HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters TITAN .. - s tS` f% ®/1VCREYE " eank.y. Wel appreciate yr►ur\mlsl 1 ess._. Materials for [" ` r = -_ . f:Lr.,> T `'ti ` _•1 k , 4' ,.. �. ' " "-` .v�.. Ticket no. r .creta _� 29997 r rl Vii`-4 K rte' ucliverydate�)�E, :/'c.. >_' PlantTruckr j; ". \r e..rr`.i..7628 �,,N ..Driver F-:. t 9 �.-1� J TF:�S 717ruck size ` 5171 T e ob I c:Aomer n'6iaLil<'J0 fi-"D,�;,J Customer,namel itllVr L' 1`I1=U_ COP,1=,RFI GUh\ltii-G Zone Tax C • f 1 i'1 " r bu, Order no.,"`I�c'I!I-�.-- Terms code � Tarmac projectno: _ -1 Customer P.O.no twne due 3,c'° E�- 1i� 1-Charge delivered 3-C.O.D. — �_ ''• " •.. ;.\\„J V i -. ' i { -'"2-Charge F.O.B. \4-C.O.D'-F.O.B. Delivery nameianh-ad�dre�st- F`iJUN•I ' rl• ' _ b tr Lot gbck County SPAN Is I Instructions �: ��^� i ;,: Slump- 0 Quantity - —_ -�� - l��"Produce _ -` v:— IIMj Unit priceAmount Load ° ilmulative Ord2$ed 14 2,Coa'e CAf D'es610tiB1250 0 i; 7 CV 8, 00 1 IN 190- 1 PIAQTF'RF I-BE R M70 0 75T CY . 1. 00 80(1007 FUE1: `SURCHE-3- LD 1 I/D(7_1 ' `M,101`'r ENV TROD! GURCHG LD 3p- Load Load Arr a job site - st'rt discharge Finish discharge'? Leave job site Arrive plant J- {`r i Subtotal 2 �I: Sales tax- , TOTAL Additional'wateer�r-4dded.to his'concrete will reduce its strength.Any waterzadded is at customer's risk. ,Gallons of water added:/ /1 — `-Gallons of water adred: Gallons of water2dded:_ Ami of CY Retained: t ' Customer Approval: j ' CustomerApprovaLl Customer_Approval:+ I Customer Approval: Tested Tested properly �::=1,I'No, .-� Authorized and received by ' ❑ /❑ Yes ❑ No, _- , ;1,`',r 4 7 ❑-Yes No• �"/ pG �'/_ - - - • i Safetyrs a constant`state of mind; revery`employee feeling responkih'e ` aj°�k - and empowered to,aacct to cause him II Address: Correct' Not Correct and others to w- r�k-_sa! the belief --�Fy- that all accidents are preventable aid that zero incidents is the only. al-;� ._, 1 ,>t- *� �, '•�`, tl *il)'_.a 1 l't '('tV1''1?S dLCI CU;, �� ,.t. r'4 i l),1 7f-1 l 'F jl,(u 1311 el'S credit agreement with Seller.1ncoi-por'? .(I hen,ill :ate I �{ i nC,';�f u, 1 , !-rm rn'ill(imL n}',e;n'..�°h, ,r f Lu;''; purCh sc nr:' #c excluded unless agt ued to by Seller in tvritin .Any chau,� .r•, Ill wri iN and sione(I E,)'each )an } t 1 �' @s;i,,yds th t '„\x.s(if the slate oFFlorida,Por all disputes sEl, ht { ) J'--- "Sl. k u be ot)tiLued m c• i ; :i11S .011 i,1-%Ct,15'tf�r C'1' 1 l'.T, COn tiClll'i tlr I G t, Y' '� 1 '^ t l r- J 1 alb Vbc- of t..c' ,,: =Talc ,.,' :'t."the OCatiOi of the delivery site of the hood l I 4.e 4 d dj2 1 e .. _VIi1L1iC ICY111S. 1�,et the hl5t(lilt'OtClte 1T10 till li;i ,,,,,(tl(;llvt t tit Cl.)"'llUCh , :?{;, set Off"'r Cu.1ft;C l7iiiCk5.A Cash dt:(cotnit o.l' pro:(in:ti ciati l:e elcducfcd i f no pie\lot+t. ;;h,c. Intel-C., �cr of l !err er ntvyil or i ila�;ii n;ate allowed by law tt til� r, unposed oll r•urshanding anti dclin(lu;ni invo:l ofdeliver} `—L- ',, 3u} r•1W pay to Sel]el.tlf Plicahle �r}eial, sta�C and 1,icai Side�sr anti us:-y� in additilnt io amy Other avallat - Tdies,SClle -d-to' I,cr from I` l,!I costs of Cc, Cell ou'll I,ugatioyt_ 4 U, limllUt LO.rC(l�Ililittlii!altl)Yt1CyS,. �el,C'I ,.