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Product Approval
I ly W � SCREEN S ROOMS L.�l �` CJ EAST 9 2 !R 1 '` 00 COURT 00 � Q ,�O`o YARD `-lO, ti J Q U ti�O X00 EL CO'pO 5 �a A k:rl bb �O O\ STATION A ?000 < NbO ELEC. UK � >x liy ROOM o�l s Fy BOILER SroR cE AC& �O� C' o� BOILER RATS SO G Spm W n- J �O� o`Y THERAPY so co n oA�' y X00 RM. LAUNDRY A SO SOS r') �O /�. LAUNDRY CORR. I HOUSEKEEPING CORR. O S SOS Z ry a0 �`� eoi�x! Ac N AC Q GO ROOY KITCHEN H NURSING OFFICE SORE COURT ROOY �� COURT CREEN Ur .J ROOM YARD STATION B A STATION C YARD oohs Z NORTH KE PAD INTO KITCHEN CORR. � PT. COR IR. O SOUTH _ dp SECURE UNrr FRONT �O V) Ooh, `� DINING ROOM OFFICES Lio�' ACTIVITIES O O°' x O O 4 fop LOBBY O O°' O °'0 O z � ti 00 LTJ �p 00, HYD HYD O g0�' J X600 � c't x S�°' J o 0 F ti ox n PORT ST. LUCIE NURSING n n I \ AND RESTORATIVE CARE CE ER l I 7300 Oleander Avenue I Port St. Lucie. FL 34952 i - i I MIAMI-. P- MMII--DADE COU'N'TY * PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADM MSTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)3152599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE MOM w�vw miaoddade eoy/ec000rn�t Daybar Industries Limited. 56 West Drive Brampton,Ontario,Canada.L6T2J4 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials.The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County acid other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below.The Miami Dade County Product Control Section (Ia Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve•the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in tine accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the-AHJ may immediately revoke,modify,or suspend the use of such.product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right.to revoke this acceptance, if it is deterinined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein,and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, DESCRIPTION:Series"LS-18"Outswing Commercial Steel(Galvanneal or Stainless)Doors w/16 PFrames&w/wo Panic 1;xit Device-LM Impact . APPROVAL DOCUMENT:Drawing No"1210 Rev 1",titled"Double&Single LS 18 Outswing Commercial Galvanneal or Stainless Steel Doors w/Series"AS"16 ga Steel frames",sheets 1 through 3,3A and 4 thm 19 of 19 prepared by Tilteco Inc,dated MAR 22,2012,signed and sealed by Walter A.Tillit Jr.,P.E.,bearing the Miarni- Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING:Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant Limitations: 1.Glazed vision lites are limited per sheet 8. 2. Min edge distance•required for ITW 3/16"Tapson(item#22)is 2-5/8"and for Power 5/16-18 caulk-in anclior is 3-3/4". LABELING:Each unit shall bear a permanent label with-the manufacturer's name or logo,Brampton,Ontario and series and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved",noted herein. RENEWAL,of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. . TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales,advertising or any other purposes shalt automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with.any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT:The NOA number,preceded by the words Miami-Dada County,Florida,and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion-of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION:A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the marmfacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the.job•site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA renews NOA#12-0216.08 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1,as well as approval docurhent mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Ishaq L Clrands,P.E. NOA No.15.0123,02 nnarrFOAog couN Expiration Date: April 07,2016 Approval Date: April 23,2015 Page 1 DAYBAR INDUSIREES EM- HED MASONRY PROFILE(AS SERIES) (61) t96) r Ste„ _• I _ n _ • i Lir � i ! 1 ' +� ' 1 wo 0 { r TYPICAL CORNER SECTION DRYWALL PROFILE(DW16 SERIES) 2 5t6" _ (13) � - �• � 112" 1 ADJUSTABLE t Luis r t- TENSION _ �- a ANCHOR • s ;a r; TYPICAL CO R SECTION INCL. TENSION ANCHOR ORIGINAL DATE OP ISSUE--MARCH 1584r i R LIi - SWING KEY Ir REVISIONS DATE NO7;Fs Minimum- Maximum Sizes available for Non-Standard Jamb Depths OCL 189 Ole 40 8/8+MAX,FRAME WIDTH . DETAIL 1116/9 $ - 40 a/8+FIA%:,,FRAME WIDTH ... EA.SIDE ' W HAA DODR WIDTH —. �DETAIL ows 06 wi bboR WIDTH I, £A.SIDE._. N ..: `:••'.... ..... >b p� 69TE$AREFRl EDED i + r71 U , THApMHt t:LATE'S".Mt1D8N W F'LANOC T . ........- .. ( -$ H FLAT hORI1 1F MOR ¢ MA VI . x 19 or 19 fi SKM SEE DETAILS UlfSFEET 6 N 14 4 g LTO m* __.• .. 6r . A. to* 10+ to, B 10+q.G MAf , Z �.1311 r;Ib.t>a"MAX. eJ6 H.M. HAX; �. RA& 2.75^ 0,75- Ffpx, MtAX. MAX; /., 30�NTI/el Mt ErLc 23B 279 L_ Yl�El 0 uc4r o, ftON WUM. j N f,.. . vrsmN LITF AX;ASD DESIGN PRESSURE RATINGS <dUTIMNG SINGLE BgtiRS W1TNI2UT SURFACE DGLTSS PUSITIVE +65 SF.. r NEGATIVE I x5313 PSF MAw A,SaA ESIGN PRESSURE,RATINGS t rU�;�$ • �IdUTSWING-�SDVGLE'-DGdRS W.LTHdUT..SURFACE_$i1L7S5_ ��.b-��• - P 3T VE +65.,.pSF NEG I E . 53,3..pSF FLOg A FUILD NO C�OOE(E(i{H YEtt}¢{N HU _ tiOrt HF a i&eaiE Ls oublswsxa srltM A RR GAME ZO .. . _.- OAL'AN�NFF�E OR.VpNi EAG STEEL 4 OR WJ SERIES AS° {"0#A Ssfi NE} A SEM$LY EI:�E_YATICiNCw`.. #'. . Z .�M.B •o ,, � 4 t A CAS M oRsTaNLESS ea FRAME `#"iAa 1 �0► cFlrrossED s OtAZEa..ASHENHt1ES_-L.Mi ... ,. a x....,,, 0� SEE SECTIONS ON SHEET 7 �'.' S i ��+ ,`.�+` �Nia: ,.... DAYBAR INDUST)7IES LTD7/11 SM �D �aIIIIF log 71 r�Esar�m NOCCINO,con ANY 60 uww b�i� N a+,..I.goll r'+" ,,r.a7+n-rur nu eee w °o raxr rc 4A fui 12 010 SEE: SHEET 3A POP MAXIMUM ArSrl3r DESIGN PRESSURE RATING SCHEDULE'Mk ASSENDI:Y C'UMBINFi' N_+, be, +, ..,_ � ee-acoerFa a . wFF rcR A mu[m !ta l 1 MAXI . AISID, DESIGN PRESSURE RATING (psf,) SCHEDULE 'FOR INSTALLATIONS COMBINING ASSEMBLIES 41 THRU #7-EMB BETWEEN EACH OTHER FOR A GIVEN ANCHOR JAMB TYPE ITEM <$EE ANCHOR SPECIFICATIONS AT JAMBS X ASSEMBLY #1 ASSEMBLY. #2.. ASSEMBLY 43" ASSEMBLY.#7 ASSEMBLY. 0-EMB SHEET 19) (SEE SHEET 2) (SEE SHEET 2) (SEE SHEET 2) ME SHEET 3)• ME SHEET 3) 6 0,157' DIA.x9 1/2" LONG WIRE ANCHOR (SEE DETAIL 21/17) +70, -65 +65, -65 +65, -65 +65, -513' . +65, -53.3. 7 2 PIECE COMBINATION STUD.ANCHOR CSEE.DETAIL 20/17) +65, 45 +65, -65 +65, -65• +65; -53.3 +65, -53.3 .._. ... . ..... . .. ._._... 8 EXISTING-MASONRY ANCHOR & E.M,AI (SEE DETAIL 22/17) +65, -65 +65, -65 +65, -b5 +65, 533 +65, -53.3 9 EXISTING WOOD BUCK ANCHOR +65, -65 +65, -65 +65; -0 .+65, -513 +651 -53:3 W/WOOD SCREW LAG BOLT & E;M.A, (SEE DETAIL 22A/17) 9A EXISTING WOOD BUCK ANCHOR . +65, -65 +65, -69 +65, -65 +6553 , - ,3 +65, -53,3 W/ STEEL CARRIAGE BOLT & E,M A (SEE DETAIL 22B/17) CHANNEL IRON THROUGH. BGL-TING W/3/8" x,.3 1/2" +65, -53,3 +65, -53;3 4.65, -53,3 +65, -53,3 +65, =53,3 9B $TEEL FLAT HEAD MACHINE SCREW & E,M,A,. (SEE DETAIL 23A/17) 9C CHANNEL ]RON W/3/8" STITCH WELD (SEE DETAIL 239/175 +65, -53,3 +65, -513 +65, -513 +65, -53.3 +65, -$3,3 QUIREMENTS- anoauctgllnllwla 1, FOR.SINGLE.& DOUBLE DOORS.INSTALLED AT WOOD FRAME BUILDINGS,.DOOR HEADS SHALL BE .CONTINUOUSLY Alaljlnd6rND - 02 RETAINED BY EXISTING BUILDINGS WOOD HEADER FOLLOWING DETAILS'AS PER SECTION E; SHEET 7, 6zdmlao -/.G 2, FOR SINGLE DOUBLE DOORS INSTALLED AT STEEL FRAME BUILDINGS; DOOR HEADS SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY a "6 WELDED TO EXISTING BUILDINGS STEEL FRAME HEADER FOLLOWING DETAILS AS PER SECTION H, SHEET 7 &'DETAIL 238 ON *SHEET L7, nlvou �ev+r . , . . .. . .._ .. ... NEED Y wMll "1131m. 3..FOR SINGLE & DOUBLE VOORS_INSTALLED AT CONCRETE /MASONRY- BUILDINGS,__DOOR. HEADS NEED NOT BE .. ATTACHED TO EXISTING BUILDINGS HEADER, APPLICABLE TO SECTIONS D & F, SHEET 7, AowaMmM� I ` • CsNrutNr ante. �slwee ew's�`�, ' 4167 �+ FLQR D WiLbiWD CoaE(30H VMOCIiY HU_ 16ANE ZONA 00,4067 ®mlza,La nIa-IG+aREOmlo7 DOUBLE SINOLE SERIES 918,ODT9 D COMMERGIA 1 b2AWN bYi 1�C GALVANNEA OR bTAINLESS STEEL ,� 1,FRA AS fA.0A0E OALYANNEACOR 9TAINLE99 91EEL FRAME La/A.O. ' r�lO �:"it +CO.p4oh` flLL0 16�INO Q EN 66ORINONCOMPANY. -FLU DAYDAR.N1NDPM,� TRIES ASSEMBLIESLALTD M' -.Di PRE %. is 4r b4b eau Lu aam n m•app Vxa2at a ane, ox LOT W4 12-010 �/F! (ao.�ja,l-,RID.Ii{,t03Js71-lot iElt 70.5 67a aam FND OW 623`1704 ..����ONA1.a7,;� Mro r e:maA•IMucaCodoem _..._. _.•._. -. . ...- ... ....__. DRA1VIN61 Nd 000/e7� __6RRE8-D0�0Lta/7[1D VAN Our. . •. 11Ou YAIAIL IISM, DiF L ,,[ 'DLt NY�{KN ...A.. 1 A [A Bloc l of�� r Yb am M N ... ..too•NAY iRAl1E 4101N Y. ... .. .... e —A0 NAI,DDRt V1DiM ... ^48'%A%DDDR VItliH 1 iRNI VI" lON NAIL iRAl1E.111DM.. ___..... GiliDcl ��H{IAAXtI pig -.. • - ._. .__. .-... ... 11'_HAY D�IYIDiN. .. IY'NAY DOCR VIDTN_'-• ... 1�'NJLL DDDR V10M - la'PAY DDDR VIDiH...��".. yy 3 1 8 0 or, 9 21 6 9 S e N S 19 2 A 10[°�[1'e`F°w`�°m 0' 2 19 el � 18 ....:YoYA mot ix/ND4 q - Imxreul/n/ 19,Of Ras 2 6 A B 2 2 B ns 21 21 8 �+ ®� © 00�. 7 3 3�Ay 1 3 4 1 !7 0,7„ . .,_ _...__.... m TYP,_. ....__ _ ...:.__ _. d7r (9� e.7e I 22 e D tlu xAY g 1 26 C, e7b.. `-1T Ilex iL eab 146 NN° . . .liik- 1t1 ,ld:.. G70 2 i la ¢u NA •;a M' .. ,;: 22 1 ID ou Yux, afe 1,TG I uAx• esSEmeLr tt.AL[i�JnjtjERWR s.rVAstt>a•J QQ:E xy T1hN1 AnktHRLV-112:Yt 1NTFR111R FLEVAT117N {MON-DUPRTNH9B/99 TR11A CE AIL Him FViT CGH-II.SFRIFC CY iN AiR F.0 TS 17! _D�DDRc 'PA1R-OF CUj$�,(ING DDDRS- PAIR"OF 0 Tr{,r1 ._OD❑ c i MAR IES D 1� WALL'CDNOITIGN-i""WDDD STUDS® , AL-EXISTING .._AT-.RDTH._HDDRS ® DRf.AI D.K:. _ .: .. DR CARRIAGE-HDLT. ut -� . -- ...... .. " ST,pp;.tL HOT TOM)-AT. _IAG.HOLT '- nEAB-R11 .. 41/2_. GER.MDDEL MB HA.ER a 7 n0-S IRFAG..HD"-Tr PAUDUCT Iwk9wj4i• . - .. 4 1/yeCTA_ M F.y.,NGDF1 I _ 1118A 1�IDIdMPy1n�sftbMt6lyfNf/e Z•-ASTRAGAL {Y/.ASA-STRINE• - DCDR CDRE.TTEM • - - FdDBICA) LOCK:AND DEAD-BELT C7RIKF' �" _ ,��D 2 'ji'Iro' - M1DR -[1 Dl1lIR CDRE vlstnN 1.LTE."Y[f�EL W/ t/!. PYA!+RAZZ L.cF U.C�RNIN._N99� N-L-IT-.MdD .:V F -i. 9 _ - - ST cPlIIBALINARR 1),OIIDR..CUT-dJT. _. •,_ . L - - CTRU ICON W/_12! 1, : ' dARRDWLITE-(S 1120.D. •pJ. .. - ,.. 1,; �_CNA R-11 Z1G>tAL�P-�F. R. "� WITH 3 B• LEXAN CLASIN�SET DDS GpRNINC q99 IfiE11711LT flVlwlftgfl _ T SSSUGT RAL SILICONE _11 1M .11 1/B DDDR MAXI ASD•DESIGN PRESSURE RATINGSRR C T- T R O ITE C9 3/41V9 2/41A.. tUUTSWING SINGLE k DGUHLE DDDRB W/ MAX A,SDI DESIGN PRESSURE.RAT3NGS Ai1rNA� �� YDN DUPRIN R1M PANIC DEVIC@S> MAXI ASD DESIGN P URE RATINGS t[IUiSWING SINGIE.DOppRR W/.TWD.SURFACE'80LTS I ` R0S1T1VE _.__ #2D_ESF TSWING SINGLET /.TWO SURFACE HGLT$ _ _b.DOUBLE-DODRS W!._FCU,TsURFACE.HC-TS) NAM JU NEGATIVE_...... 63:1`P.SF FOUR'-SURFACE'.HCLTS>. ___. POSITIVE .:_ _----- +li _,. 65-PSF - NEGATIVE..- - 1 �qt :•G age" +.✓ FLORIaA BUILDING ObbE(HIGH YELCCiiY HURRICANE ZONSy; ,: `Els' ASSEMBLY rLLVAT1= # , _ _. 2 8i 3 . �r ®ia17 ntri°D wp CxcNURND) DOUBLE EI SINGLE ERIES;LSIE 0 TS IKD CO CIAI DRAWN BYl pq OALVANNEAL OR STAINLESS STEEL.DOOR-W/SERIES A§' SEE SECTICINS CN .SHEETS 5A 6 & 7 21 to oaoE O.aLvANNEAL ok STAINLESS SfEEL FRAME LAJAO �...y • lAG .... y� fy _.-01/17 11.._. K.E. SHEET 3A POR MAXIMUM A S;DI"DESIGN PRESSURE RATINGS 3 M_�' �C—d 1N°` ' L R:WUSTI2IE Y - - .c�t °\ mur.FESRNO&ENOINEERINO."COMPANY YBA�whi 60k,GUJIDIex$U(' DATE ..FL SHE 5.�-..LM. A T CHE>)ULE Fi�l2 ASSEMBLY :COMIiINAlIl7fVSi �1'Ypq „F..i�V• 1r, " ", ;-;;1100 ,a:aYe�/'"° °� [zD_,m, t2-oio ... .._._. ...._-.._...... ......__.... .. ..._... .. _.. ..._..._.._.. .........-_- .__. .. ...... 000006677 - - - - n DRAWMO Ne tia ��i�iION�Nll1) °•lLLORAt /iT167 1 .-ow a-o o_.. I o 1 ..i..- �.. .. e � 1 SMITH & DeSHIELDS MILLWORK HARDWARE • HOLLOW METAL ANNIVERgARY M r-aL r A 8" - U U -1 I 86" T �N ANCHOR FOR EXISTING MASONRY WALL FOR USE WfiH F.H. MACH.SCREWS&EXPANSION SHIELDS 111--16 X 4') 143116"-� r1�„�• o 2" 4 Q 4-7ff L L—.;a Project: Port St. Lucie Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Port St. Lucie, FL Celebradhg 56 Fears Family Owned& Operated Naples 2360 Trade Center Way•Naples•Florida 34109 Phone 239 5912224:Fax239591 1740. Agd1w 3126 Jupiter Park Drive•Jupiter•Florida 33458 Phone 561427 0808 Fn161427 0219 Boca Raton.165 NW 20th*Street i Boca Raton•Florida 33431 Phone 561395 0808 Fax 561395 8782 DAYBAR INDUSTRIES LIlVIITED ! • ' ' SPECIFICATIONS ~ GAUGE . I gyn moon in 01 QA 18 —.045 (1,2 GA MATERIAL Galvanized Steel CORE Pre-expanded honeycomb core. SEAMS Mechanims cally.interlocking seaon door edges only. *`STANDARD PREPARATIONS 1-112 pairs standard weight 4.1/2"(114).high template hinges.Reinforced for surface mounted closer.Drilled for standard cylindrical lock set 2.314"(70)back-set. *"STANDARD SIZES Widths:2'0"(610)to 310"(914)Int"(51)increments: Heights:618"(2032)and 7'0"(2134) **FOR OTHER PREPARATIONS AND SIZES ..SEE SHEETS HMD. EXTRAS F.. F DObR TYPE GAUGES AVAILABLE LABELS AVAILABLE *(see below) SLAB ALL GAUGES LSISGA.MIN. .3 HR. ALL GAUGES 11/2 OR 3/4 HR. VL VISION LITE ALL GAUGES ALL GAUGES 1.1/2 OR 3/4 HR. NL NARROW LITE ALL GAUGES ALLSAUGI:S- 1.1/2 OR 3/4 HR. LNL LONG NARROW LITE ALL GAUGES ALL GAUGES 3/4 HR.ONLY DNL DOUBLE NARROW LITE ALL GAUGES ALL GAUGES 3/4 HR.ONLY NG HALF GLASS ALL GAUGES ALL GAUGES 3/4 HR.ONLY FG FULL GLASS LS18GA. MIN. . LABEL NIA FGWR FULL GLASS WITH CENTRE RAIL L818GA.MIN. LSIBGA.-MIN. 3/4 HR.ONLY GLAZING LIMITATIONS_ FOR FIRE LABELLED DOORS FIRE RATING MAXIMUM-GLAZING PERMITTED 3 HOUR LS 18GA- MIN..— NO GLASS PREPARATION ALLOWED. 1.112 HOUR MAXIMUM 100 SQUARE INCHES--(0.064 M� PER LEAF MAXIMUM LINEAR DIMENSION c 33'.'(838)• 3/4 HOUR MAXIMUM 1296 SQUARE MAXIMUM LINEAR DIMENSION INCHES 54PER LITE (1372) -(WARNOCK-HERSEY INT.LABELLING) 10Q1- DAYBAR INDUSTRIES LE-MTED r • • SO (104) EO (127)b ;, U, - -j+- >. ^ ~� 1�6 �N v F VL -NL (SLAB) (10"x 10"VIUTE) (5"x 20"VILITE) (127) (140) (127) (140) (140) (140) 5.}112" -"}-X5}1.12" 5712" 5.117"' LNL DNL HG (5" x VARIES-MAX 54") (DOUBLE NARROW UTE) (HALF GLASS) (140) (140) (140) (140) 5.112" 5.112" 5.172" 5.112" GLASS WIDTH FOR c= S • TYPES HG", eFG", FGWR11VARIES DEPENDING ON WIDTH OF DOOR.. GLASS HEIGHT ON TYPES"LNL",•'DNL', "HG", "FG", "FGWR„ VARIES DEPENDING ON HEIGHT OF-DOOR. N r FG FGWR (FULL GLASS) (FULL GLASS WITH RAIL) r� ORIGINAL DATE OF ISSUE—JULY 1978LH SWING KEY ([� RH REVISIONS # DATE NOTES. All dimensions given are subject-to + or-1116" General 1 Jan. '81 i± 2)tollerance. Dimensions'shown In( }are in mm. See reverse side for specifications and page 1001. oce ree Ims HURRICANE I VELOCITY Beveled Vision We With Continuous Glass Retainer.Recommended for Applications Requiring Safety From Wind-Some Debris.includes Tested and Approved Polycarbonate Glazing and Caulking SPECIFICATIONS: 20 gauge galvanneal steel frame.Min size 3"x 3",max 24"x 62". See Windstorm Ratting Below 1-114"trim with mitered and welded corners,beveled return,and countersunk mounting holes in the bevel.Screws fasten from room - side into pre-punched mounting holes.This mounting method leaves corridor side of frame he of fasteners for aesthetic and security purposes. _(B)Mineral Bronze(standard color) (BK)Black T(FBK)Flat Black—(W)White (SB)SC Beige —(SI)Silver—(R)Red f —(S)Sand____(AS)AMS Beige—(G)Gray Primer (GH)Gray Hammerton View Colors Online For 1-314"door,Door cutout=order size. #8 x 1"flathead phililps head screws to match finish. 114"Lexan @ Glazing_Included Glass size is 1"under order size . SIKAFLEX 552 for caulking on both sides of glazing A. S Glazing&Caulking included with Vision Frame Florida Building Code Approval ' " �' • ` File#FL13187 ; OPTIONS AT ADDITIONAL COST: Severe Windstorm Approved Vision Frame (S)22 Gauge Stainless Steel;#4 Finish. Tested in Accordance withASTM E330,ASTM E1886,ASTM E1996 (E)Electro Zinc Plating for Maximum Corrosion Resistance. ANSI A250.13 Torx Other: TAS 203,201,202 Impact(ft Ib)350 Missile Level D,DP Rating(PSF)55 OrderFormat: VLFEZHRC _ Example:VLFEZHRC 1212S Option$,E W H Color Interpretation of Fire and Building Codes May Vary. Consult with the Local Authority Having Jurtsdiclion(AHJ)to determine appropriate standards. Distributor: Width: x Height: AIR Architect: Quantity: LOUVERS ERS Contractor: Model Project: Date: Version:ALPDsian4 $00-554»6077 QUOTESCQ�,�AGTIVARCPG.COM ORDERS'DACTIVARCF11COM SALES_ ACTIVARCFO.COM FAX:952-835.2218 VISIT MW.ACTWARCPG.COM FOR THE MOST UPDATED PRODUCT INFORMATION AN ACTivAR CONSTRUCTioN PRODUCTS COMPANY MFG:COMMERCE CA,BLOOMINGTON,MN -WAREHOUSES:LANCASTER PA,ATLANTA GA,CHICAGO IL,SEATTLE WA,FORT MYERS FL,DALLAS TX MIAMI-RADE i<IIAW-DADE COUNTY _ _ PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) 14=4 Florida 33173-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DINqSION T(786)315-2590 F(786)315.2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (N4A) ^^ gm,y.rolamwaae.eovrecononr,_ Schlage Lock Company, 6810 Hillsdale Court Indianapolis,IN 46250 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules-and regulations governing the use of construction materials.The documentation submitted has been revie%ved and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below.The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (hr Miami Dade County)and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the tight to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes.If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify,or suspend the use of such. product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revolve this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. .This product is approved as described herein,and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Z0104' " DESCRIPTION:Falcon 25 Series 25- -C'&25-iX"Panic Emit Hardware-Component Approval APPROVAL DOCUMENT:Drawing Rev D,titled"Falcon 25 series Panic Exit Devices",sheets I through 8 of 8,dated 05/22/09 and last revised on 08/31114,prepared by manufacturer,signed and sealed by Gordon Thomas,P.E.,bearing the Miami Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance. number and expiration date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE TVI PACT RATrNTG:Large and Small Missile Impact Limitations: 1. The Component Hardware to be used as a substitution in a 16 ga single or double doors assemblies. 