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2, _ "Thankyyou - We appre gate-yourbusiness" Materials for Life" - - Ticke,no. r , icrete. 30. y L ,I �a�� _ r > 34982 Delivery date_. Plant •.r Truck Driver \t r-�CTruck size - job inC•' .L t _ � ` li•,C11C:: � (_rT:i YPe Customerno,,_;l�,i .i.1r Customer name M � i•_'IV(_ �`, 1' Zone Tax CD I Tarmac project no.,,,- _ Custome�:PuO no._ v ' Order no. 1-7 I Terra edde charge dervered_ , iIrr due i 2-Charge F.Z.B. 4-C.O.D-F.O.B. Delivery name,and address:` i )E' r tr 1 , r=th-'.iJ 1.1Z) ,RPPJ IVII DP., i:U i `ST LIJC I t_ =: (71(--,i l\I T 1--I I t_il:'I"<= '••1 nV-I i-11'7r;1TM • !:T f-7 rs;' r oii%i l :='i\i Instructions Slump c QI1_Intlty Y Product ! U/M; Unit price (Amount Load Cumulative O gde.iedCIID,code 0111 Description _— r 1.1214 i 9 I?i:L tdf,)ES`!'�!•?f=f Q€=f e i'~7' i'� . ',�•, i i:�=;� - , 33, ;. O'; 01 a `:1\(fJ T F C)i`! IJf�CI-Il Load Arrive job site, Start discharge Finish discharge Leave job site Arrive plant Subtotal • Sales tax TOTAL Additional-water:a d to this concretewillreduce its strength..Any water added is at customer's risk. r - Gallons of water added: f _ Gallons of water added:_ Gallons of water added:_ Amt of CY Retained: Customer Approval:' Customer Approval: Custom&-Approval:1 Customer Approval: Tested Tested property, No, ` -,�' ". sa Authorized.and Yes Yes No 7eceived by I I (9 ❑ � No .- • ❑ ❑ - \ ),J - - `l I Lot: Safety is.a:constant state Of mind, with every employee feeling responsible Block: ! and empowered to act to cause'him 5 r Address: Correct: 'Not Correct and others to work safely, on the belief that all accidentsiare preventable'and .that-zero incidents,is the only goal. TERMS AND CONDITI'0NS OF SALE 1. All sales will oe subject to t.fiasc ten; llu wnditions(",Contract")and,if buyirng%rt credit,to Buyci �,credit agreement with Seller,incorporated heron by refercnc :all other tern,,including any terms contained in Buyer's purchase order,are excluded unless agreed to by Seller in writing.Ahy changes must be i,i wririn~l and signed by each party. "i'his Contract will be construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Florida. For all dislautes relating to this C"ontr,:tL t,31.1ycr herchy consents to the jurisdiction_nd venue of tllc state and federal courts for the location of the delivery site of t'he goods sold 2' I'}igen tc n, s: Net-t lt;t day of'the month folloi;Ing the month of'cfelivcry,-with;ut deduction,retainage,set ofi'or charge backs:A cash discount of 1 bl, i0l p, ox iwo may bw i�ducted if no previous balances are past due.Interest at the lesser of 112%per month or the maximuril rate allowed by law.will Lie rtlahos !on omutanditg,mxf delinquent invoices from the date of delivery until paid. Buyer will pay to Seller all appli'cable•federal,state and local salcsand usr tzN,cs. Inttiditio;t to any other asailable rights and remedies,Seller will be entitled to recover from Buyer all costs ofcoliection ancaMigation including,bta T)(11 lirnitzd to.,_sonable atroraeys'fees. Sellerreserves the right to require payments in advance or tocancel the unfilled portion of this ,Coniract withnut notiC,in the event of Buyer default of any Contract provisions,or if the financial.status of Bityer becomes impaired or deemed unsat- .