•i,1'eS ChE rl�. ,P 7 .IC ad V8rll.c OI IC C•11�CC1 the i.Ti x111('Str9'110n Oi' 1iiS _ (. on,raC�'t-tt' I !, Ih)IICe Ill ,11::eVelit L`1`BLI (er dcfia , 1 any Coil Ct ProviSwil., al s"i i:� of i uyrr Itak(bnles inili)ai,'ed or d`eeemedyl`�111S�2i�- ii�c,.ort; (o Sc I i!nc a Seller tt)ex�rcis( I not�be decii Y �frc_' ighl. o 1. Re,;t11a1 ucli\e are 7:(N)a.m.- S:QIJ} in., � �Id �'. r -p .,t 1 t't,z 'h tided fot deliveries otd fot�any v�Titin ,.,nloadint;per rods 1n c:(cr5s Of b(i n t,rtltr based on fit' 't �,. 1 c,l,.rge quill apply to loud, 5 1,ars..uv on_ yards, l lie nlinu,tu 11 tnad for each delivery is P c I.' 1 rig;. 4. 13uv or will',i%c 01ier at least=1h hours prior notice r �of regnested.'_' � y scl e(lules will be Il;! Sehei'and 0):!]N cr;es %vdl be made to til- ! ]Ity t0 dIS ;tillv'eS any Cl.)lm^ 5. ICU\'(,r till.5t 7i`R 1liL tillllatj`P�lil)t);(YICI)CS to ' '1: Y J,- . C!stl'Jt. ' d CUrb,lincS l.y•.', S(," 'I ..,F-a.,ft•' , tUVehicles, ;io�v-a11.;. :'eIy,4.s.pipc�s,setanit., andlorm� _,e��rty,and}jt. "� 'C . and holdSF),v: :iT'�' S t..nuai_alnatt,nvr, all 1111hilir ;(» >I d 1)(IISc InCnrred as a ITSJlt l,' �9 ! aud:ilg I-Lit r,1t 1 cllarg;,s_ ;i emc A by Sc1;i'r', U0 s1L�'iigc ucc 'illful misconduct. Buyer vi; ,rog�t�� . ;:•e 6. 13u-,,::r is re',,oa'l)]t: for uli pa)'rncni ot;inclutlil: .i d and Lei!er s real. 1 a! ;. 011e time: (ii) concrete delivered d:,e r I;e oi• it-. rcquut ; flim -, , ,;i,, r:'')1 du u' all-uaah• 7. Ci?nc'etc pt JS end(1111intlliCS t12-C buSC(i llpon the v C' 01 ill.tok Jing of discharge.fro, all Y -ICI-'fOru ',.. "rerncri t 'h7Ca 'd j li nlatL Yield,�.\ill be established in accordance vl,T' •.;)pnc thb:AS�'.�i standard all cl' +<' i t0 inst. .' nr 5 I:..Id'by or to behalfof BLIS-Cr, S, Limited`, art'anty: Ru}er i5 (,;E)y fesponslble for cict,'rill ,,I,'the type aP% .'t})t 1"4')'r ,II ' '. Jlt I'll"its pro(InL, '1 meet or e;cecd applica)le American Society I'or Festing M:,t ,,-,'s li"A°L~✓(" t: Istat L,, )stanu,,r(Is,v,;c'- ._ tin acc• . !:'+tcc v,i11)AST:h9 and cbaluaied b_Y ACI Stan(iar(fs.Seiki-wilt il,,pir,(., :t'piac '•Io I�rx,Ls supplied by •iter.1 ,, :o acct this limited\ka:: ; ,Iy.witb,n(,.ie yea;' apler d'!ivery thercol'. Seller tt•ill uli.lold its vtar",r ition-s undo i 1orida statutt_ if. ' ALL OTHER 1G`R�AiiT[ES; tvII T;11.IR f:XPRESS OR]y11'LiE,D.INCL UD1 C11''rf�tvUf 1.Iti,t.:Ni'lO� E UJARI2AN'flf;��:i I f2 1 A':1'A13f1:1'['YANC)Ei 1 NI';�51'OlR A PA1(11( 1 I_AR 11UR110Sri..I,Ri_ I II:RI R FXPRL`1 Y t XCLU1)ED.TME R1'ME.D't'SI•']"F,,tt ; I J THI , SFCT10N o WILL CC.)NSTlTUTE 1'I IE S0L1;1tFMEDY OF BL'"-_R UN T]IIS I Pvi FE D I VAP R A N'I ' 9. Sinter will not be ,esponsible IuT Slunlp, strength or quality of any concrete t,+o;hich v� <r or�':.1 mat al liii, ,eeit adr.Ied by or on behalf OF`` ,,tr. Buyer will I,c re".ounsibic w see that the concrete is handled in accordance v.ith best con, )t •7rat � 'i! � r hat no control,over handlln, of _,)ri fete(Hier unfoaclioL, ni)d does no:,oa '11ee fie i',lished work irrl whirl, it i� :scd, .l i!I .'Smalls 10•tU preA,L'llr: 11.1.0:)dI I i rt,t0 C)link illtO Co,1taC1 vA illi ally nl&a ii 11 Sh tS alumillrol.which 111,). ' i•"" - '" e,C,"e