2. Door assembly under separate approval and must meet specifications per sheet I.Lower Design Pressure of this component approval or the door assembly shall control. 3. Double Door application of Falcon series 25-R(Ron exit)requires use of Von-Duprin 9954 mullion. 4. Falcon series 25-M(Mortise Panic)is limited to.Sirigg door system only. 5. Electrical/Electronic functions and Fire Rating are not part of the approval,such installation to be reviewed by AW. LARELING:'Each unit shall bear a permanent label with true manufacturer's name or logo,'Taiwan,China and series and following statement:'Maori-Dade County Product Control Approved",noted herein. RENEWAL ofthis NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been"no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/orinanufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product,for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami Dade Counqr, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If airy portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by tlue manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the-job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA#09-0723.01 and consists of this page I and evidence pages E-I 8t E-2,as well as approval document mentioned above. ....... The submitted documentation was reviewed by Ishaq I.Chanda,.P.E. GO _ NOA No. 13-1217.21 Aar:COUhrTY- Ek cationDate: June 21,2017 Hrcm• - p . Approval Date: October 30,.2014 Page 1 25-V Series Vertical rod device • t Panic exit hardware High-traffic applications demand the added strength and protection that comes with a vertical rod device.The Falcon F-25-V Series delivers with a surface-applled design that Includes standard top latch and deadlocking.The sleek touch bar design ensures an attractive installation. Specifications Hand: Field reversible. Finishes: US3(605);US4(606);US10(612);US26(625); US26D(626);U532(629):US32D(630);US28(628), 313AN(seepage 17 forfinishes). 3788 Strikes: 3788 top strike is surface applied. Strike 2130 bottom strike is mortised into floor. Angle bracket Use 4215 angle bracket In flush transom Installations. Latch retention(IR) Allows use of standard 3788 strike. hold is In the top latch. Latchbolt: Top stainless steel3/e"throw.Bottom bolt,'/z"throw. Retainer Is released i when It engages the Deadlocking latchbolt: Standard_in top latch.- strike. Dogging feature: Half turn hex dogging standard.Nathreaded parts to wearout Cylinder dogging: Specify"CD"prefix.Uses 1 V e"long mortise cylinder with standard cam. . Stock sizes: See chart to below. Doors: 13/4"thick,wood or metal,Specify thickness if other 2789 Cylinderdogging than l3/:'. Dogging key .Projections: 23/411 maximum,2"dogged. ' 9. Stile: See chart below. Electric functions: Can be interfaced with building security systems.Latch retraction,FSA/FSEtrim,security monitoring,delayed z- egress and exit alarm available(EL fall-secure only), Subject to code requirements, state and local,(see pages 32-40 for details). r Fasteners: All mounting screws are concealed,sheet metal screws and machine screws available,specify AMS. Sex bolts: Recommended when device is used with hollow core wood,composite or light gauge hollow metal doors.For EO device,specify 12.-425(010-24)SNB. For devices with trim,specify 8-425(010-24)SNB. ANSI: Certified ANSI A156.3-2001 grade 1 standards. Vertical rods: Furnished to length based on a 401/0 hortzontal CL fromfinished floor and a7'0"door standard,Variations from these standards must be specified when ordering. 25 V-LBR: Less bottom rod vertical device. { Shim kits: For glass lite applications;1/4"thick,specify SK25-V. Device Door Door Min Min door 2130 size strike stile(in) openMgwldth Strike 25-V 3' All 31/211 25-V 4' All 31/2,1 3111/8" 25-V x 25-R 3' 1609 3'/2" 2'7 5/e"for 31/2"Min.Stile 25-V x 25-R 4' 1609 31A" 2'15/e"for 3'/z"Min.Stile 8 Allegion 24/25Serles i 25 Series : Types and functions r~ This page shows all 25 Series device and trim functions. i i Rim device Vertical rod Mortise lock . Concealed vertical ANSI type 1 device device rod device ANSI type 2 ANSI type 3 ANSI type 8 Functions(ANSI) (F)-25-R (F);, - (F)-25-M (F)-25-C: EO(01) o e a Exit only, no trim. i 25-R-EO 25-WE0 25-M-BO 25-C-E0 or(02) Entrance by trim when actuating bar Is locked down. 25-R-DT 25-V-DT 25-M-DT 25-C-OT NL(03) ! C Entrance by trim when latchbolt is (C: retracted by key. Key removable oniywhen locked. 25-R-NL 25-V-NL 2S 14-NL 25-C-NL TP.(o5) Entrance by thumbpiece. Key locks or unlocks thumbplece. 25-R TP 25-V-TP 25-M TP 25-C TP L or K(08) Entrance by knob a !i or lever.Key locks or unlocks knob. 25-R-L/K 25- - 25-M-L/K 25-C-L/K L(NL)orK(NL)(09) a Entrance by knob or lever only when released by key. Key removable only when locked. 25-R-L/K(NL) 25-V-L/K(NL) 25-M-L/K(ML) 25-C-L/K(NL) ba` 18 Alleglon 24/25 Series i . l i 25 Series Trim designs Function to trim,facilitating easy door preps,easy field retrofit and easy ordering. Lever trims(510L) Lever designs { 23le 'Ile CT I- 93a9 Avalon Dane Sutra Quantum Projection:31/4!1 Projection:3" Projection:3'/a" Projection:3'/4" i 510L 51OL-DT 510E-NL 510E-BE All levers return to within'/;?'of door. ' Escutcheon:93/41'(H)x23/4"(W)(specify handing)brass finish. l Protected by easily replaceable shear pin. Lever Is reversible,supplied RHR if not specified.For keyed functions,see page 14 for cylinder requirements. Vandal-resistant lever trims(511L) Provides resistance to rotation,making damage of trim due to attack from the outside less likely. Designed to operate normally after vandalism attempts without the need for maintenance personnel Intervention. ■ Heavy duty,vandal-resistant,ANSI AI56.3 grade 1 Available on 25 rim,vertical,mortise,and security trim. concealed devices. "`N- ■ Lever deflects up to 22 ft-lb for a minimum of Retrofits all existing 25 trim without additional 10,000 vandal-resistant cycles. door prep. ■ Vandal resistance is present In both lever rotation ■ Works with all electric lock and unlock functions. ` directions. ■ Available In all finishes and designs including ■ After lever Is fully deflected,lever stops rotating Avalon,Dane,Quantum and Sutro. and a.shear pin breaks at 70 ft-lb to prevent . a. 4 � s Nc LO ANSI IVleets ANSI Al 56A=draide 1.Standards UL listings::. For"A"Label 3 Hour Fire Doors,UL10ositive-P.ressre Rated ADA Comphaki : `Meets ADA.requirements ANSI A117.1 Closer Body: :Heavy:Du"Cast Iron Closer Body with Precision Rack&Pinion Construction Piston&Spindle: Heat Treated Steel:Piston&Spindle with Needle.Bearings for Smooth Operation '.Springs: Heat Treated Heavy Duty Tempered Spring for up to 2501b dodr Spring Sizings Adjustable Spring Power from size Ito 4:-Factory preset at size i Speed Controls: Independent Latch&Sweep Speed Controls . ' Back Check:- Adjustable Back Check Intensity Control Valve Valves.: Staked Valves to prevent backing valves out too far Covers: Molded Plastic Cover Included-for finshed look CTC Hole Pattern., 2 holies 1"CTC,3"CTC horizontal x 21/4"CM-vertical Projection: 2 T/41:6rojection with cover.installed Minimun Top Rail: Regular:3 3/4" - Top Jamb: 11/4" - Parallel Arm:5 3/8" Fasteners: Thru bolts with machine screws,Wood screws .: &Self tapping machine screws included Mounting styles: Includes all screws and brackets for Regular,Top lamb and Parallel Arm Installations Accessories: Hold Open Arms,Heavy Duty Arms,.Drop Plates,Extended,..A s&more:.. Warranty., Limited Lifetime Warranty Avai• Ie Pfnis�bes DH.# . US# BHMA# Finish Description 21/4" AL ALUM 689 Aluminum Painted BZ . DURO 690 Dark Bronze Painted 211 Endeavor Drive- •• Box 680 Rogersville, A • • FX877-888-0150 , • ++, rri*,.., w•.� w,ti' n -'�' ''S'�"�''YK-r• r..i,, _x• �awy� ,g, yv _ ":? ' •u.- .: 5� ,.�., e._ r..: ..��.� ,w "�.. �- .. t,' j;.:13.�*dep 1,.S .. ..�... '��'o-:.'e .�. _.�, � p+'*y�" ;%; ��ftl.� ��,.��, �"p ADA Compliant Bumper Seal Thresholds All thresholds this section MORE - Typical Wall.105 N AM r J. }: . 896 .fft. KB .64lbs./ft 1.0 Typical wall.078 L •1 BUMPER SEAL g" Seals against the door pro- 950 .50lbsJft. Excellent for use with viding weather resistance 95ODKB -so ibs.lft. Automatic Door Bottoms Vinyl CV)supplied unless other material specified Options: NGP-TPV CN-) Silicone("S") Stop Strips All stop strips this section MATERIALS&FINISHES -Aluminum mill finish 1 „16 •DKB-Aluminum dark bronze finish 7/ "•t 9/18".--t ® •Optional: Slip Reststani SIA Finish = T to M r FASTENERS L 1 #10 x 1-112"FH zinc plated wood screws fumished. Dark bronze supplied with DKB thresholds. 2 .16Ibsin. 4 .14 ibs,lft. 2DKB .161bsJft 4DKB .14lbsJfl. #6 self-tapping machine screw provided #6 self-tapping machine screw provided 314"--- 1f4" i 700EV .20 700E DKB b o Ibslft. ® 8136 ib 8136DK .30 6 301bs./ft. #10 self-tapping machine screw provided #10 self-tapping machine screw provided C� Vh!yl Seals All vinyl seals this section Properties •Thermoplastic polymer.Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC)formulated with an environmentally friendly Bio-based plasticizer •Economical A-clear anodized •Flame resistant 8-gold •Moisture resistant DKB-dark bronze ••Temperature range 0°F to 140 no suffix-mill aluminum •Oxidative degradation from age and exposure to Cold,Heat and UV causes vinyl is gray Hardening,loss of memory and resilience,cracking,crazing and discoloration exception:-vinyl Is black #6 x 3W Stainless Steel Sheet Metal Screws furnished Screw hot"slotted for adjustment 1--6/6,616- --13116 Vt r 1/4" L7-1324 air 152V 155V 152VA 166VO 162VB 165VDKS- 152VDKB- }--3/4 -It14° F--71$" 718" 56r T 5M6° 5116° 114- VA 1515V161VD�l(Bo ftv ;J 166VDKB 160VIB 16OVDKB- .07 aluminum for military specs 1/4" 11W40 Lt L 112 L 64V 190V 164VA 190VA 164VB '19OVS a 164VDtKO 19OVDKB Polypropylene Pile Seals rI Temperature range 32*F to 2751F Pile Is gray " 7M 7/16" + 7/16 1858 t— 718W, -+-7/16- 5116" 185PA jai 161PA 186ps 16111126KO 185PDKB IRS .01 aluminum for military specs Vinyl Sweeps All products this page #6 x 3/4r'Stainless Steel SMS furnished. Screw holes slotted for adjustment A -clear anocrized I j B -gold DKB-dark bronze 7/8- 718" 7/8" no suffix-mill alurnInurn vinyl Is gray Exceptions: :y vinyl Is brown inyl Is black 96V 98V 314' 1100V 11T 96VA 98VA 100VA 96VB I 97VB 98VB 1100VE 96VOKS 97VDKEr 08VDKB IGOVDKB-. 11/16" 13/1x. 11121 102VA 110115V 11011V 1--3144W!'1 - 102VB 1015VDKB 101VA 102VOKB- 101VB 1/2" IOIVDKB Concealed Fastener Nylon Brush Sweeps Gray brush with clear anodized;Black brush with gold and DKI3 672A 675A 672BT 675B 672DKB 675DKB 7116" 1-7/16—A 7116" T T ime, 11/16' 673A 674A 678A 679A 6736 f 674B 678B 6798 673OKS 674OKS 678DKB 679OKB 1' Ri t 1 ........,,..;. ,. ::.. r' t'.;.::- i"iwn ♦ ,> w:i :"'}. .:A:'Sryt'`•iA "4 �', •s''YS,�:' "i'�+,' ,:.�;... ,.... ,:.. ....... :. .::::.::,fir•. •>_..,... .:.;;;�:, ... ,::�s.... :.h t- a i. ,aL.. �:4.sr 1.'. 'vl;�:•, ti,:p';y+c^:.:"'; ,A',,}�: •."'�' ;•x•s.M'�:,�l.y��.y,'E. �... ':4. <•mk, µy 'ice'� .'sw��'tr ..'.may �."S.. ..:v.";�e �y.S i•°w <F:�,..� c ' .;?"*�... ..':kms,".* 'L F.y.Z.- i":'r'�* ::z� ,.�: .t}4'9�ry'�.•,�T�.���it': .r`'+'-:Vii?- _ -� ,t•4iK���?N �".� � �.�x11� �k S-+r•.Saj -tf.,t�,�^.L. 1•^'t' �f'�t7ll� C.'�• y� i .t a. •y •1'.1 � ]0.9� �� :� i. E 's.iW=• � � 'y"v�•"'Y��fi'�•�=y w, r"' -.i:�1,'s.r;' :y .+. .le': sC�"n u •' •4 •�� ji, 11 1 I' �ii IN 111111 11111111 Smoke-Rated Astragal Seals All products this page all a Fire-rated Astragal Seals cannot replace any astragal required on the door by the door manufacturer to maintain its fire label. IBC,NFPA 80,NFPA105,and NFPA 252 require the gap at the 50708 Brown �- meeting edge between fire labeled doors must not exceed 118". 5070CL Clear self-adhesive TPE #8 x 314"Stainless Steel Sheet Metal Screws furnished. Screw holes are slotted for adjustment e dm silicone 'antimicrobial notmetal --'� — nvlm A -clear anodized gray tan I gray available in clear 8 gold black tan black DKB-dark bronze black tan black no suffix-mill aluminum gray tan gray 6136" F—51W-1318"-1 1--_718°--1 t epdm 115NA 115NB 115NDKS Order as set to receive two pieces lack) Order as set to silicone(gray) 137NA receive two pieces 137SA 137SB 137NDKB 137SOKB (---°-718"--13/8"64 1 718"-^-1-11/2.x' 4 epdm nylon+ ., 12 .�� 9600 125NB 9600A Order as set to receive two pieces 125NQKB Order as set to receive two pieces 9600B 9600DKB 1--6/8"-4318".4 1-- 518" -47116"4 � silicone+ nylon+ 91158 Order as sat to receive two pieces 96058 Order as set to receive two pieces 9115DKB 9605DKB 3"----T 7116"-1 i T 7116" ,..., ( 1. 10 silicone+ nylon+ 9125A 9675A 9125B Order as set to receive two pieces 9675B Order as set to receive two pieces 9125DKB 9675DKB M.. NMUf 1:I 'i 6Ohmnskm and talleranem rmteAi l� • 414_:r:••:.i'•a'.�{;..: ft*MMm ftd: mei(A1 SI AB112)arSUhdm Steel(Grmb Mstandw4ymlo. it gn.&Templating.- g l nudkle DesignATe rt haUa star waWern �'f I ft"lop. IIAV ge+44androd pw4das'1. IV*1 desum bommn was SKudWNRPv. MIRP.Non romvabb plhsMndmrd*ualllM4fWIdr4w Pin, l41m4jwd ,ewllysmW*xWWgplobaftn- r+ Pln t al:' th bom ucOp aao6 q p10nml fo r so*f howladon Dnp, Ewh MW hasseafmarnfieummfne nandetacluMe ball Imdings j- ESdriftil ; Cmraealed thm ulmand nmftdn options mmlaW elecuifti-sKtien ft : Each bmof 3 hinges containsfull mofma and.swd suem li erm" L mIted .il`etimewaffanf p ply FJ�aI� IMS. wd3il��@Herres WHO m &Uffimmda come, P• -. . -- . - S MITH & DeSHEELDS - MILLWORK ! HARDWARE • HOLLOW METAL SCHEDULE OF FINISH HARDWARE FOR PORT ST. LUCIE NURSING AND RESTORATIVE CARE CENTER 7300 OLEANDER AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34952 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: SEAPOINTE BUILDERS 3212 S. LAKEVIEW CIRCLE#205 FORT PIERCE, FL 34949 PHONE: 772-332-1996 FAX: 772-252-9442 SCHEDULE BY- SMITH & DESHIELDS, INC. 3126 JUPITER DRIVE DRIVE JUPITER, FLORIDA 33458 PHONE: 561-427-0808 FAX: 561-427-0219 CONSULTANT: ED CUTLER DATE: JULY 27,2015 27-Jul-15 PORT ST. LUCIE NURSING PAGE-1 RESTORATIVE CARE CENTER FORT PIERCE, FL 34952 DOOR INDEX DOOR NO. HEADING 01 01 02 01 MANUFACTURERS USED LIST CODE MANUFACTURER NAME AL AIR LOUVERS DS DESIGN HARDWARE FA FALCON LOCK NGP NATIONAL GUARD PRODUCTS FINISH FINISH DESCRIPTION 626 BRUSHED CHROMIUM ON BRASS/BRONZE 630 SATIN STAINLESS STEEL AL SPRAYED ALUMINUM FINISH (DOOR CLOSERS) 32D SATIN STAINLESS STEEL AL MILL ALUMINUM FINISH (THRESHOLDS/SEALS) GENERAL NOTE: 1. PROVIDING SCHLAGE"C" KEYWAY. CYLINDERS KEYED ALIKE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 27-Jul-15 PORT ST. LUCIE NURSING --- - PAGE-2 & RESTORATIVE CARE CENTER FORT PIERCE, FL- 34952 HEADING # 01 1 DOOR 01 EXTERIOR FROM CORRIDOR RHRA 1 DOOR 02 EXTERIOR FROM CORRIDOR RHRA TYPE A PAIR 3/8 X 710 X 1-3/4" HOLLOW METAL DOOR W/10"X 10" LITE X HM FRAME 12 HINGES BB5HW NRP 4-112"X 4-1/2" 630 DS 2 EXIT DEVICE HH-25V-L-DANE 4FT 626 FA 2 MORTISE CYLINDER 20-0011-1/4" 626 RO 2 EXIT DEVICE HH-25V-EO 4FT 626 FA 4 DOOR CLOSER 416 RA/PA TB AL DS 4 CLOSER ARM 416HD/STOP HEAVY DUTY ARM AL DS 2 THRESHOLD 896V 88" AL NGP 2 SET WEATHERSEALS 160V 1X88" 2X84" AL NGP 4 DOOR SWEEP. 97V 48" AL NGP 2 ASTRAGAL SETS 137NA-84" AL NGP END OF SCHEDULE Schiaae Lock Company NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's parts.and sections drawings(subn-dtted under file#09-0723.01) 2. Drawing No. 95802"Rev D,titled"Falcon 25 series Panic Exit Devices".sheets I throtiglt 8 of 8,dated 05/22/09 and last revised on 08/31/14,prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Gordon Thomas,P.E. B. TESTS(submitted under file#09-0723.01) l. Test report on 1) Air Infiltration Test,per TAS 202-94 2) Water Resistance Test per FBC TAS 202-94 3) 'Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per TAS 202-94 4) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC,TAS 201-94 - 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC,TAS 203-94 6) Forced Entry Test,per FBC,TAS 202-94 Along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of Falcon 25 series Panic exit Devices, 25-C(Concealed Vertical Rods),25-V(Surface mount Vertical Rod)and 25-M(Mortise), prepared by National Certified Testing Laboratory, Test Report.No.NCTLA-210-3651-1,dated 12/01/09,signed and sealed by Gerald J.Ferrara,P.E. 2: 'fest report on 1) Air infiltration Test,per TAS 202-94(Not conducted) 2) Water Resistance Test per FBC TAS 202-94(Not conducted) 3) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per TAS 202-94 4) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC,TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC,TAS 203-94 6) Forced Entry Test,per FBC,TAS 202-94 Along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of series Falcon 25-R(Riau Panic exit device),prepared by National Certified Testing Laboratory,Test Report No.NCTLA-210-3580 2, dated 03/25/09,signed and sealed by Gerald J.Ferrara,P.B. C. CALCULATIONS: (submitted under file 09-0723,01) 1. Anchor verification and mullion structural analysis dated 10/15/11 and revised on 05/06/12, prepared,signed and sealed by Gordon Thomas,P.E. