HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) - Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 3 FILE COPY ' 1 •- LT_ � s % r�Ch1^e^-^.^.- {^��,,, �fi 4J t— � xur �r Rye DSEP 0 9'1015 0, Florlda D("3iav"ent4 BCIS Home y Log In User Registration } Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications ; FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links i Search Busines l��.j 3 u Product Approval I rofessi I�fraILA) USER:Public User Regdi an L; �i�l{IiilltiilalltliiG61Gi111a Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Aoolication List.>Application Detail Y LFii�i FL am # Application Type Revision Code Version 4 Application Statusrove Comments Archived Product Manufacturer , Address/Phone/Email 1070 Technology Drive Nokomis,FL 34275 (941)486-0100 Ext 22318 druark@pgtindustries.com Authorized Signature ]ens Rosowski irosowski@pgtindustries.com Technical Representative ]ens Rosowski Address/Phone/Email 1070 Technology Drive Nokomis,FL 34275 (941)486-0100 Ext 21140 jrosowski@pgtindustries.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory E;t. Dao Assemblies Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency Miami-Dade BCCO-CER Validated By Miami-Dade BCCO-VAL Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year TAS 201,202,203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 08/03/2015 Date Validated 08/03/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 08/09/2015 Summary of Products https:Hfloridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEV XQwtDgsEt2PTand5 bm5 ECcr... 9/4/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 3 FL# 114odel,Number or Name Description 251.1 JSGD-670(Non-Impact) Aluminum Sliding Glass Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL757.R25 C CAC 14-0123.11.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 04/07/2020 Design Pressure:N/A Installation Instructions Other:Please see Miami-Dade County Notice of Acceptance(NOA)for FlFl=2�_ R25 I_jA-_ -3_7_.,pdf product performance information,anchorage details,and anchor type, Verified By:Miami-Dade BCCO-CER size,and spacing information. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 251.2 SGD-67011P(Non-Impact) Aluminum Sliding Glass Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ:Yes R251_�R2_5 C CAC 15-019K(,17 df P.r Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 03/24/2020 Design Pressure:N/A Installation Instructions Other:Please see Miami-Dade County Notice of Acceptance INCA)for FL251 R25 IT 15-0...06.07 HP.rdf product performance information,anchorage details,and anchor type, Verified By:Miami-Dade BCCO-CER size,and spacing information. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 251.3 jSGD-770(Large Missile Impact) WinGuard Aluminum Sliding Glass Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ:Yes FL251 R25 C CAC Dcor.rdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 02/17/2020 Design Pressure:N/A Installation Instructions Other:Please see Miami-Dade County Notice of Acceptance(NOA)for FL251 R25 IT 14-0128.11 Deor.odf product performance information,anchorage details,and anchor type, Verified By:Miami-Dade BCCO-CER size,and spacing information. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 251.4 a rts 43pa... WinGuard Aluminum Sliding Glass Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL251 R25 C CAC 15-0106.08 HP LM.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 03/24/2020 Design Pressure:N/A Instal -o strut[ 9 Other:Please see Miami-Dade County Notice of Acceptance(NOA)for product performance information,anchorage details,and anchor type, e 3 size,and spacing information. rea ed by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 251.5 ISGD-770HP(Small Missile Impact) WinGuard Aluminum Sliding Glass Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL251 R25 C CHC 15-0106.09 HP SM.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 03/24/2020 Design Pressure:N/A Installation Instructions Other:Please see Miami-Dade County Notice of Acceptance(NOA)for FL251 R25 ti 15-0106.09 HP SM.rdF product performance Information,anchorage details,and anchor type, Verified By:Miami-Dade BCCO-CER size,and spacing information. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 251.6 JSGD-780(Impact) WinGuard Aluminum Sliding Glass Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL251 R25 C CAC 15-0609.12.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 06/02/2017 Design Pressure:N/A Installation Instructions Other:Please see Miami-Dade County Notice of Acceptance(NOA)for FL251 R25 11 15-0609.12.odf' product performance information,anchorage details,and anchor type, Verified By:Miami-Dade BCCO-CER size,and spacing information. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 251.7 SGD-2770(Large Missile Impact) Vinyl Sliding Glass Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL251 R25 C CAC 15-0409.02.