- isfactory io S=Mier. I a,lure of Seller to exercise any of its rights will not be deemed a waiver of any such right. - i. Re(alar d.:lis er} hour=:are 7:00 a.nt.-5:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday. An additional charge may be added for deliveries outside of these hours and for ery waitin=-t!nioacing periods in excess of b0 minutes.Prices are based on full loads;all additional charge will apply to loads of less than seven cr-rbic yircls. The minimum)lotad for each delivery is I /�cubic yards. 4. Buyer- ill git e SeI)er at least 4K hours prior notice of the time and rate ofrequested deliveries. Delivery selteclules w�i-be utiitual,ly'agreed upon between Seller and Buyer.,Deiiverics will lie made to the best of Seller's ability to dispatch, however.Buyer waives any claims associated wiN any delays in I u ur t.tu�i)}n�w role srrirable appro c ro ttu%'ry point$beyond paved streets. For delivery,beyQnd curb lines.Buyer asks mes,alLlizhilLt_ to e elricics,s;dctir alks,driveways rprs.septic tanks,-ancL'or other property,ynd Buyerwill rindemnify and hold Seller-hannless from and against any and all Irabrrr'v. loss r_rd ext., incl pied as a.result of such delivery,including but not limitedto towing charges,except to the extent cawed by Seller's gross ncgligem:c,or willful misconduct.Buyer waives any right of subrogation against Seller. _ fi. Buycr is responsible tbr.firll paymient of,including all costs of disposal and Seller's return charge per tnick for;(i)orders.not cancelled-at least one hour prior to deliver time: (ii) concrete delivered due to Buyer's iizistake or in excess of requirements; (iii) concrete not deliverable dire to unsuitable approaches. 7. Concrete prices and quantitics arc based upon the wet volume at the time of discharge from the truck,and are not sold"Form measurement"or measured "in place". Yield be established in accordance;with applicable ASTM standards.Buyer will pay all chargesincident to inspection or tests made by or or.beha I f of Buyer. 8. Lirnited Wan•anty: Buys is solely resporrsible for determining the type and quantity of goods to be purchased.Seller warrants that its products iv}lrrrreer- or cKeeed applic rIe Ar.,erican So•iety Por"Testing Ivfaterials('`ASTM")and American Concrete institute(`,'ACi")standards,whda tested rr}.oc ordance with AST v4 and evaluated by AC(standards.Seller will repair or replace any goods supplied by Seller that fail to meet thr iini.ted warprfty within one year after delivery thesebf Seller will uphold its warranty obligations under Florida statute 718.203, as applicable. ALC-OTfMR. WARRANTIES, W1IETIIER!:XPRESS OR I,MPLIED,iNCLUDING WiTITOUT LiMiTATION THE WARRANTiES OF MERCHANTABILITY.kND FITNESS FOR A 11ARTICUI.