ti englt1. t d ,ttyv''vv II! iia Iu,1 an) adlnislures : _.: „Jt rig"�lly supplied by the Se; .i in _��e rn tretplace. Buyer will i,t. ,ti?r,,,i1- ;�, ;h :rT_u Ltsl•' - t r1iedlents on the concrete.Aly extra product which may be rcq,litvd in excess of the mix design t,',t <t,or tv urkabiIity strength,setting tinge or witer/cement ratio,will result in an utkiition 11 ingredient charge payable by Buyer. t on(rstc e';�rch d and deli\cred in accOrdancc with ASTM C-9=1.Concrete temperature\vill.be'diciatid by the environmental and material Condi- Jor"0" ii:,'c`hi'(lelivery.Ar: rcgilireinent beyond these conditions will require the implementation ofc61trolled measures during production at the 12. Buycr Inilm�;iv r>eller written notice.v'ithin=Nt hours atter delivery of any claim against Seller as a resu]I of ani,a'leged nonconforming materials or any other onus;\r Laauet'er tether t;lart failure to meet compressive sU'En�th,in\which event the time for uoNce\t11) ce within 44 hours alter the customary time for nn;:!v',,,, of the test cylinder), time bring of the essence. Seller will be given reasonable oppori investigate all claims. Any failure by buyer to gi,,e sv r itten notice tt ilhin such 48}lour period will be dccnl�d a conclusive waiver by Buyer of aP Stith clniins against Seller. . 1 13 SF.LL1 R tl!1.1 NOT BE 1,1,\BLE UNI)N:R ANIY C'IRCUMSTANCP`; FOR ANY SPECIAL I"XII>,q?=l'ivL?; '-ITIVI QR CONSEQUENTIAL )A'1r\t,l,`r, 1\.1, �.F;ikN(;, t;r[TIiOL']' LIMITA"PION, ANY DAMAGES RELATED TO ULLf: l ::F I�tr `1;..,E:#'? ON STATUTE, TORT, CON i \C'!,O,. ':)'!I i.I?Et','[".:.AND WI H-"I'I IER OR h")TARISING FROM SELLER'S NE_.GLIC, ,`E_ t .C' 'IIIATY OR FAULT. IN NO FVLN T '41'1].1 i 1'R BL Rl-St 0\S1B1 E FOR DAMAGE DUE TO'1'itE ACTfONS OF 01'i-iE,� )' T„t ( �1 t 'OF BUYER TO COMPLY W1 C!1 I l ;O 'lf ”) F;,_l_1_I P.'S L1.i131Li1-1'F(3RA vY C'LAI,%IS NNILL 13E LIMI'1'ED'1-O 51.i_[,UR:„A!,1:PRICE OF THE GOODS SOLD 1 A. 'notice. ,'<',l',.` .­TWiller v,ill be Sent in\\-titian'tt the;at,::cit=cc ',sailing tha price quotati.m,\;'ith cvcc_- Yv Credit Uepa:rttnent;4j5 Fairway Drive, en i5. tic\clabila. t+,c t;n.nl'vrecab,, 1 ay<iri�"p1i',vi.lon of this Contract tvfl%nol affect the errfc:xce:,,u I. } o�an, '•11cr�prpvision of,this C'ona~ct, and each other prov ii,,Ioe of'this v 111 be severable and enforceable to the cxtent permitted by gun•. : .�"r tARNIN-C- CAUSES SKIN IRR TAT10IV TN11 iY'C1'_TS CC)NITAINS 11(.)1,1 I,'1N11)C'F'vlt, 1 1:11'IES11LY M[XLD CONCRETE M AYC'Al;.";F SY )N;0k I ?JURY AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN 111'Ri', POSSIBLI' WASH 1\t'( S'.'1) AR.FAS I'W"YAR.FLY WITHW_1'EIjU,, FF ,tom 1)';!O THE EYE, RINSE IMMEDIATELY W111-114ATI.,(�A\I)(i;"lPRONhi'`,A4F.DICALATTF\.!IQN. Is_FEP(J i_ )l REA"CiiOEC:I-,it,DIZEN. 1IA"I'I:}tI tL + '►:"a', DATA SHELTS(iNISDS)ARE AVAILA BLE,ti"i''v4 ,W.'TI'ira.1,'A:'49ERIC;n.COiM Rev'd 2-08 y.. S. ��Oeo,0 TITAN i CAD C TI "Thank you - We,appreciate your business" Materials for Life �.- Ticket no., q Furetc __ S-rUART (J c 1501 t►ONTEREY• RD STUART;` FL. 334` 4 Delivery date Plant. Truck 131-1,p Driver Truck size JType]ob. r rho r,�e - i c Y,- a ,J, I � tr.tit _T+ _. ,_ a _ 1�. Customer no� y Customer name _ r _ Zone; Tax CD _0 y E?