HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval MOO 311 1 2 MODELS StaC>`T (.CNG P11tD'LS ! FLUSH. GFOCVEII SII_ct. .REVISIONS __........._..._..._.__._.. ...._. ......_....._._.._..,..:........._.._-.. __.._..._................_._._............... CLGPAY ( Gli2Sw., GK2Sw GG2Lw.',i?, - ,. r } Y)1... REI+. ,NU. ZChIE:�. GATC: EGIJ t�t�.�...4FFV0: ----- C:ESCt?IPRON GALLERY I ,..ELT' L'LE'IFAY CLASSIC 4;e02, fit7EC 430;, FIDG: ...,....._.................._,,. E' _......._..--'- --- -- ---- ...._._..................__----- w w _._. ... 0� 2/215/14 SFi A.00"c[I Ek':5EOyEN RE{IMREMENT. Af2ijS}iRY AR2S6 '+R2LP HiLTES CLASSIC I 6202 CLOS I --,......... ..,.. '. __ _._.._.....-_ ...� --..,_........ - i " ES(P IDEAL. f S9�NS c.D2S' E02LP IDEPL CLASSIC I II.Fr6B € Si RIs mr RL•@ ` I� -OPTIONAL GLA.ZINO MAY BE STANDARD {DSB OR BETTER) OR IMPACT RESISTANTGLAZING, MAXIMUM GLAZING SI%E I (,OLO) IS 3f3 ;1 "xt3": Gi.A/ING M+',Y DE SPORT-PANEL eS ON N) OR I ONS Pi V L {Vh7 SHOW,!). SEE SECTION u )N St'E'EF 2 FOR DEI ILS: GLAZING :MAY DE 'INSTALLED IN TC€' SECTION' (SE:O'ww C a I II t>.MATSECTIO-IN (NOT SHOWN) -� ... .. DOOR HEIGHT 4 !)F L SECIMMS A OF I 'ARS - Tu x6.0' 3 s rr �SEE END PIKE 70 8'0' 4 .5 IJ IJ 0 w7 6 ..T.II.f�TV .... � _..... I740 - tEE IYT RvEO. HINGEt .............:-'.9_._..._..... VIEW `^AX SECTION HIA 1': 2.: ......_..._. 1f. a-n ................._..................................................._..__......--'--..__......._..........................-...............__.............:: SLIDE IDE HOLT LACK -' ---- ENGAGES INTO END RACAL 7i TRA C K_S71LEJ LOCK 1 � 1POINT LVCKUNG EACH AIDE OF A ✓ _ W INTO TiZDOOR. YNIS 00C. MEETS OR CX D TMIE DICN LO C' FOR,I? ULTIMATE 8J0 SPEEDS UST{O DELOW tCORGirG TO THC fLOOA --------- ' GC:LO P CJOL(Ilk JH' i 41EhRvnom BLIIC:NC CODE(BASAD ON FOR THE;OCLOW NG CONDITIONS: 1) EPC L Qc_D i i i i 1 �E i i i I s I I I E,ALDING,<)COGR FO 2 Ok w,U1N IN B.NLGINO5 -ND ZONE, 3) r I t i i I i >NFP LATCH ENti:nC,ES LG�1(Q�TL�:I.r..L F�EP -- i 1 ----- I i I .i aNy Ti00I'SLOPE.AND y?.StiNC IN ACCORDANCE WITH ---. ---. -- _ -__.,�_.,.._ 0 VM. ICAL TIZ4CK. STIL ` _ ,,MFA/D MA 108..SITE SPECTIC CALCULATIONS Or A OLIAUTSELS ... ,U"." SN11' LAICH ^M _. C SIGN PRDFESS10.NAL MY DIFrEk. 1 J EACH SIDE OF DOOR. ... .' OPT4;7NAL O1T7,IDE KEYED ---r-A V T111 AT Nl 1D !.CCK'POST ON BI— GO .70 180 3 S s C:1 f!ilRY N) SPEED of 555 9 _._ _..._::_...,..�.._....,.. --------"----k1fiX. DOOR NfIDTH -. sJ'.,..D..-- .moi\ 4 UiJf51U6 ? C E P L, D A.C A, C. 8 _.._ � 3' HANLLE. °'''TI L4}C>t EAR pur5 nr 1 C,OEs !N __. .._ _. _.__— `a'HORT PANEL SHOWN Y.EiEI),. s7 STILE. �¢� �TRAM( ON FEAN Rant i-vnw P5 �. 15' 2..5' 15' 90' F1A:V:DL[. c/ I - - EACH SIDE U, }DOOR. .,N.31Dc HANDLE ilUl l€;E.REY,�1,,_;,,vCK WETH; OLam-u r[YCD.J 'P1JTI1 SNAP LATCH LOCK OF'TIC1H. f_GCK EnR.a.f-.Q+.f1t:G. --T 17HAAj4�j��`, •;..... .fitENSIs, G .. .. p .: .Mnkt/P.......!.G'PT.UIItfC7...CCl7L /r ou METAL SCwf ,VS Q' Cot/ _DSiE--IF 47I ��1rr sf' Ci3 tUA'K { �. . EY - 41,7 F" b: /23!S a o/i f1b7E Tt1. _ _ ,YlE•';f; ?317 D f�TCI` PARTNO.: r_/AS7 7E OF '�/�� 1/4"x1/4" S-.",LF8SL'^C kc f9cl.cr3N VINALQ:D^ATING S No n 011 i 040 UM f IOLERAIyCC ,e C!o a T I Jo ,1 70 + 1 'sF a1a q p, p , L DP"�S _i�I ss•••.. .. � `� �� p O e 031 u11.