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 04/14/2016 Design Pressure:N/A Installation Instructions Other:Please see Miami-Dade County Notice of Acceptance(NOA)for FL251 R25 ti 15-0409.02.odf product performance information,anchorage details,and anchor type, Verified By:Miami-Dade BCCO-CER size,and spacing information. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 251.8 SGD-5470(Non-Impact) Vinyl Sliding Glass Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL251 R25 C CAC 15-0409.04.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 04/21/2016 Design Pressure:N/A Installation Instructions Other:Please see Miami-Dade County Notice of Acceptance(NOA)for FL251 R25 ti 15-0409.04.odf product performance Information,anchorage details,and anchor type, Verified By:Miami-Dade BCCO-CER size,and spacing information. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 251.9 SGD-5570(Large Missile Impact) Vinyl Sliding Glass Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL251 R25 C CAC 15-0409.02.rdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 04/14/2016 Design Pressure:N/A Installation Instructions 1 Other:Please see Miami-Dade County Notice of Acceptance(NOA)for FL251 R25 Ii 15-0409.02.odf Verified By:Miami-Dade BCCO-CER https://floridabuilding.org/pr/Pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEV XQwtDgsEt2PTand5bm5ECcr... 9/4/2015 - Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 3 (product performance information,anchorage details,and anchor type, I Created by Independent Third Party: size,and spacing information. Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Contact Us::1940 North Monroe Street,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to Section 455.275 (1), to Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: a] M ei.ras, -.v, secu ritv".t Imre I c'!; https:Hfloridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEV XQwtDgsEt2PTand5 bm5 ECcr... 9/4/2015 - yllANII—DARE COUNTY,FI.ORII7A RRODUCT CONTR.OI.SECTION DEPART)t1ENT OF REGULATORY APIA ECON0111:1'IC RESOURCES(RER) 11805 SW26 Street,Room 208 I10A1W AND CODE ADN INISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786).315-2599 NUTICE OF ACCEPTANCE CE N"V .minmidade.ga teeonomv PGT Industries,Inc, 1070 TechnologyDlive, Nokomis,Fl.34275 SC0PF: This NOA is being .issued under the applicable riles and regulations governing the use of constriction materials. The documentation submitted.has been reviewed and accepted by'Miatni-Dade County REM— Product Control Section to be used its Miami--Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AH ). This NOA. shall,tot be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miatni-Dade County Product Control Section(lit.Miami-Dade County)and/or.the AHT.(in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform its the accepted manner,the manufacturer will.incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may iintnediately revoke, inodify, or suspend the use.of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves-the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by.Miatni-Dade County Product Control.Section that this.ptoduct orinateriat fails to meet the requirerne.nts oT'the applicable building code. 'leis product is approved as described herein,and has been designed to comply with the f lorida Building Code,including the High rte Lone, DESCR PTION: Serie m.inum Sliding Glass Doors w/900&1350 corners--L.M.1. APPROVAL DOCUMENT:Drawing No.PGT0130 (former PGT0002 Rev C),titled "Series 770 Alun.. SGD-LM..IrnpacC, sheets 01 through 22 of 22, prepared by manufacturer, dated 08/05/07 with.the-latest revised:ori 01/30/15, signed-acid sealed by Lytvt.Miller, P. 1;., treating the Mtauti.-Dade County Product Control Section Renewal stamp Suit#..the Notice of Acceptance number and Expiration date by the Miami- Dade County Product Control Section. MisSILLJIMPACTRATING: 1 h tIiI Mea t LABELING: Each-unit shall bear a pertnanent label with-themanufacturces name or logo, city, state, series, and following statement: "Miatni-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RX,VISION of this NOA shall be considered after a..renewal application has been filed and there has been no change iii the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance ofth.is product. TERIVENATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as alt endorsement of any product,for sales, advertising or..any-other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any.