HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs 10, TiT,AN c® C TiE "Thank you - We appreciate your business" 'M-a,tlaPial's'#or. Life" Ticket:no. Delivery date s Plant.. Truck Driver Truck size Type job! 1'Cl IG:R ,7R i'-`S'-__s:. ?: :aLA p ' Customer no. I C;=Cuse- Zone tomer nam " ' Tax CD 7 tt:5.• !' C7�?i�I;:;�r H,(-1L1_ C'1kll=RETE +�f'i,lt�i i Tarmac project no. Customer P.O.'no. Order no. I Terms code�.Charge delivered 3-C.O.D. Time due. _ i r.— " 1 2iF.O.B.-Charge EO.B. 4 C.O.D 07I P fjl - 1 5 T � 1 Delivery narme,and address._ Lot Block County J) t if,i i._C�4; G,77 Qo F 1 CI T ST L:U,:T E �-- Instructions �r=rttu ,r--t C.t-tr t= r..._ t..!ro !. �;9 t J t._ t t,�a t �,.ttt—;t t!__t ttlt �'t_; til;,, f='t s c� 51umP Sr SF'Ai ISI-1 _WFiY. T/R . !__-G--i ATOR t_rf'!F_ L,. Vi? Quantity Product U/M; Unit price Amount' l Load Cumulative Ordered Code Description I.. l i t r 7.� 1511 h u: l ; 11 C i'I f r i l'i i!%1 w l7r rfi *1,57 -C 1 1 t t 11 l :i.tZn l rr i:L jrif-; TE Ri=i 1_ :F; M70 "r';3 1 n 8Cil:ll2l07' FUEL_ SLlr'CH(3 14 171 Clf 0'i-:: L;,IV?R0[,,1 SiJRC.HG,,- � Load Arrive job site Start'discharge Finish di'sctiarge Leave job site Arrive plant' 1 S • Sales tax=� •( rr` �� •.. TOTAL Additional water added to this concrete will reduce its strength.Any water added is at customer's risk. Gallons of water added: -7 ` Gallons of water added: Gallons of water added: Amt-of CY Retained: /' 1 u Customer_Approval: '� lCustomer Approval: Customer Approval: I Customer Approval: _- �Tested Tested properly No. p p y Authorized and received-6yt ❑ Yes ❑ No j ❑ Yes' O No I - X. Lot: -- - Safety is a constant state of mind, with every;employee feeling responsible Block: and empowered to act to cause him gddress: r correct. Not corre and,others to work safely, on the belief _ that all accidents are preventable and 'T that zero incidents is-the-orily goal. CUSTOM�CQPY• AND CONDITIONS ;ALF d conditions("Contract*')and-if'buying on credit,to Buyer's crc6t agreement w.`,•!!'Sehcr,inor-? - V"W 111cludiijo Lill" tering contained ill Buyer's purchase order,ore excluded unless agreed to by ,Iler iii wriliiqy.Ai - , writini! ind',i2;­ICJ b\ cacl-L;jertv. 1-his Contract will lie construed in accordance with the laws oFthe state ofFIorZ,j._ I- I .Ill a!i ti Cc n=• I0,thCJLLrisdic1ioIl and vciiuc ol'the state and Federal courts 1or the location of the 6,.; the I tends k Pa\flicn,10"Ij " month s the month of delivery,without deduction.retainage,:set oll'0411,111,e r c kl%.ci k dila- of"": -t the 1:1%,L ria., oi,Ill"niont I o I I k.ve,i IfIno I Cjr0 iOLIS 11) s are past due. Interest at the lesser of PPA per month or the nvixiniull) ,itu by 1,i!,,. iyyll dditlqu -o 21lt Ill\ iccs from the(],lie of'delivery Ullftil paid. B lycr will pay to Seller all applicalb:w Iled-;,;j.state aiv�-6c.,il , and reniedles,Seller will be entitled -oni Buyer costs o'coll, an,"t odicr�o;iilahlc rights ed to recover fi J.oll .,Ll I,", j_. Seller reserves the right to require payments in advance or to c incel ult-I. ;tilled Porli""o-ol"Llill-, lat"k, l,e L o I 110 i I t L I L,� -11IOnle)S. - -er d4jult ot*n1l)'Colltr;lct P"Ovis, -if Status 01'Buyer bCCk-_:1C`S ini-mired or dc,--,(I iinsat- MO!lj,�. on�,or if financial �,61h!,c o1'1-,ilcr 10 ,,c,cisc an\ of ICs rights will not be cleerned a waiver of ally such right. . 1,, -ge ill -00 .111.- 5. 