�f,.s7 a f1 vwj F� tb IJ-7M 4ISJ X11 �Q(Jg4E�% ( 'd� V�' p OD ioin w YCf-IY��FO_N. LILLGRY G E $ Sih f.0 CAP +38/-4-4 1 SF.. AAItfA.AA11>.5,�. J 14 A €N HiN,,z'`.a 1f3_6A.INTERMEN I!' hINGE. 11 .DOD v .005 __ .. - I ---'I'- c x l-' 0000 - ±.00I DRRNP EKY. V'N 47A I L 9//93 .fAl NIS IA..S1GN EIvGINEEF: c s ?_' _-Ti P Otgrec. = tI/? LI{LLKLL` CtY: L)AIE —'SHEET' i OF 4 '5I'_E Sroi- LTQNa P.E. `Lr es lwd ou LJ �i F.OR:DH+.4vA_llGfhSF. AJo. G32L�c ---- oiu No.ON.,mr,bi❑..a:rs._t u, VO.: 103954 .. A/D VEE,: ITIC �— —3 ---- 0._..._._ [FL(c)MEDA M BIT,CUT A L7 FJ��)OVAL 7 G)A1.1 -- _ HL'?OELS Srtpr<T LUNG N,TID[LS FLASH Gf('IE7t.rEn ; _.P..L ..........._._. ........................-- --------"REV(5�^PT _.--"-`--'-`--_..-----...__ ...............................-- G I CLCPA.Y ! ........._...............,.....M...._.._._..__.�._.... n i_ .. .. ._.. .___.._._...__..._.._._...._.._.._....__ -. _. ........ ... .......__....... .... GALLERY fi0?SP, rR%SP GA2LR, GR2LP 1 CLOPAY C,ASSIC 430?, 14;63.- A305, HDGR _I Gt �f Rp-v. NO, LUn7[: CATE; ,..�Ct!N0. �F'vD: - �..OESCRfPitQrj..... ............---- OLNES — "" OS Rdi51CN HISTORY 0;l SHEET GfiE, ARI ST�'r AR SP ARIL. rtO�NES L.��iL G,>Oe 62R. ...... ,._....... ... ....__.._.. .._._._.__...__.._..._.,..,.,..._.w_.»._....... ......... A EDaSP _FIDEAL . Mr PK ESe ONS NCSEa$. D i D t,RAGi—RCSISIA I CC'NSTRL;j(N. ;TkNt'.41�G A SFkI ( t C N� P 1C.TIQti; _..--— __ SCUD DOORS Q,10 1XAZI?763) OR OCORS WITH, OPT!CNAL I.-APACT-RESISTANT GI,N_6T„ ARE 0,PI;OtVA1. OSS OR 1/0:ACtRLIC HTcS l.`J:ctt:?3.£. OPTICNA; ACRYLIC GAZING 15 {_ IMPACT-RESISTANT. OPPONAL IMPACT RCS'<:TANT ASSEMBLY COT;SISTS OF A.J)AINUM PLASKO' TE OPTIX IR LUCITE L:,, JIPPRUVED CC2 F'LASii:`: IN ACCGR?ANCE v7HH €aC/F5U FRO'if FRAME AND SASIC IP LEXAN 3034 (VERS€ONS, AJ,S0 APPJROC.O: 1.^.t:-C 0�.0. 21106. 90318, 9031c. 90317, 90,W, 90314, 9033:>) OR 0AYl'R MAKROLO`i GP (VERS0:N5 THE CNTIRE DOOR ASSEMBLY IN".TA+__p IN C.OHI--L%NCE R11,11 THIS SECHON MEETS 4HE i ALSO APPROVED: SL: AR, 15), APPROVED CCI PLASTICS IN ACCORWAIXX :YiTH OC/FK :VINO LOAD REQUIRE)+•£NTS OF .HE FLOF.nA DUILD€NL' CODF, OR LNTERNATtOt.AL 131JILM IG 29;6 AND AN APPROVE)C1 RLASTiC W ACCOROANCE WITH FSC 2i512, CODE RUT D03E4 N,,T ME:CT THE: IMPAE:T RCSISTANIR_(1VIREMEKI FOR WINI)EQ2NE. O_cRIS ((( TI!E ENTiRF. DOOR A35EMDLY INSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE WITH T1?IS SECSiON FME€Tc Tali, REGIONS (REF. CHAPTER +.6 FNG/1^!;j. Nc'L0;,0 hECU:'+R 1E^115 Of E LOR OA SJI O:NC CODE AND ft:*1ERt'ihr10N.AL BUILDING Gcc£ nr:D Is na E ANn sa<c ss,at IMPACT Eslsrrwl'. SEz ON B 9(N N 11,,InACT RESiST.'NT Q1 E IN;>" 0,N) I ----------.._...---..._—..._....---- > PTI__ , SE.C`I`€+Jy H--F3 (11k:4FACT Rf—,#_STtaNT...._G AL 1163 C)?'TIQPJ I - ..._.._� FRONT iRAfH WqH L.V- CrVING ON OUTSIDE SURFACE. NC`TC THAT STA4,01 t7O F:W.Ar is INSULATED DOOR SECTION!, I//'T1' NARROWER THAN IMPACT-RESIS TAN) FRA,1 fjjj� ......... t.e� j MECO€tAf' 'tIVE nBA.DE:- ail f I Z �;12T u FkTERIOR OF DOOR. #8-18 112" J si SELF-TAPPt,s^+SCEE:iy,, 'lt�J 1N TEWOR OF DOOR. 1 GLAZING,. / ;W MO DE43 ?NS€OE �FETAINER. LITE RET'ASNeP. $�x3J:" PANFIEAD SCREW.