HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4111501 OR BOOK 3788 PAGE 381, Recorded 09/16/2015 at 12:43 PM f. t (i _ k NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT To be completedwhenconstruc'tion Vo'Fua Clctcads$2,,5oppD, _/ PERMIT a; TAXFOUOa�l 4i i STATE OF FLORIDA COUNW OF ST W OE i The undersigned hereby gives tmtice that ImprovementwlB be madeto renin real property,and Inacmrdan,owhh Chapter 713,Florida Statutes,the folioceing information is provided in this Natkeol Corwramemtnt. tF At PTiD OFPROPERTY AND E PRESS,1F 1V 7f, p*t(f>H �'' A�Sei1 Pec 314 Yb ENE t tMP MENT: e�bn bi ttud'ftane Shu ets i OWNERINF MATTNORpt IN Tt TttEt NT OR THE INjPRO�fjAl Address Name: ii++�ff-���r---- Y✓ : G n•�� ) Interest In property:_ "- Name and address of fee simple tine holder(II dlNertnt from Owner listed aba,Q: CONTRACTORS NAME:F`�,i'efl shunter Eomicea Inc. Phone No.:(772)871-1915 ' Addreu:1828 SW&ItrndE St.Pott SI Wtle F7.3C94B SURETY COMPANY(If applicable,a copy of the payment bond Is attached): Name and address Phone No.: bond amount: _........-- LENDER'S NAME• Phone Na; Address: Parsons within the state of Flodda designated by owner uponwhnm neural of other dntmnents re&Y be served as provided by Seal..713.13 11)(a)7,Florida Statutau Name: Phone No.: -_ Addroiz' m.oputun to mmtelf or herself,owner designates of to receive a copy of the Donors Notice as provided in Section 713.1311)lbl,fiorida Statues. Phone number of person or entltY designated by Owner: --- Expiration daw of Nalktt of Commeleatnanh (the etptratlon date may not be before the ounsplsthm at tanabucdon and flat Payment to the contractor,but will be i Year from the date of r.ourding unless a different date k apacNkd): WARNINGTO OWNER ANY PAYMENTS MADE",9 OWNER_FTFTER TME EXPiRA1!0 OF THE NOTICE OF COMRENCEMEM ARF C.ONSiDFREO, IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNOER CRAMER713.VIE 1 SECTION 713,13,FLOfn2AS&W95 ANDC RESULT JELMR PATINA TWICErare IF.IPRQV f uF_'t3Tb YOUR PROPERLY A FiOFtsyi O_,COGiMFf:CEMEpi t'nt.KT_..�R 11ECQRDfDAND POSTED OTLTNE146 SIT€EEEORE ittE FIRST INSPECTION lFyOUIWENpyQ,QBTAtNFINAVCfNG rnr.InTWITHyCti9tFNOER OR ATTORNEY BEFORE C.,.h,MFNCINC WORK OR g=RDiNO YOUR NOTICE OF CQMMENCEMFNT. Undtfpc"I olia"I ry,tdectate tiiv�avetead thetomgotngaM flat the ritta in It art trot Nthe beetolmylenowltdge and beOaf. Signreoftivmeror ,or sof 's Avihadted ONirarjOircetor/PattnerjManagtrlAttomtybs-FaK 0 Lk �. Signatory's TIN./OIRce 4 The ping lnstmme was acknowiedgedbefortmetbISC r ^— tlay ot� 20 �t (�(t r C f� ,(tri,(//I t e 0Y: ]'Vt.{ tX [1127 )I 1 a5 (Ole "j�.4 U Name of Peron Type al authodtV(e.g.Writer.lrmtee) party on behalf ofwhom Instrument was executed +54� U- P ) ¢ _ etsonal known 0 orproduceIf Id tlticatloes'f�... V}_ Noier/z Slgaturt Type atidtnpnfattpn ptaducta ir� �, W gJ.. CD (Print,Type,or Stamp Commissioned Name of NoUry) S CC LU T:UILOV31dg_FarmsWtw AppliaabonsWarmsWotice OfConunmcoaod Dag, Rev W15111CMI Q bg 4)HEATHER VMW v U NOTARY PUgUC its STATE OF FLORIDA im=w ?�` CongNtfF1T62B8 T7C C.O y EVIres 11/13/2018 C) 11 L LLJ Co 0 Qct—¢ i''—'_�.az�c7 hi � U�1�--0 m f