�R PURPOSE.ARF_ RE'REBY EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED.THE REMEDY SET FORTH IN THiS SECTION 8 WILL CONS"T'I"T'UTE Tuft:SOLI'RE lEDY OF BUYER UNDI_'R TATS LIMITED WARRANTY, 9. Selle=r evil:not be resporsible tui shunp,strength or quality of any concrete to which water or other material has been added by or on behalf of Buyer. '311ver will be resporu}blc to see twat the concrete is handled in accordance with best construction practices. Seller has no control over the placing or hancliin of ct�ncrcte r:fcer unloading and doe`;not Guarantee the fmished'work in which it is used. Buyer will be responsible to prevent concrete alter ,r. r.rulo,2,1'g fi om-c:nrriog into conlm with any material,such as aluminum,which mgy adversely impact concrete strength. 10, -Bit' eer w lI rrnriu)r aa�dmixtulocs or mgredients`it'•ct-esu"es-tlla are not regularly supplied by the Seller in the marketplace. Buyer will be solely respon- t:blc for, of slick adnij--cure or ingredients on the concrete.Any extra product which may be required in excess of the mix design quoted,or " whiJiwi fry be re le:ired to provide workability,strength,setting time or water/cement ratio,will result in an additional ingredient charge payable by Buyer. i I. VQ,r1Ae will be batched and delivered in accordance with ASTM C-94.Concrete temperature will be dictated by the environmental and material condi-' tions at the time of delivery"Any requirement beyond these conditions will require the implementation of controlled measures during production at the expense of Buyer. 13 Bm cr roustgive seller written notice within 48 hours after delivery ofany claire against Seller as a result of any alleged nonconfommng materiiN,or any other cause whatsoever(other than failure;to meet compressive strength, in which event-the time for notice will be within 48 hours after the customary-- timra i'or,an_ilysis of the test cylinder',time;being of the essence. Seiler will be given reasonable opportunity to investigate all claims. Any failure by Buycr to gine es r ittcn notice within such 48 hour period will be deeined a conclusive waiver by Buyer of all such claims against Seller. 13. �F'1_J_liR .A'ILL.NOT RI' t,'ABt 1; I":DI;R.ANY CTRCUMSTAVrCES FOR ANY SPECIAL„ INCIDENTAL,PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAw1AGES lNC"LURING, CV'";TlC)`UT LIMITATION, ANY DAMAGES RELATED TO DELAY, WHETHER BASED ON STATUTE, TORT, _ CC',7vJRAC_T.OR t}i II?,;tb�,,sl:,.h�il `,r�'1#4,1'f I[iR OR NO`T ARISING FROM SELLGR'S iABGLIGENCF.•,STRICT LIABILITY OR FAULT. IN NO EVEN–TWILL SEC.1-.;.i, Il, RFSPO NSIBl_i: i OR DAMAGE))UE TO THE ACTIONS OF OTHERS OR-"rHE FAILURE OF`BUYER T0.CO1vfPLY WIT11ITS Of 1,1,1C'A•l'iONS.SELL FIZ'S 1.1.r WLITY FORAN`r'CL: HViS WILL BE LIMtTEDTOTFIE PURCHASE I''R lC}_i01+'THE GO01?�_Sc�?L- 12XDER T"Tits CO:';RAC T, r 111. Notice. Illi nrices to S{;ller v-,;I± be seri.in ,,titin r h,the sales otTin.e; .ging Ge-07 7rce quotation,with a copy to Credit DePartmerit,455 Fairway Drive, Deerfield Beacl,. F€.33441. —`-- 15. Sev--(ability. T!,c unenfixcoability of any provision of this Contract v iti not affect the enforceability of airy other provision of this Contract,and each _6thcr provisioo of this Contract will be severable and enloreerlble to the extent permitted by Jaw. MARNING:_`'AUSES SXON'IRRITATION-T1`i:I1JItI0US TO EVE". C•ONTAINS'PORTLAND CEM—FNT. FRESHLY MIXED CONCREI i--MAYCAUSF SKIN IRRITATION OR.iNI URY. AVOID CQ�TVTIVITJJ-SKIN V�TIERE POSSIBLE.WAS11 Eh POSED AR.I,AS PROMPTLY WiTH lN1ATER. IF ANY MIXTURES GET INTO THE EYE, RINSS IMMEDIATELY �i`1TH y1'�i`EIZ 1'�I)tiF.T I'h(3 t1PT MFu1CAL,.kTTl NTIC)N. kEEP GUT OF REACH OF CF[1L:DREN. _ ;ts:1"I'I Rli,,L SAFETY DATA SIIEE'f'S(MSDS)ARE AVAILABLE A'r WWIVIATANAMERIC:A.COM. Ia v'd 2-08 ,,� x ,L,\, �'' ' res i '�_ --} („/..'