-Section of this NOA shall be cause for teirrtination an4"removal af.ANOA. ADVFRTISEMMNT: The NOA. number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, -and followed by the expiration.date•.nay be displayed in advertising literat rc. .If any portion of the NTOA-is d;ispl:ryed,then it snail�be`dope in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the Maimfacturer or its distributors and.shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request o:f.the'.BWlding Official. '['his NOA revises and renews NOA No. 144123.10 and consists of these pages 1. and 2, and evidence pages B-1,E-2 and.F,--3,as well asapproval da tuucat iuentioned above. Tile submitted documentation was reviewed-by Jahne D.Gascon,P,E. MiAMI•DADECOUNTY N0A'N . pprova a c: FebritaryI2,2015 Page I PGT Industries,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUI3IYII`I"IED A. .DIUNVINGS L Manufacturer's die drawings and`sections. (Submilted underprevious.Nl)A No..14-0.123.10) 2. Drawing No. PGTOI.30, titled "Series 770 Alum. SOD - LM Impact"; sheets 01 through 22 of 22,prepawd.by manufacturer, dated 08105/07 with the latest revised on 01/3011.5, signed and sealed byLynn Miller,P.E. B. ZTSTS 1.. Test reports on: 1)Air Infiltration Test,per FBC;TAS.202 14 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure'fest,Loading per.F..BC,TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test,per FBC,TAS 202--94 4)Large Missile Impact Test per FSC,TAS-20.1-94 5) Cyclic'Wind Pressure Loading per FBC,TAS 203-94 6) Forced Entry Test,per FBC 2411.3.2.1,and'TAS 202--94 along with marked-up drawings mid installation diagram of aluminum Sliding Glass Doors,.prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory,Inc.,Test Report No.FTU-7554, dated 11101/13, signed and sealed by Marlin D:Brinson,P.E. (Submitted ander11revious NDA No. 14-0123.10) 2. Test reports on: 1).Air Infiltration Test,per FBC,TAS 202--94 2)U.n.i.forin Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per FISC,TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test,per FBC,TAS 202-94 4)Large Missile Impact'rest-per FBC,TAS 201-94 5).Cyclic.Wind Pressure Loading per FBC,TAS 203-94 6)Foreed.Entry Test,per FBC•2411.3;2.1,and TAS 202-94 along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of -ahuninum Sliding Glass Doors,prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory,Inc„Test Reports No.'s FTL-5980-R,.FTI,-6U01-R and have been revised and reissued on 12/29109, all signed and sealed by J uliq Gonzales,P.E. (S'ubrnitled under previous NOA No. 09-0826.10) r t Jaime D.Gascon,r.E. Product Control Section Supervisor KOA No.14-0128.11 Expiration Date; February 17,2020 Approval Date; February 12,x015 E=1 PGT Industries,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCEt EVIDENCE SUBMITTED B. TESTS(CONfMIED) 3. Test reports on: 1) Air Infiltration Test,.per TBC,TAS 20294 2)Uniform Static.Air Pressure Test,Loading per FBC,TAS 202---94 3)Water Resistance Test,per.FBC,TAS 202-94 4).Large Missile Impact Test per FBC,TAS.'2014 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC,TAS 203--94 6)Forced Entry Test,per FBC 2411.3.2.1,and TAS 202-94 along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram. of aluminum Sliding Glass Doors, prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Reports No,'s PTL-5980, FTL--5993, lq'i.--6036, +FTL--6001.,FT"01.4, FTL,-6015,FTI,-6017, PTL--6023, FTI!-6024, ]CTL--6025, FT"028,. IS"I'"031, lF'1'"033 and FTL--6036,all dated 08/10/09,sided and scaled by Julio Gonzales,P.E. (Sn6mitterl ivnder-previans NDA.No. 09-0826.10) C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis, conf'oi nancc to and complying with IPBC 2010 and with F.H.C. 5ta Edition, (2014), prepared by manufacturer,dated 01/30/15,Signed and sealed by Lynn Miller,R E. 2. Glazing complies with ASTM E1300-01 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami-Bade Departmentof Regulatory and Fcononiic Resources(RER). E. MATT:RiA.L UKRTHICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No.13-0129.27 issued to E.T. DuPon#DeNemonrs&Co.,Inc. for their"DuPont 13utacite0 PVI33 Interlayer"dated 04/11/13,expiring on 12/11116. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 11-0624.02 issued to EI.DuPont DeNentouts&Co.,Inc. for their"DuPont SentryGlas0 lnterlayer"dated 08/25/11, expiu•iug on 01/14117. F. STATEiMIENTS 1. A)l l �` _ '�� ssued by manufacture, date ,5lgne and scaled by Lynn 1Yliller, . 2. Statement letter of coilf6mianee and complying with. FBC-2010, issued by manufacture,.dated 0 1124/14,signed vtd sealed by Lynn Miller,P.E. (Subinitted underprevious N01i.No..14-0123.10) 3. Statement letter of no financial interest,issued by manufacture, dated.01/24/14, signed and sealed by Lynn Miller,P.E. ' (SabrrtTtled under previorg NOA No. 14-0123.10) 3ainie D.Gas o,1'..E. .F'roijuet Control.$eetiun supsrvisur NO.&No.144118,11 Expiration Date: February17,2020 Appeova)Datc: February 1.2,2015 PGT Industries.Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDt NCE, SUBMITTED F. STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) 4. Laboratory compliance letter -fbr. Test Report No. FTL--7554, issued.by Fenestration. Testing Laboratory,inc.,dated 11101/13,signed and sealed by Marlin D, Brinson,P.E. (Submitted under previous NOA No.144123.10) 5. Proposal issued by Product Control,(late d.08/12/13,signed by Jaime D. Gascon,P.E. (Subrnifted underpr:eviorrs NOA'No.14-0123.10).. 