�]I2f�1►= 1-401 1 C'ni\iC.PETC= CON Tarmac project no:, Customer P.O.no. Order no. Terms code 1-Charge delivered 3-C.O.D. Time;due 4.14 1 P17-11 I �9iJ' 61.:7 I 3',.'2-Charge F.O.B. 4C.O.D-FOR 1 9 V1•Y CIM Delivery name and address Lot Block County J.0 LUS SAT©S T C 1 IC Y f_ Instructions1iJSlump SFJAN T SM LAPES 1 � . Y. - Quan�ity oduct = UlM; Unit.prI�e Amount,• Load Cumulative Ordered Code Description 4. 170 12. 00 '-1 : . 00' CA :'05RILA 2500 #$57 CY 4-. 00 42. 00 00 1 Q1+ JIgo 1 MASTF_RE=I BE=R M70 . i�5# CY 1. 00 0 , e Rr O i�C� 7 ..- FUEL SURCHG LD 1. 002. 00 J 00 80 4014 ENV I RCIN SURC:HO LD 1. 00 . 01 .i.. '" ' 4 . 121 B 036 SHCII;TT LOAD L.D Load Arrive job site Start discharge' Finish discharge Leave job site Arrive plant - Subtotal • Sales tax TOTAL . 4dditional water a ded to this concrete will reduce its strength.Any water added is at customer's risk. r Gallons of water-added: Gallons of water added: Gallons of water added_: I Amt of CY Retained: Customer Approval: Customer Approval: Customer Approval: Customer Approval: Tested Tested properly No. �a Authorized and received by ❑ Yes No LJ Yes ❑ No 9 � �X Lot: Safety is a constant state of mind, with every employee feeling responsible : Block: I and empowered to act to-cause him Address: Correct Not Correct :. and others to work safely, on the belief that all accidents are preventable and ;that-zero incidents is the only,goal. TITAN FI.0 RIDA I IS —m T= TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALF I. All sales will be subject to then.. 'Inti conditions("Contract')and,if buying on credit.to Buyer's credit agreement with Seller,incorporated herein by reference;all other term;,,incluclatg any terms Contained in Buyer's purchase order,are excluded unless agreed to by Seller in writing.Any changes must be in writing and signed by each party. This Contract will be construed in accordance with the laws of the state ofFlorida.For all disputes relating to this Contract,Buyer hereby consents to the Jurisdiction and venni.of>the state and federal courts for the location of the delivery site of the goods sold hereunder. _. Payment terms:Net tine last clay of the+month foilowing the month of delivery,without deduction. retainage,set off or charge backs.A cash discount of 1% 10"'proximo may be deducted if n-> ipns,ralanecs are past dui interest at the lesser of P/2%per month or the maximum rate allowed by law will be imposed on outstanding arid dehnc,„�,:, ;o%•.:c2F frena the date Of teiivery until paid. Buyer will pay to Seller all applicable federal,state and local sales and use taxes. In addition to any our:, :• v l_bie rights and remedies,Scller will be entitled to recover from Buyer all costs of collection and litigation including,but not limited to,reasonable fees. Seller reserves the right to require payments in advance or to cancel the unfillec'portion of this Contract without notice in the event of Btr, tuult of any Contract provisions,or if the financial status of Buyer becorines impaired or dee-tied unsat- isfactory to Seller. Failure of Seller to exerei.c<rny of its rights will not be deemed a waiver of any such right. 