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE BY 1. Miami Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIni CATIONS 1. None. Ishaq 1.Chands,P.E. Product Control Exaininer NOA No. 13-1217.21 Expiration Date:June 21,2017 Approval Date:October 31,2014 E-1 Schlage Lock Company NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE STWAUTTEID F. STATEMENTS 1. Letter of conformance to FBC 20 10,dated 08/02/14,prepared,signed and sealed by Gordon Thomas,P.E. 2. Ingersoll-Rand press release, dated 12/10/12, integrating the brands of Ingersoll—Rand and Schlage among others. 3. Department of State Certification of Reinstatement for SCELAGE LOCK COMPANY, LLC as a limited liability company,active and organized under the laws of the State of Florida,dated 03/17/06 and filed with the Secretary of Std` 4. Certification of Formation dated 12-08 2003 of Schlage Lock Company,LLC,issued by Secretary of State of Delaware. S. Statement letter dated Nov.26,2013 issued by Ingersoll-Rand for name change,signed by Jim Donlan 6. Letter of conformance to FBC 2007 and'No financial interest"dated 10/16/11,prepared, signed and sealed by Gordon Thomas,P.E. (submitted under file#09-0723.01) 7. Lab statement of compliance,part of the above referenced test report. G. OTHER 1. ' This NOA.revises NOA#09-0723.01e�Riring_06/21/17. 2. Test proposal#09-0754 dated 03/111/10 approved by B.000. 3. Falcon 25 series Panic Exit Devices brochures. JJbaq L Chanda,PX fteduct Control Examiner MOA No.13-1217.21 Expiration Date:June 21,2017 Approval Date:October 31,2014 E-2 daugeofmetalt AW41. " en+ x BaSeldaterid: iii{ FSI 112)ar SW&Jm Gael-(Na& Me DOW Use SKurdyNRP: NRP-Non NM' mMft pin ndardmalIM- bl Jnr IqWpped head Pin RM=W: Wk Un morin kaWft Op 4mbles quM un ror_ m!-fore'esso of bmWiladan Ondnga: Each fthW haa4amofmaktmumfnee noa deadMblelaaRbartnEa �EWWaldw Concealed thru wire and mankedngeptlomavOoblakSneele edaealan Fastmwst 3hingesemainr,&NsmafmaddoeavidwwdKmm dK omt; LbriftedUkUmWanew Avaffa1rPAkJw USIOB. tr -0il ttubbad Dramas UMD d52 1 h *ChrW* " .:. t Mj . Introducing the Falcon 24 and 25 Series The perfectly simple,tougher than nails,costs less than you think,fits anywhere exit device. Offices,banks,assisted living facilities,retail stores and other commercial buildings have constant traffic,so door hardware must be able to take continual use and abuse.The new Falcon 24 and 25 Series exit devices fill,the bill with some of the toughest,most reliable performance in the business.A host of features makes this a smart solution,like a choice of an A or B label fire rating,electrified and panic options,and a full complement of trims.Sleek,streamlined styling and a choice of wide(25 Series)and narrow stile(24 Series)device applications means a smart solution for your building design,as well as its use.And since they're backed by one of the best names in the business,you can be sure youre getting the utmost value,reliability and durability. Features Stainless steel pushpad cover Clean design with no Streamlined design Includes for a scratch-resistant surface. exposed screws or rivets flush-end cap for clean lines on the back of the device. and a more attractive Installation. Patent-pending deadlocking technology ensures reliable security. t. One trim Input design for maximum versatility. Extruded aluminum construction delivers greater strength and impact resistance. 4 Ailegion 24/25 Series 25-V Series Vertical rod device Panic exit hardware High traffic applications demand the added strength and protection that comes with a vertical rod device.The Falcon F-25-V Series delivers with a surface-applied design that includes standard top latch and deadlocking.The sleek touch bar design ensures an attractive installation. Specifications Hand: Field reversible. Finishes: US3(505);US4(606);US70(612);US26(625); US26D(626);US32(629);US32D(630);US28(628), 313AN(see page 17forfinishes). 3788 Strikes: 3788 top strike is surface applied Strike 2130 bottom 4�tike is mortised Into floor. Angle bracket Use 4215 angle bracket in flush transom installations. La"retention(tit) Allows use of standard 3788 strike. hold is in the top latch. Latchboit Top stainless steel 3/4"throw.Bottom bolt,'A"throw. Retainer isreleased Deadlockingtatchbolt: Standard in top latch. i when It engages the strike. Dogging feature: Half tum hex dogging standard No threaded parts to wearout. Cylinder dogging: Specify"CD"prefix.Uses 1 Val'long mortise cylinder with standard cam. Stock sizes: See chart to below. Doors: 13/1'thick,wood or metal.Specify thickness if other 2789 cylinder dogging than 13/47. Dogging key projections: 23/4"maximum,2"dogged. Stile: See chart below. Electric functions: Can be interfaced with building security systems.latch retraction,FSA/FSE trim,security monitoring,delayed egress and exit alarm available(EL fall-secure only). Subject to code requirements, state and local.(see pages 32-40 for details). i0o Fasteners: All mounting screws are concealeci,sheet metal screws and machine screws available,specify AMS. Sex bolts: Recommended when device is used with hollow core wood,composite or light gauge hollow metal doors.For ED device,specify 12-425(#10-24)SNB.For devices with trim,specify 8-425(#10-24)SNB. ANSI: Certified ANSI A156.3-2001 grade 1 standards. Vertical rods: Furnished to length based an a 40'/e'horizontal CL from finished floor and a 710"door standard.Variations from these standards must be specified when ordering. 25-V-LBR: Less bottom rod vertical device. Shim kits: For glass lite applications;1/4"thick,specify SK25-V. Device Door Door Min Min door 2130 size strike stile(in) openingwidth Strike 25-V 3' All 31/:" 2'71/g' 25-V 4' All 31/:' 3-1 Ve" 25-V x 25-R 3' 1609 31/z" 2'75/e"for 3'/i'Min.Stile 25-V X 25-R 4' 1609 3'/z' 2'1 s/e7 for 31/2"Min.Stile 8 Allegion • 24/25 Series 25 Series Trim desig u io built into the trim,facilitating easy door preps,easy field retrofit and easy ordering. Levertri (510L) Lever designs 93rn Avalon Dane Sutro Quantum Prolection:37/V on:3" Projection:31M Pro}ectlon:3'/:' 510L 510L-DT 1 51OL--NL 51OL--BE All levers returnto within a door. Escutcheom 9a/,"(H)xz3A'(V)(specify handing)brass finish. Protected by easily replaceable shear pin. Lever is reversible,supplied RHR If not specified.For keyed functions,see page lb for cylinder requirements. Vandal-resistant lever trims(511L) Provides resistance to rotation,making damage of trim due to attack from the outside less likely. Designed to operate normally after vandalism attempts without the need for maintenance personnel intervention. ■ Heavy duty,vandal-resistant,ANSI A156.3 grade 1 ■ Available on 25 rim,vertical,mortise,and securitytrim. concealed devices. ■ Lever deflects up to 22 ft-lb for a minimum of ■ Retrofits all existing 25 trim without additional 10,000 vandal-resistant cycles. door prep. ■ Vandal resistance is present In both lever rotation ■ Works with all,electric lock and unlock functions.- directions. ■ Available In all finishes and designs Including ■ After lever is fully deflected,lever stops rotating Avalon,Dane,Quantum and Sutro. and a shear pin breaks aiM ft-lb to prevent damage to unit Pull trims(512) Knob trims(513K) Cylinder only(NL-OP) Delta(717) Key retracts latch bolt. Cylinder sold separately (see page 14). 513K-DT 513K 513K-BE 513K-NL Round ball knob Esartcheorc 9 a/a"x 2 a/4" Projection:4" 512TP 512NL 5120T 512TP-BE 717DT Brass For keyed functions,see page 14 for cylinderrequirements. Escutcheon:i6'x 2 aA" Grip:6'/i C-C Projection:2 Me' Brass . For keyed functions,see page 14 for cylinder requirements 16 • Allegion • 24/25 Series 25 Series Strikes and accessories Strikes For rim devices 264 299 299F 499E 27/9"x 11/4"X 9/is" 77/611 x 11/4"X°Jw" 2Ile X 1 IJ4"X 13/w" 3 5/9"Xl Y2°x16/4" (HxWxD) (HxWxD) (HxWxD) (HxWxD) Panic device only. Panic device only. 8 Blade stop 1606 16/)9 I Ve3/•11 Xl V/e"x 1121' 2 7/e"X7 3/811 X 9/811 31/611 X 11JI6"x3IB" (HxWxD) (HxWxD) (HxWxD) Panic device only. Panic device only. Requires coordinator. Panic device oply. Ppyrface and concealed vertical rod devices 2130 - 3788 4155 (F)25-V and(F)25-C Fumished top Optional strike. standard bottom strike for of(F)25-V. ISM Panic device only. grouting into concrete or masonryfloors. 4188 Top strike for (F)25-C. For mortise lock devices 1279 F1280 NN 1281 Closed strike used on Open back strike used on pairs of Open back strike for I Ve doors. single doors and on fire 13/4"doors without astragal or , 8"x l 1/4"face allow use in exit hardware doors with coordinator.Can be used on stock mortise lock cutout of stock coordinator. hollow metal doors.F1280"B"label hollow metal door. (11/2 hr.)stainless steel strike = available. Accessories 4215 Surfacevertical extension rods Concealed extension rods Angle bracket forftush transom applications. Extension rods are Extension rods are Does not require elimination of latch retention available In 12",24" available in 12",24" feature.Accepts 3788 strike for 25-V device. and 36"lengths in and 36".Both ends all finishes.Both -in,have pressed ends tapped and threaded inserts. all-thread included Filler Plates as connector. 3721/3722/3723 I Ile Steel filler plates . 8 3721 Cylindrical lock front filter' 1'/c" lya 3722 Strike filler-set no.SC for 161 cutout 3723 Mortise lack front filler 21A" 47/11 I 3722 Strike filler-set no.SM for 86 cutout 24/25 Series Allegion 15 25 Series Types and functions This page shows all 25 Series device and trim functions. Rim device Vertical rod Mortise lock Concealed vertical ANSI type 7 device device rad device ANSI type 2 ANSI type 3 ANSI type 8 Functions(ANSI) (F)--25-R (F)25V (F)25-M (F)-25-C: EO(01) Exit only, no trim. 25-R-EO 25 V-EO 25-M-EO 25-C-EO DT(02) Entrance by trim } when actuating bar is locked down. 25-R-DT 25-V-DT 25-M-DT 25-C-DT NL(03) 13 f; Entrance by trim ait when latchbolt is retracted by key. Key removable iE only when locked. 25-R-NL 25-V-14L 25-M-NL 25-C-NL TP(05) i Entrance by thumbpiece. i! Key locks or unlocks .Ahumbpiece. 25-R-TP 25-V-TP 25-M TP 25-GTP Lar K(OB) Entrance by knob I (9t ii or lever.Key locks or nlocksknob. 25-R-L/K 25V-L/K 2S-M-L/K 25-C-L/K All L(NL)orK(NL)(09) °ii Entrance by knob T or lever only when °ii released by key. Key removable only when locked. 25-R-L/K(NL) 25-V-L/K(NL) 25-M-L/K(NL) 25-C-L/K(NL) 18 Allegion • 24/25Series IVOA - -5vA�,4 �-,,C Ab 17�4-e&A�' MIAW MIAMT-DADS COtnTY 54— -- PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND.CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)315.2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) _ �s►ti�v.mianriclade.eov/eroeam Sehlage Lock Company, 6810 Mllsdale Court Indianapolis,IN 46250 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials.The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below.The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County)and/or the AHI(in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material.tested for quality assurance purposes.Rthis product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami--Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein,and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION:Falcon 25 Series 25-R,25-V,25-C&25WW,Pante Emt Hardware-Component Approval APPROVAL DOCUMENT:Drawing No.113580-2"Rev D,titled"Falcon 25 series Panic Exit Devices",sheets I through 8 of 8,dated 05/22/09 and last revised on 08/31/14,prepared by manufacturer,signed and sealed by Gordon Thomas,P.E.,bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IrWACT RATING:Large and Small Missile Impact Limitations: I. The Component Hardware to be used as a substitution in a 16 ga single or double doors assemblies. 2. Door assembly under separate approval and must meet specifications per sheet 1.Lower Design Pressure of this component approval or the door assembly shall control. _ 3. Double Door application offalcon series 25-R(Rim exit)requires use of Von-Duprin 9954 rntdlion. 4. Falcon series 2541(Mortise Panic)is limited to Single door system only. 5. Electrical/Electronic fimctions and Fire Rating are not part of the approval,such installation to be reviewed by AHJ. LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo,'Taiwan,China and series and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control App"roved",noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA.will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product,for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NTOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done ht its entirety. INSPECTION:A copy of this entire NOA shalt be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the]Building Official. This NOA revises NOA 009-0723.01 and consists of this page I and evidence pages E-1 &E-2,as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Ishaq I.Chanda,P.E. v- = NOA No. 13-1217.21 KA t4tA10n� rrrtr Expiration Date: June 21,2017 Approval Date: October 30,2014 Page I itf� SCHEDULE OF DOORS & FRAMES SNUM & DeS JOB NAME: PORT ST. WCIE'NURSING &RESTORATIVE CARE CENTER MILLWORK 0 HARDWARE !-IOLLOW.XBTAL 7300 OLEANDER AVENUE FORT PIERCE,FLORIDA 34952 CONTRACTOR: SUPPLIER: SEAPOINTE BUILDERS Smith&Deshlelds,Inc. 165 NW 20th.Street-.Boca-Ratoft-FL-33431 (561)395-0$08 3212 LAKEVIEW CIRCLE#205 3126 Jupiter Park Drive 2360 Trade Center Way-Naples-FL-34109 (239)591-2224 FORT PIERCE,.FLORIDA 3#949 Jupiter, 1. 33458 3126 Jupiter Park Drive--Jupiter-FL-33458 (561)427-6808 PHONE: 772-332-1996 PHONE: _ 561-4274808 11790 Metro•Parkway-Unita-ft,Myers-FL-33966 (239)337-2224 FAX: 772-252-9442 FAX: S61-427-0219 GENERAL NOTES: 1..Hollow Metal Doors and Frames will be reinforced for surface mounted hardware as required by the approved Hardware Schedule. Drilling and topping for attaching-surrace mounted hardware Is by others.Doors and frames will be prepared and-reinforced for mortised hardware. Holes for this hardware will be drilled and tapped at the shoplfactory except for trim mounting holes and thru-bolts. 2. All Hollow Metal Frames are provided as"face welded units"unless otherwise noted and specified and will be furnished with appropriate jamb&base anchors as approved. 3."The hardware locations Indicated on the door and frame elevations are at manufacturers"standard locations"for hardware required. 4. All frames will be furnished with three rubber silencers per jamb on single frames or two per head on double frames. Silencers are omitted when weather-stripping Is being_ furnished and/or where there is interference. S. These shop drawings have been prepared.for the.use of Smith&DeShields.Inc.only.We will not accept the responsibility of any errors Incurred through the use or misinterpretation of these documents by other trades. DOOR&FRAME SERIES ABBREVIATIONS! DOOR TYPES: AS=DAYBAR MFG.AS SERIES HM FRAME P=.PAIRED OPENING A60=GALVANIZED HM NV=NARROW VISION LS-DAYBAR MFG LS SERIES HM DOOR S=SINGLE OPENING HM=HOLLOW METAL 3FD-3 SIDED FRAME DOUBLE 18=18 GAUGE(.042)HOLLOW METAL DOORS EMA-EXISTING MASONRY ANCHORS 18=18 GAUGE(.063)HOLLOW METAL FRAMES Submitted By: Ed Cutter 561-558-3523 7/27/2015 PROJECT: St.Lucie Nursing&Restorative Care Ctr LOCATION: Fort Pierce,FL DATE: JULY 27,2015 DRAWN BY: ETC GENERAL i SMrTH �A�i�n�(�r� 3126 Jupiter Park Drive,Jupiter,FL 33458 ELEVATION DRAWINGS Doff 11L'1J�JA7 Phone: 561-427-0808 ALL DIMENSIONS INDICATED ARE NOMINAL r' 1-19HS-1 r1-4wU1/- EQ 11 i� A VFLIG LITE KIT w" T WITH 8/16"LAMINATED AIMPACT GLASS �n ANCHOR FOR EXISTING MASONRY WALL FOR USE WrtH F.H. 4 IPI MACH.SCREWS i EXPANSION SHIELDS IN"-t.SX47 `,TC_wa e.a r�o•' .0 61' C A Q FRAME ELEVATION F1 DOOR ELEVATION Al COMPLIES-FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: FL14876 FL14941 FRAMES: DAYBAR AS SERIES 16 GAUGE A60 GALVANEAL FINISH-SHOP WELDED DOORS: DAYBAR LS SERIES 1S GAUGE A60 GALVANEAL FINISH HOLLOW METAL PROJECT:St Lucie Nursing S Restorative Care Center LOCATION: Fort Pierce,FL DATE: July 27,2015 lDRAVVN BY: ETC lPage 2 of 2 S,M, TH MILLWI?RK. • PARDWARE O'HOLLOW METAL DOOR & FRAME FLORIDA BUILDING COPE PRODUCT INFORMATION FOR Port St. -Lucien Nursing & Restorative Care Center 730.0 Oleander Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 3.4052 IL ECCE 1 , �= g __..*I M llNQ COMPANYWALMRA-MUTI M,RE, I T+LPJR,I.