•.,F�" `}'N . TMAN �' � -�. i. � 1 �� rte.+' n• "Thank vd AIJ .:�;ppredateyo(ir 'siness" - • _.Matef'sals for Llfe�� - - _� .,,- ,YJ .�.,. �;- �,� . . , , _ Ticket,n yFC1P �'7i� � ► � �'_�? jt I SEL V I I z ;r >� ,,' "�94 L . .:. FT PI Delivery FL L;,4-t3i�',. Delivery dater rw Plant Truck Driver Truck.size Type job 0r:) +1x15 C4:is , :t�� 8 E_'(L.CI.-,IRT_6T, GREG0F. 4, 5'0 DRIVEWA Customer no. , Customer na e , •— zone;-, Tax CD ��)004535 I �'�(��. NEY HfAl'�� C:C�\li1Rr�TE cor,�G l T5 Tarmac proje o�;. Customer P.O.no. 1 Order no��i; _'� Terms code 1lChar e delivered` Time due I ".. ! g3 C.O.D. �. Il�g g1 > '2-Charge F.O.B.:"a..O.D-f.03. 11.y Delivery name"and 3dc3r@Lz COUNT`( j �` % Lot Block F Courity, 45 �E!_ F'RADC3 Fth�e 1+z+ Cf�r1hF11-tIi�=�, _ �' �F1'F=s ;T -L1_Jr IL 'f _ _. . cninm'r w i en rzQ 1 T)f--.I 0,q r3f n r 7 Pa' •,IQKIT) :='RIT1 TRI i1:!'y i� i t f Ir!-;. Tn :4%struction5 - { s�11�IC-i LaD T_- IT V slump r _ Quantity tProduct ] U/MI Unit price ] Amount- �. . 'Load Cumulative Ordered .`' Code Desc[iptiori L, , , 4 c��LI 6. 50 26 .`"- CqF DZMJld.l!!+C t.I0ID S,'�1! � , %f. 4. '.��( �.I?i('9+r+1 "i�iEISTERFIL'ER M707+ , 75,4C.Y ` , I. Q10 E1& W7 FUEL., UURC:HO i_U c 1 G Iziup 81711;;014 ENV I RON 'URCHIS LD Load Arrive job;site Start discharge Finish discharge Leave job site Arrive plant e Subtotal Sales tax -� TOTAL Additional water added to this concrete will reduce its strength.Any water added is at customer's risk, Gallons of water added: l�f Gallons of water added: Gallons of Water added: Amt of CY Retained: `Customer Approval: customer Approval: Customer Approval: I Customer Approval: ITested ,Tested properly No. Authorized and received by ❑Yes Q�N0 _ Q Yes L) No I _ 71' 4512 X % Lot: fety is alconstant state of mind, with.' every-employee feeling responsible Block: and empower`ed,to act to cause him Address:. ,`r Correct \ Not Correct' and others to work.safely, on the beliefthat all accidents are preventable and that zero incidents is the,only goal. " (:I ICTnnnFR ('.(lPV h.. " .: 1 r • _ • • ''`_ ' :✓L g t I cret' ' •�•�.{`! i q 'i !: 1 f ivatl r �lCtr;n J S )�C+- %+f�i'eenlent 1 ih tr , ., - C, i� rardw ���Ilec'd to by I ttic to �" cl i IrlliSt' `�• t '.CCI b� _°-ri `^�$... _ r 19 y 1 .ti l;i'(.E, r, y . r r State of t l 1'1:1 t ro a ltisp at)rte tine: ••-by conNc�';, 1 ---�`.`' •ti' ,'/ • `•' rhe=E 1 ` l :z<o i •,�h� tseraE--)urts tot � r \„�.'. -Y � �, c-_.�_vnat ih, cl:rt•e)v;.(,..2 t , witht)Ut dL.*�i% - ,a )C tl„'I�e,set o.E7`or��d••;�iC1L;.A�a�1,"d1SCOlTi,tQi VIOL) , �~i are ./it at the les.••<J �� :'t i,7�' r2anth of lir..)n..,iniT111 rate 4 r1",fd by law will --- the date of c,.L i;f'y I t patd.