- ! I (12) >«-18 x 1f2' / _..ALUMINUM FRA F. j p SELF--!A- SCr.EWS. L% t:4" THICK POI..Yt;P.PDG IATf 1Pi1 1?ICT-.RESISIANT ASSEMBLY DETAILS STA NDAPD ASSEMBLY DETAILS DRAWING 103954-A DRAWING 1039554-B Fz %%00Qj IHAot(4 It, ii. J 40 �ariur'?,CruziiG rnDtiUC';"...r'pC: 7W(— D 1E 1=411 // ` OESIGN LOADS: 3.38.0 P-S.F, & —e4.0 P.S.F. J 1..—_ ....._.. yi /.0—;a' r (PAF2T._MO-:-..N,AA :�; __IP .{ T-4T LOAD-, r:a',t0 P.S,f. s_bb_J__-rS.F.._ ..._ _ —_._._......____._. P STA E OF LG v ca Gmr a:,e n 85,1 O a Rete A I WINO GA9 P,ATINC Ai O R\ P,: TOLERANCES o.F 1:10p3y soy Oh 45ga6 VSA i L s 0- }.Cat 0 d 7 IMr13 cm;m is Nc 17?0 A9 S A� > E'C CIR111lr(,' GALLERY r ERS SINGLE T R a,38,1-41, PST s BE S1Gfv' E�1GINEER; as o r.ce1 DKA N = r Mw GAIL 9f7/9 St AL€ N75_DWG .`;coir HAMLrGN P.E. n RIz. 1T !_lcCitEO BY: DATE: -- S?CLI 2 Of 4 SQ.FB U rr n fw_8uQh U.E,t Sr S_r. 63^rFJc LiVLNior N'L i'i 1. 9LN�,D-W G, NO._ ("l 4 ... A/E7 1VEIt CS - ' . � | ! � ' | ( 1 ` , � C 4 2 .. ............................................................. ........ ------ .......... .............................. ...... CGNG t'll 0 0.1.L s ri.usfi aRonvE.2 S) R min ELS Sifii6R T CLUPAY 4 IREV. NO. ZIONF: I OLISCRPMW GALLERY ?Sr, �GR 2 L.I iDcic, 4305, 11DUR -�LDPAY CLASSIC 4202- 1 .............. 05 SEE. REVIVON HISTORY ON ri[FET ONE. qULMES Apasp AR2LP HOLMES .................. ART -LASSIC 622, C205 ... ................................... .......... ....................... .....HJUE ED?sp ED P W,At LASSIC w.'s c MF! MY 000R C.0lJl1T-:RFW.11l14cc SYSTEM 10FIZONIA: TI AOK • 13 CA GALV.STEEL FLAG RA ICE. AFTA HEU ;0UJORSUP,M09T ay DOOR JAMS W11),(:5)z/15,x 1-5/8"LAG wKws r NSTAILER'm l5un). AND TO TRMIll WITH (2) 1/4-RNEM 11ACK COMF::;URA7-0N 24 S�W WOOD JAMM. SEE OPTIONAL STOP MULDING EY',NISTAILER (TO 7_6'� 82, 'JAMS P8F:PMkT'l014 NOTE-. A3M 1HE.0008.OPENIHO ODES M AS ROD:SPACING NYC 30�O.C. 18 GA r4ly. STEEL IND STILE. NOT FEGI WE VND LOAD RATING OF TA�-Dcofc a� A �1_ __........................... ... ................... W, ...... 67-14" 2'GAA V.STEEL TRAtK, • t 12 CA GALV. STEEL---.-.__ PACA rp.�CKNZSS!ll'ops" BRACKM FASTENED TO VUXID IAMes son i. 1- 8 C.A,GALV. qTr CENTm F.Itcr- -7pe�I.D. EL I LAG 'A.SlNEQ TO 51�C%)N 1?/(4) EIC1.1 l'u" tAiiLNEP. /8"SlliFFT WIAL.SCREWS- -"rp 2-1/2"x u e-�A aAt.v. Ti--.02 TiRr 14 C.A. �A.` STEP R U-M kilc%CM, FASlf.NF[`,TO ENC STYLE'WI(4)rACH T-L d 1•TTyf4 CTO%40 MTH (7) qHCEY mi Sci6vS AND(2) 1/4"!`.ELF TAPP'NO SCREA'%PER FHD HIM, -LAG PER 6116"X 1-5/13 2"GAtV STEEL TRACK FASTENED,TO TFV_lK BRACKET. 12 CA&M.V Si EEC TRTK BRAC.F.75 1155 W."Iff E1114ER(2) lf4"DIA. RIV,7S OR -21 Dlk SiloaT SKM 10 Mt STEEL ROLLER WITH STEEL OR NYLON TIRF, 1: 0 (1) 114-K 5/8'DOLT& IM PER 4. TRACit El.RAI,'�KET. asuls"...'I A�& T r2-112-><5-?)/Z-x 12GA5 VtP 6RAC14-C �TmwEb wmi(2) 1/4- SELF TAPPINI 3' UZAC,31 QQ 3UM F TRAZX (AIAL FOR DOIR.2-AND 3"TIMCK) F. HaOanmm 1_3 no ,to 1 HAtf ,01 ../t A 0 N. • MAMUFACTURING DESIGN LOADS7 4.38.0 P.S.F. & -44.0 F,S:F e. TEST LWF: 457.0 ?,IRT NO.: NIA ST E F V,,�­5�nl�d mup. 8%5 0.1,t ea.Werd V M. LDAB,DATING 3 j 7e;.w'.5 i�!-77"),mo • TOLERANCF_'�'> V 0H.45040 USA R k 0,V.- . I BAlz�j W 6 DP38 .... ......F.. .................