HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs 0911712015 13:01 SHARKEY AIR ll]FAX)772 220 3787 P.0041008 This combination qualifies for a Federal Energy Efficiency Tax Credit when placed in service between Feb 17,2009 and Dec 31,2014. r Certificate of Product Datings AHRI Certified Reference Number: 5876323 Date: 9/17/2015 CEE Tier: CEE Tier 2 Product:Split System:Air-Cooled Condensing Unit,Coil with Blower Outdoor Unit Model Number: 4A7A6049H7 Indoor Unit Model Number:*AM7AOC42H31 Manufacturer:AMERICAN STANDARD Trade/Brand name:AMERICAN STANDARD Region:All(AK,AL,AR,AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC,DE, FL,GA, HI,1D, IL,IA, IN, KS, KY, LA,MA, MD, ME, Ml, MN, MO,MS,MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK,OR, PA, RI,SC, SD,TN,1X, UT,VA,VT,WA,WV,All,WY, U.S.Territories) Region Note: Central air conditioners manufactured prior to January 1,2015,are eligible to be Installed In all regions until June 30,2016. Beginning July 1,2016,central air conditioners can only be installed in region(s)for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. Series name:SILVER.I6.4.001-D;XI: .:.,;. Manufacturer'respont lble:for the'rating of this system combination is`AMERICAN-;STANDARD;:: Rated;as follows:In••accordance•with%AHRI%Standard•2.10/240 2008 fo.r,.Unitary.Alr=Conti{tlorling and Alr-Source Heat.Fump•Equipmenf•and::subject;to•verification'of:ratiragaccuracy.by?AHRIrs.ponsored'. indeperidoot;.third party.testing; Cooling:Gapaciiy(B.tuh): 46000:,,•' •• •.EER Rating';(Caoliiig.):•. .•: .. -"13.00•:.'• . . . . . •• 'SEER Rating (Cooling): MUG IEER Dating (Cooling): Ratings followed by an asterisk(')indicate a voluntary rests of previously published data,unless accompanied with a VVA$,which Indicates an involuntary rerme. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the pmduet(s)listed on this Certificate and makes no representations,warranties or guarantees as to,and assumes no responsibility for, the product(s)listed on this Certificate.AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(B),or the unauthorized alteratlon of data listed on this Certificate.Cenlfled ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed in the directory at%vww.ahrldlrectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI.This Certificate shall only be used for Individual,personal and confidential reference purposes.The contents of this Certificate may not,In whole or in part,be reproduced;copied;disseminated; AM entered Into a computer databasa;of otherwise utilized,in any form or manner or by any means,except for the user's individual, personal and confidential reference. AIR-GON4mONINa,HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION &REFRIGERATION INSTITCTE The Information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.ahrid1reetery.0r9,click on"Verily Certificate"link we mAce life better" and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was issued, which Is listed above,and the Certificate No,,which Is listed at bottom right. :•• ""r 02014 Air-Conditioning,Heating,and Refrigeration Institute ':CERTIFICATE NO.: 180869821621509840 0911712015 13:02 SHARKEY AIR TAX)772 220 3787 P.0051008 Awlk6w S*qdwd 4A7A6049H-SPEC-1 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING TAG: ' NOTE:All dimensions are in mmAnches. 