-`1,, /I " r'� alJ.r r,itcabl �federai,Mate v Vocal end remedies,:•.e!ler will be en'.itIcd,-,o rer�S er tr'om,8t:yer,,. .ust., ollectign and litigation >..,_�.,ga sle right to recluire paymer-;ts'in advall;:e or to cancel the unfill, i;Portion of this tr.. c,i, - 'r:'• iu9t c ' od;cions K a,, financial status of Ruyer becomes;inpaired or deemed unsat- ;.t if be dee,I :'a r.r of any such right, "t;+ " ,•iday. All >:.I I t 'alt 6 may. ';;`ldded for deliveries outside of these hours and t) ' �• on EuII•,o adcii2ir`i;'1 cn i will apply to loads of less than seven cubic L., Val sClledules will be mutually agreed upon between Delivertt.. :', a,ility to '�n e ,l'i :,v€s any claims associated with any delays in it,bey, •d ptnre. _3-_>y r 4 t:h:;)t)d club lines,Buyer assumes all liability for damage d'or .o pro,e:rty,anti u' ; L umd hold Seller harmless from and against any and n ;udulg' at r,t n t,`; r..harges,except to the extent caused by Seller's tti ,orogat - s%:Jn' ` 'li a �i� CtUI'I ,xw f 0:.it)1 ( i,}IdCis no, ?_I1Cr`i;;'tl 2i leapt onehotll' tU �'�r,"et"�CSF`�--��s e�^,..'ceaS of rC rei s, �i I} t ,IL.t,,e nit Ct6:hYvrabfe dIc t��,:'1'•Iable t' �eet VA"cC'- )moi. ;i i at�. >. �"i st;d 1pcm i;ic vvcl volume at the tnl?( ('f dl Chalf�t rL)l:)'1:1)C 111)t:[ a11C[r.1r+ Ot rZ.aSIil•;11 ill I .I. Jl hcd In accordance with applicable AST'-1 Standards.BLL Ct'v.i!i pay all uha, Incident ir;IlJspek.,,." Sr4 +,:_ imited Warr-lty: BItY r S `c I y responsible for determining the IN 1) and quantitytnf goods to be purchased.Seller warrants that its p•odltt vAlt rt12:: or exceed a,)olicabie American 4o,Jciy for Testing Materials("ASTM")and Amer., •.I Concrete Institute('`ACi")standards,when tes' J�,;,. "wennee ;x ith AS'TNE and evaluated h`: + standards.Seller will repair or replace any, oods'supplied by Seller that fail to meet this limited warrxmi %tit ithir,one xear ai'tcr delivery thcrco: S�Iger will uphold its warranty obligations unite I?loudz siattlte 718.203, as applicable. ALL OTHER x �kKRANlET?S,' ' WI-II:fHER EXPRESS OR iNIPLIED,INCLUDING WI'I'HOUi'LIMITATION THE WARRANTiES OF MERCHANTABILI'I'YANC.;'t'[t':LS`;T•OR ,k PARTICULAR PURPOSE, )LRE HEREBY EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED.TIDE Ury l Y.,SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION 8 WILL; O.NSTI iUTE II-TE SOLE REMEDY OF BLi''r:�R UNDER THiS LiMITED Ix`'%RRANTY. �. Seller will not be responsible for sl+r,np,strength or quality of any concrete to which water or oti-.m:Material has been added by or on i.%ehalf of Buyer. -xill be responsible to sec- >. thy;concrete is handled in accordance with best constructiou-practices. Seller has no control over the placing or o crncmie after unlnrd,: zinc] does not gual'autee the finished work in which it is used. Buyer will be responsible to prevent concrete after "lik0dilT f,IN ccr r;r;f iirlo c:,a;;;t with Wly nurt.:rial. such as aluminum,which may adversely impact concrete strength. 10, t,,:}c, 1 ill ;'t,i aril t ' *+.r „=rt d r:a, desires that I:re not regularly supplied by the Seller in the marketplace. Buyer will be solely respon- sible for tine { c l r.r_:,„t ns,.etli t1,4 on the concrete.Any extra product which maybe rcquireii in excess of Clic ntix design quoted,or to or ,i• ' r..-bili iy,strc; ti),scttil+g time or water/celifent ratio,will result in an additus;ial inuredient charge payable by Buyer. i. C c:,i r " i :;'�' s t4 t`. •„cc:, i cY xvitb STM C r��o Concrete temperature will bt`die, by tae envuor,nr iitsl and plat rlal conelr- iloils a,th_ }ti;-,r {,L'1.:1„ '.r;n -'r�T')t.i,l.'