6. . Laboratory compliance letter for Test Reports No.'s FTL--5980-R,iriT"o01-R and FTI-6015-R,-reissued by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., all dated 12/29/09, signed and sealed by Julio Gonzales,.P.E. (Subutifterl randerprevious NOA No. 09--0826.10) 7. Laboratory compliance letter for Test Reports No.'s YM-5980, VM-5993, FTL-6036, FTL--6001,FTL-6014, FTL--6015, I+-f"017,.1+T"0231 TTY,--6024, FT1,6025, FTI.r-6028, FTL.....6031, FT1-6033 and F'1'L-6036, issued by Fenestration 'Testing Laboratory, Inc., all dated 08110/09, signed and sealed by Julio Gorn>7ales,P..E. (Sitbr»itted.urrdei-previous NOA No. 09-0826.10) . 8. Proposals No.'s 09-0.1.77, dated 03/1.7 & 31/09, .09-0177A, dated 05/07/09, 09-017713, dated 06/09/09 and 0941770, dated 11/1.8109, all issued. by Product Control,signed-by lshaq Cband.a,P.E. (Sulindued under previous.NOA.No. 09-0826.10) G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance Nb. 1.4-0123.10, issued to PGT Industries, Inc. for their Series "SGD-770 filttminum Aiding Glass Doors w1 Iwo Reinforcements", approved on 02/06/14 and expiring on 02/17115. Jaime D.Gascon,P.E. Product Control Section_Supervisor NOA,No. 11-0129.11 Expiration Dnte: February 17,2620 APpravAl Date: Febr.-uary]2,2015 E-3 TABLE A: SERIES 770, IMPACT RESISTANT SLIDING GLASS DOOR Group Anchor Substrate Frame MirL Edge Min. INCLUDING000 & 90°/'135° CORNERS Member DIslance Embedment _ Concrete(min.2.85 ksi) Headf5I Jamb 1' l8' GENERAL NOTES 1 1/4'Elco Ullrecon Ungrouted CMU,(ASTM G90) — Jamb only 2-112' 1-114' 1)GLAZING TYPE OPTIONS:SEE TABLE B,THIS SHEET&GLAZING DETAILS ON SHEETS 4&5. Omuted-CUU.(ASIM—(�:90,.min,Zkelgt_cut) _. Jamb only_ 2-112' 13/4' 2)DESIGN PRESSURES: 1r4"Gtr 10 S.S. Concrete? n.3r y 1' 43 A.NEGATIVE DESIGN LOADS BASED ON TESTED PRESSURE AND GLASS TABLES ASTM El 300. eteFte un n 1e A f s 1 1"" B.POSITIVE DESIGN LOADS BASED ON WATER TEST PRESSURE AND GLASS TABLES ASTM E1300. 1♦Pl sclhDiU BIR SG'O'S)��He _14lJe`m s�1 r iM concrete(min.2.85ka0 FIeaQlStll 1° 1318' 3)ANCHORAGE:THE 33-113%STRESS INCREASE HAS NOT BEEN USED IN THE DESIGN OF THIS i •Etco Ultrecon Un routed CMU ASTM G90 Jamb only 1° 1-114" PRODUCT. MATERIALS,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STEEL SCREWS,THAT COME INTO 1/8 CONTA T WITH OTHER DISSIMILAR MATERIALS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CURRENT FLORIDA #12,1"or 410 P.T.Southam Ping(SGno.55) Head/SID/Jamb 1.318" BUILDING CODE.FOR ANCHORAGE DETAILS SEE SHEETS 6-14. S.S.SMS, Aluminum,8083.75' Head/SIIIIJamb $318'` 0.063' 3 (min.11 Ihreadslln) Steel,A38' Head/Slfl/Jamb 3/0' 0.050` 4)SHUTTERS ARE NOT REQUIRED PER FBC REQUIREMENTS,AS APPLICABLE, Steel Stud,A653 Gr.33' Head/S1I/Jamb 318' 0.0461• 5)INSTALLATION SCREWS,FRAME SPLICES,FRAME AND PANEL CORNERS TO BE SEALED WITH Concrete(min.3.275 ksl) Head/SIII/Jamb 1-112' 1-318' NARROW JOINT SEALANT. 1/4'Elco 183 S.S. Ungrouted CMU,(ASTM G90) ,!arab only 2- 1.114" 6)REFERENCES:ELCO ULTRACON,CRETEFLEX AND AGGREGATOR NOA'S,ANSI/AF&PA NDS FOR Aggre-Gator Grouted CMU(ASTM C•90,min.2 ksi groul) Jamb only 2' 2" WOOD CONSTRUCTION AND ADM,ALUMINUM DESIGN MANUAL. I P.T.Southern Pine(SG=0.55) Head/Slll/Jamb 1" 1318° 7)THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DESIGNED&TESTED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE P.T.Southern Pine(SG=0.55) Head/SIII/Jamb 9118° 1.318' CURRENT FLORIDA BUILDING CODE,INCLUDING THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE(HVHZ). 4 F12teel SMS G5, Aluminum,6083-T5" Head/81111Jamb 318' 0.063' 8)DOOR SIZES MUST BE VERIFIED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH EGRESS REQUIREMENTS PER CURRENT• 11 threadann) Steel,A38' Head/SIIUJamb 3/a' 0.050' FLORIDA BUILDING CODE,AS APPLICABLE. sleet stud,A853 Gr.33' FleadlSllllJamb 318' 0.0451" TEST REPORTS:FTL-5980,FTL-5993,FTL-6001,FTL-6014,FTL-6015,FTL-6017,FTL-6022,FTL-8023, 'MIN.OF 3 THREADS BEYOND THE METAL SUBSTRATE.METAL SUBSTRATE TO MEET MIN. FTL-6024,FTL-6025,FTL-6028,FTL-6031,FTL-6033,FTL-6036 AND FTL-7554 STRENGTH AND THICKNESS REQUIREMENTS PER CURRENT FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND TO BE REVIEWED BY THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. "P-HOOK INSTALLATION REQUIRES 2.693"MIN.EDGE DISTANCE,REFER TO SHEET 14 FOR ANCHOR NOTES ALL SPECIFIC P-HOOK REQUIREMENTS. 1)FOR CONCRETE/CMU SUBSTRATE APPLICATIONS IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,USE ONLY MIAMI-DAD COUNTY APPROVED ELCO ANCHORS.SEE TABLE A ON THIS SHEET FOR EMBEDMENT,EDGE DISTANCE AND SUBSTRATE REC'"REMENTS. 2)FOR OTHER SUBSTRATE APPLICATIONS SEE TABLE ON THIS SHEET. NOA DRAWING MAP 3)WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED AS 1X ARE LESS THAN 1-112"THICK.PROPERLY SECURED,1X WOOD BUq KS ARE OPTIONAL IF UNIT IS INSTALLED DIRECTLY TO SOLID CONCRETE.WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED AS 2X ARE 1-112"THICK OR G�EATER.1X AND 2X BUCKS SHEET,- (WHEN USED)SHALL BE DESIGNED TO PROPERLY TRANSFER LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE.BUCK D SIGN AND INSTALLATION IS THE GENERAL NOTES.............. