HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4110561 OR BOOK 3786 PAGE 2892, Recorded 09/11/2015 at 02:13 PM ( NOTICE OF COM4MENCEMtiENT Pemdt No. TaX Folio No. 401573 deo^t{ State of Florida CounttyatSLWt1e i The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvemomtvdll be made to certain real property,and in accordance wwchapterm.Florida Statutes, the following ittfarmation is provided in this Notice of Commencement. Legal Descriidion arPraperW.land street address lfavauabtej: LA ig(Ae6, covJ>k5e-4,T(,jr-- 1,j Lvl: L 5-2zd& ag --11?a) General description oftmprovemeat TD UZfytanvr .4rJ� P�`t�y4Cr� L2o�r�bc� ytXrlilt4t-�YLi> CS I 011,I dom,atlon or Lessee information N the.trssee--d for the breprove en t Name DE� FAr+Gt e" Yff Address Sim !a R reN/Lyt7i4 Tae fit �r 3 �C Z InterestLt property-. pWiv"l� Nameand addresof fee simple titleholder(Fddierentirom Owner Nrted above}: ConfractutsNarne:�'�r-ate,•= • • l or�r�� tau ContrattorAddresc c L• Phone Number.7271.-'Z.tb"42('47 L surety,(R applicable,a copy of the payment bond is attached):Amoarrt of bond:$ Namea vil address: Phan.nuriban. tender Name: Phone Number: Lenderrsadlbess Porn wiWin ftStaha of FW)da des%nated-by owner upon whom noticesar other documents maybe served arpsavtded bySedIvft Z23t1lhA,Florida'statutm= i Name: Phone Number: _ I Address• lnaddition w htnneN orherseff,Ownerda_sigtiates at to mcelvea-aopyofdte U-noes Notice as Provided trisection 713.23(341b),Flarida.Stattites. Phorc numberof person orentitydestreaWd bytowoer Expiration date ofnaU[EofNmmenceinent(tMiexplrvdondate mayno,beheforethecompiethmofsorstnictfonSndGoal payment tothe contracmhbutwNtelyearfmm the dateofrecordingvnsema diNerentdate is specified) WARNING-TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTS-MADE BY THE OWNER AFTERTNE-EXPIRATION OF7NE-NDTICEOFLOMMENCEMENTARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CNAPTERM.PART 4 SECTION7]3M,FLDRIDA-STATQT1$,ANO CAR RESULT.INYOURPAYINGTWICE•FOR -IMPROVEMENTS TA YOUR PROPERTY.AN07ICE OF'COMMENMAENT MUSTBE BECOR{rED ytlID POSTED ON THE JOBS[TE BEFORETNETaPST INSPEC00N.IF YOU INTENDTO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSULT.WTM YOUR LENOER'•OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORMNG YOUR NOTICEUF.COMMENCEMENT. Underpenaltyofperjury,tdeclarethatihavereadthe.foregoingmoti:eofcamnm, entandthat'The.facttstatedtwrertare true-tcthebstrof mY7r+iledge and berief. � - x gnatu Owrrrrn.Lessee,.orowrmeiorlessee!sauthoritedO(titer/Olre MrJPattner/ManaPr (Signa ./Off-ice i Thefom8ohrglnsuunw-ntvrasacJiowiedgedbefore methiz. day of-A- ,),� i By .az t r.t ,. ,i`� _ for .. . Name otFersan TYp°oja ! q{E•i? rgtatae} Party ofwrtaminsnum-,mwas�aeatttiaid ff� Persooatiy la own or produced idenUti>satlon Si.eirearma Public-State ofFip �'- .+�, .••.•• (Prhit Type,or mpCommbs Dred Nos atigZ�t�rylly rA R Y y:-•q: '.)Tye of identification produced 1 . .!. .7•�J� • ...t STATE OF FLORIDA ST.LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT WPY OF THE ORIGIN PH E.SMI , E Yd Deputy ork 08te;SFP 1 i