�ctaseNo.4¢]67 f k?.i3.B L3ceewNa�O¢►I9 1I� DATE: ApnI 16,2016 PRODUCT C-A"-r a: L' : C'�'�.":�.!► r :4YF SMnging ExtedorDoorAssomblies srT MA.w D^..t4e & Commordal 9 wln_q or Systems, Flush, embossed wM Whot Me of withi aiif'erert Innis. 50 West t#'t, On Canada,L6T 2A r v i E OF EVAtU TION. k �-��A.-a Stea. - � .., ����u� �'��. _ -=- �--��:.� .>�;ed-byWsrA.Ttirt 4 Jt:,f".E.(Sy stern i���n�. f ��.r�iit✓lrseiNlY��wup''�t,t342 Ct`"C*� �'"2te.^.CYh�k'�^^zt.Ti2"...#CFS9•y�;`S'�"..��4`::. �a�+'Xk s:.-s:.'.�L^s:"'�':Ys. :'Y:3s�.�.."ieLx a�a�a....::7 v:c.+,w•---+7'r�T�IA;1!"�'"�'a�+tea �lii©fa�i1'#Si ?� rs« .sa;:rx ►rks, " s � :�:+:. =.n #ic�few flee*new*r�i?��L'intended Two lamdixt tv a =.h:" r:lI=._'2 .._.r't=OMM o or t4 iamdng No 1.., w ncgrWfursa a f a S �kwg � k-S?r aaR�24 S^r^ �► �! AC. l lrlh moi" f-3" `gym. _- - Ai, r_ r _ ..G a , L+ e pis �f z .�sw�,,,�iR�" '�.�! ssassl , y 5ti�sG;i ! tf3f'$.! f - �`LtiS9 T � , 5 ., y�'w� .. i t±kk/,I r r� 01 *rs 6355 N�V. 3Ciifi Stri� '� , is ; ss � ,E�_ v '- -'; �i _aa JFEFyfj�•��,.r€. PRODMI MAI.UATION RMRT NO,1E 14A2 2 A.TM, Jr., •P.€.; -dated ."14115. This drawing is en .integral part of this Evaluation Report: .TEST REMO& Missite impact and cyclic loading under FbWa TAS 201 .and 203 tocols, as per sections 1626 and 1609.12 of the Florida Building Code. i orir►Static leads in e�rdIance v*h Protocol TAS 202. Test repots prepared Cert�ced Testing Laboratories Report No.CTIA 1992 W signed and sealed by Ramesh C.Pahl,P.E. Tensile Test Report No. 0417T by Certified Testing laboratories signed and sealed.by Ramesh C.Fatal P.E. 3.3,�eTprt trT„o A, 'FyfatAlEERti�lt�C .Ci L ATtONS' On Exterior Door with sidetites and transom for maximum anchor spacing vs. design wind.load and d1 or span based on rational and comparative analysis, as well as on glass adequacy ani in accpordans vvt s^�fimn 1v:1w"t d ��-of#lso Florida Building Code. Calculations prepared by Titteco, 1. de± l��!1"I signed and sealed by Walter A.TiflId, Jr., M � V."., ::�i �►CT RESISTANCE: ..... le Impact under section 16248 of the Florida Building Code, as per Protocol TAS 201. E;de,3r 1 :j;,r *7y h a;delites and twisom. has bowverified to sustain wind "«a–Amum Door sioetites and transom Dimensions and ASD Design -M� �'»' Y= �. S1Yl Z•2�� � ���::_�_�_r s s _ rs.1 E��afion.Document • s_._._.�.:r-_...-..�-r.r.�s i--.esus!-_ s_ v.x_fa�___._�o,ra rea:e:� (P.E.D.), drawing No. 15-057, Maximum Anchor Spacing s�W, b : i-�a-�zted .wv Y I on sheet 2 0•:` 0 -_-”Mr-n,1 r'�_ m-_ `---.f, .. �il S. INSTALLATION: -=rf�%r ---mi sof in?_- • 1 the details indicated on sheets 2f -- --- r^ �.L... .R-b ,S-? -A. .a!•.•,7 K`_ Il— -- s :T'•Y t'•f 1. -'_ 'UVJ. 1� . 6. MATERIA.,.CHAI- PMSMC.S -l► n r,f�fr► -rr Asa'; �w 1L ""A'0� .v No.15-057. ��l ba as ind gw o Oft Evaluation • +� • "lir '�}�.•-.;iQWA vim'>>� Pit DUCAT ky�LiTATIt REP RT NO,I&AMWIZ 3 7. LIMITATIONS AND WND111ONS OF UAE- 7.1. Shall be stdc*in compliance with Genera{ No;es No. 1, 3, 8, 9, 12 thru 16, indicated on sheet 1, 91' Product Evaluation Document (P.E.D.), drawing No.15- 057 prepared by Tiltecd, Inc.and signed and sealed by Wafter A.Tillit,Jr.,P.E. 7.2. Product may be installed within HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONES as defined on section 16902 of the Florida Building Code, or outside of HIGH VELOCITY HURRICA"E ZONES. 7.3. Product shall only be installed into poured concrete, grouted concrete block, wood and steel frame sfruclures, as limited and defined on Product Evaluation Document No. 16-067.' Product Evaluation Report prepared pared by Wafter A. Tillit Jr., P.E. (Florida License No.44167), President of Tiltepo, Inc.(Florida EB-0006719). Ay L W-e :� . ,°;_e'.o--•s���' :r.•Y-V.I2 r gra•-5:;• Ky ,�, :^x=:4�i:'ifa< •- ::i x:. :;: •;�i..5::i I$t:i•i'�?'i'i�•i+::.."7.N�;�: tC l ANSI: Meets'ANS1 A156.4-Grade 1 Standards - UL Listings:: For"A"'Label 3 Hour Fire Doors,UL10C Positive Pressure Rated ADA Compliance: Meets ADA requirements.ANSI.A117.1 Closer Body: Heavy Duty Cast Iron Closer Body with Precision Rack-&Pinion Construction. . Piston&Spindle: Heat Treated Steel Piston&Spindle with Needle Bearings for Smooth Operation Springs: Heat Treated Heavy Duty Tempered Spring for-up to 2501b door Spring.Sizing: Adjustable Spring Power from Size 1 to 4-Factory preset at size 3 .Speed Controls: Independent Latch&Sweep Speed Controls -Back Check: Adjustable Back Check Intensity Control Valve Va Ives: Staked Valves to prevent backing valves out too far Covers: Molded Plastic Cover-included for.finshed look CTC Hole Pattern: 2 holes 1"Ck,3"CTC horizontal x 2.1/4"CTC vertical Projection: 21/4"projection with-cover installed Minimun Top Ball: Regular.3 3/4":- Top Jamb: 11/4" - Parallel Ann:5 3/8" Fasteners: lbru bc#Its with machine s4rews,Wood screws . &Self.tapping machine screws inclOded Mounting styles: Includes all screws and brackets for Regular,Top.Jamb and Parallel Arm Installations Accessories: Hold Open Arms,Heavy Duty Amis,Drop Plates,Extended Arms&more:.. Warranty: Limited Lifetime Warranty - Available Finishes DH# US# BHNM# Finish Desit/pdon 2 1/4" AL ALUM. 689 AluminumPainted' $Z DWR4 690 Dark Bronze Painted 1" 3" - 1" Drive211 Endeavor Ps Box 680 Rogersville, NIO 65742 •-1262 FX 877-888-0150 r S � • ' A I ° � 1 9 ' I � r ! � • I ' J 41 1411 I . • . I I • I I c ' • • ' I I • 211 Endeavor Drive- PO Box 680 PH 877-258-1262 Rogersville, MO 65742 www.designhardware.net FX 877-888-0150 .- �v ...� :..,:...:�.-z..�:.�.�. -::.est" .:�. :�: :• = ..:.;gam::,:.:. ..;"F�z:.-�.:,.�s � ���' .z�:.;.. _ ..:� - y� ADA Compliant Bumper Seal Thresholds All thresholds this section Typical Wall.105 T r L 96 D641 6ft lbsf W Typical Wall.078 r r�~~� .L L BUMPER SEAL t 5" Seals against the door pro- 950 .50 ib$Jft. viding weather resistance 95ODKB .5o ibslft Excellent for use with Automatic Door Bottoms Vinyl(%r)supplied unless other material specified Options: NGP-TPV(-W) Silicone CS`) Stop Strips All stop strips this section MATERIALS&FINISHES •Aluminum milt finish 1/2" •DKS-Aluminum dark bronze finish t-7116" ' E—9/16°.—.t 1i►?�fl •Optional: Slip Resistant SIA Finish T T �i11�J i FASTENERS #10 x 1-1/2"FH zinc plated wood sorews fumished. Dark bronze supplied with DK8 thresholds. 2 .16lbsJR. 4 .14 lbs.ft. 2DKB .18 ibs ift 4DKB .14 lbsAL #6 self-tapping machine screw provided #6 self-tapping machine screw provided t.... 1 1/8" 11/2' -3/4' r_ " 3/4"---i If ?QOEV .2o ibsJEt. ® 8136 .3o IbsJft. ® . 700EVDKB .2a ibsJfL 8136DKB .so ibs.ttt. #10 sell-tapping machine screw provided #10-self-tapping machine screw provided • it f ...««. K n. ':'•«:.. I.....n...—:sfi:'::::::::i�«.'.—.•_1.'.✓. ,1'� •r -'(•. .. ..:...:.: "..r..:.:.:._:.:.:::tSty2 t...:..:...1341.`�'Y'l.i.•':.:':.:.:.��:.t:-' L:::'r���:i.. ,::..#•.1:....{. ::b.ttit4• :a:^t bR.s's. .n. .. .. .. tiµn[ ata:x. 4•»z...y•F•«.nx.- l aJ.J���.ew.f.Jt1.nAt. .-....«rir�t.. ««......»t....SY• ir}+:Y ..1... ...�C��'.:�.:.:.:.�:i"?...... •«t...r.1:ice.::::Je.. _ _.t�::ic _:_?r::,•'»,''F:tis?�... a ISi� .�...u✓R a .. .+:-.+_ 'a.CF Y .,.:3"' } d t+ "+'> - ..: Y. .. .. -. 'J' `Ae Vinyl Seals All vinyl seats this section Properties •Thermoplastic polymer.Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC)formulated with an environmentally friendly Bio-based plasticizer -Economical •Flame resistant A-clear anodized •Moisture resistant B-gold -Temperature range 0'F to 140°F DKB-dark bronze -Oxidative degradation Brom no suffix?mill aluminum eg age and exposure to Cold,beat and UV causes vinyl is gray hardening,toss of memory and resilience,cracking,crazing and discoloration exception:-Vinyl is black #6 x 314'Stainless Steel Sheet Metal Screws famished $crew holes slotted for adjustment E--SIS'-13!16 616` —j311 3116" 114° 7132" y y ,.:- 52V 155V ' :�'-AS2VA 155VS _'=152VB,. 155VDKB- "1'52VOKB F---3!4°--tv4. 5116° t--718' -e- T 5116' 5116° 114" 160V 161VA 156V 0 1 156vDICa 61 VDKB- 164VDKB- .07 aluminum for military specs 114° F...71$"�.{114- p._r 718°"_-i T 3116" 112° ..4. .1. 164V 190V 164VA 190V4 164VB 190VB 164VOKB 190VOKS Polypropylene Pile Seals Temperature range 32-F to 275°F Pile is gray 185P f--`718°----i- 711VI-4 185PA 1.-�— 718" ..1—7116° 161 PA 5116° 185PB9 q° 161PDKB 185PDKB Hamm .47 aluminum far military specs �w Vinyl Sweeps All products this page #6 x 3W Stainless Steel SMS furnished. Screw holes slotted for adjustrnpnt toorA-dear anodized 6 -gold T T. T DKO.dark bronze r ! 718" no suffsuffix-NO aluminum vinyl Is gray Exoepffons* T 718 5 black 9W 97V 98V31g1100V brown 1W 96VA7 98VA 100VA 916VD 98VB IOOVB 9 WD Z DKB 97VDKB* 98VDKB IGOVDIKMB— " 1 • T 1 1116" 13MW 13M6. IT 3141 F— W I 5:5W ' 1021VA 1015V 101V F—3141 102VDKB- f 102VS WIT 1015,VDKB _V 101VIA 1/2" IS 101V8 1O1VDKB Concealed Fastener Nylon Brush Sweeps Gray brush with clear anodized;Black brush with gold and DKB 672A 675A 672B676B 672OKS T. 676OKB 11116' 1-7116-1 7/16" 1--7116r-4 11116" 674A 674B 673A 6 74A 678A 679A 6738 674B 6788 679B 6 7 730KIS 674DKB 678DKB 679DKB 314" Q1. Smoke-Rated Astragal Seals All products this page Fire-rated Astragal Seals cannot replace any astragal required on the door by the door manufacturer to maintain its fire label. IBC,NEPA 80,NFPA105,and NFPA 252 require the'gap at the 50708 Brown meefing edge between fire labeled doors must not exceed 118". 5070CL Clear self-adhesive TPE #6 x 3/4"Stainless Steel Sheet Metal Screws furnished. Screw holes are slotted for adjustment. eadm silicone antimicrobial not Metal nylon+ *-clear anodized gray tan gray available in dear * -gold black tan black DKB-dark bronze black tan black no suffix-mill aluminum gray tan gray epdm 116NA 115NB IISNDKB Order as set to receive two pieces neopre lack) Order as set to silicone(gray) 137NA receive two places 137SA 137SB 37NOKB 137SDKB –i -718"-1-112"—4 QN KB euN epdm nylon4- : 125N 960011 125NB Order as set to receive two pieces 9600A Order.as set to receive two pieces 125NDKB 960013 960ODKS 1---518'-4 318"-4 silicone+ nylon+ 9115A 9605A 9115B Order as set to receive two pieces 9605E Order as set to receive two pieces 9115DKB 9605DKB T 711 7TV sillcone+ nyofflon+ 9125A 9675A 9125B Order as set to receive two pieces 96758 Order as set to receive two pieces 9125OKB 9675DKB SeelFume.SteelDesogra Feat ' 6 Ttb X-LX- Standard t FramesExpandable Frame AS Series Masonry Frameq for I Ye Sgeel or Wood Doors Comm, Dauber's 14 and 16 gege AS Series Masonry Frames are available in a Nom variety of sizes for use in a broad range of masonry wall constructions. K AS Series Frames are brake fprmed for tight fitting mitres and are made _ :Y with standard prime painted alvanneal steel. ��wQ 1' sf � DW16 Series Dryw;ll Frames for 131Y'Steel or Wood Do Dayba s Drywall Fr . nety of sizes for use in a broad ran e o or meta!stud wall constructions.QW16 - °} Series Frames can be installed in 1 or 3 pieces and are brake formed for fight fitting mitres.All DW16 frames are made with standard prime .,1 painted galvanneal steel. CBO Series Frames for 13 a"and 13 a Steel or Wood Doors Dayba(s CBO Series Prywall frames are available in a variety of sizes. Ebgi iOere,;d for use in a broad range of wogd or metal stud wall constructions.These Frame:•. frames have basn'designed to be installed in 3 pieces without a drywall a Base sire}p.Mcnoc.' ' return,allowing for flush installation of any wood casing in the field. Ught Gage Frames �• _ •.4:} K Series Drywall Frames for 13lx"Steel or Wood Doors Daybar's K Series Drywall Frames are available in a variety of stangard sizes for use in 5 different wood or metal stud wall constructions. K Series Frames can be installed in 1 or 3 pieces and are made with 18 gage galvanneal steel. OW and S Series Drywall Frames for 13N'Wood Doors Double 1 Da bar's DW and S Series D tlneque!. Docqua., y Drywall Frames are available in a variety : '. Rehare:'... Unequal`-; ._;: f ' of standard sizes for use in a broad range of wood or metal stud welt ddrywatt) Rebar: ..:= r a constructions.DW and S Serifs Frames are typically installed in 3 Aieces (meso»ry) and are available in either 22 gage(DW Series)or 18 gage(S Series) _ . 1 galvanneal steel. .{: Expandable EF Series Frames So&Rebate. .. - Dayba(s unique Expandable EF Series Frames are designed to Double:;'::,.<k accommodate the broadest range of wall construction with a single ' .ga7;;:; adjustable product.By selecti(tg EF1,EF2 or EF3,PF Series Frames can be used in vyall thicknesses ranging from 3 lff to 12°.These easy to :. install frames are male with 16 gage galvanneal steel and can be fire t <`> rated for up to 90 minutes. •: ...�;, Double Egress `(Wthautsbike mal>roril '`'' Installation = Drywall Masonry Masonry Masonry �� Partition (New) New) (Existing) Cased )Pboing ,$, ,•���Jj PranoQfi( , =C: _ '•� a `''�'�? Adjustable Stud Wire Anchor Wire Anchor EMA Anchor t7 P Hospital Anchors Butt Application Wraq W Application d?Bolt =} C80 P ofilq(DVYSttriessj ' lcasir�n¢tiric!uir�dl=. t 2" DOOR OPENING � � DOOR OPENING WIDTH k. N � rt Q 1 " i 71S" SOFFIT 1.112" (48) VARIES 13 ) W - C� 318" O q .— STRIKE Reklt iS GA (STANDARD) Q ce 14 GA.(OPTIONAL) w 5 ' 1i2" THROAT, 112" 19 13 '�m� �Lo JAMB oEPTH EL6V.0. FOR 1.314'SINGLE DDDR FOR 1.314"DOUBLE DOORS NOTE 1):AS&314 FRAMES WILL HAVE 7118"SINGLE RETURN AS STANDARD 2):ALL OTHER FRAMES WILL HAVE IW SINGLE RETURN K•D.C:ORNER OPTIONAL ' DEADSOLY MODEL JAMB DEPTH AS )s •• ' AS 14 •B PREPARATION THROAT THROAT AVAII.ABLP HOLE AS 475 414"(121) 4"'(95Y 33/4"(95) AS 575 5.314"(146) 4.718"(124) 4-71&'(1-24) 4 a AS 675' 6.314"(1.72') 5-314"(146)-. 6,314"(146),- • AS 675 8.314"(222) 1 7-314"(197) 7-3W.(197) MINIMUM 4-1/2°(114) 3-1/2-(89) 3-1/2"(89) IZiI MAXIMUM 12-1/4"(311)111 110(286)111-1/4 (286) 4*Ll {t t4)UNIVERSAL HINGE PREPARATION' 4.718(124)STRW(E PREPARATION(ANSI AlMll ` 7Ga(4A)REINFORCEMENT WITH DUST BOX 14 Ga.(2.0)REINFORCEMENT WITH DUST BOX WEwun4N FOR STANDARD OR HEAVY WEIGHT WOES 0 6 T FOR 111?r24 SCREW FLOORANCHOR 0 & T FOR 1112,24 SCREW NOTE:REFER TO TECHNICAL DATA MANUAL FOR FULL FIRE RATING'INFORMATION Drawino No. F3 "AS" SERIES MASONARY FRAMES I Date: 10/04A21 Drawn by: LX PROJECT: SHEET: DAYBAR' 0 OF 0 Steel Doors Delta Series Delta Series Doors Design Features The new Delta Series of doors represent the next• generation of Daybar products.All Delta Serips doors ---- are made with standard prime painted galvanneal gteel, are designed with the highest gpality materials' and offer the most complete packape of 1 j standard options available in the industry. All standard Delta Series doors are manufactured to CSDMA, SDI and HMMA/NAAMM specifications kc1I 3 qnd come complete with the Delta Series Guarantee— rys est ,Sa+Miee!tf! Lt-Protection Cand anty.A widla range of sizes and features 'lable. p Heneyepalb CoreSeries Doors Kraft honeycomb core with 3/4°cellars LS Series of doors combine many of the must h e structureuctfeatures in an economical and cost-effective ago,These doors offer excellent value and are ideal W$18LE LM SEAMd'for light commercial and industrial applications.All dard LS Series doors are manufactured tp CSDMA, lHMMA/NAAMM specifications. corator Series CE Do s HONEYCOMB I co�E Gay ar's Decors or Series CE Door a the appearance Beveled Edge of han arved woo t e strength and security of Lock Sunt Design steel.The Embossed Panel design is ideal for hotels and commercial developments.All doors are manufactured with ._. the highest quality materials and are insulated with polystyrene to minimize heat transfer. Poor Elevations ® Q Q � . Q ANSI'A I15.Z F VL NL LNL DNL HG #?6.1 Lack Rdinforcement 14-gage.galvanneal prepared for 23/4" backset C30 Hinge Reinforcement FG FGWR MQWR DO CE CEHG 7 gage galvarineal for standard or o` heavy weight ao. Product Comparison 41/2"template 0 butt hinges ° 3/4!Kraft t'Kraft: Potysiyrene Pofyurathesre Sleet Tempera'.. Q i 14 16 18 2e Hone omb Hon cam H63 811.1 Stiffened Rise '" pelta Series X X X X X X X X LS Series X X X X X X X X CE Door 1x1x1 STANDARD VISION LITE FOR 5116"" TO 1 11/16,, GLASS & UP TO 31' DOOR: VLFIG V73 Square Profile Vision Lite for Glase Thicker than 5118"-Recommended for Applications Requiring Fire-Rated, Safety,andlgr Insulated Glazing up to 1-11116"Thick _ i SPECIFICATIONS: 18 gauge CRS frame.Min.size 3"x 30,max 60"x 1040. See Fire Rating Below. 