.J)t bt 'oitd tit.'•,. t Ol1`t +'''. l�l,.li4 "" t;; d . > ? ,-- t� �ulenl�er�`ion of ec trclle.r measure`c=firing produ;;tion at the i{tt +°r 11,111si git'_ fler%v,1;7* "xs after delivery of any claim against Seller as a resuft of:,rJ AlCeCi t}Yiii;r Cd�iSC l'it1.11, ts,v':.f t,tt•,:. ' ..:I•iii'.tt e - -onipressive strength, in wh ch event the time for notiuc will be' ithiilv,!!k"o .ns after ta(;('ustonlary time for analysts oE`the les' c,i'~ `r;,tine bein`_ rii'the.essence. Seller will be given reasonable opportunity-to investigatis't claims. An; failure by 3uyer to ti re.written nr;ticc ,i :C`, -l8 hol:r t),;rucl'4,1;i be deemed a conclusive waiver by Buyer of all such claims against Seller. 13. SELLER Wfi.L NOT 131. LMILE UNDER ANY +:TRCU�.'1STANCES FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, P.UNITiVE OR CONSEQUENTiAL` DAMAGES 1\:LU'DI�Ci. WITHOUT LIMITATION, A-.,Y DAMAGES RELATED TO DELAY, WHETHER BASED ON STATUTE, TORI; AND W-1-1ETHER OR NOTAl-USING FROM SELLER'S NT',GLIGENCE,STRICT LIABI Lay OR FAUCf. IN NO E-VENT WILL`ELIA,R L RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE DUE':TQ",',.t';":CTIONS OF OTHERS OR THE FAILURE OF BUYER TO COMPLY ' WIT 11 IT>OI3L1C.iATtc•?A;a.SE'LLER'S LIABILITY FOR ANY C-LAlhvri y'1�)ILi,t; I:IIwiITED TO THE PURCT-IASE PRICE OF TI-IE GOODS SOLD UNDER TT::i-S 14, All nolic ;: r.•3 %%ill be sent in w•riling to the sales office ifsuing the price quotation,with a copy to Credit Departmosr..445 Fairway Drive, ' SeJer ir)i r t_ c z 1 t n nv:Sio„ Cr :i.e,zll not,af_,ct the-enflarceabiIity oI auy'other provision of thi Contract,and each'- other prof ir:ion n tract}viii b,_.Severable and enforce ffi;,to the extent permitted by law:, eC;: CA US SKIN ilts�l(4TION-I'N.7URi.OUS TO EYES. CO\'I:4i� 1'O'rtTl.- i MEN i t•Ri_`SHl_Y iMIXED CONCRETE.M YC IUSE'SKINi IRRITATION OR INJURY. AVOID CONTA(FT WiTH SMI.: •VIII :<E POSSHi l �--A`H \PO,Si'.D AREAS PR.QIMPTLY WTTi-.i'WATF,R:''1F ANY MIXTURES GET INTO THE EYE, R] S1.IMMEDIATELY 'WITH WAI ER ANI,I_'1 7 , P0%1 11'l MiEDICALAT 1 Eh' ION. KEEP OUT OF REAL:I'OF CI-iiLDREN. i _- s' FRIALSA_FETY IJVFA SHEETS(MSDS);yRf:.�1��AlL�131,14,iVf WW`'V.T1TANAMERICA.COr%` tl Rev'd 2-08 `.•- z �►tcRE�-� °Thank yot e a�Preciate your.business" n . Materials for"Life' ' - T •-I - Ticket no. - 10 Crete 41 S'9,$E V {,'G Delivery date. ,' `Plant, Truck Dr ver } X`` Truck size''1 Ifo 1 tj ,TYPe•loby t ot)/"2/ 15 C+L:; 1 r. ti� IsJ�3lg, FA'�'I�I(it�ll . s Customer o. Customer nam zone Tax CD '�;�IjQ1121r• 53 r�ei7LrN } it 3._I_. C. Time due 07021 lt Tarmac,proje no. Customer P.O.no. - Orde no. •f;; Terms code TsCharge delivered 3-C.O.D. - ` 14 2-Charge FO.B. 4-C.O.D-F.O.B. ?, _^i ` Lota Del�rery namle-andaddre�ss "L']ufVTY LBlock Count, -'-FF LrEL' PRAIDO AND 1121 OF AA. l�'it.tA, POU" ST I_lJCI 'r-r-.,- :r--.-•+r r r nr�r=r a nrr rrn:�n.0 P-r IST ANP •�hrs'S 'T`r- Q14!.� ;t P'S ' nstructions x_ �. . .. ,. w-- r- a t_----� IST __. ._ _ _._.. Slump i �taantity � _ _ Urnt rice Amountk,_. Product; .oad CumulatiC ordered r Cade DescCiptia 1�,7� r'. 