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT OF RECORD&TO BE REVIEWED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. EXAMPLE.CONFIGS..........2-3 4)METAL SUBSTRATE TO MEET.MIN,.STRENGTH AND THICKNESS REQUIREMENTS PER CURRENT FdORIDA BUILDING CODE AND TO GLAZING DETAILS............4,6 BE REVIEWED BY THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. ANCHORAGE.....................6-14 5)IF SILL IS TIGHT TO SUBSTRATE,GROUT OR OTHER MATERIAL'IS NOT REQUIRED.IF USED,NON- RINK,NON-METALLIC GROUT, DESIGN PRESSURES.......6-8 MAX.114"THICK&3400 PSI MIN.,(DONE BY OTHERS)MUST FULLY SUPPORT THE ENTIRE LENGTH Ot;THE SILL THAT IS NOT TIGHT INSTALL DETAILS..............12-14 TO THE SUBSTRATE,AND TRANSFER SHEAR LOAD TO SUBSTRATE.IF SUBSTRATE IS WOOD,304 FE�T PAPER OR MASTIC IS ELEVATIONS.....................15,16 REQUIRED BETWEEN THE GROUT AND WOOD SUBSTRATE,OR AS APPROVED BY THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. PANEL/SILL TYPES.........17 TABLE B,SEE DETAILS ON SHEETS 4&5 CROSS SECTIONS............1B,19 PARTS LIST.......................20 Glass Description(Llstad from exterlorto Interior) EXTRUSIONS....................21,22 Type 'tam esct ss1NsjG(assw1J1.090 P;Bflltikaya PROAUCIRML'1VIID as complying Wkh lbo Florida G3A 9/18'LEminated:(2)Utes of 14"'�laes with.090'PVS lateda er 6e;tding Coda ,�( _} zA //�( DESIGN PRESSURE RATING IMPACT RATING Aut larth>No'b" `!'1 G4 7110'Laminated:(2)Liles of 3/18'HS Glesa wim.090'SG Intedeyer i 9. i-4, , r1 0- SEE TABLES 1,2 B 3 ON RATED FOR LARGE 8,SMALL F? r�+Cn[rata .J. G G4A 91181 Laminated:(2)Liles of 1!4'FIS Glass with,090'SG Warlayer -i SHEETS 6,7 8 8 MISSILE IMPACT RESISTANCE J r GS 1'Leminafed LG.:3118'7 Extedor Ce +3/B"Air Space+7116"Laminated;(2)Utes of 3118'HS Glass with.090'PVB lntaday'r D}•�����,�,;�s.,.1� GSA 1"Laminated I.O.:1/4'T Ex today Cap+5118'Alr Space+7118'Laminated:(2)Liles of 3116'HS Glass Alh.090'PV8 Inteday¢r �tl'"„i h''I'{14dd i Il.t/1 G6 1'Laminated I.G.:3116”TExterior Cap+316"Air Space+7116'Laminated;(2)Liles of 3/18"HS Glass with.090'SG Interlayet GLAZING NOTES: �OC1.,,, T!/� G8A 1"Laminated I.G.:1/4'TExtedor Ca +8116'Air Space+7116°Laminated: 2 Liles of 3/16"HS Glass with.090'SG Intedayst "ANN"=ANNEALED �1CFNSE'•�FQ '� G7 7118'Laminated:(2)Liles of 3116'ANN Glees with.090'SG Inledayer "HS"=HEAT STRENGTHENED ' GTA 0116'Laminated;(2)Utes of 114"ANN Glass wlth.090.5G Inledayer "T"=TEMPERED l5 1 NU.58705 G8 1'Leminsted LG.:3118'TExtedor Cep+316'Air Space+7/18'Laminated; 2 Lkes 01`3111V ANN Glass with.090'SG Inteda ler "PVB"=DUPONT.090"BUTACITE PVB G8A 1'Laminated I.G.:114'T Exterior Cap+5118'Alr Space+7/16'Laminated;(2)Liles of 3/18"ANN Glass with.090'SG Intedeyer "SG"=DUPONT.090"SENTRYGLAS �.�3o°1��yy we ROM RnN,tme "oewl0rox U�•. STA C OF. RIM cua R.M. ro 10707EChRVOLODYDRNE _GENERAL NOTES AND MAP :,��, �o...... N MI FL 34275 SERIES 770 ALUM. SGO-LM IMPACT S/UN/11. (941}480.1800 sees• rH.+t,cR. R« !!I I I 1111 A.LYNN MILLER P.E. awsr'. o3ox 10/10/14 Dot CERT.OFA.UTH,#29298 SQa710 NTS a.+1e 1 27 PGT0130 P.E.#58705 CONFIGURATIONS NOTES: ' EXAMPLECONFIGURATIONS1)ALL CONFIGURATIONS SHOWN ARE ALSO AVAILABLE AS POCKET CONFIGURATIONS AT EITHER OR BOTH JAMB MAX.UNIT WIDTH —� MAX.UNIT WIDTH LOCATIONS USING DETAIL"Jw","Jc","KW OR"Kc"INSTALLATION. EXAMPLE:4-PANEL XXXX IN POCKET(p)CONFIGURATION CAN BE NOM.PANEL WIDTH NOM.PANEL WIDTH c pXXXXp.pXXXX OR XXXXp.OXXX IN POCKET CONFIGURATION PER TABLES 1-3 t 13 PER TABLES 1-3 �— I CAN BE OXXXp. f ^i 2)90°8135°CORNER CONFIGURATIONS CAN BE A COMBINATION I OF ANY 2 STRAIGHT CONFIGURATIONS. 1 i � 9 1 .� y Qc Jw Jc ��o MAX.UNtT 1 4 1 o& 3 9 1 1 lox ' 3 FOR NOM.PANEL WIDTH,SEE TABLES 1-3. jz4_ MAX.UNIT / / c Ixaay ) HEIGHT t I ¢ HEIGHT 1 1 I ¢o "X"=OPERABLE PANEL, PER TABLES 1-3 I r PER TABLES 1 3 / / ?s x�� "O"=INOPERABLE PANEL, POCKET I y 1 POCKET r P"=POCKET DETAIL LETTER iL— t. 1 �x +—"w"=WOOD OR METAL INSTALLATION L s "91111-w c 2-PANEL S W 'c"=CONCRETE INSTALLATION • _rL ..sA I.ON: CONFIGURATIONS 1 13 �SHEETNUMBER MAX.UNIT WIDTH MAX.UNIT WIDTH DLO WIDTH=NOM.PANEL WIDTH-7" NOM.PANEL WIDTH w NOM.PANEL WIDTH DLO HEIGHT=DOOR UNIT HEIGHT-10.125" A $ PANEL HEIGHT=DOOR UNIT HEIGHT-1.866" PER TABLES 1-3 3 t PERTABLES 1-3 13 1 3 1 I I Oc Jw Jo 3 1 fl t c I j t t 1 I °Vr MAX.UNIT M EIGHTIT 1 1 c 19 1 c `��a HEIGHT i tcPER g 9 19 i0d" PER TABLES 1-3 TABLES 1-3 POCKET POCKET 3-PANEL CONFIGURATIONS 4-PANEL CONFIGURATIONS oe v 3 1 3 1 13 1 3 MAX.UNIT WIDTH MAX.UNIT WIDTH NOM.PANEL WIDTH NOM.PANEL WIDTH Ac w c Cc PER TABLES 1 3 1 3 13 PER TABLES 1 3 —s\r---� 43N filhJw Jc I 1 3 asoomplytng%dthftFlodde 1 19w w14 14 ¢ 1 Buildin Cello ( €/I c t o MAX.UNIT m AcceptarceNG •�•� �•+- MAX.UNIT 1 9 9 18 / i 4;y SEE HEIGHT / 19 / NOTE r�pirvS>t'nc= � —T HEIGHT t t / i ¢ PER / / 2,THIS Ay ' PER TABLES 1-3 / / / / / / x"0.3 / SHEET. �il"HU D+U'.aVr 1 r� T1 I TABLES 1-3 11QY1'1911f/ <�' 1 / / / / POCKET l a y `.� N ,.....'.,M/�����,�: 1 1 'EXTERIOR �1GENSE •.,F,P 5-PANEL CONFIGURATIONS CORNER,TYP. ' '`' No.56705 1 13 t2 13 1 t (OUTSIDE CORNER SHOWN, E INSIDE CORNER SIMILAR) !3 s w ey. wm:. Rmrs�a»: �0 STATr 4 a� 1070 TECHNOLOGYDRIVElu'. EXAMPLE CONFIGURATIONS T� .., o , IV, N.VENlCE FL 34276SERIES 770ALUM. SGD-LM IMPACT Isaf}�3o rsoo Key ovro: Gdn: saaSo smio '2 n..tyea w� A.LYNN 56705 P.E. JR 10Ho/14 CERr.Ofaf77H M298 soo-nu NTS 2 22 PC3T013U P.E#58705 GLAZING DETAILS (G3, G3A, G4, G4A, G5 & G5A 7/16"NOM. 7116"NOM. 1"MOM. 3118"HS GLASS--\ 3116"HS GLASS--\ 3116"HS GLASS .090"PVB .090"PVB .090"SG 3116"HS GLASS 3116"HS GLASS 74 3116"HS GLASS 74 3/8"AIR SPACE 74 B2 a2 3/16"T GLASS —_ 83 i EXTERIOR — 314"NOM. EXTERIOR __.._...