1-1x40 trim with mitered and welded cpmers,square return with countersunk mounting holes Qn both sides. For V-3"thick.Specify door thickness: Door cutout=order size. #8 x 32 fathead Phillips head thru-bolts with blank head one side to match finish. _ (B)Mineral Bronze(standard color) (BK)Black_.,._(FSK)Flat Black_IW)White—(SB)SC Beige (Sl}Sliver_(R)Red _(S)Sand_____(G)Gray Primer (AB)AMS Beige '(GH)Gray Hammertone View Colors Online "Glass Thickness Will Be Used for this Order 5116"-1-11116"glazing to bi ordere4 separately from Glazing Section of catalog. .: . Use fire rated glazing with Warnock Mersey(VIHI)or UL classification markings for fire rated applications.Visible light is 1"under rough opening size. Glass siie is 1x4"under order size. Most specify glass thickness above. It glazing is being . -F provided by a supplier other than Air Louvers,coordinate with the supplier to eq- - sure compatibility with IG k't(s. y Fire-Rated Air Louvers Gi in to tit this vision frame:KFRL,KFRFU,CON ;q TRA45,CONTRA60,CONTRA 0,ARMRSHiELD,LGSHIELD. When installed in properly rpted and Approved door;ratings up to 3 hours can Ile , . achieved,depending on the glazing used.See glazing ratiggs for max exposed N: ' area.Tested and listed for UL 10C and Criteria'of USC 7-2 Positive Pressure. L9 I OR OPTIONS AT ADDITIONAL COST: " Additional intumescent tape fqr Positive Pressure UL10C 20 minute corn- " bustible core wood doors installation: See deta led installation instructions. ` (S)18 Gauge Stainless Steel:#4 Finish. :4 (G)Galvanized Sheet for Exterior Applications. (E)Electro Zinc Plapng for Maximum Corrosion Reststance. Factory welded to vision lite& painted.See Mgilions Page in this section to order. Tone Other: PAK,smaller or larger sizej.Leadlined. Consult Customer Service for ` 'al orders. Order Fomrat: VLFIG _ _ Example:VLFIG 1227 BK 01 Option S,G,EG W H Color Glass Tt idmess Interpretation of Fine and Building Codes May Vary. Consult with the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ)to determine appropriate standards. Distributor: Width: x Hei ht: AIRArchitect: QuanthY: Door Thickness: LOUVERS Cpontractor; Glass Thicknem; Project:' Date: Version:ALP001494 80ti-554.6077 QuoTESQyACTNARCRG.COM ORDERS6ACTiVARCPG.COM SALE AMVAriCPG com FAX:952-835-2218 VISI' WwW.ACTIVARCPG.Com FOR THE MOST UFDATED PRODUCT INFOPMATION • AN ACTOAR CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS COMPANY MFG:COMMERCE CA,BLOOMINGTON,MN WAREHOUSES:LANCASTER PA,ATLANTA GA,CHICAGO 1L,SEATTLE WA,FoRT MYERS FL,DALLAS TX t SAFLE 'Poly(vinyl)Butyral Interlayer Exposed Edge Laminates Safle%P poly(Vinyl)butryal fiftlayer's MG products(grades RA,RB and RC),have been specifically designed to provide superior edge stability when exposed to natural aging. Ibis.improvement,as compared to Saflee grades TG, T.e,and Sly,is the result of a change in the overall formulation of the product. Testing conducted in both natural(Florida) anti accelerated(QUV and Xenon weptherometers)exposures have confirmed that by all measurement systems,when properly bromated and installed,glass laminates produced with Safleko grades RA,RB,and RC will provide acceptable quality whin the edges of the laminate W exposed to normal weathering. The deterioration of the quality of the qdges of laminates is the result the interaction of many variables on the PVB and the laminate, and although improved edgy stability.has been.demonstrated with Saflee MG products tested under standard exposure conditions, not all environmental and lamination variables have been examined. For example, It is known all PVB products, even these MQ formulations,are highly hygrosgopic, and direct exposure to water qr to vefy high comentxmtions of moisture vYill result in moisture absorption and potod cloyding of the PVB material. This moisture absorption is reversible,and the opaque clouding of the sheet will reverse when the edges lose moisture. Quality deviations can also occur from exposure to sealants, enviromental pollution,or other chemical or physical agents(e.g. craning compounds). In summary, when properly lq ina* maintained, and installed under natural exposure conditions, the edge stability performance of Mae MG products(grades RA,RB,RC)is expected to provide acceptable quality hmIates fof exposed edge product applications., $01EX&TECHNOLOGY SEPTEMBER 1998 Rev 2 1103(r.oga) ■ #� Tru' te, GLASS&ALUMINUM'SOLUi'IONS'" Trullte Glass&Aluminum Solutions !;.aminated: limited Warranty WARRANTY COVERAGE: Subject to the terms and conditions set forth below,Trulite Glass&Aluminum Solutions,LLC(Srul'W),warrants that when used in acgordance with {i) our technical data sheets and other written instructions, (ll) applicable building codes and regulations, and (iii) standard industry practices: 4. its laminated glass products("Product V)conform to ASTM C 1172 Standard Specification for Laminated Flat Glass; Its laminates with minlmups 0.030"PVB interlayer("Product 2")comply with ANSI Z97.1(current version)and CPSC 16CFR ' 120111; 3. the Products will be free from manufpcturing defects resulting in edge separation and discoloration. This Limited Warranty shall continue for a period of five (P) year; (the "Limited Warranty Periods from the date of shipment. Notwithstanding the foregoing,this Limited Warranty shall be null and void with respect to any slope glazing application,which has not received prior written approval from the Truiite Engineering Department: This Limited Warranty shall be conditioned upon and subject to the installer,general contractor,architect of record or owner's(each a"Cum r')determination that the Products are suitable for and compatible with the Customer's intended use,and such determination shall be the sole,responsibility of the Customer. EXCLUSIONS FROM WARRANTY COVERAGE: The following are specifically excluded from coverage under this Limited Warranty: (1)the failure of,damage to,or defects in the:Products resulting from or caused by:stress and strain to the Products due to the localized application of heat;edge stress due to-the placement of any type of film(tint, reflective,pr security);installatddn of the Products In a system thaf does not include a weep system or some means of water repulsion; Improller usage of the Products; use of cleaners, solvents,acids,alkalis or any other chemicals on or around the Products;faulty building construction or design;acts of God,Including, boli not limited to hurricane, flooding, eaMquake.or other types of natural disaster and/or abnormal weather conditions; acts of negligence,:ar the misuse or abuse of"the Products;failure to comply-with our technical data sheets and other written instructions, applicable building codes and reg0lafions,and standard Industry practices;normal wear and tear of the Products resulting from usage, glass breakage, whether spontaneous, accidental for from any other cause; incompatibility with other coatings, sealants, gaskets, lubricants,insulation or any other contact mortals,scratches or abrasions to the Pro duc!s,@)allovfances in edge and surface bite of the Products relevant to the framing system and building movement caused by expansion and contraction;(iii)laminated glass used in a butt joint or structural glazing system;and(w)delamination occurring in laminated glass with edgework(polishing or mdtering). T�is LU jilted Warranty will be void in the event that full payment is not received for goods and services within the agreed upon terms of sale. YOUR LEGAL RiGHTS: THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES OTHER THAN THOSE CONTAINED IN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY.TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW,ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCH,AFT('AMLITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSiE ARE EXCLUDED. At4Y IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARISING BY OPERATION-OF LAW ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE TERM OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, BUT SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. NO IMPLIED WARRANTY CAN BE MODIFIED BY ANY COURSE OF DEALING, CQURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE.This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.This Limited Warranty: (I) is limited to the original purchaser and is nontransferable;(ii) replaces all previous warranties;and(IiI)applies only to purchases and installations within the United States on or after Jan 1,2011. FILING A CLAIM: To file a claim under this Limited Warranty,you must contact us,in writing,within fifteen(A calendar days of the discovery of an aiip . manufacturing defect in a Product,at Tru6te Glass ss Saiutions 11C,Atte:Technical Services Dyment, 10200 N.W.67v'Street,Tamarac.Florida 33:124.Proof of purrrhase must be submitted with arty notice a€claim.We have the to physically ingpeot an installation site and obtain samples from that job installation and of the Products used in that instaiiation beve detemjine the validity of your claim.Your daim must be received and evaluated by us before any repair or repiacemant work is performed; otherwise, this Urndted Warranty will be null and void. For add bona! infomlation regarding our warranty ,policy, please refer to our website at www.trulitecom. Page 1 of 2 *�Tr u . ' -YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY:, If a Product is proven defective within the Urnited Warranty Period,then as your sole remedy,Tcvlite will replace the-defective Product without charge,FOB to the Trulite location nearest to the place of Installation or,at Trulito's option,refund the purchase price of th"e del Product Truiife will not be liable for�any othRr expens"Involved in the removal of such Product,installation of a replacement Product, or any other incldental or consequential damages,: including, without limitation, attorney's fees. The warranty for any replpcement Product shag be limited to the terms and conditions of this Limited Warranty and shall continue for a period of time equal to the remainder of the Limited Warranty Period provided hereunder. a Page 2 of 2 Cmx4 i i1T US AM WIQFiCATiONS: 1.DOOR SYSTEMS W/SIDELITE&TRANSOM (ASSEMBLIES),SHOWN ON THIS PRODUCT EVALUATION DOCUMENT(P.E.D.) HAVE 14.SHOP DRAWINGS PREPARED BASED ON THIS APPROVAL AND TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE SPECIFIC JOB CONDITIONS, BEEN VERIFIED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE IN ACOORGANCE WITH THE 2014(5th EDITION)OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. SHALL BE SUBMITTED To THE BUILDING OFFICIAL AS PART OF THE PERMIT DOCUMENTS. DOOR MAY BE WSTALLED AT HIGH VELOCNY HURRICANE ZONES. 18. PERMIT HOLDER SHALL VERIFY THE ADEQUACY OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURE TO SUSTAIN THE SUPERIMPOSED LOADS DESIGN WIND LOADS SHALL.BE DETERMINED AS PER SECTIONS 1520 do 1609 OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED CODE,USING TRANSFERRED BY 71iESE DOORS AND SIDEUTE/STRAN'$OM SYSTEM" ASCE 7-10 AND SHALL NOT EXCEED THE MA)OMUM (A.S,D.)DESIGN PRESSURE RATINGS INDICATED ON SHEET 2, 76. THIS PRODUCT EVALUATION DOCUMENT (RED") PREPARET) BY YHIS ENGINEER IS GENERIC AND DOES NOT PROVIDE IN ORDER TO VERIFY THE ABOVE CONDITION, ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND LOADS DETERMINED PER ASCE 7-10 SHALL HE FIRST tivEDRIdAIMN FOR A SITE SPECIFIC PROJECT:Le.WHERE THE SITE CONOMONS DEVINTE FROM THE P,E.D. REDUCED TO".D. DESIGN WIND LOADS BY MULTIPLYING THEM BY 0.6 IN ORDER TD COMPARE THESE W/MAX (&&D.) DESIGN PRESSURE RATINGS INDICATED ON SHEETS 3. (b)CONTRACTOR TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SELECTION, PURCHASE AND INSEALA71ON INCLUDING LIFE SAFETY OF THIS PRDDUCL; BASED ON THIS P.E.D.. PROVIDED HE/SHE DOES NOT DEVIATE FROM TTIE CONDITIONS W ORDER TO VERIFY THAT ANCHORS ON THIS REO„AS TESTED.WERE NOT OVERSTRESSED,A 33%INCREASE IN DETAILED ON THIS DOCUMENT,CONSTRUCTION SAFETY AT SITE IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY, ALLOWABLE STRESS FOR WIND LOADS WASUSED IN-THER ANALYSIS,FASTENERS SPACING TO WOOD HAS BEEN DETERMINED IN AQWROANCE WITH N.D.S.201 (0)THIS PRODUCT EVALUATION DOCUMENT (P.ED.)WILL BE CONSIDERED INVALID IF ALTERED BY ANY MEANS. THESE ASSEMBUES•ADEQUACY FOR WIND AND IMPACT LOAD HAVE BEEN VERIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1620& (d)ORIGINAL P.I:.D SHALL BEAR THE DATE, SEAL AND SIGNATURE OF THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF RECORD THAT 1609.1.2 OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED CODE At PER PROTOCOLS TAS-201,TAS-202,TAS-203 AS PER CERTIFIED TESTING PREPARED It LAB. RtPORTS �gtCTLA t8a2W AND AS PER SUBMITTED STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS„ PERFORMED AS PER SECTIONS 1610 IIA 1004 OF THE FWRIIT11 BUILDINO CODE SIDE LOSS&TRANSOMS INDICATED ON THIS DRAWINGS MAY BE USED JOINTLY WITH 17, PROD=MANUFACTURER'S LABEL SHALL BE LOCATED ON A READILY VISIBLE LOCATION AT PRODUCT IN ACCORDANCE OTHER APPROVED DOORS (SEE NM-9 FDIC WATER-INFILTRATION LIMITS):MAXIMUM ASTM DESIGN PRESSURE WING'WILL'BE WITH SECTION1710.5 OF THE'FT:ORIDA BUILDING CODE,flN£LABEL SHALL BE PLACED FOR EVERY OPENING, THE LEW BETWEEN THE APPROVED DOOR AND d:SO.0 Pat 2 ALL COMPONENTS SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED ON SHEET 4 AND AT BILL OF MATERIALS ON SHEET 3 OF THIS DRIVING. 3.COMPLMCE OF EGRESS/ESCAPE REQUIREMENTS OF DOORS PER FLORIDA BUILDING CODE'TO BE DETERMINED BY BUILDING OFFICIALS ON A CASE-BY-CASE BASIS, OR CORROSION RFRSST�COATED CARBON STEEL AASSEMBLY CONNECTIONSS PER DIN SQUIBMETAL TO ) TO BE WITH SO ImSTAINLESS VELD POINT R 90 Ws TENS"t AISI all .TSS' MUM STRENGTH&SHALL COMPLY W/FLORIDA BUILDING CODE SEORON 2411.3.3.4. SHEET #1 INDEX, COVER SHEET Agt GENERAL NOTES S.ALL WELDING TO CONFORM W/AME RICAN WELDING SOCIETY A.W.S. D"1.3 AND 0-18.0 REGULATIONS WITH E8OXX SHEET' #'1 ASSEMBLY ER SH{ONS, OaECTRODES. MR dTRODES(FU-B�i.) R STAINS STEEL.MATERUL AND WIAMERICAN SHG SOCIETY ALUs.D.1.6 REGULATIONS W/ E-308 SHEET #3 BILL OF MATERIALS. S.ALL ANCHORS FOR FRAME CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING STRUCTURE MOLL BE AS SPECIFNO ON SHEET 12 OF THIS SHEET #4 COMPONENTS. DRlW to SHEET #5 GLAZING DETAILS. MAXIMUM ANCHORS SPACINGS SHAH.BE AS PER SCHEDULE ON SHEET 12 AND ELEVATIONS ON SHEET.2 OF THIS DRAWING. SHEET #6 VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SECTIONS. SEE SHEETS 2& 12 FOR THRESHOLD ANCHORS,AND SHEET 11 FOR MULLION ANCHORS. "7. PROVIDE MAN(. LOAD BEARING SHIM SPACE AS INDICATED ON SHEETS 6&7. SHEET #7 HORIZONTAL SECTIONS AT HARDWARE. SHEET #8 VERTICAL SECTIONS AT HARDWARE. 8. ASS NOLIML NOT RMINE A MEMK MQUOM ONE SHEET 19, DOOR PANELS HORIZONTAL SECTIONS AT DOOR PANELS. 9.THESE ASSEMBLIES (DOOR SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING OR ANY OTHER APPROVED DOOR PLUS SIDE 6TIES&TRANSOM) SHEET #10 RIM EXIT DEVICE W/ REMOVABLE MULLION, ARE NOT APPROVED FOR WATER AND MR 60ILTRATNSN,AND SKUL NOT BE USED WHERE WATER INFILTRATION IS REQUIRM. SHEET11 FRAMING DETAILS AND MULLION• INSTALLATION DETAILS. HOWEVER,ASSEMBLIES THAT DO NOT INCLUDE DOORS ARE APPROVED FOR WATER do AR INFILTRATION, # SHEET #12 ANCHOR DETAILS & MAX, SPACING SCHEDULE. 10. PROVIDE SPECIFIED SEAtANt AALL-DOOR FRAME,T1LRtSHOLLT.AND AT SOELIRE TRANSOA.FRAME..AS INDICATED DBT T THIS DRAWING. 11.WOOD BUCKS BY OTHERS, MUST BE ANCHORED PROPERTY TO TRANSFER Lows TO THE BUILDING STRUCTURE AND. MUST BE SOUTHERN PINE W/G-O.S6.AND SHALL COMPLY W/SECTIONS 2411.3.3.5; 2326 OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING, CODE. t2. PRODUCT SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTIONS 2406.1.2411.4.1 AND 2411.4.2 OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE t3.ALL ALUMINUM EXTRUSIONS IN CONTACT WITH STEEL.CONCRETE,GROUT FILLED CONCRETE BLOCK AND MOOD SHALL tpLliitttipY�I/ COMPLY WITH SECTIONS 2003.8.42,2003.11.4.4. 2003.8.45 AND 2003.6.4.5 OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, �NrN A T RESPECTIVELY, ", q 4/ .fi t',w+�1 �}��!�:S�?yi„ FLORIDA BUILDING CODE(HIGH vT3OCRr$URl6CANE ZONE) R : - &I=a= GALVANNFA OR StAIMLESS STEEL DOOR.TB15tf. amtAw cfr O. Zg7 'z �_ EHDD 5FD W wmI LRE OR LOUVER KIM"M'SOE t AL tttFS�TDAJlsals DS DlIFERfXC INfaIS IL ECO ima. DAYBAR INDUSTRIES LTD THIS DRAWING SHALL ONLY BE USED TO '4`'z$ +� ""Mm OBTAIN PERMITS IN THF STATE .,�..OF FLORIDA •,jos a���� •� ti m .1 1 "7' �ri,�slDIVA1. � wuLmre �.,. ...,. • httttiTlHLNit1" ttarnc ue at Kr6I ma>Sx t Dv tx �•�• -�'^td'-0'VAX OW WL (Cg} DF VFrO'N N8 Zr7 4 b . 19 wx oLa Yegf b ' Rm UWSAW dy ar;a N lei fit �R� {sEE dfdNDUt�eNkET d3 q �i `t` 6 `� "� `t • A�� . `t W gal ' t� {9tr4y rON sum m / // / ZI `. c�DDO�a .' G.CoIX7a PANEL , t' SNflllp'�gN t,`t o>�' [lANE6000R � Z71AtIND DEiNt4'j �`t 61t3� 'DlXu�t D[t�' � " r.. ro�td1�O�V'd: 0«N D0.8diEpNEd NLSti SIiFEI'J ./� OEr a.FEt t� e e � a, t@T NiCNpt oR 14 M DOW E DDDR .. ?-D'IU1! M* 6 4 d &NGtB RWANOMDDDR 6 s4? er l TYPICAL EXTERIOR E(I:VATION FOR STEEL DOOR SYSTEMS M U13LE & SINGLE} WITH SIDELITES & TRANSOMS ❑ ,N �`�' �:�....k d �smdtxama wo FLORIDA BIRLO QG C (HIGH VS=M HURRIGNE ZONE) " FN ti MIMU&A5 V PRESSURE RATING- � D�L+rANNFAt oR drAMM SI>:EI.DDDR.FLvsN DR�wrf �y S >', ��� at l,.W/YId70N LM OR LOi qrS WRH SfOE FAL + Q.O � a.Y �$�. *. fREE t rRltiNd�MS OF Otpt£RFNt WWI- ]F a r i6 r Y 11"a. DA1YM 1NDUSTMES LID 1 S�0�, �� TRe.0 7EISM,tr dirD m mme QQfH:1NY ao ISmL tWNONq' MMW ��� rhRd/ ia�i wrr m+•ecii mr uoe ms�om� �wd t2stmt 16^057 y'hNHj�IONAEtN :�� �t SPA FE NEW .wvs -,t: «. era.t fires ' . mLLr 2 OF 14 i BILL 4F MATERIALS: REM DEStItIPlION MAW&L MM AND SPEWS 1 RiAYE IRJIlION CUPS(ti O'lP) 7880 10.0317 6LLYMlt�ACFD SGFI: (FY.451 Y,FU.Wktd)OR NA.104 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL _ pFRW1L7fR FW11¢(NE1C 3D1,JANn) ru AS33,NAE 9 WRR MO PNNm=MVAHNEAL COMO 661 4_d,Fwfolkw). 