7 '7 10 "` 1..-1Ld lv'i 26 4.i1L1 CAF 181,_,O leol 5121121 *5! 0Y .. 117)i" t't J. ;r1AC`1"CRF I BE R• N70 5 �''`+ M007 UI=1. SURCHEiLD 8 f7 14 girl V I RON SURCHG L.D )ad ' Arrive''job site Start discharge Finish discharge Leave job site Arrive plant Subtotal Sales tax TOTAL dditional water added to this concrete will reduce its sire Rgth._Any water added is at customer's risk. ;° allons of water added: Gallons of water added: Gallons of water added: l 1Amt o'CY Retained:—. _ ustomer Approval: Customer Approval ` Customer Approval: , I Customer Approval: sted Tested property '• No. —"` AVuthorized and received by _f> Yes © L)-Yes ❑ Na r "d ; +5. Ln;' Lot: //Jf Safety is a constant state (if mi with r. Block-- every employee feeling responsible and empowered to act to cause him'' - A` dress:• _Correct .ter Not Correct and others to work safely, on the belief -that all accidents-are preventableand .rte, that,zero Incidents is the,only goal. , 'AP'( Dili , t ti rill". j!*(,!,jdfl,,_-,_1 7c_Ant rsh 7 C di..;outc lei., d Lt til lo 1!,a,Jll; it,- ,the . vis sok city tcff) Mon!i, `01!0u in,, ',he A ctLsll discount -ate- ti IS: i allowod bv law 1:jx; 19 K ill 1 pat'd I-L t1I,- li� le-i'tedcra:,Stat{'and loi-,I, lied I-, tE a""l,1,-1,44,rl, :11 be en6 "I", )fc(211ectiorz and lidgiml,,n (1,Tc:Is kk-j rcquirk,tjay,00 I,i;-.ail'. CO I lie unfilled portion of illi,- , or II 11-11-fi fill-l! .,;St"I.:T(If RUVVI C, Wpairicil or decined unsal- IIS rir I h rj 11-N.,, I% 0 is �_ltvel of ,i} sucli d 5: offliese hours -,I)cl -t :iy be added� J` OdS 111 1, road" In")"�,ijtiollal ch;,rg.,.Wit Qpj.ily(o loo i of Ics-;than seven cubic VC,r IN as lye, 0; !a Icasl 48 prior(lotic" -,vlivet y sc hedules\vill ve mutu 11-agree,1 n J'Orl bCl',V Qfl`tc.titncandno ,fi 4' 1-1 � xlh „7 bu, - vs wih be io tile rz,' of kii,palzh, however. Bllo�'r v.,ai,,cs lily claims assn �,uteLl With mi-v delays Itch -l3u)� s u it, lusl ahle aPPrO,1L'fiCs Ik)IlClivcry points buyo. Po'. nd r), delivery bcycli�: lines,Buyer assuni all 1°,Abiliiv ft'. 'k-mao drne%vays.pipc�', "'s, lrlid�Buvcr will indemr.7"v mil hold Sol ler harrilless orn a;i t L4 �j 4-i vny a"I'l foi,ity. logs 111d expense incurred as ,i n ;]it 01 such dcjjvCr-y, inelm, t i"'o; limited to toy'.ing cilarges, except to the iclv '001.\01fill IlliSCOndLICt. B11% r,:';VeS any right of -IcminsL Seller. "tolo Q, r I tII pa"nivill ol'.inclLid,ilg all costt,ol*d1sposol ar* return(,har "l per truck for,(i)orders not c_iccll�:u :i�, l, ),I ior to ,ii:;, (6) _oncrc,� delivered duc to Boycr's mistake ,cess of requirements, (iii) concrete not deli' able ill o, -,'rj 1, ,Ppril- 7. Cnrc:vet,,p.'i_,an:1 t u,rllluc-v oaso,,d upon the wet vohtrrte at C the til- dis chamc horn the truck,and are not sold"Form in tt 'Stired "n iilsc Ile ev:�:Jishcd ill accordance Nvith applicablc'*A.� Buyer Will pay all charges incident to ill' --d".by oj-ol! i7Wha11 o1 1',t,%e' Olci" le'spollsihic!br determining the. yp; -an-_..w.,)lily ol'goods to be I)Uruhascd.Seller w meet41'ralits'l. c( I fbv'fc,,ting Materials('LASTW)an line;-1,an Co- Ie- ("AC-P-)standards,N icswd it)a, \S"! -11 and A('i sinji(hirds.Sz_,11,:r will repair or replace'11 6,!