this day of 20 B C1UPW as OWW Tor No of j Type of authority(e.g.office,trustee) Party on behalf of whom Inmeat vias executed tr Personally known-a or predated en Notaryssti nature Typed Identification produced J J Ll l..Cn (PrInL Type,or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary) "oLlq ,LIa53 C. T,ML.D13ldg_Fo Wew ApplimlionalFommsWetice Ofcomnuncemmt.D=x Hev.Y/15!11 STATE OF FLORIDA ST.LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL JOSEPH E.-WITH,CLEI K „ n ptltyCIO '" �} ` Date•- 99215 ✓