��� 3{4"NOM, a GLASS GLASS ss SS 314"NOM. BITE GLASS BITE EXTERIOR - 80 a U60 aa) 79 54 54 55 ri16" A149.EtoT' GLA T 7/16"LAMINATED GLASS,TYPE G4 1"LAMINATED I.G. GLASS,TYPE G5 1 9/16"NOM. 9116"NOM. 1"NOM. � 3/16"HS GLASS 114"HS GLASS 1/4"HS GLASS •090"PVB I ,090"PVB .090"SG 3!16"HS GLASS 114"H5 GLASS 74 114"HS GLASS 74 5/16"AIR SPACE 74 1/4"T GLASS ss az s3 314"NQM. 3r4"NOM. 314"NOM. EXTERIOR GLASS EXTERIOR GLASS 50 GLASS a BITE a ( BITE BITE EXTERIOR 91 _TFa) MODUCTRENSWEw- 79 9, a 54 55 oaoomplytngwlEr6CFlorida suilding C�+de �"0 . "�. A—T+ ,pr�� 0�� 9116" LAMINATED GLASS,TYPE G3A 9/16"LAMINATED GLASS,TY PE G4A 1" LAMINATED I.G. GLASS,TYPE G5A �y Mtami Dad:productGonia} I GLAZING NOTES: "ANN"=ANNEALED �GFN ! "W=HEAT STRENGTHENED Q�•,• 4Sg '•,F� "T"=TEMPERED No.50705 "PVB"=DUPONT.090"BUTACITE PVB �AIT "SG"=DUPONT.090"SENTRYGLAS1070TECHNOLOGYDAWE ; GLAZING DETAILS :0,�,'•, N.VEN7CE fL3427b tm �` '•F�ORlOA.•' ���� D,W ��,�,��� SERIES 770 ALUM.SGD-LM!MF'ACT ,1'6'1'/ON C�.�� uaxnei: oars awrtao Dare: 8.1wilaa ae.. erreC u."+vw. n.. � �IMM LgR P,.E. JR 10HOH4 CWT OFauTH 620 80 SGD ilo NTS 4 w 22 POT0130 P,EJI 687¢6 TABLE 1: TABLE 1A: Design Pressure(DP)and Anchor Quantities Required,(for all approved Sill Height to Max.(+)DP contiguratlonS on Sheets 2&3) 3�t#1ttJn r lZ } (Water infiltration Rating) °e ly .ch1@ 1A For comer astragal anchorage on 90°or 135°cornerSill Riser Height units,see sheet 11 g (+)Design " Door Unit Hei ht (Flat or Box,see Pressure,psf Table applies to Glass 84" 90•• _ Sheet 17) Types 3,3A,5,54,7,7A,6 69-7/W DLO 73-7/8!'WO 79-7 DLO Hua►+- -117' sQ nGL &8A and the Stile/Astragal Anchor Group Anchor Group Anchor Group Anchor Group t tr i112 +4€3167 types shown below. 1 2 1 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Hea Sill C4+1 C4+1 G3+1 +1 + + + +1 04+1 C4+1 C:4+1 C4+ C4+1 + +1 C4+1 High•4" +80.0 24" D17" Jamb 8_ 8 8 8 a 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 SEE NOTES 1-3 LO P-hook 6+7 6+7 6+7 6+7' 7+8 7+e 7+8 7+8 7+8 7+8; 7+8 7+8 7+.8 7+8 7+8 7+8 r 23" Head/Sill C4+.1 C4+1 C4+1 04+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 � W. DLO Jamb 8 8 8 8 8 B 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 a 8 8 P-hook 6+7 6+7 6+7 6+7 7+6 7+8 7+8 7+8 7+8 7+8i 7+8 7+8 7+8 7+8 7t ac: 29 Head/Sill C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 04+1 C4+1 0-Aly +1 MR DLO Jamb 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ti P-hook 6+7 6+7 6+7 6+7 7+8 7+8 7+8 7+8 7+8 7+8 7+8 7+8 OH LENGTH Head/Sill 04+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 C4+1 + __ 71_ C4+1 74+ E i 42" O Jamb 8 8 8 8 8 a 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 = P-hook 6+7 6+7 6+7 6+7 7+8 7+6 7+8 1 7+8 7+8 7+8 7+8 7+8 7+8 7+8 1 7+8 1 7+8 w OI OH RATIO Z 1 41" Head/Sill C4+2 C4+2 C4+2 C4+2 C4+2 C4+2 C4+2 C4+2 C4+2 C4+2r7#+8 C4+2 C4+2 C4+2 C4+2 C4+2 = o 46' DLO Jamb a, 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 68 8 8 8 8 0 P-hook 6+7 6+7 6+7 6+7 7+8 7+8 7+8 7+8 7+8 7+8, 7+8 1 7+8 1 7+8 1 7+8 1 7+8 FOR EXAMPLE ON USING TABLE,SEE SHEET 7. OH RATIO=OH LENGTH NOTES: OH HEIGHT 1)POSITIVE PRESSURES IN TABLE 1 ARE BASED ON THE USE OF THE 3-1/4"SILL. 2)WHEN USING THE 2-1/2"SILL OBIT E ATER WS-411t)7 M W EN USING THE 3-1/4°SILL,POSITIVE WATER DP IS G0 p�1' ..mY.utusnt s SI''NGE 4 SELL; ITI WATER r S 6t1.0 P.�a1J_` (NEGATIVE PRESSURES UNCHANGED).SEE DLO WIDTH= T 1A NOM.PANEL WIDTH-7" 3)4-,3-1/4'AND 2-112"SILL HEIGHTS ARE TESTED FOR WATER INFILTRATION WHEREAS THE 1-1/2"SILL IS NOT AND MUST ONLY BE USED WHERE WATER RESISTANCE IS NOT REQUIRED.MAX.POSITIVE DESIGN PRESSURES SHOWN IN TABLE 1 MAY DLO HEIGHT= BE USED WHEN THE DOOR IS PROTECTED BY AN OVERHANG COMPLYING WITH THE CURRENT FLO�IDA BUILDING CODE(SEE DOOR UNIT HEIGHT-10.125" ADJACENT DIAGRAM);THIS CONDITION IS NOT RATED FOR WATER INFILTRATION. i 4)SEE SHEETS 10-14 FOR ANCHORAGE SPACING,EDGE DISTANCE AND EMBEDMENT INFORMATION. PANEL HEIGHT= 5)DOOR SIZE TO COMPLY WITH CURRENT FBC EGRESS REQUIREMENTS WHEN REQUIRED. DOOR UNIT HEIGHT-1.866" 6)JAMB ANCHORS ARE SPECIFIED AS THE TOTAL QUANTITY,DIVIDE BY 2 FOR PAIRS TO BE INSTALLED. Interlock P-hook Lockstile @lamb Straight Astragal Lockstile @ 90°Astragal Lockstile @ 1350 Astragal Lockstile @ Assembly StralghtAstragal Assembly 90*Astragal Assembly 135°Astragal PRODIJURENHWED ra complyhg wlih the Fimido Standard Stiles Standard Stile Standard Stile Standard Stile Standard Stile Heavy-duty Stfle Heavy-duty Stile Heavy-duty Stile Heavy-duty Stile pudding Code q�} Standard;Astragal Inside AeccplmticeNoG -JG. 6 B OutsideC outside Comer E wy301 Corner P4iamiDade gc�AalYyijru Inside `���Ot.� ..... . . InsideCor Corner Outside \�`�? .'