4 Ton Split System Cooling - 1 Ph • 9 4A7A6049H Product Specifications OUTDOOR UNIT CSO 4=60491-111000A POWER CONNS.—V/PH/HZ U 208/230/1/60 MIN,BRCH.CIR.AMPACITY 26 BR.CIR.PROT.RTG.–MAX_(AMPS) 45 COMPRESSOR DURAMONTM-SCROLL SERVICE PANEL NO.USED-NO.SPEEDS 1-1 ELECTRICAL AND REFRIGERANT VOLTS/PH/HZ 208/230/1/60 COMPPRPAEYAIL1116 CODE;, R,L,AMPS U-L.R,AMPS 19.9-109 FACTORY INSTALLED START COMPONENTS On NO INSULATION/SOUND BLANKET NO COMPRESSOR HEAT NO TOP 61! N ARTA f L 0 aaA[lTA1CIE0 fDA AT LLAST 1 t3 re h ABBY MIT IT.UNIT 611011 E 0 SO RwrAhN-DFF rATEA a A9T Due OUTDOOR FAN PROPELLER DIRECTLY NE DNaAAu1B[Ai ON TIM 316D. ehr4A Into DoAUnRS�ril�i{Dui DIA.(IN.)-NO.USED 27.6-1 _T----------- _,.—,. TYPE DRIVE-NO.SPEEDS DIRECT-1 CFM 0 0.0 IN.W.G.O 4240 NO.MOTORS•HP 1-115 MOTOR SPEED R.P.M. 825 K VOLTS/PH/HZ 200/23011/60 I.L.AMPS 1.00 16JfTJICAI OUTDOOR COIL—TYPE SPINE FININ ItEAN1 ROWS-F.P.I. 1-?,4 as 1 is 111 FACE AREA(SQ.FT.) 30.79 A TUBE SIZE(IN.) 8/8 u.R mer DIA. REFRIGERANT La VOLTAGE U.4 Harm LBS.—R-41 OA(O.D.UNIT)0 11 LBS.,09 OZ, WITHa.a. ,M 77.E IT1( D FACTORYSUPPLIED YES apriplEr�ca rA. I LINE SIZE-IN.O.D.GAS OB 718 LINE SIZE-IN.O.D.LIQ.C) 3/8 LreN)D 1)wC fERY) VAIN,••1.o. LC BARIC COAADCFIW CHARGING SPECIFICATION nr11 1u•HE ruac N F SUBCOOLIh1G6°F ._ ....____...__.._. Pl61URE TAP FITTINGS. 4.0,rill ALTERNATE ELCCTAICAL eOUTINO DIMENSIONS H X W X D J 1.o.`iIt 11 AYU'1"'u"caA emiV RTT'll 04 iu CRATED(IN.), v1 x 35.1 x 38,7 © I,=PamimQ TAY rnrlNc. WEIGHT IWID LIRE SERVICE SHIPPING(LBS.) 304 VALVE, D. conlic'D. DIALE NET(LBS.) 267 RITn w•9Al`ILA" PAEEeaAE TAP Fllrla4. FCO.2 M As LINE sERAICE I' VALVE D'I.D.FEMALE eRAXI,CORRECTIOA 157 CerilBedtia4pareanpa vAth thx AIPSourne UrdlAryAr•mnpltlpnvr Equlpmint oprtdlpAtlDn pr9prrh whlph PITAICY uC r Is based onAHRlstandard 21NM0. 4 PRCaaUAE rAP F1 n D. palEdinaeeerdanrewith ANSI ilandard270. 0 (1J Calculated In ROCordance COM Nall,EIM CMOs.Use only HACK GFCutt breakers or fuses, O Standard Air—Ory Cod—Ouldoot (n True Vile epproMmate,For more precise vAWo see At npmeplate, On Max Enear lanolin 80 R;Max Bit•Suction BO I;Max Eft•Liquid 1101 For greater length consult reftkterant p1pmg Software Pub.No.U-3312.7 From Dwg.0152662 ('denaIs latest revision). (�Thla value Shown for compressor ALA on the unli nameplate and on itt a speolfleaeon sheet IS Used to MODELS BASET I A B O D B P O H I J K crrpuleminhnumhwlchdrcuitempealyrndmaA.(usaivaThavalue Muni&the branFiTaradselerli°n Current, 4A7Aa040W 4 7147 aT0 779 0!9 151(9) 21B 6a 50a(1D) 0 No means no an oemporien a.1134 means quick start W(componeAts.PTC means Positive temperature PD 1M ta7•N/41 (34.114 (s-7/a) (e a of (;yel) COMM starter. Sound Power Level A-Weighted Sound Full Octave Sound Power[de] Model Power Level[dB(A)] 83 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz 8000 Hz 4A7A6049H1 74 70 70 65 1 64 1 62 1 58 49 42 Note:Rated in accordance with AHRI Standard 270.2008 0 2011 American Standard Heating&Air Conditioning 0911712015 13:02 SHARKEY AIR OAX}772 220 3787 P.0061008 0 TAMW PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS RATED VOLTS/PH/HZ. 200-230/1/60 RATINGS(a) See O.D.Specifications INDOOR COIL-TOO Plate Fin ROWS-F.P.I. 4-14 Face Area(sq.R.) 5.04 Tube Siie(in.) 3/8 Refrigerant Control EEV Drain Conn.Size(In.)