2 MME UMON L7'FDT k HORO SUM AS 118161 3 FRWE MUCH REINFORCFAIENF Ngo OALV SITEL ' 4 DOOR WAM ASWftY(SLUSH OR EMBOSSED) WUW&IGUFD MM-ASTM A974,ASD!A5S3.7VE E1,WTDI AW PAINP=MALWMEA (FyN6F4t F,n60kAl)OR AL1 304 SERIES SFAWIFSS SMEL COATDO ffr4slo91.FL Jolla 6 YMEESITOID7 NATIONAL CNARO PRODUCTS 6660NA BMW ALUMINUM 6063.73 9 SECURDY WWER KIT: ATR ICINERS MODEL 1500-A PER WAFACNRER'S SPECS . DOOR SNAP-01 TOP CAP 2685 GIAVMQIGV.SIECI.(ASTM A953 WRN G60 CWN7O OR WIN= 91fiEllj1151 304SERIfS) a OL-mm SW CALVANNEAf.SYM OR SIM LLESS 91147. 9 FRAME MWLON CUP OALVAA7IFAI.PM OR STAMM STEEL USE'b-CUP®AT BOTTOM ALWAYS 10 MNiES; IMAM 113 1279 STEEL,(PFR MRCS SF's tl RIM r DECE199E STRIKE PER'�RS SPCS 12 Raw c UULLPM OW .. PER MFR'S•SPECS 1S VaomOAL LDCIO Sm"m-C'smm PER MFR'S SPECS 14 BG3: SCfiINiE V.SEPoFS PER MFR'S SPECS 1B MOR113C LOCk4t9 YI OFiIDTWLT: SCHIAOE LD00 Smm PER MFRS SPES 16 SURFACE RDLP. WEN fMD M LONG PER MFRS SPECS 17 T ASTRAGAL - A9IM•Asa GEMOE'W GLLV MA1 STEEL OR 57AINLFSS Sm 15 PREM-ON 9U1a NFiQNER51EU9MICh WWWL GUARD NEOPREKL SELF-ADNEZZ _ PRODUCES#361 19 DOOR STILE NWE,RENFORCEEW Spa CALVANNIAL SM OR SIMILE SSTEEL- . • ZO FIOM H=RENFORCEME7E Apa OAULWWLL STEEL OR STAINLESS SMEL 21 ASMADAL STRIKE RMNFTIPCEMRMr 120a CN.VANWAL STEEL CA SW&ESS SM 22 FMME sma RENFCROmw OALVARNFAL SEEL OR SVMUESS S1FE1.. 23 udimm tm k RN EOF 9EYIC4 REAFIrRCE1m 0.074'MIN OALYANNFN.STEEL OR StA D.ESSS S7EE. 24 CKWORMAI;LOGO AW'6EAD5CLT RENFLROOM SME1:-SAIF COATING 26 1 DOOR SURFACE SM Rr4lFOR9W-- '. I-SW N&-V x O- 1490(0.0747 CALVANNEAL S7EF1.OR STAINtEi$SIM 2a DOOR CLOSER Re*-DRWMU ONLAPNEAL STEEL OR STAMM 67JI 27 BURERFLY ANCHOR CI1P: E71A P11-OOa STEEL 16 GAIWE STEEL SATIN COAT. 28 MASONRY WILE ANCHOR SIERL'FY�E1>=95LM 9 1/1-LONA%0.167 MIN.DIAMETElE 29 MULLION FROND STEEL' USE AT ' 35 WIRE MASOM FRKWANCFI01ffi SIM TI EDL YMD SRiF CN w 402Ka1 AND MIN.TENSILE STRENOTH-9S.8 Kai 9 1/Y LONG X 0.197'MIR DIAMETER. 4D C LXING GE SILICONE Il S57CONE AS SHOM ON DETAIL. 41 SURFACE SFRXE RE1NF'ORCOOff 12 GAGE 2LY! lFAL OR SWNESS SIM 12 CAFE MOW MSS. x 184'x 1147V LONG SFE SHFLT 10). 42 0008 SRV-N TOP/SOTNN'CAA 1.5= x 1.60'• 2Og0(0.061')MMANHEu SEES.(AM Aaa WrrH 060 COMINO OR . S7AINI2Ti9 STEEL(RLI 304 SMES) 43 DOOR 1OP/aOROM CHANNEL 1.576-E 7. r 756e'(0.0617 04YANIOL STEEL T/SiN ABA WITH 060 COOM)OR STAINLEM SM3.(1714,304 SER♦S) 11\NI(NI(IINFp La p, TP rJ�iy FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (Rai VEIDCl1Y HURTBCAN4 ZONE) 00 �L e ;: � ®7ma7LAtam INE GMOIE ERCW. OWN WA v.'. J s GALVAHMIX OR STAOgE59 STEM oo0%FIM EA SOSSm.*/VISION UTE OR LOINER 1018 WITH SIDE FILL G Tr•� LITE4 h TRmoo OF(AFTFRETi INFiII$ _ lidEcO AIME:. DAYM INDUSTRIES LTD6AAa Is 2.br6' ;g�Z marc TSI"&6lOM=um 4SAWANI' � K �WAUM vr°OrW la om m-eae aoe Bas ers Tan/ 15-057 un. AR rxa r roar me DMWdO N0 �N/A�HSS!()�>4L�1E11Y`` i�SC'��1'4Lt I w.P 5KW 3 OF 12 x M!' 'WLT6E] DOO{� SMLE HING7 RENF T r X t600 aost' II GALIS� D a r :� ""t"2t100• S' 61 1ne1 �PERi °1LtF 2 FRAME MUt!i0N 3 fRANiE ULUON �E ANCHOR f6M/MULL HINGE REINF FO5 Ff t #1� REINFIRCEAAENT �p�� ^' �p7 . w tee..e°�D.9 qlh wi,.aa iir #ta—rrwt t/s•tw¢u eoL7' F.7s• IIXii ^. �'^• R .. g O.CW"m 7itK a Y bN4MG nra a,• cowl L tSA t' e bTrF � 12 SEM9Y66F. isSURFACE BOLT 9*tr CUP Mit i.E4fi1 M1°� 2�EMA g�ma•aFIY ANCHOR @MULL ANcHoR cup (PART #t�T1 081 X } ` FOR .DETAILS 2/1 p.,�i�l O •1:,(10 de 8/1 O v a . 6�tr+aa ,e a at,w scv • R Y X Ia/6 DAW ! 9'. 0 tan R ► / Q4 �OD,OR SNAP—!htC, 8 .QL'a @ A 8 .1 DOOR CLOSER XXX X X ' d�lEl. dsteL$t?TI4M CAP � RRF�RCEMENi """REINFORG MENT 21AMRAGALa FRAM M111L MIKE REINF RiKE.REINF }—z.,aa t�GG• 6�` Gate 0 ��1llit!{�t1 ! •, FWPJDA BUILDING CODE OOGH VELOCti1 OuRRlCAt1E ZONE) S. CBN, •� _ tpm a ttitp6 Nn GALVANNGL ott BOTAN M SCE WOR.►Lusa. VPAVNt of. 4:TAOVtWMO M UTCaux WS WFalS We oau _*• I L ECC lila. DAY13AR INDIlMES LTD 04/+4/15 • {`������� •{� rntrr epxo5 1+7-P�INs{,JAN/'YN a.r nl anw a�ImrrS.0�rawlaGaa4snXRol -+.sm6t•.v. n,� a15uo-M'AMUtta5 -X7a sNi¢7 4 OF121 FRAMEATIACHMW ARM r TO NO" FRAME ATTACNMW TO NOS' PER AMCNBR sT>EF2+Z PER ANCHOR OELVLS'I/V r ` r W SW ir+. INTERIOR MAX MAZ=ON ~`FRAME t SNOT REF'CMA2WO DETARS' �t oPOQL --SRW IWAM DO", 0�t Coss ECEMOR WON-MUCAIRAL7 E IL OPDONSClAzm 09 q INTERIOR SIDE q # FNILRFOR FOR TNRll.DPTTONs SNEETSHEET'5 GEt 3E TO HOSTA SRMtT1A R-g am- NJIFRIDA GAZW mcrooR P41 ANQ10R DTAW SIDELITE/TRANSOM FRAME AT HEAD sNELT•Ta dtra+roR 100MMEDaAZEp SIDELITE/TWWSOM FRAM£Ar JAM9 ` 6 ;i ZEKFERIOR R= VERDCAL IWUU10N0 Rum.-Lo FRAxFfMUu NKJCE tipNF.• YOtAtOtd SOMAt At NETOU121NG ON OLIERKIR SpE NEOPRETIE PRESS-ON NSATNFASFAIs® OPRDFL�A$�', DE7AIL4"FOR WrAW :� MITA)O CNARO PRDWo35 fibs+ G yOM I sMEET FOR M�PRoNs%W 5 ta)d+2-2E x T/a•Epus ro FRAUE/NUU, p11ERIDR SmEERM o IORDOOR SSit N010£ VSTEEL .+.�•x to•x eso aALv MEQ o:AZx (tap)#72-24 X eoLTs � SfDEL1TEfTRANSOM hiORIZONTAL. MULLION ExTTxmR oLAZEo 0 {s}NINDESS PER DOOR lFAF. FiAOER as,aiD't+-+/r x+-I/z-x o.+as•Heats I)itERtOR OPnDFUL Mb REP'4t4ZNO DaAW INMOFF wQlA7,INRQ "`POR IN ILL QMor. N)#72-24 x T!r 9=9 �j SHM 0 to FRAM IMU L � (oj) z FxtE7aaR IOR +20'X IW x e �DAW SFEEL A cw aorIF FF0 OPI DFS SIIFET 6 {m)�T �i/a`DOLTS PERRANr NARK QO PRDO 0 S3iS&T 12 va T cA�c® aesVWJa y auN v�► Q�RroR cuzTp w,Finaa 4y+?�D WM VEF=4L MTnxroMO i D i SIDELrrE NSOM FRAME AT SILL. 2 'vamr°J tauwo 3 DOOR HINGE STILE TtL 1TRA . �`4,�p:• 4T��i MARR)A BWLCIW CODE(SIGH VkLC=$URRrANE ZONE) a yQ�;:��(•yG�S ' (D O TR1mo't�i cammuzu OAWAMNG.OR SxTA1Mt8S VEL DQOR,FLOSM. WUYM Tm •Y�• 1 wwwa� OFBOSS€0.Wj Yt90M urf OR Lmm Ka MTRI S= FAL 1�`C • ` LTTFS&TWSOMO.OF DIFFERENT M/FUS s r- fL �:�ewa._ DAYM INDUSTRIES LM y•• :�� 'amt�mewt"FwanL -wr''F°' cese°Nasacroa"° eu4a"�"`'mt aRAwxOLn ii+`+`S!t}t1A�•�NN'` t'w`xo'sm+"r s'"sF°e�� sKla a a,a ut r VERTMN.MULLION(0 PER W=FRAME,O.CONNECTION TO WALL PER SHEET 12 ((�"�RTM EXR DdICE: RFAIOVA9T,E NIR.MOEL VG DUP�IN DS/YOL SERI VON OUPPoN 9934 NEOPRENE PRFs-ON WEUMERSFAIt 2'x T x 0.126' NAEONM.OUNtD PROGUCTS#361 NDDPIiENE PRESS-ON WFATHEl6F.Us ASOO GRADE 8••IETl. n MATfOWIL OIW®10 PRODUCTS X1361 (REF SHEET 10 MR smmVON 488-F / VON IXl�N 499-Frz A7TACHI1ENFj RIM_ avz ws� INTERIOR VON Oufnix E© v'.g N VON DUPWN � = 28/99L SMIS 9R/99L s N 1359rroNE v9 s 51 o h a•� VON DMPRIH A99-F gid ' Z QMIOR IN � Ulx n x �- t]oFR TRUE MAY V (REP N 1 i ExTER 7mM MAY VARY ? i EXTER TRW MAY VARY MPR'S SPECS) ARY ' L... •? (TIFF MFR'S SPECS) r? (REF MFR'S SPES) SUFFACE DOLT REW: L._......., to 8DLT5 AT HEAD a SSL(TIER PDDR 'GALA S X 3W x 14i o a...-_...--;'I ._._...........J HEAD&SRL DEWLS FOR ATrAOHMENT)T H•tTaiJi MODEL 2760 tp•x 3/4'x e STEL Mm(REourm ON vLTmMuwoN® INADTWE LFAF OPIgNN.ON ADVO LEAF) FRA - RAMUUMUtt s+RGTe RETrff: jPERIMETER FRAME,0.OONTECOON ro u+1tE.PER SHEET 12 � 1.375 K 7.3125•X 12pDALV sretl® 7 INTERIOR NEOPRENE PRESS-ON PFATHEASEAL•® W NEOPRENE PRESS-ON WMHERSEAL•® � RMIONAL GUARD PRODUCTS 961 z ^ NATIONAL GUARD PRODUCTS#361 3 a Z E J > c� CCC000 p a Z �o MUZ EXTIItIOR 30 cc HANDLE MAY m Z HANDLE MAY VARY O � VME�RY LEEN T O (REF"s SPLs) 0 J v I ®�ASIRMM1 E(7pA�1t' 3D�HL 6 D SERIES!DYL21DRI s o , AR FOOW UR MIACACKMENI) woo sett ' GORTsE T LDISISET wrtH DFADeou DOUBLE DOOR LOCK STIES We=OPTIONS: LOORSEr OPTIONS: ASA AsmAOAt sTRue SMASE b 6EmEr OY m mCAL IACK® SCHLAce•D SF311ES•CTvtmmcN.LOCK® INTERIOR REM D.6HF xa e7a•k Htif1 SCHIACE•e SE1N15•DEADDOLT' .wrW-soN='a SMES"WADEOLT - ispo aAty ASERaS'MdiME LDDKSET D�Ha00o�86ES'MORME LOC Er tYP R.v w LOG1710AI L� QJ T ASIRMAI TO. ;NTERIOR 1 LEAF .sarw w HOYM A33�3-/4' Ci.F ^% OF 12 ANAN Wim)(10EN• Ci a ¢rno 0 0 3 g NLTaunn(SI/ n "Z" ASTRAGAL ATTACHMENT O [S NEOPRENE PRE45-ON WEA711F%EII�® O G a V) NEOPRENE PRESS-ON ri�yY,� 7 NATTOMAL GVAND PRODUCTS#361 HATpNA4 GUARD PRODUC •.• •�•..��r FLORIDA BUILDING CODE(HIGH VE10CT1Y HURRICANE ZONE) NSF DWHLE 3 DOMME o y FRAMpl�nAL 67RTIfE RFTHF . OALVAHMFII OR STAINLESS sym DOOM:L'U15N• T1rat9A 7.373'X_73128'x 12pO&67EE1. um OR LOUVER KITS mm VENIMAL MUWONQ PER�IEEEH FRAME_1Q. = •• No• • � Wl.TRAN MS OF DUTERENT 9iFlLLS � RRL � /-� PER "tz 69J1 '�k. = IL. ECOIw6. DAYSAR INDUSTRIES LTD °`RAIL R SINGLE DOOR LOCK STILE 1 /)SINGLE DOOR LOCK STILE sy' i� � _ „„ OEM E= �� �1�� 15-057 �'� ''i3O.c ''CQg10A, .-m.r Ta.memL� DRA1NlN w G'�\ WAVER 1AN�fi P.E tr.� o�:r rx o.w DR �*14 ONAl E 4� F:DNtM Fx I+�rG7 ' ' sREfr 7 or fa (bTOP GIP:13841'X IV X 20F DALV SIML SECURED NRH GE SRAWM D NOT SHWAL•SURFACE-MOUMM DOOR CLOSER SMAY VARY)a REM (E.r X 1.6M X Togo GALV STEEL) ®NEOPRENE PR65-ON WF MiEfIb - •NATIONN.am PRODUCES fast (�SURFACE BOLT FASTENED TO DOOR NIM(4) JIG WACHWE MM SOLTS • DEEP DAR SINGLE/ABLEDRILL SLOW IN ' THRE'P W To h, RIMENE DOLTS' ®OOOIt nummm.. ©MWE HEAD OR WITIONAL GUARD WRH'SPRODD SUCTTS amuse Q LTS fB1ONA - 70 RVCENE BOLTS p r L�r7 SURFACE DOLC�T`/FA/EGFJiEO 7, . Dual N WC& 10-24CaT4 C.�' ANCHORREF RmutttE►ttAM rotrs SHEM 12 a 2. NOlIl-THIS HUM ild TASDEWL IS APPIMABLE kimma kr�Wl'Yi MGM TO DISWIND a OUTSWma DOORS (OuTSWsi6 OPTION!HOWlQ (Dula=DPRON SHOWN) DOOR HEAD. n DOOR SILL SCALES'-1'0' VERT SECTION SCALL-31-1-0- VERT SECTION `.►�`T11�HTi pplyi ✓.f'�y, PLAOMDA BUMNG coos(MGH vewcm BuxRccANE 20im is . SF ®mu tomo lit oou a sOiaE e0 uN �no GALVARNEAL OR sTAauss stEtt.DOOR.nm.44167 a EMBosm N/visioX uTE OR LOLM IOTs WITH Sm F.Rl. *e encs t MOMMS OF D,FFfl1MT MFM3 1LI co DA,BAR IND s LTD D Ow fUf TF9F7M0�[HOlNESANO LOYPAMY ��� "DE Yi ASA pP.�\�_ i x► r. ,nvM u a,r oM 1 71a,m"b•,., �. i-rats to 606 w�ao11°iMo oas m a0, 15-057 �yO�'F•v:• V����� e-�ks-0006770 6Y a.�c ecr ®d re DRANd6 No 'yh�A S'Oj�A 1►�,�+ irsw~Lre sA`fr6i MW 6"12 R6 CK AN HINGEDETAILS FOR DVQNr STQFFL�R Y18.Om TO DOOR SKIyy,�AT TOP BOTTOM AT LOCK AND HINGE SLUE 0 FROM LOCK SRII±FORMED MNO z p w E fm CHANNDS RFP SECTION • . RMIFORCEw@715 1 GALVANNEAL OR . sTAIH�°rsS S1®.SIUM RUSH oa Dula+ t.6B7'x t.DD•x 1420(ao7a-) DETAILS FOR t/4'IP 5 A EDL FINISH INN01t 1.60'x 1.0•%1420(0,070-) HINGE SRIF 0.1 D sULAS POLYCARS MERLAYER RIDNFOXEMENr I SNAP-IN CHAN EL, 1/4•N.S,GLASS ti NcuRFD SILICONE[1 FH G. 0 C�GR%X 71117 SMS AT FROM f B'FROM LOOK STILE- t/0 DOW CORHIND 998 PAPER HONLICOMB FILL(3/4'CE41;a7 SIRUONRAL SRJCOME BACxBED l PAPER HONEYCOMB FILL OWETO M INmOR Dooa N BTVE7ry vmDN LRE KIR 70P CHANNEL. OT AIR tD1NFl15 MODEL NLF-Ez-K: LTDED TO DOD SKINS Nn REF SLI:IIDN MAILS FOR I�STIFfFNf7N WELDED AT 9'OP,BOROM,�70 pCD00R DOOR SKIN - JAT 3O.C• qE■SILICONE SPAUNT LOCK AND HINGE STILE s"OLDCA7EA AS SHOW/l,FroRMED USING F'UIJ.PF]iiMETER RENIFDRCEL1EN19 t0ga OLLVANNFAL Ofl ©GA VSR CFMNNELS; REF SBCDONSTEEL SKIN:FLUSH OR ONIEk7 1.WY%1.02'%142+(4070? DETAILS FOR fNPlQU1.66'X 1.0•x 1422(0.070-) NNOE STILI: DOOR PANG'REINFORCEMENTS(JRFACE BOLT EINPPED TO TOP C Nk1;•, � i ; s , s: ,;� s :n"t ' a�' HERE APPu o �pf�a. � ° !' ! ' ' scABtB•FROM LACK STILE SPOS N D00R CLOSER REI F, EKPANDED POLYSTYRENE ME. 1 PCP DEN9 n smut.COMPLY W/SEGOaN PPED TO TOP CHAN EL STYRENE FILL 20,4 of THE BARBA eGDE HERE APPLICABLE) n�OR VISION LITE KIT CLUED TO INTERIOR DOOR SIGN TYPICAL.Pots FOAMED REF SECTION DEEMS FOR FU ERGLA M%SULATIOq VE7TRCM.INIERU70KRfG QALV STEEL,RIBS US6NG INhRLOdKII1G LACK AND NNW STILE FILL otrw;71 RIBS AT r FROM EMN SOLE&S'OA., fNALV STEEL CHANNELS: . REIHRORCF]1EN15 1822 01I.VANNFAL OR WpAEp TD BDIH DCOR Spt$AT M O.C. 7-i/2•X i-3/4•%2022(0.OSD7 ®Sl1RFACE BOLT RE]NF, 9r11WLE5SD FLUSH OR. MMINATED TO DOOR SWN SECURITY IAUWR IOf: RSILICONE (WHERE APPLICABLE) MR LOUVERS 16DD-A AEF SECTION HINGEsm S Troll Rom BOTTOM CHANNEL, t8 auvI ` %T WELDED TO DOOR ME:BLADES--}-a•Ar EHa-�•----e•Oa rTP--•{ �"Dc Tm--�a•Ar FmD-�-- WNS AT'3"O.C. STEEL RIB FILL SNAP-IN CHANNEL,DOOR PANEL CONSTRUCTION OPTIONS HORIZONTAL SECTIONS s LIRED WrrHG,E.II IB^ € BQLTS AT& FROM CORKERS.X12.'O.C. . DOOR PANEL oPRau> DECORATIVE TYPICAL DOOR TOP & BOTTOM KWLTI-PANEL PLFBDS56D 72' 25-8/0' DOOR .PAKEI, .MAX. MAx tNIFa THIS DETAL IS APPUGEIE PAMRNS HAY VA" D.t.0. 4La. � CONSTRUCTION,'(VERTICAL SECTION) tG-LouuEI+.tGAG t NUM AMA 41Y AIO 10, DOOR LOUVER KIT L!rrlr� d \\N\1pLFTUFHpry y � 'I f .•.•.••• ✓ y FLORIDA BUILDING CODE(HIGH 9EtDCrfY HURRICANE 2oNEj �L , �gy '�GENS�c'••'� y ommlva W, DOU a DIS Dow Du 9 pALVANN6Atr OR STAWLESS STEEL DOOR,FLUSR, OWWN 9A �.�Z. LWTI65560,W/VISION LIFE OR LOUVER KEYS WITH SIDE FAL " flNSH GLAZED UBS"TRAN—DF Imam IFRRLS *:/z ' IL ECO.... DAYBAR INDUSTRIES LTD 04/14/0 TMf,F TEBrOtG EWQrNSLRRVO COLE•AMY m IMr SWUM DOOR INFILL OPTIONS �.�p•.!20AldP,��akA�.i '»'�`n - ." e mI"' ,D,2o��""�c 18Ton �m4 t 5-057 rmm � Nh/_NAS.` `�� ""TIL �Au" 416,16 ... e..2 ... .a. - .ou.m. 2141111 00or 12 SUM FrIMN00HEAD , t 4-20 6/8'ttt'r4• EXTERIOR yuRM W STEEL (4)S/tIrO S.O.S Smum TO MOUNT COYER TO WADQ ti'F .iT u'}, 2',•.,, .�itf �IE%iD • COVER �• at N Q s 0• FULL ff NELCED• FMINO mm® Bio OPa�O" O as 12 OR �e 11%® Q e6z0 MTM(B 41 EXiERIDR C¢NNECTION.AT TOP (PLAN1 S O E1RER OR ' I ENTER R o+Ig 4 MACNME SCREWS • t S/t 3XII-IO/04' IIWON0 ® ' S7EEi Rrme 4.5 ( I I a I 8620 Y TR7INCO FOURED .. +r.'.�:.�.. CALK � O b ®6620 FD71NG 39 • •0MC "N �2O lNAMGH-IN W/t•MW.WMDNENI oNNg=N AT 90TTOM (PLAN) S90QN 11 STRIKE t2 11 CAIN-IN ANCHOR PLATE EA. SIDE 7/e'+�s/g � Am+UED TO MULLION 8620 BOTTOM LLION O ItTINO STEEL 20 • u • 3 0' NOTCH OUf 2.O-w • ON 7HRESHo�7O O FIT MCWOIN 0 VON DUPRIN SERIES 9954 Firm (W/ 499 STRIKE PLATE) ®MUL.fOm EL H62 MULLION INSTALLATION �IYYLUNIg11N�i — FLOMDA BUILDING CODE(RICH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE) EXTERIOR Q G et :�T y?y ® ® GALVANNFN.OR STAINLESS SU DomCOMMMIAIftLSN bm"Ott .. J.. �' y 2YMOS,E0.w vlsloM LAE oR LOUYFA HRS WIN SIDE f.RL '� "` LUES K TRANSOMS Or M IETtEN RIF01S MULLIONZWOR SEAL rs ot/N. *= 1 L E C O�Na. DAYUM INDUSMES LTD D'„r'� 4 nL6T TEsnNc d f�NO Ca(= mthat tmG 87AfIfON. YE 0 W.ate. ums a atra DN ur av L A F '�` n..r to u,r� w r tna�r-tart mr Boa eea w°MAO�+�wt ra.�s DPAW W ,FLOp10�' i m.oaDelp DIuw6D tro. ��4j�'F •• G`��r %M 1A(la M 67 . ' erect 10 oc12 ���hNLlintntuit� MULLION REMFORCEL094IMN1:64M REWORCOWU PLUG WELDED THROUGHELDEO THRWGH MULLION FACE AT 2•FRAME FACE AT 2•FROM HOW MULLS OLDS t 16'D.C.MAX 10 0.0.MAX END AT nLAME JAMBS FRAME CORNERS MRERFA.FULLY FAC . WWFLUEDDU AT 22MOOiFI� S COPEDm FULLY ED AT YFADES BUnw FLu1Y WELDED ROUND SMom AT 2•FACES t GROUND SMODTH VEM MULLS RUN THRU FRAME AT FF"t SILL FRAME CONSTRUCTION FRAME CONSTRUCTION FRAME CONSTRUCTION AT HORIZONTAL MUWON AT VERTICAL MULLION' AT FRAME CORNERS REDa(v dm) 'D ALWAYS AT MM Or 21 1/4'liH TMCALS PER ,• .. . BASE CIlP TD DONCPEIE ••�.�f MIDST STRUCTURE 1-3/4'MW IMBED 2^T/2•MRF EDGEDIST 3'MIN SPACWD ISOMETRIC DETAIL N/11 VERTICAL MULLION CONNECTION DETAIL a�Nun1T1 FrFFrhNy gLORODA SWLom CODE(HLGH VEWCFtY BUFMCANE ZONO �a C.Q,:••• �i��y ®zaMstuma m u c cDMMERcu1 `:Q�.�G SF••. 4U.VAMML OR SFAWLESS STEEL DOOR.FLUW, DwWH R, 'C .�' EMBOSSED.W/VMON UTE OR LOUVER 1015 MIERI SIDE FRi. 2 /� UTES k TRAFISOYS OF-OU'FEREW WFBLS' • ? 14/15 L c.0 seta. DAYSTAR INDUSTRIES LTD w/ATE = DATE FTLrq TFSFlNO t mraNrMrentD eoFw m ww=L waoa°a•"s-�mo°N'"°imwns+xN 15—DS7 -UODd"t M.1 UK— 44 ot • �rhNpNllfliT / • CONCRETE BLOCK POURED CONCRETE OR REQUIRED TO BE WOOD DOUBLE 8"x8•WOOD 5=9WALL REO'D QROUTED'CCNCRETE MAX. 1/4' W/G-OSS NAmH D TD SM70ING iE0'0. e BLOCK WAIL RE01). SHIM SPACE (SP OSO GRAVITY) SHIM SPACE 1/4" • °' a JAMB m s. d (SEE SHEET 6) (SEE SHEET 5) 1.500 4 GROUT ' EQ SPOT BPDT e na' u d WELDS WELDS •o d ...� 4- :d 3'MM Q EQ. 4 ED •�, .•a .L. •.�• e, OONTIHUCUS ••.' IAMB 4 ULK BOTH CONTINUOUS CAULK WES(m) 1 112" DTII SIDES Sm6s(IYR) 3. 4" MIN-1 JOINT 4 (L ♦NFODR STEEL 3/8'%6"WOOD ®MASONRY WIRE ANCHORS IN HORN:.MORtAR SCREW LAG BOLT -ADAM 04)16 W/MIK CQMmPREWON STRENGTH Q INSTALLATION OE 3/8"0 LAG OF 2.5 W(sm sNEU 5) SCREW 9 TO W000 FRAMs WALLS 2 INSTALLAJEQN OF Q WERE ANCHOR N SLEEVE ANCHOR TO ANCHOR SCHEDULE INSTALLATION TO MASONRY WALLS D ARCH= '%MST ATC SPAMQ og"M "%= C SPOW MASON& ALS 4/14 sLe Av"m CONE OR mm r Ir x a' it,cc r __77- 3101 2l0 wim S' t0'OO S IV DC r IC 0c 4114 DOLT A IDR. 002E i rr 00 5' ti•x- 7 10•ac 1114 WI omw 41R8 O OCK - - - - IF 1C 00 FACE 5114 07aE1.7 ww SIID. a• 1/"00 7 M OCA d• WOO AND G£5 u-m 11 MAX 1/4 ON 1/4Y TNCM OHM=OR lbW --- 1/8" 3 8'-12`0. . 1N BETWEEN --- g le - EAnBpOR ALL AROUND sE9M�u!kAIZIOUND !a0 ANCHOR NOTES: MW."33"sTE CHANNEL,W/MIN. POT WELDS 1.SEE DCIERIOR ELEVATION&ANCHOR SCHEDULE 5,t.ONCRETE HOST 56TUCTLIRE SHALL HAVE 3,000 PSI �Fy�W/MIN, 16 GAGE WEB FOR ANC OR AOR SHN1 BED�NOSTALLPEA'D�IN•ACCOROANCE MIN6�.WO DHOST�RE BIW.L BE"6'DUTHERN 18 GAGE WEB 6 0 BOLT LSNTM MWdUPACTURIRS'RECOMMENOATKSNS. PINE"G.0,55 OR GREATER OENSTTY. NUt 3. INNIMUM ETABEOMENT&EDGE•OISTANCE SHALL BE 7.WHETLE EiO5TING STRUCTURE I5 W0O0 AS NOTEO3/B' FY RE'D HEAD DYNABOLT SLEEVE '1TtATASTENERS ARE'INiOOADEQWNS TE WC00 ERWIHGVARY. FURD IPOT WELDS ANCH30/ MEMBERS,NOT INTO PLYWOOD(U.N.O.), SHEET 5) 1-•1/2'MEN EMBED(CONCRETE OR 8 'SMW SUBSTRATE SHALL HAVE 1880(0.040' MIN 4 QROt1E^BLEEDBLACK) THICKNESS. iNSTAIt NNEL H ,)?iMBQ-Q R 2^S/4`MIN EDGE DISTANCE 9.MACHIN£'SOREWS US£D`WITH SLEEVE ANCHORS STEEL CH/{NNEL THRU WEL INS 31W HILTI HLC sLEEVE ANCHom SHALL HAVE MINIMUM OF 1/2"ENGAGEMENT OF THREADS IN 1-1/4"MIN EMBED CQNCRETE OR BYSSE ANCHOR, GROUT-FILLED BLOCKS 10,MASONRY WIRE ANCHORS ARE ONLY APPLICABLE 5 INSTALLATIQ�(3F 3/8m 4*MIN EDGE OlS1ANCE AT JAMBS-•ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT HEAD& F H AAS M ,SIM CHANNEL 3/8'LAG SCREWS: SILL USOLQ ONE OF THE OTHER LISTED ANCHOR OPTIONS. 