��pENsF''•�Fp Corner TPPart#60(Stile) Part 061(Stile) part N119(Out.) Part H61(Stile) 58705Part 060(xPart 0120In.2) Part 060 Part 960 Part N60 Part 9118(Corner Parts N31&432 Part 061rt N67(Astragal) Receiver) ( ) (Corn.&Fxd Mount) r�G27d.; r� rsemerc aro: n Rftb= a � ' STATE- f r N 107o�ctrrraLooroRn� DPANDANCHORAGE ; ��•' .,F'tORtoi.•''�j�.` M.t�EklCi FL 34276 SERIES 770 ALUM.SGD-LM IMPACT f��'SS���NAL ��� ( at wipso'lWo ++11� snr, t ffimat d..Wrb. air. A.LYNiN M�LLER,P.E. e•� p°oQ soo-no NTS B d 22 PGl'0f90 P.E. 5a705 JR 10/1W14 CERt:OFAUTK#N AY NO FRAME '7+6"P-HOOK ANCHORAGE CONSISTS OF: SEE JAMS (7)P-HOOK ANCHORS, SEE'C5'CLUSTER REQUIRED SEEC6*CLUSTER MAX.UNIT WIDTH ,—DETAILS,SHEET 10 SPLICE (PERPENDICULAR TO GLASS SEE"05'CLUSTER DETAILS, FORASTRAGAL NOTE EXTERIOR PLANE)SEE TABLE 2.SHEET 7 DETAILS,SHEET 10 FOR REQUIRES"C6" SHEET 10 FOR INTERLOCKZ2,,. THIS' POCKETS INTERLOCK CLUSTER SEE,, 4"MAX.O.C. AND 60'NOM, SHEET SEE POCKET DETAILS, 11 �� ET (8)P-HOOK PANEL WIDTH SHEET x x JAMB x x V MAX. MOUNTING x 2S_ INSTALLATION, "MAX. x X x ADAPTER x THIS SHEETANCHORS MIDWAY $"MAX. &SHEET 14 BETWEEN P-HOOK ANCHORS&AT 3" 4 PAIRS OF 0 x FRAME ANCHORS FROM TOP& X_ BOTTOM ANCHORS (TOTAL a 14, 11 1 C:� UNIT 21^MAX, A MAX O.C. a ANCHORS) 4.051" lot- 7 01 14-MAX.O.C. 0®=P-HOOK N SEE HEIGHT O.C.. PER JAMB 0 ANCHORS x­j (SEE JAMB INSTALLATION DETAIL DETAILS'Jc'&'Kc' z END PANEL SHEET 14&PARTfIf M 0=P-HOOK BELOW) ;U MOUNTING \—ANCHORAGE DETAILS V&IK', i 101 3*MAX X 24„MAX p Lu ADAPTER X_ O,C. (2 ANCHORS) SHEET 19 FOR ;a. - ANCHORS P-HOOK L---__6'MAX. X^ ANCHORS x ANCHORAGE END PANEL , X I x , X' X1 X x ' x END PANEL 7 xi xxx X' x S°MAX. --J—AMCHORAGE(SEE xx xi _\_.+V TCENTERLINE 8'MAX.,TYP. AN (SEE SKETCH BELOW) 12. �72- SKETCH BELOW) ANCHORAGE x ' +T '+2 ANCHORAGE ANCHORAGE OF PANEL f ANCHORAGE ANCHORAGE ANCHORAGE + 2.04" 24"MAX. [EXAMPLE;5-PANEL,2 TRACK,DO-OUTSIDE CORNER-pXYJXXC'-EXT.MOUNT POCKET ANCHORAGE PLAN: O.C. 160"x 96"NOM-PANELS,ANCHOR GROUP 3 IN CONCRETE SUBSTRATE(SEE TABLE 2.SHEET 7) X_4 /--6" SPLICE NOTE: ANCHORAGE EXAMPLE NOTES: NON-STRUCTURAL 1)APPROVED ANCHORS:SEE TABLE A,SHEET I ANCHORS MAYBE ADDED 2)ANCHOR LOCATION SPACING FOR ANCHOR QUANTITIES;SPECIFIED IN TABLES 1-3,SHEETS 6-8: AS NEEDED TO ALIGN THE EXTERIOR HEAD ORSILL IF A SPLICE 60, JJTCENTERLINE OF HEAD&SILL.8"MAX,FROM FRAME CORNERS.USE E IEDCLUSTERFROM 21" OCCURS AT THE P-HOOK. NOM, • INTERLOCK APPROPRIATE TABLES,SHEETS 8-8 AT EACH INTERLOC<AND STRAiGHTAND CORNER MAX. PANEL SEE"C6'CLUSTER ASTRAGAL LOCATION,PLUS SPECIFIED QUANTITY OF AVITIONAL INTERMEDIATE O.C. WIDTH \—DETAILS,SHEET 10 ANCHORS PER PANEL. ADDITIONAL ANCHORS 24"O.C.I AAxIMUM, FOR INTERLOCK ANCHORS AT THE MIDPOINT OF END PANELS ARE ONLY] 1Eu 5.64" "+2'ANCHORAGE REQUIRED IF THE O.C.DISTANCE TO THE NEXT ANCHOR L / i ?7 CLUSTER IS OVER 24,OTHERWISE ANCHORS ARE NOT I 3.5"- 7— . — *— op — 7 REQUIRED AS PER THE FIGURE AT RIGHT: cw*�w 6"MAX. FeMRuB ICENTERLINE JAMBS&P-HOOKS:6"MAX.FROM BOTTOM,21"MAX.ANCHOR PAIR D.C.(JAMBS),14"MAX.ANCHOR F OF PANEL 2 D.C. (P-HOOK)UTILIZING ANCHOR QUANTITIES FROM APPROPRIATE TABLES,SHEETS 6-8. SEE 2-TRACK P-HOOK ANCHOR DETAILS ON SHEET 14. FRAME JAMB "+2"ANCHORAGE ANCHOR PAIR PRODLIURWBWall REQUIRES SEE"C5' END PANEL as comptykIg wtak ow FWdo "C6"CLUSTER,SE CENTERLINE CENTERLINE building Cade 1� • . � I /I !_& DETAILS,SHEET 10' ANCHORAGE Acctputwo No-14--__01219 0 DETAILS,SHEET FOR 9 ;on INTERLOCK 8. 4.051. �_OF MAX. R ASTRAGAL;_\ ASTRAGAL (2 ANCHORS o\ Ly, EXTERIOR CENTERLINE "+2'ANCHORAGECENTERLINE CHORAGE—/ GENTERLINE No.58705 OF PANEL 3 OF PANEL 5 SEE SHEET 11 FOR OTHER INTERMEDIATE.ANCHORS Dow 107079CHNOLOSYDNIVE ANCHORAGE SPACING A EXAMPLE PLANS N.VEVWX,FL 34275 W� 1� ;$�,` 0 10.1 SERIES 770 ALUM.SGD-LM IMPACT /11/// ­, A L4g I JR 1011014 CERT,OFAUTH,02M. SGD-770 NTS 9 d 22 PGTO130 REA S8705 INSTALLATION DETAILS EMBEDMENT:SEE TABLE A,SHEET I EMBEDMENT:SEE TABLE A,SHEET NOTES: EDGE DISTANCE:SEE EDGE DISTANCE: EDGE DISTANCE; 1,ALL DIMENSIONS CONCRETE CONCRETE SEE TABLE A,SHEET 1 CONCRETE SEE TABLE A,SHEET 1 SHAWN ARE BASED PER TABLE TABLE A.SHEET 1 A.SHEET 1 2-1f16°` PER TABLE 2-1116"' PER TABLE 2-1/16°• ON MIN,ALLOWED. A,SHEET 1 __ A.SHEET 1 1f4" •DIAGONAL O.C.IS EXTERIOR '•' M . MIN 4":(HEAD&SILL) --- - - r�2�� - -- SHIM OR 6" J MB SEE EMBEDMENT: 1f4" EXTERIOR 1f4" EXTERIOR DETAILS,SHEETS SEE TABLE A, MAX. (� MAX. 0&11. SHEET 1 SHIM `r- SHIM PROPERLYSECURED1X CONCRETE ANCHOR TYP., PROPERLY SECURED 1XTE ANCHOR TYP., PROPERLY SECURED 1X CONCRETE ANCHOR TYP., WOOD BUCK TYP.,SEE SEE ANCHOR NOTES& WOOD BUCK.TYP.,SEECHOR NOTES& WOOD BUCK TYP.,SEE SEE ANCHOR NOTES& ANCHOR NOTE 3,SHEET 1 T BL ­.SHEET­.PBgET 1 ANCHOR NOTE 3,SHEET 1 TABLE A,SHEET 1 ANCHOR NOTE 3,SHEET 1 TABLE A,SHEET 1 Yfk GK Q . = 3-TRACK FRAME HEAD r-4-TRACK FRAME HEAD Ac b]4REiTE s:•, i ec CONCRETE INSTALLATION Cc CONCRETE INSTALLATION CONCRETE ANCHOR TYP., PROPERLY SECURED 1X CONCRETE.ANCHOR TYP., PROPERLY SECURED 1X CONCRETE ANCHOR TYP., PROPERLY SECURED 1X SEE ANCHOR NOTES& WOOD BUCK TYP.,SEE SEE ANCHOR NOTES& WOOD BUCK TYP.,SEE SEE ANCHOR NOTES& WOOD BUCK TYP.,SEE TABLE A,SHEET 1 ANCHOR NOTE 3,SHEET 1 TABLE A,SHEET 1 ANCHOR NOTE 3,SHEET 1 TABLE A,SHEET 1 ANCHOR NOTE 3,SHEET 1 SEE ANCHOR SEEANCHOR SEE ANCHOR NOTE 5,SHEETNOTE 5, NOTE 5, 1(114"MAX.)