(o) 3/4 NPT DUCTCONNECTION6 See Outline Drawing INDOOR FAN-Type Centrifugal Diameter-Width(In.) 11 x 10 No.Used 1 Drive-No.Speeds Direct-Variable CFM vs.In.w.g. See Fan Performance Table No.Motors-H.P. Motor Speed RPM Variable ECM Volts/Ph/Hz 206-230/1/60 F.L.Amps 3.0 FILTER Fllter Fumished? No Type Recommended Throwdwdy No.-Size-Thickness 1-22 x 20-1 in. REFRIGERANT R-430A Ref.Line Connections Brazed Coupling or Conn.Size-in.Gas 7/8 Coupling or Conn.Size-in.Llq. 3/8 DIMENSIONS H x W x P Crated(In.) 57-1/4 x 25-1/4 x 23-1/2 Uncrated 56-15/16 x 23-1/2 x 21-3/4 WEIGHT Shipping(Lbs.)/Net(Lbs.) 162/151 (a) These Alr Handlers are AHRI certified with various Split System Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps(AHRI STANDARD 210/240). [b) 3/4"Male Plastic Pipe(Ref.:ASTM 1785-76) `�)1(�i "ir . c"Ela4 � 9$ r1t)1 /kO4s<�SSt��4��t '4A " 'Ebk ^ fe�+f( 240 Volt 208 Volt Heater Model No. No.of Capacity Heater Minimum Maximum Capacity HeaterAmps n mum Maximum Circuitskey BYUH Amps per Circuit Overload kW BTUH DerCirr.Ult Circuit Overload Circuit Ampacity Protection AM138CIty Protection No Heater 0 - 3.0** 4 15 - - 3.0** 4 15 OAYEVACO5++1 1 4.60 16400 20.0 29 30 3.60 12300 17,3 25 25 BAYEVAC08++1 1 7.66 26200 32.0 44 45 5.76 19700 27.7 38 40 BAYEVAC10++1 1 9.60 32800 40.0 54 60 7.20 24600 34.6 47 50 BAYEVAC10L(33 1-3 PH 9.60 32800 23.1 32 35 7.20 24600 2010 28 30 BAYEVBC15LG3 1-3 PH 14.40 42000 34.6 47 50 10.80 36900 30.0 41 45 9.60 32800 40.0 54 60 7.20 24600 34.6 47 so - Circuit 10) BAYEVBC15BK1- 2 4.80 16400 20.0 25 25 3.60 12300 17.3 22 25 Circuit 2 9.60 1 32800 40.0 54 60 7.2D 24600 34.6 47 50 Circuit 1 BAYEVBC20BK1- 2 9.60 32800 40.0 50 50 7.20 24600 34.6 43 45 1. **MotorAmps 2. See Air Handler nameplate for additional informaLion. 3. Heater model numbers may have additional suffix digits. (a) MCA and MOP for circuit 1 contains the motor amps TAM7A0C42-$VB-1 D s 0911712015 13:02 SHARKEY AIR TAX)772 220 3787 P.0071008 miami tech Inc. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ;oGE arANDAND CONSTRUCTION MATERML, SINGLE=HOLE DESIGN to GAUDM99AS'1hiA 60=94M==^GALVAN00 S EEL STANUARDS=M uppto (� 1B' UJ TYPE BASEEI WIDTH HEIGHT PACK QTY. DEPT CUTp4 1.28' 1" 4" 4 PKG. CUT04-13 1.25" 1" 4" BULK CUTpt3 1.2.8' 1" e" 4 PKQ. 1 CUT135-5 1.25' 1' 6. BULK CUTD8—B 1.251, 1' s' BULK CIJT011—B 1.261, 1' 11' BULL( canto—e las' 1' 14' BULK u CUTolt3—B 1.25" 1' 18' BULK TURES 6` RAWAnUM STEEL PROYLLIES WCELt BAIT CORROSM O fl RPSISVWCEANALONIMM. SLA7M0bpsraNFRGWVWA uNwmmAL Mauhr, W AVAILABLE IN PEOBOARDDISPLAY PACKAGES II (4 PER PACKAGE)UPW e: 1119999 SULk PACKAGING AVAILABLE FGRALL StYE& AVAUMLEINALLIMINIIMPORrKVA N CRGArtR CORROSION AE=rANCG f40ElEL WTAAJQ OP904"Offg