11.FOR THRESHOLD USE 2"MIN EMBED(SYP WDOD.0=0.55) EMBEDMENT BY I(W/fBUILDE%OR MW CONSTRUCTION 3/4' 1-1/2"MIN EDGE visrANCE PRODUCt W/2 i/2`MIN.EDGE DISTANCE. a.MINIMUM EMBEDMENT AND EDGE DISTANCE ,'021/1Hi# OFS STUCCO,FOAM.BRICK,AND OTHER WALL �Ia Y,.:�.••A. FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 03GH VELOCITY llURRICANE ZONE) \'c�•` t; �c �la1m 1 cno ar Douai£ sw=COMMERCIAL oEA,el trc: V�C'`'•.� y mvm"OR sTAw=STEEL DOOR,num r EM8059Ep,w/VISION um OR LoWE'R tOTIS WTIH SIDE 1'JLL ANCHOR DETAILS' � � LREs k 1RARSDu4 of CSWERENt OftKLS /y ia�� •* _*_ �L �`COt[yC. DAYM INDUSTRIES LTD 01110 A1C VI' "� p +iL,1Mp,'4h NMS 1C CWfAAY SD �,,p yam., n"...r w'�,r�t•I� r.•I"m. m:a1�-Womm�x:w e2 1.5—OB7 yr'r3•., i.. .' •'�► l79-0000771 cr.� mrr:ra .� ae r - owrww ./n ORANINO 1b 'fiSJ• .•.•• SIM 12 OF 18 I/lllllllpll ' 1.DOUBLE&SINGLE SERIES 80130.4 4080 EMBOSSED OURSYANG COMMERCIAL CALVAHNEAL OR STAINLESS STEEL FRAME 'SHEETS CONTENT: DOOR SHOWN ON THIS PRODUCT EVALUATION OCCUMENT(P.F.D.)HAS BEEN VETT(FIm FOR CODE COMPLIANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2014(5th EDITION)OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. DOOR MAY BE INSTALLED AT HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONES. SHEET #1 INDEX, COVER SHEET & GENERAL NOTES. DESIGN WIND LOADS sHALL BE DETERMINED As PER SECTIONS I=&1600 OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED CODE, USING SHEET #2 ASSEMBLY ELEVATIONS NO 1 & 2. ASCE 7-10 AND SHALL NOT WEED THE MAXIMUM(ASO.)DESIGN PRESSURE RATINGS INDICATED ON SHEET 3. SHEET #3 MAX. DESIGN PRESSURE RATING (psf.) SCHEDULE. ' IN ORDER To VERIFY THE ABOVE CONDITION,ULTDIME DESIGN WIND(AADS OETERMNFD PER ASCE 7-10 SHALL BE FIRST SHEET #4 BILL OF MATERIALS. REDUCED.0 ASA.DESIGN WIND LOADS*BY MULTIPLYING THEM Br 0.6 IN ORDER TO COMPARE THESE SWEET #B COMPONENTS. W/MAX.(ASD.) DESIGN PRESSURE RATINGS NDICATED ON SHEETS 3 THIS DDOWS ADEQUACY FOR WIND AND IMPACT LOAD HAS BEEN VERIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 18Y0&1809.1.2 SHEET #6 DOOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED CODE AS PER PROTOCOLS TAS-201,TAS-202,TAS-203 AS PER CERTIFIED TESTING LAB. SHEET #7 VERTICAL SECTIONS AND DOOR FRAME DETAILS. REPORTS fCRw 2045W, , "2o4sL- IOTLA 204sw-2,SCM 204SW�7 AND AS PER SUBMITTED STRUCTURAL SHEET # HORIZONTAL SECTIONS & VERTICAL SECTIONS AT HARDWARE. C"LlIAtt3NS. PERFORMEb as PER SECTIO S 1818 k 1601 OF THE FLORIDA BUILPNO CODE SHEET #9 RIM EXIT DEVICE W/ REMOVABLE MULLION. 2.AL CDMPCNEHTS SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED ON APPLCABLE DETAIL SHEETS AND AT BILL OF MATERIALS(SHEET 4) OF SHEET #10 ANCHOR DETAILS & MAX, SPACING SCHEDULE. THIS DRAWING. 3. COMPLIANCE OF EGRESS/ESCAPE.REQUIREUENTS OF THESE DOORS PER FLORIDA BUILDING CODE TO BE DETERMINED BY BUILDING OFFICIALS ON A CASE-BY-CASE BASIS. _ SERIES OR ALL URESIISSTANNTT COA�TEDBLCARBOk�AS PER DMETAL IN METAL)10 WITH 50 Iml YIELD POINT ANDEEL 90 OR ks16TENSILE STRENGTH&SHALL COMPLY W/FLCPJ12A BUILDING CODE SECTION 2411.3.3.4. &AL WELDING TO CONFORM W/AMERIGW WELDING SOCIETY AWS.D-1.3 AND 0-10.0 REGULATIONS WITH EEO& ELECTRODES,FOR GALVANNEAL MATERIA6 AND W/AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY A.W.S.D.1.6 REGULATIONS W/E-30B ELECTRODES(FU=130Ma.1.)FOR STAINLESS STEEL MATERIAL ' 6.ALL ANCHORS FOR DOOR FRAME CONNECTIONS 10 EXisRNG STRUCTURE SHALT.BE AS SPECIFIED ON SHEET'10 OF THIS DRAWINO. MAXIMUM ANCHORS SPAc(NGS SHALL Be AS PER SCHEDULE ON SHEET 10 AND ELEVATIONS ON SHEEP 2 OF THIS OR4WNC. SEE SHEET 2 FOR THRESHOLD ANCHORS,AND-SHEET 2 FOR MULLION ANCHORS. 7.PROVIDE MAX•LOAD BEARING SHIM SPACE AS,INOICATED ON SHMIS 3. IL 316S,-DOW VfiL NOT REMIMM A HLRRICL!K PROiEGTION DEUR B.THESE DOOR ASSN ISUES ARE APPROVED FOR WATER AND AIR INFILTRATION AS PER TESTING INDICATED ON GENERAL NOTE 1,AND SHALL BE LIMITED TO DESIGN PRESSURE RATINGS INDICATED ON SHEET 3. 10, PROVIDE SPECIFIED SEALANT AT ALL DOOR FRALIE it THRESHOLD COMPONENTS INDICATED ON THIS DRAWING. ' 11.WOOD BUCKS BY OTHERS,MUST BE ANCHORED PROPERTY TO TRANSFER LOADS TO THE BUILDING STRUCTURE AND, MUST BE.SOUTHERN PINE-W/•C-OSS,AND SHALL COMPLY W/SECDONS 2411.3.3.3; 2326.OF THE FLORIDA SUILOM CODE 12,PERMIT HOLDER SHALL VERIFY THE ADEQUACY OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURE TO SUSTAIN THE SUPERIMPOSED LOADS TRANSFERRED BY THESE DOORS. 13. (a)TM PROouCT' It*OO=MENT(P•ED•) PREPARED 8Y THIS ENGINEER IS GENERIC AND DOES NOT PROVIDE INFORMATION FOR A SITE SPECIFIC PROJECT,L+.WHERE THE SITE CONDITIONS.DEVIATE FROM THE P.E.D. (b) CONWALTOR TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SELECTION, PURCHASE AND INSTALLATIONINCLUDING UPE SAFELY OF THIS PRODUCT, BASED ON THIS PLED„PROVIDED HE/SHE DOES NOT DEVIATE FROM THE CONDITIONS DETAILED ON THIS DOCUMENT.CONSTRUCTION SAFETY AT SITE IS 713E ODNIRACTOWS RESPONSIBILITY. (a)THIS PRODUCT EVALUATION DOCUMENT(P.ED.)WILL BE CONSIDERED INVALRI IF ALTERED BY ANY MEANS- (d) ORIGINAL P.ED SHALL BEAR THE OATS,SFAs.AND SIGNATURE OF THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF RECORD THAT LNIM1111H14q ' PREPARED R. ?N`��p�T+ IT✓'IgA FLORIDA BUILDING CODE($IGH &NON HIGH VELOCITY BURRICIWE ZONE) 14. PRODUCT MANUFACTURER'S LABEL SHALL BE LOCATED ON A READILY VISIBLE LOCATION AT PRODUCT IN ACCORDANCE �' ',,``GEN��f�, ': misnm000ro aW a salt 5ER16 8080 a 4oI0 WARN SECTION1710.8 OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE - +T�::V "c••�'•: 4 ® OUTSWiNO COMMERCIAL GALYANWAL CR ONE LABEL SHED ALL BE PLACFOR EVERY OPENING. d.��1 • SGINLEBS STEEL.FWWE DOOR FAL r - �. FLUSH 08 EWHOSSE0 W/14 15 I�wa. DAYBAR INDUSTRIES LTD RATE TRiIr 77TRN0 a EyGDDIEF4lNa GOIRANr 10 I=DFYE BA'mmK THIS DRAWING SHALL ONLY BE USED TO y�9 fp.: v'. "r'>�n�=, ."d"=` °i- Tm+m � t5-056 OBTAIN PERMITS IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA .y'°'•!rLOR1.., . -moat DIIAWOW No ,,, t?�. E8-0A0871a am u�mu out aaa mso uu AryN��AUIVAI� �� n 9aNscaACTmxl"167 ' sNaT 1 ovlo W-4-NAk GVMW 1 �T,p CTYPJ `4•MAX mx 2ET•p CTYPJ mm MOTH 4'R W MAX ap ailc Own ANCHORS OPTtiliAU OECO<tATivE ^� S 1�M e . NOT REn "MANX EMHOSSIN& WRIM NFL OsS1MG AT HEAD 4WATfER7a4 MAY V.R. �i VATTERNS Y YAR'P) g O N •40 ii IF TT FI iF iF 11 TI It 11 11 FI 't�,f" �•'1•i...• IIf �y.....y •� F't,,...,. . MAMSIRtICTDIN egg SPY`y MtRI. � p t�REYP.Y•OSM PAWL CCP1�'101/5'RUCTmDETN , C ur R � Af/j IM T Elvis L!-scia � �� REF ANCHOR SCNEWI.E REF ANCHOR SCHEO RfF Mrs , � TSHM� FDR MA%SPAdNG AT SOS.. FCR HAX CORNER FCR HWC SPAtCiG Ai S71L . ON'*MEET 10 DISTANCE AT SRS. ON SHEET li ON sMEET to of NE @ REQUIRED AT SINGLE DOOR. DOUBLE DOOR EXTERIOR ELEVATION, 'SERIES' 8080 SINGLE DOOR EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SERIES 4080 • a`'""�R A t T""ka FLMOA BUILD=COM(HIGH NON B Tabatt Blomme ZONE) '�C �'i{'y Pd=amra�l u 5 L+i e Im Ato.44167 = o °' MDAN DR o tan LECQ�+.a. DAY3AR INDUSTRIES LTD t mrX r�ENa1�MCAprlyl6bagmen M% RFK Gare MOW. l*f> InWii�a 1FL W0 az wt6Tmm-ml 15-086 jt?JpliL�N N`a��� ,�• ap >K,. emrMa ays oRawnm My ARk."t 2 QT!O .. " ,'T�N�NNllttttt\d �Ia001 Uo. .MI@T � MAX. A,S.D,' DESIGN PRESSURE RATING (psf,) SCHEDULE FOR .INSTALLATIONS CdVERING SERIES 8080 & SERIES 4080 DOORS FOR A GIVEN ANCHOR JAMB TYPE A ITEM CSEE ANCHOR SPECIFICATIONS. AT JAMBS X SERIES 8080 DOOR SERIES 4080 DOOR S44EET 5) CSEE SHEET 2) (SEE SHEET 2> 35 0.157" DIA.x9 1/2" LONG WIRE ANCHOR (SEE DETAIL 1/10) +50, -50 +70, -70 36 2 PIECE COMBINATION STUD ANCHOR (SEE DETAIL 5/10 &. 5A/10) +50, -50 +70, -70 37 EXISTING MASONRY ANCHOR & E,M.A. (SEE DETAIL 2/10) +50, -50 +70, -70 37 EXISTING WOOD BUCK ANCHOR +50, -50 +70, -70 W/WOOD SCREW LAG BOLT & E.M.A. (-SEE DETAIL• 3/10) S7 EXISTING WOOD BUCK ANCHOR +50, -50 +70, -70 W/ STEEL CARRIAGE BOLT & E.M.A. (SEE DETAIL 4/10) 37 CHANNEL IRON THROUGH BOLTING W/3/8" x 3 1/2" +50, -50 +70,.-70 STEEL FLAT HEAD MACHINE SCREW & E.M.A. (SEE DETAIL 6/10) CHANNEL IRON W/3/8- STITCH WELD (SEE .DETAIL 7/10) +50, -50 +70, -70 w NOTES.ON FRAMENEAD REQLFIREMEAITS 1. FOR SINGLE & DOUBLE DOORS INSTALLED AT WOOD FRAME BUILDINGS, DOOR HEADS SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY RETAINED BY EXISTING BUILDINGS WO❑D HEADER FOLLOWING DETAILS AS PER SECTION E, SHEET 7. 2. FOR SINGLE & DOUBLE DOORS INSTALLED AT STEEL .FRAME BUILDINGS, DOOR HEADS SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY WELDED TO EXISTING BUILDINGS STEEL FRAME HEADER FOLLOWING DETAILS AS PER SECTION E, SHEET 7 & DETAIL 7 ON SHEET 10. 3. FOR SINGLE & DOUBLE DOORS INSTALLED AT CONCRETE /MASONRY B,�41, hj S, DOOR HEADS NEED NOT BE � ATTACHED TO EXISTING BUILDINGS HEADER, APPLICABLE TO SECTIOU� IC&! , `tG �s�••� F40RIDA BUIImING COpE(SIGH dC NON SIGH VELCC(IY HURRICANE 7ANE) C % ®me,e�.a poumE a s soeo X161 .••••: ° R Do S m,MANE�OR RAW FLUSH OR 00=0 �(. E C Q rMa. DAYBAR INDUSTRIES LTD *.. 2 DAR e..��►� 7RGf R:SANO d 6N0lNllR7Ir0 COWAN tlG 46t OAF \ : a� xtlrw a is a to xr 15-056 �syry FLd(�\ FEW .. i-rmf' Ru we azae000°�` nb foe , Q�••••••••• L8^WOB7I9 ALY,w •mna. Ni[ �cA, w m as ORAWMO No BILL OF MATERIALS: n wM> u um M stows ERN0l6AA SA I PERIMETER E E.,.ww 1�p¢Qf05t9 GALYAtAgALED STEEir thw�jsait UR AIS)304 SOCIEZ STARAESS MO. ASM A453.TYPE!r VITN A4D P#MTADLS.Gpi.VAIRCAL CRATING iL'aOiwA 2 DDDR PAIDL ASSt]OA,Y ffL',USN DR F1®04SEW 4N.YA10fEiY.ED STEE4 AST"A984,ASM A690?r TYPE R.Y1TH MO PAINTAI4L 4'y�45XA6 FN'60tU0 IDt Al$l 304 SCIDS' STAD'E.ESS MVAMNEB.0147010 SSEEL ffY=49rAi,MSU&f4. 4 TIW MOLD. WAR 477S F21TRtab ALIORNWI 6063-TS w M v5M RPM- 5 IN E5"Cl10 AAOCt&Eos Cff=CD AL(DDMRN NO-75 WITH VD(Yt RUMP6R 6 ilGM TOPIBOT1T41 QW41CL. 16075'x L439` ! (0,0619 INLYAMMF.A2.STEEL gSTI[AGM WITH 660 COATM DR . 57703 OIZSi 304 SSRtEST.- 7 HOOK S7iW-II7 TOPAWTUP Cow 1.5685•:iD0' Dp�a Ip,�•1 •yµ y, r 1.<AaTM A653 V[l11 660 MATINZ)OR . :STi4D#ESS alm.(ASS[304 SERIE.0 R COM PACU8 KNUD wff wraw 000-024.RD - 6063-T6 A X45", 9A FURL M'R77SE ti041E arm—MAN SMOFR 4MI-1279 STLt1.WER IF-RT SPECS? 98 ML INR=MM CITANDARD),MAGER OW1191 STAR M STOOL(PER MAS SPV= VA FLU.IDR=14"M OEAYT?MAGER i7D-31631 SIM MFR RFR'S SPECS? . in FULL MORTISE Hmx OEAYTA MA68R on--3199 STADRESS STEEL(PER MFR'S SPECS) , IS ON-F101•DEVICE, MAGER 4500 SEW STADAESS am D$R wi; V= 12 MM STROM HAM 4920' STAD4=STEEL O'ER MFR'S SPOT, V/TDP-LATCH 1149E G 44928 AT ENDS. 13 SVR EMT DEVRE• kN6ER 4500 SERM 9A—NLS—SS STEEL(PFR ovs R-= 14 SVR TDP STR*b RUM 4WSF STAD4E91;STEII.(Pk7t MTir3 SPECA . 15 C1LUMCAL LCCX+ FIA M 84M an am SFRaES STASM,ESs S7Efi.d4R RER3 SPCC9 16 DEAD BOLT, MM 3100 SM= STARLESS STEEL(PER MFRS spl= . N'' N94ASE-LGPMT'VI OTA XLD 4IAM'3800 SORES SIADIESS SIEEI:M 1iRB SPECS 14 SU42'ACE I LT iAR'at son OY L.OIT9 - STAIMESS S17:E1.Q'1R MFRS SPIElSO 19. DDTR M STAB R2DIFt�EtQA 0007UDU20 eon 6ALVAW.&SiTM W STAINL=S[75",L FDR MORTISE fuMA7E6 1Dan 20, MDRT-HINGES ORAEDF�COiO(T IROURED FUR 8p.MVANNKIL STM ISR STAINLESS•STEEL 21' ASTRAGAL ST7itME REl1D'DRf670RT' fto,6ALV&VML STEM M Suaw-cS.T-STEEL .. .. 12 FRAME SIRDIE R£ROMACEMIXT t40D 010741 GAL AMCN.STEEL DR STATMCSS STEEL 313 Dt1fR LOCK S7KE REEW 040[EISE 1.000,3500•or ZOW 144n=749 01YA#FN.STM DR STAOSTSS STEEL. 24 CYLDOom L=AND DEADSDLT RE7NF0tcami T STEEL,SATIN COATSDO 29 D=SIRPACE SILT REDiORtS.tEMfl 1698`X 3.5'x 9' Up 461749 GALVATEKAS.am 1R STAOatfss SIM M DMP CtOSM FEDiDRMICM LM,x 39,x 1625' 1404 010!49 6W.VAtNEAL•tXM TR STASMM ST'EFL 27 DUTit1 FLY#low RIA EA1 WTT-008.. STEEt OrtR RFas SPECS) 28 HASMRY VIRE 408031 SIM,Fy-4&A Fuw96w M:CLIP-DM SND AMM DO"mm AM#653 A-60 MVANEALFA STOOL 30 ASTRAGAL VEAINCRSTRTPPINO 1NtaER'878SPER MICS SPECS DELPRET(E INSERT) . 31 t ASTRAD4LNFi1lHO=RIPPV&., 100E 0745 PER NFR'S SK=ounvew-IN5£R70 32 FWM-GN VEA7HRSTR"DYN"HAM 71.63 SAICMW.&RB-410I2SIYE 33 PFRUEMR VFATHERSTWP 06 RAM 8915 FM KIS 6T+M SIKH!!DOMPM 34 SwM It44p 7769 PFR wws RM M➢mwi DUNPEIO 3S VII$MAID w TRAw AMOERS - - STEEL V/MK YIELD STR MGNi r•400ts1 AND 40H.TEN=STROMM a 9S9 KSt 9 I/2•LONG X 075T'.NDL DIAMETER -36 CI.TPA(STUD AMCiC4S(8 PIECE C1UIfQtkVTSDtU s7m,ANTH A-653,A-60 4'ALYWCAL i TIS`X 9 W$'*X 20 GAUOE*CM MFW W(4)E8 X 15/8'V®1 SCREVS. 37 OIA'DUTYERFI,Y N[tlIDR DART IIPri-008F STEEL 10 6A u STEO.SATIN=T. E 38 R'UNG 4 27G D MACER SURF/4:E�.T STEm V!vaew PDRBN FZ2♦GFAA ap 71",,.TtHrBID�-24�x!�74310 84LT EACH Lb18E,C�TIDk�T 39 VQ7.DUPRIN 49994(811CVAELE MD4.LifH 8125•Tido(A 900 GRADE 5 SYML SSCURED TD 499=RUM PLA7E VTTN 0)t5/1(t0-08t0,4KW WM==LV& 40 CAUt.Icm 4E SO.T NE.U- MLICMC- AS MOW GN DiTA16 4l SURFACE STR= CEMENT l8 CASE GALVANNEAL Qt STAIIdLSS STEM 72 GATR 06097't03L)x CSI•x tL875•LUNG CSCE SHEET 9L MAtiiN 411670 - itiNNa USE AT rr atep%t 8t11L61niG.CM,( LCMH h I7aD1 RIGH.vEli)Lm HtIR1aCANE ZONE) AISI 304 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL WITH Fy =45.75 Ks! 4`� U FN+'••. ®xo1D 113=olm SERIES 1050 AND Fu= 101.38 Ks1 iR maswli[D=Cp1NEACUL DALVANMFai OR DMMR DM c' No. F�t1 rum• ��L E DAYBAR ROUSTRIES LTD o jTyla DATE 731117�7fe N fXG'02ERDIP C'011PANT EO 1S'R GANG 3'$�iR`�+•. ORION •�••6d6nJ0,.,'s E'ss„°7JF Til Dab px9 m `oD P 104: 15-•056 loo, muMrO xA ihA) NAL N Ta "t[PI a"u�s 4�iTai sxu7 4 w tC POURED CONCRETE OR RE IRM TO BE WOOD DOUBLE 2'x8'VOOD SIUGS. CTEOUIITFO TO BE WOOD DOUBLE 2'x8'V=STUDS CONT =W W/G e 0.55 NAILED r0 S MATHING REA'0. W/G-0.55 NAILED'ta SHEATHING RFA'A WALL RFD•D BLOCK GROUTED W,��� MAX, 1/4' (SPQCIFlC CRAVR'Q MAX, 1/4' �SPEGFlC CRA`RR� MAX.1/4' SHIM SPACE SHIM SPACE SHIM SPACE JAMB O ; °• (SEE SHEET 5) E*(MSF1,E SHEET 5) ! .. (SEE SHEEP 5) Is000 .a GROUT O EGL / Ea, a V�/Y OSPOT WEDS SPOT WELDS WELDS 3• MIN ED, ,E,D I ,°; e• COMINUOUS •• 1'AMB CON11NU0(IS CN1UC CONTINUOUS CAULK ( ) cw•mNuous cAuut BoD+SIDES(TM) stoEs(+�r•) 1 I/E' .SIDES(TTP.) 9' 3' 4' MIN--I JORrAR NT ve MT 14EADEID MM 9 3/8'X 61 WOOD 4.RRIAIIEIB X •STEEL SLE1:V@ ANCHOR.. SCREW.LAO W)T. W/NUT AND WASHER. Wl5ONRY WIRE CHORS IN HORIZ MORIAR IMS•FILL JAMBS(_SOLID WDH CROUT PER d ASTM C470 W/MIN.cDMPRESWOH STRENGTH OINSTALLATION OF'.3/8`0 LAG, ®INSTALL 3/ � CARRIAGE OP is K$1(SEE SHEET 5) - @INSTALLATION ❑F ' _SCREW 8 T❑'W❑❑D FRAME WALLS BOLT o TO WOOD FRAME WALLS @WIRE ANCHOR SLEEVE ANCHOR TO =GME VOLME amTts N TALL T N MASONRY WALLSANCHOR SCHEDULE S11L JIM MASONRY WALLS SHIN SPACE ®ION.1rouD�E 2'wl•vlmD YBL 1 33Ksi STEEL 80 x/Is �'ccTve A•o°.r. �� N N!m V P1'm: re 1B•DC 5• a•ae STT7DS R9"V/G-D.Ss CwiMJEI,W/MIN, SPOT WELDS wu �'OLT a HIT vtcm c` woee• a•m 6, fs'Oc s• a-0ECiFfGRAy1M,AS TUDS OR®M[N 1.5 DACE W® O 3/W 7/0'LAG A7SK DfAI y VD:•m 6• 7Y m 6• fe•DC N w m DIP•a r 1 18 GAGE METAL STImS ff KED 0,514 0 aJeO y10 CUP-314 SM AMOA= V=SRW NIA r 17'M N/A r 17-11 33 EOLT IS75 AMBO O 6'NUT SA/m rL m-M muD M oras MESAL N/A 9• n'DD N.,A 9• Lr oC SPOT WELDS vLG.. .NAnw VB1E 11ASaNRIf N/A w• w OC N/A 1s• w•m 101 tl Tn° =1qr vEwsrt�s N/A sr st•m N/A c• a•a 4 (SEE SHEET 5) 4�Z7 GE SI000HE B 7qB'TOMMV/Da1aOt E G` te'DC N/A N/_ALV fe•GC N/A N/A ALL AROUND ANCHOR NOTES& G WNI M Dgco*T1r Axa 5=MANCE Dare cazoGR eLLVAf m A A,am SC1 suet RN Amm Sncm.rww SwcN,AND Oi1at vALL FGCSICS ,...® LWATA°LS ANUM SPACIWL 7,CCIXWM MST swicmE S HAVE sD �Ob ©INSTALLATION DE-/891 oma.a s wRErA F,H, M,S .TO TEEL CHANNEL x LaL Altldif ATGIIGSb""w'"e'�"° ,�1�r3 mP���w.�'s AsrN c9°YDce 18750 3.NOW SIMIJ C GIV�SSErrs WOW CUM 14SIMCE Nm SPACM e.vms HOST mwm Rc sxw Ic / FADE JWEyDS AN�RET11M0AT"�1014" " V17N •mlftfEall PGE G•(477 DL G18i1101 DE713[iT. �C AND GE SIUCONE it A vKFaE o¢ScmG Sl7N1CTUIE fs VO>D ?a?;i??; o• CUPIN STUD �T/8' 3/8"-12"0. IN 19LI WEEN a 3/D•SLEEVE MIER awmu FWt VW"ATMN TO cmr�=as FaAl ,IxuTu+O�mrtmis N\Y Vrm,rMa i e:iE�i;`i ii•.,:;:.:.;., o ANCHOR WELDS ALL AROUND uD vewy TMNpL7�ngs,a'rniNAm vi A A=. ISM (SEE SHEET s) JAMB OR 3/G 1aD HFJm mNA:N r sEe/s ANaaa m STS'LVRST r 9u..HAVE 1hN COW) . HEAD 1rl/2 MN tOmED P-114'IDN FNE GisrAltr� x w nDOa6i p}�e W/t-t/4'MiN s/e"Han lac Leen@ ANWM M71 taa•MIN EMIa3, THRIIDED PE19EtRATION CUPIN STUD .•MIN Lvct G®rAxos IL N40M SCREWS rsm VM SLEEVE YIN.fyoJ3IC31 S77D7. 3.3 ,iS/B•LAG"'M S U L NAVE G•KIN OM L l-LE•NPN FJCE ANC&=2WJ-HA I�@mOpwpep,1 OF VV OMMM H. SORM Ca GAGE W YAL pA _ � W/1 We•NGL ENZW U a e W-NX®EAT JfON"OS/yGyE ANCIf uax APRIr..r PF'ER ANCHOR ���5) 1B GAGE W 9 1 2'1BN.GYPSUM WALL OR PLYA1000 \\\\\\gILLLI LIIt� OTIIINO Q `spa\�1�� ..T��4�I .FLORIDA BUILDING CODE'(HIGH k HON RIGH oELOCRY$URitICANE ZONE) S gc A r`� '••51y .10EIYs ;�.Q ®TAISTATr°oaa DOUBLE It ERCtILaw°OANHat EAI`0°0OR ORMDn 7 INSTALLATION OF JAMB(L�T� STAINIESD Sha WMYE DOOA FAL INSTALLATION OF 2 PIECE EEL CHANNEL THRU m0 =Tt • °a EMBOSSED /,aha 1L ECOINC. DAYBAR INDUSTRIES LTD M I ATION STUD A r a ENS ,,, soww� �N St NCHOR f38 INT❑ WOOD FRAME OR s01 F R „'�, .'�" "' ,r„w, a,�`c'a�'ez,.sa 15-D56 M TAIL STUD WALLS ANCHOR DETAILS+ v�- PZaAATAN°,� ilavu+ua arae IF 1 1sxsar to ov w i DOORSAREUNDER SEPARATEAPPROVALR E V I S 1 1 .N S DESIGN PRESSURE RATING IMPACT LTR DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED FALCON(FW-R Rim PANICIEXIT RATING 98"MAX. 484 MAX. DEVICE COMPONENTAPPROVAL A NEW 05/22/09 PANEL WIDTH PANEL WIDTH POSITIVE 470 PSF LARGEAND B REVISED 03/23/11 TrpTYP NEGATIVE -65 PSF M�LIE C REVISED 02/28/12 1 D REVISED NAME 11/01/13 ®LQOKBIDe A B C i REIt f 'g 4 X W1618 MS RERWORCEMW LOCKSXIS fr�� �.Fya120 Met mtn. RENFDaccEMENr 1 ! 