__.............. OG- _t 0�Ll DESCRIPPON: GALLER" 2" EPS SIN(Xr, CAR +M/-4. T'sF Oco 1.005 . ................ 3v,­­VW -1/95 SCALE: NTS onan ... lF.'lGN ENGIINEFR1 D SCOTT Mmn.To1q, Pr, . ( 13Y. JP,, I................................ ..................... .................1 .. �'R,; 103954 PRODUCT APPFROVA LA 6346 Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 5 a � _ a ri, emen BCIS Home 1 Log In User Registration ' Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links Search Busines.�� '3j Prodc` Professibnal � 1 USER:Puubtuc User Approval ie uIation Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail E s� FL# FL16546-R4 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Clopay Building Products Company Address/Phone/Email 8585 Duke Blvd. Mason,OH 45040 (513)770-6062 mwesterfield@clopay.com Authorized Signature Scott Hamilton shamilton@clopay.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Wj Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Scott Hamilton the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-63286 Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.-ETL/Warnock Hersey Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2028 Validated By Gary Pfuehler rs Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL16546 R4 COI Certification of Independence. of Validation Entity- Gary Pfuehler.adf FI..16546 R4 COI Statement on Indeoendence of Evaluation Entity- ScottHamilton 120424.odf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108 2005 ANSI/DASMA 115 2005 ASTM E1886 2005 ASTM E1996 2009 ASTM E330 2002 TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/Pr� 9/3/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 5 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 03/06/2015 Date Validated 03/25/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 03/29/2015 Date Approved 06/22/2015 Date Revised 08/31/2015 Summary of Products Go to Page Page 2/2 FL# Model,Number or Name Description 16546.21 21 W8-16 DSIU-1F471: GD2SU, Double-skin Insulated Intellicore(exterior skin 27 ga. min.; GR2SU,GD2LU,GR2LU,AR2SU, interior skin 27 ga. min.) Double-Car(97"to 16'2"wide) ARKU,ED2SU, ED2LU,9202, WINDCODE@ W8 Garage Door with Optional Impact- HDPC20,7202,8202,MFC68U, Resistant Lites 9205,HDPR20,7205,8205, MFR68U Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R4 II 104822-Rev04.vdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+46 PSF/-52 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors(no FI.16546 R4 AE CBPC 1.41.219-B.rdf glazing)or doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are Created by Independent Third Party: No impact-resistant(large missile impact). 16546.22 22 W8-09 PAN-2F443: GD4S, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan(min.24 ga.)Single- GR4S,ED4S,AR4S Car(up to 9'0"wide)WINDCODE@ W8 Garage Door with Optional Impact-Resistant Lites Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FI 1.6546 R4 II 1041J1.-Rev03.rdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+50 PSF/-58 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors(no FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 13121 1-A,)df glazing)or doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are Created by Independent Third Party: No impact-resistant(large missile impact). 