-j_ SHEET 1� SHEET 1� •: 4 _ (114"MAX.) � __- 1 (1/ „MAX.) EXTERIOR I ” <;•`" EXTERIOR EXTERIOR 1 + L !•� - a -- a =---C-=-- . a CONCRETE 2-1116°= 2-1i1s --- 2-1116". PER TABLE EDGE DISTANCE: CONCRETE EDGE DISTANCE: CONCRETE EDGE DISTANCE: A,SHEET 1 SEE TABLE A,SHEET 1 PER TABLE SEE TABLE A,SHEET 1 PER TABLE SEE TABLE A,SHEET 1 EMBEDMENT:SEE TABLE A,SHEET 1 A,SHEET 1 EMBEDMENT:SEE TABLE A,SHEET 1 A,SHEET 1 EMBEDMENT:SEE TABLE A,SHEET 1 QE 2 Tif i F.:, 10141 q�3-TRACK FRAME SILL ®4-TRACK FRAME SILL oc � •, -TiE(1:ST1..RANK CONCRETE INSTALLATION Fc CONCRETE INSTALLATION EMBEDMENT:SEE _ TABLE A.SHEET 1 EDGE DISTANCE: EMBEDMENT:SEE SEE TABLE A, TABLE A,SHEET 1 �1 - SHEET 1 EDGE DISTANCE: PROPERLY SECURED EMBEDMENT:SEE SEE TABLE A, 1X WOOD BUCK TYP., TABLE A,SHEET 1 —`1.; I SHEET l SEE ANCHOR NOTE 3, PROPERLY SECURED - EDGE DISTANCE: PROPERLY SECURED SHEET 1 SEE TABLE A, 1X WOOD BUCK TYP., SHEET 1 1 X WOOD BUCK TYP., ° PRODUCTRii wgL) SEE ANCHOR NOTE 3, SEEANCHORNOTE3, CONCJCMUANCHOR 2-1fi6 av—ptomswhhthoMri& uilQiagCode SHEET 1 SHEET 1 TYP.,SEE ANCHOR ! i 2-1/16"' 2-116"' NOTES&TABLE A, Expiration �a CONC./CMU ANCHOR I ::4 CONC,JCMU ANCHOR SHEET 1 CONCRETE TYP.,SEE ANCHOR NOTES&TABLE A. TYP.,SEE ANCHOR OR CMU Ai"mi un p SHEET 1 CONCRETE NOTES&TABLE A, EXTERIOR PER TABLE ��` �y( EXTERIOR `• SHEET'l CONCRETE A,SHEET 1 OR CMU EXTERIOR .' � ��,••'\Gi~N$La''•.C� 1/4"MAX.SHIM —►�1�-- PER TABLE OR CMU A,SHEET 1 1/4"MAX.SHIM - kms— PER TABLE _ A,SHEET 1 114°MAX.SHIM - -�1+- = '''C: Nu.5U7U5 3-TRACK FRAME JAMB 4-TRACK FRAME JAMB ' �t — 7 ,T Gc' TJ N He CONCRETEJCMU INSTALLATION Ic CONCRETEJCMU INSTALLATION "• U a IS U.f, t0701ECHNOLOOYDRNE ANCHORAGE DETAILS a�` FcoR+o?• '\��� to N,VE ICF,FL SMS (84i}480-1800 SERIES 770 ALUM. SGD-LM IMPACT A.LYNN MILLER,P.E. SJR 10/1014 a �� CERT.OFAUTH,#282w ® S00•T70 NTS 13 d 22 PGTO130 P.E.#58705 INSTALLATION DETAILS NOTES: 1.ALL DIMENSIONS FRAMEJAMB SHOWN ARE BASED REQUIRED AT ALL 2.693°MIN. ON MIN.ALLOWED. INSIDE POCKETS EDGE EMBEDMENT:SEE TO PREVENTWATER DISTANCE 2.FIGURES ON THIS SHEET ARE FOR WION CONC./CMU. WOOD FRAMING TABLE A,SHEET 1 HOOK MOUNTING ADAPTER INFILTRAT ' CCMU ILLUSTRATIVE WOOD ANCHOR TYP., s.'•„ PURPOSES ONLY.SEE SEE ANCHOR NOTES ANCHOR TYP.,SEE TABLE A,SHEET 1 FOR EMBEDMENT; --- &TABLE A,SHEET 1 26 ANCHOR NOTES& -_-------� +: , ALLAPPROVED 26 - , ,. ;,• , D SEE TABLE A, (ALSO SEE TYP. TABLE ASHEET 1 SHEET 1 "�_- ILLUSTRATION,SHEET 9) 1-1/4"MIN.EDGE DISTANCE SUBSTRATES. DISTANCE:SEE EXTERIOR 3.SEE TABES 1-3, TABLE A.SHEET 4 EMBEDMENT: SHEETS 6-8 FOR SEE TABLE A, �: "'``• ' P-HOOK MOUNTING REQUIRED P-HOOK 26 +1'r AND.P-HOOK EXTERIOR SHEET I ,ct.';' }• ,.. ADAPTER CONCJCMU MOUNTING ADAPTER PHOOK WOOD ANCHOR TYP., J T •^ .`-'` ANCHOR TYP.,SEE SEE ANCHOR.NOTES V P-HOOK ° ANCHOR NOTES&TABLE ANCHOR QUANTITIES. &TABLE A,SHEET 1 CONCRETE OREMBEDMENT:SEE A,SHEET 1 ALSO SEE EXAMPLE (ALSO SEE TYP. 2:593°MIN. CMU PER TABLE TABLE A,SHEET 1 (ALSO SEE TYP. ON SHEET 9. ILLUSTRATION,SHEET 9) EDGE DISTANCE A,SHEET 1 ILLUSTRATION,SHEET 9) P-HOOK FOR USE WITH FLAT SILL RISERS01KiF6E2IS— FUSERS PARTS#16,020,#22 OR#24, P9 �^ b #c'(�1 WOOD INSTALLATION EXTERIOR MOUNT SHOWN. { 7' 'i�3 ST A'I 'N INTERIOR MOUNT SHOWN, (SEE TABLES 1A,2A&3A MAY ALSO BE INSTALLED IN A ES 1 2l1 MAY ALSO BE INSTALLED IN FOR WATER RATINGS) INTERIOR CONDITION F•Fi Na r EXTERIOR CONDITION METAL TYP., P-HOOK MOUNTING SEE ANCHOR P-HOOK:MOUNTING CONCRETE OR EMBEDMENT:SEE ADAPTER CONC./CMU EMBEDMENT:SEE NOTE 4,SHEET 1; TABLE A,SHEET 1 ADAPTER SMS CMU PER TABLE TABLE A,SHEET 1 ANCHOR TYP-,SEE —`�~ MIN.OF.3 THREADS ANCHOR TYP.,SEE A,SHEET 1 - ANCHOR NOTES&TABLE BEYOND THE METAL ANCHOR NOTES A,SHEET 1 .f•• SUBSTRATE &TABLE A,SHEET 1 EMBEDMENT; a ``' "'' ' (ALSO SEE TYP. (ALSO SEE TYP. SEE TABLE A, ^ ' fir. ILLUSTRATION,SHEET 9) ILLUSTRATION, SHEET t 2� EMBEDMENT: 1 SHEET 9) +_ SEE TABLE A, ]—EDGE DISTANCE:SEE r: •'`':` a.. SHEET 1 y - 1-114°MIN.EDGE DISTANCE BLE A,SHEET 1 _ 30 P-HOOK SMS ANCHOR TYP., EXTERIOR P-HOOK CONCJCMU EXTERIOR SEE ANCHOR NOTES ANCHOR TYP„SEE acw &TABLE A,SHEET i ButIY l,lheFlorlde ANCHOR NOTES&TABLE q,� (ALSO SEE TYP- �` ecce No 5� 2.693"MIN. A,SHEET 1 2.693"MIN, s ILLUSTRATION,SHEET 9) EDGE DISTANCE (ALSO SEE TY.P, EDGE DISTANCE F L ( f ILLUSTRATION,SHEET 9) Mi:m,i nada p� tp�ttQd,ltlyh�` P-HOOK FOR USE WITH BOX SILL RISERS P-HOOK FOR USE WIT14 BOX SILL RISERS 10 Kw PARTS#19,1121,#23OR#25, Ko PARTS#19,#21,#23 OR#25, METAL INSTALLATION EXTERIOR CONCRETE INSTALLATION EXTERIOR (SEE TABLES 1A,2A&3A MOUNT (SEE TABLE$1A,2A&3A MOUNT FOR WATER RATINGS) ONLY FOR WATER RATINGS) ONLY N�°}'{-670 r ae�mpy. oU 8ntbre: Lreotarr SYATC i0707ECHNOLOOYDRNERT. ANCHORAGE DETAILS /���•••............ FL peuc w+�sbro: M VENICE,FL 34273 sue: !���s pay a SERIES 770 ALUM.SGD—LM IMPACT `'140NA� (441}480-180D 1 1 1 1 1 1111 vffa ly: Dab: para: 90"IOat SaW: s+at pa"*Vp' Ps A.LYNN MILLER,P.E. JR 10/10/14 CERT.OFAVT7L#2M SGD•770 NTS 14 -(22 PGT0130 REA58705