2.0' 4 xwDeaDE R�NaoRc e�ivle Rsl®ruaIH Ef t`e o:q COVERsm 2 X 11440 MS MW TO MOUNT OV MAX'MIEL f � AIgEL , � y1tf10UCT'krrtnRl► COVER � t f � 3,D HeaafPlli.•'^•tie rYnrlM MULLION BDBY f s ! e BEIdIntCws •�+�•ZOIf .125• THK WALL zilpintimDOf9 u Li A 50D GRDE STEEL � VON DUPRIN ArAc 9954 HARDWARE 4062Vf" .aaa U ON a''/ 2.8' MIN. EDGE H . I VONOUPAMOVAdn�EMu�uMSN D15TA E D 1, DIS MIN, EDGE I}� STRIKE E F) ANTERIORVIEW) DISTANCE P\STRIKE DOUBLE OUTBWING DOORS WITH(2)FALCON(F)25R RIM (INTERIORVIEW) MOUNTED WITH PANIGIEXIT DEVICES WITH VON DUAAIN 0054 MULLION SINGLE OUTSWINGDOORWITHFALCON2A'O,Cr•' • ' 3XNID•248TEEL MSCTINDSMZ MACHINE (F)25-R RIM PANICID(IT DEVICE S FV-120 ksl Mh SCREWS ss-m EXTERIOR O 2.8' MIN. EDGE 3 3 c EKTWOR 3A' 2.750 DISTANCE 4Xb118.18Ms Mum"OR3 O'C' FY°120 kEl tmn. 3,50 ! �Q MULLION FITTING _ gx8118.78 VEATHERSiiOP BASE & HEAD MULLION BASE DOUBLE EXPANSION ANCHORS 8620 STEEL FITTING +•, ti EMBEOMENT:141f8'MIN. EATHERSTRIP I =ME 9 EDGE DISTANCE AND '•a''d� ,,r �.; IN390D.P81 COMPRESSIVE 9 D,c. SPACING SHOWN FOR STIENGTHCONCRETE INTERIOR BASE FITTING INSTALLATION INTERIOR 3NIERIOR fiTRDle 9 - I . i IRN ATE VON CUFAIN 1 I 8'fTUKE8IGS OR U ON' MAX,EB 0054 MEBIDI06GDfi8 HINOQ BfDFOF eINDLe DOOR • X siE.HAX. MULLION OFDDUELEDOOR°WRH ODOR 3 111 N AX HARDWAPSMUfUI011 ITA&A 4 MIL STL MAX,2 ALL OTEFINISHES,V AND 4'DOOR WIDTH MODELS OFFEREEL oRA N TYPICAL INSTALLATION is H t eTl. E AVAILABLE FUNCTIONAL OPTIONS R EL.FSAWSE,EA,HWFA,DM,LM,ANOAE. SEE COMPONENT DETAIL-SHEET 2 STRIKE E o Mw gBurr mwmr'' ° r A NHL e ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION IS UNDER SEPARATE APPROVAL AND MUST BE 9 FALCON 025-R RUI PANIC/MT DEVICE ,EVIEWED 13Y CORRESPONDING AUTHORITY. SND THIS COMPONENT DEVICE 18 APPROVED AS AN EQUAL ALTERNATE FOR SINGLE OR DOUBLE MANUFACTURING FACTUM 0 GA.STEEL OUTSWING COMMERCIAL DOORS HOLIy1NQ CURRENTA NOAORHVHZ COMPLIANT SCHLAGE LOCK COMPANY,LLC FALCON BC APPROVAL.DOUBLE DOORS ARE REQUIRED TO USE A VON DUPRIN 9054 HARDWARE MULLION. - 8810 HILLSDALE COURT 2720 7T�EY BRIVE HE DESIGN PRESSURE RATING OF THE ASSEMBLY$HALL BE EQUAL TOIMTOF ' INDIANAPOLIS,IN 48280 INOMNAPOUS,IN 48219 HE LOWEST RATEO COMPONENT,EITHER THE PANIC DEVICE OR THE DOOR. IHIRD AN&C PRI 1JELIENop THE DEVICE SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN COMMERCIAL STEEL DOOR NO WIDER o r MIAMI-WADE COUNTY HAN4VANDNOWGHERTHAN081. $jyjFi mAWO COMPONENT PRODUCT APPROVAL OPTIONAL SIGNAL SWITCH AND POWER TRANSFER UNITS MAYBE USED cxepceD FALCON 2S-R SERIES IS ALLOWED BYCODEANDIFITDOESNTAFFECTTHEME11HAMCALPROPERTIES RIM PANIC/EXIT DEVICE IFTHIS PANICIEW DEVICE ANIC/OR INHIBIT EGRESS.TO BE REVIEWED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL $l3 aPVRf>vEo aZE rfa 3580-2 SHEET 1 ❑F 8 -- .ALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS MUST BE UL APPROVED.. D THIS PANIC(WT DEVICE CAN BE INBTALLEDAS PART OF IMPACT RESISTANT UNIT. W59uumomom •ous E FIRE RATINGS IS NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL FM1on�A6�f6� ��' NTS AUTQCAD DESIGN PRESSURE RATING R E V Y S 1 N S FALCON fW541 RIM PANIClEIOT- IMPACT RATING LTR: DESCRIPTION DATE. APPROVED DEVICE COMPONENT APPROVAL A NEW YMF 65/26/1)9 POSITIVE'. +70PSF `LARGEAND 8 REVISED 03/23/it NEGATIVE .55 PSF SMALL MISSILE C REVISED 02/28/12 D REVISED NAME 11/01/13 FALCON OUTSIDE TRIM OPTIONS 8 X#425 THRU-BOLTS of (DEVICE TRHU•SOLTED 610!611 g9tNLLMECHANISM CASE WITH#10.24 MS) TSASE288-F(4WF) ' ALKSTRIKE' S13 LK LK I MOUNTED WITH 3X#'1D-24STEELAMACHINE SCREWSFy-120KSI APUSHBARd 1pd8tiCi'KF'Vtl,BEt' L,NL 13E,1)7LK .{ lM1eu�Qoer 612 Z12T Armo«No - •ZI 512T BE 6rpirgku DH4�� ;, 512T NL py lk le 'et ead' 612T DT o CENTERCASE 812T FSA .{ 5127 FSE 612T FSALK 012T LK FALCON (F)25-R PANIC/EXIT DEVICE DIMENSIONS TP NL DT BE 5127 LKE COMPONENT APPROVAL ERLRPROJ2784N: 618 513K DOUBLE DOOR APPLICATION REQUIRES NSA 613KBE VON DUPRIN 9954 VULLION DEPRESSED 1.914" ® 513K NL CENTER CASE SAM!X2642'X 1:814' 813K DT 613K FSA DEVICE LENGTH: 613K FSE FOR UP TO T WIDE DOORS. 33.696" O O 613K FSA LK NOTES: ' FOR DOORS WIDER THAN V UP TO 4' 45.5W 613K FSE LK 1,ALL FINISHES,T AND 4'DOOR WIDTH MODELS OFFERED. K,NL BE,DT 813K LK 2.AVAILABLE FUNCTIONAL OPTIONS:F,EL,FSAIFSE,EA,HWEA,OK LM,AND AE 3.ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION IS UNDER SEPARATEAPPROVAL AND MUST BE REVIEWED BY CORRESPONDING AUTHORITY. 4.THIS COMPONENT DEVICE 18 APPROVED AS AN EQUALALTERNATE FOR SINGLE OR DOUBLE MANUFACtURWO FACiUTY 10 GA.STEEL OUTSWINGCOMMERCIAL'DOORS HOLDING CURRENT ANOA'ORHVHZCOMPLIANT SCwAOE LACK COMPANY.LLc FALCON FBC APPROVAL.DOUBLE DOORS ARE REQUIRED TO USER VON DUPRIN 6854 HARDWARE MULLION. 6810 HILISDALE COURT 2720 TOBEY DRIVE THE DESIGN PRESSURE RATING OFTHE ASSEMBLY SHALL BEEQUAL TOTHAT OF WIANAPOUS,IN 48269 INOIANAPOUS,IN 48218 TH E LOWEST RATED COMPONENT,EITHER THE PANIC DEVICE OR THE DOOR, 6 MM THE DEVICE SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN COMMERCIALSTEEL DOORNO WIDER w o MIp I-DARE COUNTY THAN 4V AND NO HIGHERTHAN 88'. CAPDNENT PRODUCT APPROVAL B.OPTIONAL SIGNAL SWITCH AND POWER TRANSFER UNITS MAY BE USED MCKED FLACON 25-R SERIES AS ALLOWED BYCODEAND.IFITOOESMT-AFFEOTTHEMECHIWICALPROPFRTIES ��� a�1 RIM PANIC/EXIT DEVICE OF THIS PANICOCIT DEVICE ANDIOR INHIBIT EGRESS,TO BE REVIEWED SY BUILDING OFFICIAL. O.7{�� APPROVED 7.ALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS MUST BE UL APPROVED. o,�„�,,,PA. .pt, 3580-2 SHEET 2 DF 8 D Lv &THIS PANICIEWT DEVICE CAN BE INSTALLED AS PART OF IMPACT RESISTANT UNIT. ma9¢is.wnoe.t a B.FIRE RATING IS NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL NTS AUTOCAD DOORS ARE UNDERSEPARATE APPROVAL R E V I S I LI N S DESIGN PRESSURE RATING 66"MAX. 48"MAX. FALCON F 25-C CONCEALED IMPACT RATING LTR DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED PANEL WIDTH PANEL WIDTH VERTICAL ROD EXIT DEVICE A NEW 09/22/09 COMPONENTAPPROVAL 8 REVISED 03/23/11 D D POSITIVE +70 PSF LARGE AND 1I 1 SMALL MISSILE C REVISED 02/28/12 i�i NEGATIVE -70 PSF D REVISED NAME 11/01/13 I( A ' C II O iDCK910E ©LOCKSCIE B RCINFORCEtdFHT B wFaao rr ;t !Ik/RE©o� I EXTERIOR * i1�RI 1 3 1 I` 7'H'pII ©©HINO68SOS �lll{MV ©HINGEmDE 4 HINGESIDE ==I 1 REI(ffORCEMEHI 1� REWFORCPJBW + �+ 98'. Rr�NtaROmueHT ,�1 I 98"MAX 1 PANEL �2 1 I PANEL I AMPOrNVAUD HEIGHT,t._ _ -- — __-- _ ' HEIGHT wf _ _ i WEATHERSTRIP A N'6'w'u'+xlny�y/ a J 9 �PnDtl�/ 4arrr ��. k i INTERIOR Aar roAweCnnl Q n t STRIKE JAMB SIDE WEATHERSTRIP Q OFBINGLE DOOR DETAIL ^ DETAIL E• EeTAIL E DETAIL C (INTERIORMEM (INTERIORMEM INTERIOR EXTER113R DOUBLE OUTSWING DOORS WITH FALCON F-26.0 SINGLE OUTSWING DOORYVITH FALCON F•2.8•C BOTTOM LATCH CONCEALED VERTICAL ROD EXIT DEVICES CONCEALED VERTICAL ROD EXIT DEVICE EXTERIOR �( EXTERIOR DEent:GanLe s0ua JINTEMIOR THRESHOLD p e•' I/2'LATCH THROW 1 3 3 1 NOTCHED 3/0' ENGAGEMENT FOR STRIKE t } * ++ 2130 BOTTOM STRIKE STRIKE REINFORCEMENTIN , © GROUTED INTO FLUOR HEAD OF SINGLE OR FLOOR LATCHING RETAIL DOUBLEFRAME CONCEALED VERTICAL ROD EXIT DEVICE DETAI:DINTERIOR � 11EL1: OEscRmnOH UATmHR snE L uTT . GOOK sLAs �• MarlINGE'DGESOFODUSLEDOORSWITH s 0 DID sax 9&44 MAY. CONCEALED VBRTICALRCD ENT DEVICE RDiOlielDEOF • AD7•NM.GIL Lux,DO DOOR S 'H DflTA1L A HWQE M .771 el NOTES: gsiAllyB s Iz- s GE 1.ALL FINISHES,WAND DOOR WIDTH MODELS OFFERED. a RDD s TE 2.AVAILABLE FUNCTIONAL OPTIONS:F,EL,FSAIF9E,EA,HWEN DM,LM,AND AE. a FALCON V-25-0 CONCEALED VERRCAL ROD EwT DEVK:E S.ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION IS UNDER SEPARATE APPROVAL AND MUST BE TYPICAL INSTALLATION REV]EWED BY CORRESPONDING AUTHORRY. SEE COMPONENT DETAIL-SHEETS SEND RADIUS 4.THIS COMPONENT DEVICE 1S APPROVED AS AN EQUALALTERMATE FOR SINGLE OR DOUBLE MANUFACTURINO FACILITY: i9GA.STEEL OUTSWING COMMERCIAL DOORS HOLDING CURRENTANOA ORHVHZ COMPLIANT SCHLAGE LOCK COMPANY,LLC FIUCON FBC APPROVAL DOUBLE DOORS ARE REQUIRED TO U99 AVON OUPRIN 9931 HARDWARE MULLION. 0810 HILLSOALE COURT 2720 TOSEY-DRIVE THE DESIGN PRESSURE RATING OFTHEASSEMBLY SHALL BEEQUALTOTHATOF IMMANAPOUS,IN 40280 INDIANAPOLIS,IN 402i9 THE LOWEST RATED COMPONENT,EITHER THE PANIC DEVICE OR THE DOOR OJ901DII TITLE S- S.THE DEVICE SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN COMMERCIAL STEEL DOOR NO W1DER nRA c MIAMI-MADE COUNTY THAN 4WANDNOHIGHER THAN SO'. •MFi' w,ae,w COMPONENT PRODUCT APPROVAL B.OPTIONAL SIGNAL SWITCH AND POWER TRANSFER UNITS MAY BE USED cxEcicEa FALCON F-25-C SERIES AS ALLOWED BY CODE AND IF ITDOESNTAFFECTTHE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ���'`� CONCEALED VERTICAL RDD EXIT DEVICE OF THIS PANICIEXIT DEVICE ANDIOR INHIBIT EGRESS,TO BE WfiEWED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL p v size F T DVD RO Rsv 7.ALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS MUST BE UL APPROVED. OwdomTho ,P2 Din 3580-2 SHEET w5 OF 8 D 8.THIS PANICIEXIT DEVICE CAN BE INSTALLED AS PART OF IMPACT RESISTANT UNIT. 2160SI"u"e Cd 9.FIRE RATING IS NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL. G"°'•0"4m0 aoar..,arRt NTS I AUTCCAD I DESIGN PRESSURE RATING R E V I S I ❑ N S, FALCON F-25•0 CONCEALED IMPACT RATING LTR DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED VERTICAL ROD EXIT DEVICE A NEW OS/22/09 COMPONENT APPROVAL POSITIVE x+70 PSF LARGE AND 8 REVISED 03/23/111 NEGATIVE _70 PSF SMALL MISSILE C REVISED 02/28/12 D REVISED NAME 11/01/13 4188 T13P STRIKE MOUNTED WITH FALCON OUTSIDE TRIM OPTIONS 2 X 1110-24 STEEL biOL MACHINE SCREWS �y MIN,=l20 KSI b10/611 1 BE ��----•• 610E NL -61OLOT TDP LATCH 0:01.FSA TOP ROD ® 610L FSE GL FSA LK I MECHANISM CASE 6i0LFSE 6 LK b FSA CENTERCASE s LSE SA LK r/ L,NL BE,DT 511 FSE LK T1UCHBAR 511 L 512 512T ® 612T BE pt »HGtl-oFlotldA 612T NIL A+N► No .^Zt •21 612T FSA 512T DT • G+aIT�y°'D"' BOTTOM ROD ay f " 11 612T FSE 4188 STRIKE 512T FSA LK BOTTOM-BOLT TP NL DT BE 512TFSE LK GUIDE 12TLK 613 613K 13/L6• DIMENSIONS 513K BE / 11 613K NL FALCON F46-0,CONCEALED PROJECTION:CONCEALEp NEUTRAL 2784" -313K DT VERTICAL ROD EXIT DEVICE 2130 213TTEIM DEPRESSEL 1,814" 519K FSA COMPONENT APPROVAL L Lnb' _ STRIKE GRUU7ED INTO FLOOR CENTER CASE: 8,928'X2,042-X1.914" 613K FSE DEVICE LENGTH. O O 513K FSALK FOR UP TO 3'WIDE DOORS 33.698' 613K FSE LK NOTES: FOR DOORS WIDERTHAN 3'UP TO 4' 45.586" K,NL B1e,DT 613K LK 1.ALL FINISHES,3-AND-4-DOOR WIDTK MODELS OFFERED. 2 AVAILABLE FUNCTIONAL OPTIONS;F.EL,FSAfFSE,,EA,HWEA,CM,LM,AND AE 3.ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 13 UNDER SEPARATE APPROVAL AND MUST BE REVIEWED SY CORRESPONDING AUTHORITY, 4.THIS COMPONENT DEVICE IS APPROVED AS AN EQUAL ALTERNATE FOR SINGLE OR DOUBLE BEND RADIUS 16 GIL STEEL OUTSWING COMMERCIAL DOORS HOLDING CURRENT A NOA OR HVHZCOMPLIANT MANUFACTURING FACILITY! SCHLAGE LOOK COMPANY, FALCON FBCAPPROVAL.PRESSURE DOORS AREOUPRIN AT OF HARDWARE MULLION. 6810 HILtSDALE COURT 2720 MBEY DRIVE THE LESION PRESSURE RATING T,EITHER PANIC DEL BE EQUAL DOOR. OF INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46280 INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46219 THE LOWEST RATED COMPONENT,EITHER THE PANIC DEVICE OR THE ODOR THIRD ANGLE PRWMTMN TITLE FALMN 25 900MIWMMippROVAL am) 8.THE DEVICE SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN COMMERCIAL STEEL DOOR NO WIDER DRAWN DARE MIAMI—DADE COUNTY - THAN48"ANDNOHMERTHANW. avrzor COMPMENT PRODUCT APPROVAL S.OPTIONAL SIGNAL SWITCH AND POWER TRANSFER UNITS MAY BE USED ` W KED FALCON F-25—C SERIES A8ALLOWEL9YCODEANDIFITDOESNTAFFECTTHEME*MIC,ALPROPERTIES 1� �{tc( CONCEALED VERTICAL. ROD EXIT DEVICE OF THIS PANICIE70T DEVICE AND/OR INHIBIT EGRESS,TO BE REVIEWED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL VVV 1JJ l 1 E S WdG IM SHEET 7.ALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS MUST BEULAPPROVEO, sod"ntrom■■,ve Dal. 3580`2 6 ❑F 8 B.THIS PANICIEXIT DEVICE CAN BE INSTALLED AS PARTOF IMPACT RESISTANT UNIT. arcaew,■omcan APPVL B.FIRE RATING 18 NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL """°N� NTS AUT17GAA Radd■�4U1! SC R E V I S 1 0 N S 6F-.SjGN PRESSURE RATING LTR DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED FALCON OW-M MORTISE COORS ARE UNM SEPARATE APPROVAL PANICIEXIT DEVICE IMPACT RATING A NEW 05/22/09 COMPONENT APPROVAL R REVISED 40""M (SINGLE DOORONLY) c -[-- REVISED 02/20/12 PANEL WIDTH POSITIVE 1+70 PSF. LARGE AM F—D1 REVISED NAME 111/01/13 NEGATIVE 1.70 pap I SMALL MISSILE 7 f C 0 oeMWORCEM09 rxf&RIOR EXTERIOR But P :L HEIGHT VEATHEMRIP W -—-—-— TRIP I LTR DESCRIPTION V R REVISED ISED t4 EXTERIOR L:WEATHERSTRIP INTERIOR R INTERIOR 74 ww INTERIOR OC (NTERIORVIEW) MOVE DOOR SINGLE OUTSAING DOOR WITH amug oErAIL FALCON(F)23•M MORTISE PANICOM DEVICE yawag-Ook size OT IN u -00051 SUAB 71 NOTES. —7 134 An LEV x 11.091 film t ALL FINISHES,VAND V DOOR WIDTH MODELSOFFERED. 0 9 1 1 MTSC RAMOANT OEMCE 2 AVAILABLE FUNCTIONAL OPTIONS:F,EL,FSAIFSE,EA,IiWEA,OM,LM,AND AM r B.ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION IS UNDER SEPARATE APPROVAL AND MUST BE TYPICAL INSTALLATION REVIEWED BY CORRESPONDINGAUTHORITY. 4.TM COMPONENTORVIOR ISAPPROVEDASAN EQUALALTERNATE FOR SINGLE ORDOUBLE SEE COMPONENT DETAIL SHEET 8 Bee RRUIUS 18 GA.STEEL OUTSWING COMMERCIAL DOORS HOLDING CURRENT A NOIA OR KVHIZ COMPLIANT ANLAGE LOCK COMPANY.L40 LLC MANUFACIURING FAOUTY-1 FSO APPROVAL OCUBLEDOORgAREREQUIRED TO USEA VON DUMNSMHARDWARF-MtLUON. usto HUSI)ALE COURT 2720'MBEY DROVE, THE DESIGN PRESSURE RATING OF THE ASSEMBLY SHALL BE EQUALTO THAT OF TNUIANAPOLIS1IN 40250 INDIANAPOLIS,IN 492196— THE LOWEST RATED COMPONENT,EITHER THE PANIC DEVICE OR THE DOM THRO E CaTION JIFLE FALCUW95 SERIES 5.THE DEVICE SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN COMMERCIAL STEEL DOOR NO WIDER DRAWN I ffmi-MADE COUNTY I, 7HAN4VANDINONIGHERINANOW, ymy MPONENT PRODUCT APPROVAL- FALC 25-M SED S.OPTIONAL SIGNAL SWITCH AND POWER TRANSFER UNITS MAY BE USED CM IES MORTIO& PANIC/TXtT DEVICE ASALLOWED BY CODE AND IF IT GOESN'T AFFECT THE MECHANICAL.PROPERTIES OF THIS PAT4101EXIT DEVICE AND/OR INHIBIT EGRESS,TO BE REVIEWED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL, ...........— mv tL 3580-2 SHEET 'OF 8 D 7.ALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS MUST BE UL APPROVED. M S.THIS PAMCIEXIT DEVICE CAN St-INSTALLED AS PART OF IMPACT RESISTANT UNIT. %mm�cd WvL S.FIRM RATING is NOT PART OFTHIS APPROVAL. WmTs AUTOCAD DESIGN PRESSURE RATING R E V I S 10 N S FALCON (F)2b•MMORMSE LTR DESCMPTION DATE APPROVED PANIGEXITDEVICE IMPACTRATING A NEW 05/22/09 COMPONENT APOROVAL (SINGLEDOORONLY) B REVISED 03/23/11 POSITIVE +70 PSF LARGE AND C REVISED 02/28/12 NEGATIVE 70 PSF SMALL MISSILE D REVISED NAME 11/01/13 FALCON OUTSIDETRIM OPTIONS MECHANISM CASE 510 MORTISE LOCK HOUSING s10lb11 51OL8 510E NL LATCH BOLT 510L OT 5 FSA 1279 STRIKE FEE a (STAINLESS STEEL) V 6 K TICE FSE LK ... 51 OLLK TOUCHBAR 611L (2) #12-24 STAINLESS 1 FSA STEEL MACHINE SCREWS 51 L 5A CENTERCASE Fy=120 K51 PBSBR >11IY 17oeldtr L,NL BE,DT 511E BE 11LLK. LK )261 A„�C pre 'z / 512 512T 512T BE 4 7/0' Bal tlur FALCON(F)25-M 1%". 15127 NL MORTISE PANICIEXIT DEVICE roa:e 5127 DT COMPONENT APPROVAL 1 V4" 512T FSA SINGLE DOOR APPLICATION ONLY 1279 STRIKE 512T FSE 612T FSA LK 512T FSE LK TP NL DT BE 612T LK -DIMENSIONS 513 ISK 69K BE TOUCHBAR PROJECTION: ® 613K NL NEUTRAL 2.784' DEPRESSED 1.914 519K DT 513K FSA CENTERCASE: 8.928"X2.842"X1.014' 513K PSE DEVICE LENGTH: O O 513K FSA LK DIES: FOR UP TO 3'WIDE DOORS 39.696" ALL FINISHES,3•AND 4'DOOR WIOTH MODELS OFFERED. FOR DOORS WIDER THAN 3'UP TO 4' 46.698' 613K FSE LK K NL BE,DT 619K LK AVAILABLE FUNCTIONAL OPTIONS:F.EL.FSAlFSE,EA,HWEA,DM,I.M.AND AS, ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 18 UNDER S EPARATE APPROVAL AND MUST BE EVIEWEDBYCORRESPONDING AUTHORITY. REND RAI:Ns THIS COMPONENT DEVICE IS APPROVED AS AN EQUAL ALTERNATE FOR SINGLE OR DOUBLE MANUFACIURINO FACOiTY 3 GA STEEL OUTSWING COMMERCIAL ODORS HOLDING CURRENT NOA OR HVHZ COMPLIANT 9CHLAOE LOCK COMPANY,LLC FALCON 30 APPROVAL.DOUBLE DOORS ARE REQUIRED TO USE A VON DUPRIN 8089 HARDWARE MULLION. 6810 HILLSDALE COURT 2720 TOBFY DRAIE HE DESIGN PRESSURE RATING OF THE ASSEMBLY SHALL BE EQUAL TO THAT OF — - INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46250 INDIANAPOU3 IN 48219 HE LOWEST RATED COMPONENT.EITHER THE PANIC DEVICE OR THE DOOR N11RD ANaE PRtuecnme Nw THE DEVICE SHOULD BEINSTALLED INCOMMERCIAL STEEL DOOR NOWICER DATE MIAMI—BADE COUNTY HAN48'ANDNOHIGHER THAN W. yw omros COMPONENT PRODUCT APPROVAL OPTIONAL 61ONALSWRCHAND POWER TRANSFER UNIT$MAY BEUSED FALCON 25—M SERIES 8ALLOWED 13YOWE AND IFITDOESNTAFFECT THE MECHANICALPROPER-mg MORTISE PANIC/EXIT DEVICE F THIS PANICIEXIT DEVICE ANDfOR INHIBIT EGRESS,TO BE REVIEWED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL. PRO FIAT lava m ALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS MUST 82 UL APPROVED. emw. p.E Caro 3560-2 SHEET 8 OF 8 p THIS PANICIEXIT DEVICE CAN BE INSTALLED AS PART OF IMPACT RESISTANT l/NIT. wagaku c m mu OR4a040 13iG P FIRE RATING is NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL. r3oaa.s�te sc NTS i AUTOCAD