3. Regular detiverx-hours are 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m..Monday through Friday. An additional charge may be added for deliveries outside of these hours and for any waiting'itnloadiag periods in excess of 60 minutes.Prices are based on full loads:an additional charge will apply to lo=lls of less than seven cubic yards. The minimum load for each delivery is 1' cubic yards. 4. T3trver will give Seller at least 48 hours prior notice of the time and rate of requested deliveries. Delivery schedules will be mutually agreed upon between Seller and Buyer. Deliveries will be nude to the best of Seder's obih:y to dispatch,however, Buyer waives any claims associated with any delays in delivery. 5. Buyer must provide suitable appt..a rs to dirJi cry points beyond pavc,ti streets. For delivery beyond curb lines,Buyer assumes all liability for damage >iJ w at cirivea"a-,-s.pines,set';c`, ., ^cher 1, r;. rty,and Buyer will indemnify and hold Seller harmless from and against any anti i; 'iajt,aay,loss and expense incurred as a resit' c�� such .ading but not lirmited to towing charges, except to the extent caused by Seller's gross t:eghgence orwillful misconduct.Buyer uai%cs an}, against Seller. o. Buyer is responsible for full payment of,,including all c-:;t, and Seller's return charge per truck fen-,(i)orders not cancelled at least one hour prior to deliver-y+ tirie: (ii) concrete delivered dun to Pt or in excess of requirements; (iii) concrete not deliverable due to tunsuitable approaches. • 7. Concrete prices and quantities are based upon the%t et volum', of discharge from the truck,and are not sold"form measurement"or measured "in place". Yield will be established in accordance with appli( i I M standards.Buyer will pay all charges incident to inspection or tests made by' or on.behalf of Buyer. 8. Limited Warranty: Buyer is sololy responsible for determiri rept and quant ity.of goods to be purchased.Seller vvarrants that its products will meet or exceed applicable American Society for Testing Mate6 ;"r1.,L y 1')and American Concrete Institute("ACI")standards,when tested in accordance with ASTM and evaluatod by ACI standards. Seller will iir or replat.c any goods supplied by Seller that fail to meet this limited warranty,within one year after delivery thereof. Seiler will uphold its wY sty ohhl-atiorli tuider Florida statute 718.203, as applicable. ALL. OTHER WARRANTIES. WHIETIIER EXPRESS OR IMPLII'D,INCLUDIN(,- .,-1`1111)lT LIMI[ATION TtTE WARRANTIES OF.MVRCHANTABILITYAND FI`PNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,ARE: IiEREBY]_-_XTfL^'S"I�'1 :CLUDE�D.1'611 RER%EDY SET FORTiI IN THIS SECTION.8 WI CL CONSTITUTE tl,a`O', ' Rt'MLDY OF BUYER UNDER"I 11? LIMITED`v AKR'NTY,-.' 4. Seller wall not be responsible 1,1. ju lz ` engr �u+.l r c, .,:�ti cnilol-ete to which water or other material has been added by or on behalf of Buyer. ! uU'y : , 'l:be responsioie to sec that thr:•conerete is handled in accord:rice with best construction practices. Seller has no control over the placing or haridlin�of concrete after unloading ancl.does no;guarantee lite linxvtel° d work in bleb it is used. Buyer va ill be responsible to prevent concrete after tiuto;ding fl corning into contact with any material,such as alumi�rutn,which may adversely impact eoncrete-.strengfh. 