Optional Soule hole Nord EryGIN»:rtINCDATA AND cALcLnArroNa l wil AVAMELB UPUN REQUEST. e Ah fl HaI>*s dE516N anchor with(1)]l4"&w=cr AVAILABLEw 4'tWMff ARC nT LVmdd=(arcgum eno 4" cwben rteei Tkraort embadda E°SVD 1d/41,minim=into 3,1790pvi eanmefa+vA'1+7df1"mLhWmm edge dlstnnas CONTACT MIAMI TECH INC. FOR AOomoNAL p INMRmAmuN oR wrm spEex REququmn Ts. 3611 NW PHONE: 305-89MIAMI.54 7 rAY-S05-693-6152 WRIb WWW.MWMITECH.CDM E1,f k SAI.FSOMRMI =CH,C0M CUTO ' miem i tech Inc. CONDENSING UNIT TE DOWN ...,, PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS �H-01-2004 C UTD Nola ALL uw m*a 91ledmr m amc Immur PAom Nmlerr IV 6-30—Z01O (O 0911712015 13:02 SHARKEY AIR T4772 220 3787 P.0081008 C31NEEI�ING E PRS s1z A FRANK L.8 INNOVATION June 16,200 1X7orlcPreptired or; MiWn1M;A Ino, Cerelcation.valid fpr 5011 I yW 74"'Stns! one (1)project site Miami,FL 3314.7 only. Regmding: AIC Unit Tledown to Concrete Attention; Building Official This office has revlewed the dtuign ruh(ulrumenwfor the Instailution of air conditioning units onto eanereto slahbs uslagNiiami Tech Condensing,UWt Tlcdowns,(CUTD-1).Tho tiedowii or clip used far the lnstaBoacin shall be fabrleatetl tubag galvanized steal (AS1"M A653, Grade 33 miniiutun), mamiring 4"-19"'tgll x 1" wide x Age (0.070"minimmu),with layout as described below,and a maximum height-of 60"per ii;pk The.lower leg or each clip shallte mtehorad to the.doncrote•host structure with(1)IMP diameter ITV/Bm'ldex(or equivalent)earpon steel Tepeon embedded 131WI minhnum into 3,000 psi.concrete with 2,.112"minimum edge distance.The upper leg of emb clip shall utilin a minimum of(2)010 sheet metakscrews anehamd through the clip into the minhum 22- gauge(0,028"tulnitmtm)steal housing(ASTM A653,Grgde 33 ntinilntun).Maximum wind pressures for use with thisi4:dallation are as noted below;additional anchors may be utilized to achieve higher pressures,as shown; Table b (a)clip regulretl at each corner of unit or(2)each opposite then for n Motel o dper unit miodFdw.Ar T 0 (2)SMS (3)SMS (4)SMS Pttac•Arae � 4 114 FSF +I-154 PSF +l»150 PSF UP TO 7 +1- 63 PSP +/ 98 PSP W.127 Pyr+ 9 +/- so PSF +A 76 PSF +l- 98 PSF A/C UNIT 12 +1. 38 FSF +1. 57 PSF +l-'14PSP HOUSING t3 ;$n 75 +/-30P5P •M- 45 FSF t/- 39P5F (220A MIN) � Nola:(Wrowori aaaaplebta forkth unc-and twa-anchor holt vcmipos crow C=, Tablei (3)clips required at each earner of Wait ar(4)each uppwita face 10 511$ ; far A total ofper unit (113rATmNMmd " vluuES) Q .Q Foe,AMa ift (z)5M5 (3)am (4}5iviS �tl CQNCRE"i 20 fi/-45 FSF +1- 68 PSF W-91 PSF (1)1/4"O Q� d. 36 PSF +/- 54 FSF +1- 73 FSF TAPCON 30 t/-33 PSF +T. 50 PSF +l- 66 P5F •MINIMUM 39 +/- 30 FSF +/- 46 PSF 1/- 61 PSF Nato(1)Tapcon pcceptahtefarhoth ontaaad ova-mrchor hole vetskmal'Ale CCrfO. All other installation work shell follow the!minimum requirements of the 2007 Florida Building Cade with 2009 stipploments. Thenkyou foryam•.attention is thkinatter. Respectfully, o- E_IJGtNEGfitNG DCPRESS® . SPE00 16549 Cart,Auth.9855 csat r&I 160 SW 12T" AVr=Nun #106 DE5K:ret.o Br-Ar-H, FL 334442 PHONE: 954-354-06611 FAR: 95+4-3S4-0443 WWW.VNGBXP.COM