16546.23 23 W6-16 DSIE-11`471: GD2SP, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2LP,AR2SP, interior skin 27 ga. min.) Double-Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide) AR2LP,ED2SP, ED2LP,4302, WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact- HDGC, 6202, MFC68,4305, HDGR, Resistant Lites 6205,SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FI.1.6546 R4 II 104785-A-Rev03-sioned.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH,Solid doors or FL-16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.rdf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). 16546.24 24 W6-16 DSIE-IF471: GD2SP, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga. min.; GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2LP,AR2SP, interior skin 27 ga. min.)Double-Car(97"to 16'2"wide) AR2LP,ED2SP,ED2LP,4302, WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door HDGC,6202, MFC68,4305,HDGR, 6205,SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FI-1.6546 R4 II 104785-B-Rev03-signed.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL..16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.rdf requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvgqu2w%2bnFg... 9/3/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 5 16546.25 25 W8-16 DSIE-11`471: GD2SP, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2LP,AR2SP, interior skin 27 ga. min.) Double-Car(97"to 16'2"wide) AR2LP,ED2SP,ED2LP,4302, WINDCODEO W8 Garage Door with Optional Impact- HDGC,6202, MFC68,4305,HDGR, Resistant Lites 6205,SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes Fl-16546 R4 II 104786-Rev04-s"gned.ndf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+46 PSF/-52 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or f doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). 16546726- , 26 W6-09 DSIE-11`471: GD2SP, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga. min.; _GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2LP,AR2SP, interior skin 27 ga.min.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide) AR2LP, ED2SP,ED2LP,4302, WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact- HDGC,6202, MFC68,4305,HDGR, Resistant Lites 6205,SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R4 II 103954-A-RevO5-sianed.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.odf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). 16546.27 27 W6-09 DSIE-1F471: GD2SP, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2LP,AR2SP, interior skin 27 ga. min.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide) AR2LP,ED2SP, ED2LP,4302, WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door HDGC, 6202,MFC68,4305, HDGR, 6205,SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16546 R4 II 103954-B-Rev05-signed.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.odf requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16546.28 28 W6-09 DSIUO-IM749: Canyon Double Skin Insulated Intellicore(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; Ridge/Glenmoor//Coachman/ interior skin 27ga. min.)with Overlay Single-Car(up to 9'0" Settlers/Affinity wide)WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door with optional Impact- Resistant Lites Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL1.6546 R4 II 1.04948-A-ReV00.