10. Bpyer.will furnish any admixtures or ingredients it desires that'arc not rvr,ularly supplied by the Seller in the marketplace. Buyer will be solely respon- sible for the effect of such admixture or ingredients on tiro concrete.Ar•v extra product which may be required in excess of the mix design quoted,or which may be required to provide workability,strength,!netting time or�,,,'terrceunentratio,will result in an additional ingredient charge pa}able by Buyer. 11- Concrete will be hatched and delivered in accordance with ASTM C-94.Concrete temperature will be dictated by the environmental and material condi- tions at the time of delivery.Any requirement beyond these conditions will require the implementation of controlled nneasures during production at the expense of Buyer. 12. Buyer must give Seller written notice within 48 hours after delivery of any Maim against Seller as a result of any alleged nonconforming materials or any other cause whatsoever(other than failure to meet compressive strength,i which event the tine for notice will be within 48 hours after the customary time for analysis of the test cylinder), time being of the essence. Seller",J] be given reasonable opportunity to investigate all claims. Any failure by Buyer to give written notice within such 48 hour period will be deemed a conclusive waiver by Buyer of all such claims against Seller. i 13. SELLER WILL NOT BE LIABLE'UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES(F'�)R ANY SPECIA[;,--INCIDENTAL, PUhTf LIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY DAMAGES RELATED TO DELAY,,WHETHER BASED ON STAI"UTE, 'PORT, CONTRACT,OR O'I'HERV/11SE,AND WI�IETI iER OR NOT ARISING F(20M SELLER'S NEGLIGENCE,STRICT LIABILITY OR FAULT. IN NO EVENT WILL SELLER BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE DUE 1.O THE ACTIONS OF'OTHERS OR THE FAILURE OF BUYER TO COMPLY WITH ITS OBLIGATIONS.SELLER'S LIABILITY FOR ANY CLAIMS WILL BE LIMITED TO T14E PURCHASE PRICE OF THE GOODS SOLD UNDER THIS C'ON'TRACT. 14.'Notice. All notices to:Seller will be sent in writing to tine sales office issuing the price quotation,with a copy to Credit Department,455 Fairway Drive, Deerfield Beach,FL 33441. 15. Severability. The unenforceability of any provision of this Contract will not affect the enforceability of any other provision of this Contract,and eac'h other provision of this Contract will be severable and enforceable to the extent permitted by law. WARNL 1NG' CA1J',ill SK1N' IRRITATION-INJURIOUS TO EYES, CONTAINS PORTLAND CEMENT. FR_ESI-11-Y MIXED CONCRETE MAY CAl1SE SKIN IRRITATION OR INJURY. AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN 'IERE POSSIBLE. WASH EXPOSED AREAS PROMPTLY LY WITH WATER. IF ANY MIXTURES GET INTO TIME EYE. RINSE IMMEDIATELY .TI-I WATER AND GEI"PRO1v;PT MEDICAL AT"I`EN"TION. KEEP OU"1'01'f�EACYI OF CIIILDREN. 4 MATERIAL SAFETYDATA SHEETS;(NISDS)ARE AVAILABLE AT WS,WNV.Tj TANA-MKRICA.C:OM. Y ` Rev'd 2-08