HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication for Zoning Compliance - Use Permit t Date; �6 1 Receipt##: 16�y ar� Planning Tech: [Permit##; `S ri t\ oa� PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT BUILDING&CODE REGULATION DIVISION - 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE R E C E(V'-DF?ff L 34982-5652 2 -1553 APPLICATION FOR PROMOTIONAL FLAGS,BANNERS;&PENNANTS 1. LOCATION/SrI`E ADDRESS. 3500 S. U.S. 1 2. PARCEL ID NITMBER: 2427-801-0037-000-4 r / 3. DISPLAY PERIOD START DATE: go is, DISPLAY]PERIOD ENDING DATE: /) 0 V 3� TOTAL NUMBER OF DAYS: l'oj NUMBER_ OFBANNERSIFLAGSIPENNANTS: t *Only:l banner per 300 linear feet. Each banner is limited to 32.square feet-in size. Must have.more than 340 feet of linear frontage to qualify for an additional banner 4. OWNERS INFORMATION 5.APPLICANTS INFORMATION Name: David Thornton Name: Le Address: 3500 S. U.S. 1 BusinewName:. oa,• '4 N G G City: Ft. Pierce state: Florida Address: j"• 0� f 5(J` J 211 O Zip. 34982 Phone: 772-465-8553 City: &V a A�Gf State: Zip: 3 S Phone: '7"7-,Z 3,;_),11 OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all of the information contained in this application is correct and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction aud'zoning_ .... David Thornton ���.:. PRINT OWNER OR AGENT NAME SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT STATE OF FLORIDA,COUNTY OF St. Lucie THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS 11thDAY OF Sept.,2o—upY David Thornton WHO, IS PERSONALLY KNO X BY NE OR WHO HAS PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION. Wayne Cipollone WAYNE CIPOLLC9NE §5K_#FCJRE ARYPUBLIC TYPE OR PRINT NAME OFNOTARYPUBLIC ' iq4t&AIvIISSiON#EE137$5 COMMISSION NUMBER EE137853 EXPIRES October 12,2015 40��3'�g,�,r FOORNotaryServke• NOTE:ACCORDING TO SECTION,4:01.02(C),ST.LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE,NO MORE RMTTS PER YEAR SHALL BF,ISSUED TO ANY Y ONE PARCEL OR COMMON DEVELOPMENT SITE FOR NO MORE THAN A TOTAL OF SIXTY(60)CALENDAR DAYS PER YEAR Rev:11/,215/2014 Y Please identify where your place of business is located on the diagram below. Please identify the street that the building faces. If the.property abuts more than one street,please identify all street locations. (See sample drawing below) North �y j UT" Please show where the banners),flags, or pennants will be placed on the property(see example below). Example,On North i Promotional /flags along Front of US 1 Building Please Note: According to Section 9.03.00 F& G, of the St.Lucie County Land Development Code,NO display may be located over or on any public right-of-way; or placed or attached upon any utility pole,street light, sidewalk, curb,fire hydrant,bridge or public property: 9/11/2015 Sign Location Permission From Land Owner Land owner David Thornton of 3500 south U.S.1 Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 grants permission to allow Mike Strickland to place a temporary banner sign on his property to advertise the Stuart Air Show. The sign will be up less than 60 days. �yAYNE CIpOLLONE :I = _--- :•. ••: MY COMMISSION*E9137853 EXPIRES October 12,205 - (���39.p153 J