� that fail fl, ji olul :rciv"li. Scher till uphold iis warranty obligations Lt.der Floi,dt o, ,lie 718.203. as applies OIARRANTI. FHER 1:X["I'll OR IMHJFD,JNCLk,'D&,('T WITHOUT Lit',:I' I WARRANTI', �OF ,BIf F"FNIESS i'01t L/,,R I-, 710�1�_ARE II FIZERY i_-XPRESSLY LXCLU. j)i'HE RHM"LEDY SET FORTH 11, SFCTIff WILL Co?,,t,TITI I'VE OF it, UNDERTITHS LMTED WARR,\;1 rio" i,•, r."ponsibic J"V'slump.141-01)filil Or duality Of any coney,. -Jo whi(.'i xvinor or otherLit on bebalfol'BnyQr. Ruvor v,01 lie to see that the concrete is handle(] in accon'-inc..with b(st co 'I V) P!_:Jel, I � hneol'o 1cr I unloti'ling a;ld does not gull-oluce tile fi1Jsbi -;irk ,nsti ictii ji liiii,,d -Yjb.; ..Cql i111s u.sed. Bn� i�-tibe respon.ible to prevent concrete alter -!o"Idling.1'lon ;:t ,; oSuch as:niHlTl.L1nl,which may adversely impact concrete strength. ,11-idicills it desires that are not reptliarly supplied by the Seller in the q n 'Limarketplace. Buyer will he solely respoll- s ii or illtzro'Ale;iis on the concrete.Any extra product which may be required in excess ofthe Mix clesiz5ocited, Or %�:I!Ckrnav be ri:quircd to 1'rov ill. %1 orkability,slrcnglll,setting time orWalLf/Q(-rncnt ratio,will result in all additional ingredient charge payable by Buyer. id deiivor,d i" .t-cold"llice-with ASTM C-94.Concretc temperature will be dictated by the environn,,P-'!:lI and material coii(ii- tttillti"t Ille"Im.,of,dch-'e'.. At,\ T*CcI!lllv-11; beyond those conditions vvifli require the implementation of controlled measureS c"PCif.-C offlu-,Cr I luring Production at[lie 12. 13M Writ,11 OojiCC%\: hill 48 hours after deliverjofany claim again-1 Seller as a restlit ofany alleged noncollibrilling rlinferials or any thm" to illect Compressive w1hicli cvenc the time lot'notice will be within 4li hours after the custonlaij tint(; I I o,IXoi,flic "L: l.wc being ol,tile essence. Seller 101 h,-given reasonable opportunity to invosd ,lie all c3a:ms. Any failure by 13 U.N. to IN"IMM v1 '�8 hour period will be deerried.a conclusive waiver by Buyer of'all such claims againsi Seller, 13, 1`• 'I I N,Ivi-Bl" UAP r t DiR ANY CIRCU MSTAN!CFS FOfZ ANY SPECJA L, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE f N1 OR CONSEQUENTIAL LI, HTATIONT, ANY D,\I\,IAGFS Rl 'D TO DELAY, WHETHER BASED,ON STkF61TH, TOR!, C 9 N'l- J fFkW;Y1`1'\0 M OR NOTARI�ING FROM SELLFR'S NEGLI(�'F_NC_�_,JRJCT LIABILITY OR FAUU'r IN N6 FOR DANIAGH" Dur-,To T111:4 AC'110-NIS OF OT"HEI' S OP FAILURE OF BUYEIR To COMPLY *1M i ITS "'T LI-R'S LIABILITY l'0!'Z A'NY CLAIMIS,W1111-L DIE 1-11M)TE-D TO TI 11-1 it IRCHASE PRICE OF THE GOODS SnLl) UN"D E R I R,M"T. to Scder 101 be scat in xvritw�_, i Ill.-:"idles of;{x Ile price qurtation,-,�Jtll 8,r`)pY to Credit Department.455 Fiirwav Drive. Ju 1,�41,1 ' of"Illy provision of this cmltvptct will l'�:q�P*":;-, 0-,C�c;i!`6r%:cabiIjty elf any other provisio a;ld_c�lcll (Tll,i,�Coniract will be :11-1�1 I:,Ill,: Mitt el 1) V I N';Pi RT)_ t;1? i F.S H i N ivt I X I--D C L NU!,.}-'T I CA E S"K.I'I P 1 N f'j D R i N1.1 U Ry. AVOID CONTACT"WITH S K I N, E� TO THE EYE, RINSE IMMEDIATEI,'� "VASIi ANTY C T It\ F) J-1 j-RONJ!' W_'OICALA1'11__-vTJON, KFF-P("i'f 0, EA! GU I ["TSA V