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or 1-1..16_546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.pdf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). 16546.29 29 W6-09 DSIUO-1M749: Canyon Double Skin Insulated Intellicore(exterior skin 27 ga. min.; Ridge/Glenmoor//Coachman/ interior skin 27ga. min.)with Overlay Single-Car(up to 9'0" Settlers/Affinity wide)WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FI-16546 R4 II 1.04948-13-ReV00.ndf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FI-16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.ndf requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16546.30 30 W6-16 DSIUO-1M749: Canyon Double Skin Insulated Intellicore(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; Ridge/Glenmoor//Coachman/ interior skin 27ga.min.)with Overlay Double-Car(9'2"to Settlers/Affinity 16'2"wide)WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door with optional Impact-Resistant Lites. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R4 II 104932-A-Rev02.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or FL16546 R4 AE CBPC 141219-B.odf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtD gvgqu2w%2bnFg... 9/3/2015 These Tables Are For GARAGE DOORS IN One and Two Family Dwellings Garage Doors Installed In Buildings with a Mean Roof Height of 30' or Less Located in Exposures B,C or D Table R301.2(4) COMPONENTS AND CLADDING WORST CASE DESIGN PRESSURE [PSF] ❑160 EXPOSURE B 9'x7 Door =+26.7 -30.2 Ell 60 EXPOSURE B 16'x 7' Door =+25.6 -28.5 . ❑160;EXPOSUR.E C�9'_x T Door +32 4 X36 6(1 story and max 15' ❑160 EXPOSURE CC 16'X 7' Door =+31.0 +31 0 -34.5. mean roof height) 0160 EXPOSURE C 9'x 7' Door =.+37.4 -42.3 (2 story and max 30' . ❑160 EXPOSURE C 16'X 7' Door +35.9 -39.9 . mean roof'height) ❑160 EXPOSURE D 9'x 7' Door=+39.3 -44.4 .(1 storyand max 15' ❑160 EXPOSURE D 16'x 7' Door=+37.7 -41:2 mean roof height) 0160 EXPOSURE D 9'x 7'Door=+44.3 -50.2 (2 story and max 30' ❑160 EXPOSURE'D 16'x 7' Door=+42.5 -47.4 mean roof height) Ell 5o EXPOSURE B 9'x 7' Door =+22.8 -25.8 Ell 50 EXPOSURE B 16'x 7' Door =+21.8 -24.3 ❑150 EXPOSURE C 9'x 7' Door=+27,6 -31.3 (1 story and max 15' ❑150 EXPOSURE C 16'x 7' Door=+26.4 -'29.5 mean roof height 0150 EXPOSURE C 9'x 7' Door=+32.0 -36.2 (2 story and max 30' Ell 50 EXPOSURE C 16'x 7' Door=+30.6 -34.1 mean roof height) ❑150 EXPOSURE D '9'x 7' Door =+33.6 -38.0 (1 story and max 15' Ell 5o EXPOSURE D 16'x'7' Door =+32.1 -35.8 mean roof height) 0150 EXPOSURE D 9'x 7' Door =+37.9 -42.9 . (2 story and max 30' ❑150 EXPOSURE D 16'x 7' Door =+36.2 -40.4 mean roof height) Notes: ■ Secureexisting bucks per the Product Approval or Design Professional Instructions prior to installing the door. Have product-approvals available at the time of inspection. ■ Glazing in Garage doors must comply with R301.2.1.2 (Glazing must be impact resistant or shuttered) Miami Dade N.O.A or Florida Product Approval# FL R o 5q�o. zoo