10 P.Ill.,Monday 11)1`01.101 Friday. An additional chai- ay be added for 'deliveries oulsi k, Q: al I d Ill I CNCCs,,ol'60 ITIHILIWS.Prices are based oil full loads:Lill additional charge will apply to io,,c)s of'jcss :,,,w setun ,ulnc dolivery iQ P -cullic yards. -ce en 1,11:';! hours pl 101-notice of the time and rate of requested deliveries. Delivery schedules will he iouitially iP duponbelA, 111a i';JI) :I. jljLicl(.,I,) the bestof Seller's ability to dispatch, however, Buyer waives any claims associated with any (101LINS Irl J T Ijj[I,j -,,uitnblC imprviclic,,io dein cil. Points hevolld paved streets. For delivery beyond Curb lines,Buyer assumes all liability (ior dali'lage septic tank,;.and/or other properly,and Buyer Evill indemnify and hold Seller harmless from and against any and Lllre,ult 01'.'stlull delivery, including but not limited to towing charges,except to the ex.tent,cati,,ed by Seller's i 1:Ill!m;.,Co.fd[let. I I Ll cr\%a I ves any right or subrogation against Seller. 6. r,;;.r, pa-,TjiCIlt of'. Incizidill" all costs of'disposal and Seller's rcium charge per tnick 116r,(i)orders not cancelled;.,r least one])our Cite to Buyer's mistake or in excess ot'requirenienis- (iii) conCrftc not deliveroble due to tills"I la .oly":I,I �d 011,00 LlIC Wet,V011.1111C ZIt the tiMc OftliSChUrgic from tile truck,and mci)wt soN'Yorm. 1.)-asur0lrLent."Or MUSLIDA C ts made b� III aCL(,ic!anct.,with applicable ASTM standards. Buyer will CIIJI'gC�f i'-!C;,-Lo,inspe,.-tion r L s 01 011 1r.arra;: I v r ojy r i ti:.,,Ibi dete-Irn I ning the type and quantity o I'goods to be purchased.S cl!e r rits t fiat its PrOd WAS Will 111M u! \%,CTd Ln't Materials("ASTM")and American Concrete institute("ACI-)standards.when tested in accorciza-lec ',%i!' repair or replace any goods supplied hy Seller that fail to meet this]iii)i!,:d t,arrancy.vAthill one 0 I\0.k warranty Obligations under Florida statute 718.203, as applicable. ALL"o,)Till R WARRANTI[S. -iAXI A[311-,]'FY %ND FITNESS FOR -�­P( ;F, INCLUD!'�'6 ',,71THOUT LIMI IAT[ONTI H`',VARRANTIES OF MERCI -1 IL -T I S P"; L f', 'd i r3y I-,XfRPSSI-.Y FXCLUDED. I -' RE SE 'ORTH IN Tf(IS SECTION 8 WILL.CONSTITUTE --'HS LIMITED WARRANTY. 9:4,0 1."t'relillill or clualilv of Lilly concrete to which water or other material has been added by or oil behalf of Bulier-, % handled ill accordance with best :onstruction practice!;. Sutler has no control over the placing or `4_ in which itis used, IlLiver will be responsible to prevent concrete after of cc;-., 111,10,A no;�,Iiarantce the rinis"Ied.,.vork 1,11)1evlm colillilL, into cojii iffinny initcri.il,-ialch a,,aluminum,which play adversely impact concrete strength. v.ill sits ji,l)"wo, S iI)PI_CdiCut&it desires that ore not I-OgLI1,11-ly supplied by the Seller in the marketplace. Buyer Will be solely respon- Jig e w1mr, c or ill!-'red 1clits oil the concrete.Any extra product which may be required in excess of the mix design quoted;,or " Qdmbili:y-siroilgill,selfill,"11tric or water/cement ratio,will result in an additional ingredient charge payable by Buyer. -r, i-.,)accord,lice v,ith ASTM C-94.C011CI*CIC JCMPCrllLl1-C Will be dictated by the environnicutal and material condi- 'JI'. bC\,0ild these conditions will require the implementation of controlled measures during production it the v.racn notic,xvitliln 4X hats s atter dcli%ery ofany claim against Seller as a result of any alleged nonconforming niatcriui,or any ,alter cmis" iwilci [,wll flillurc to meet collipressi\c strength,in which event the time for notice will be within 48 hours after the customary !I'T.,i ti r:.•r 1%1;4 ICsA CN.lljldk-),tin.c tieing of the essence. Seller will be given reasonable oppOlILluily to investigate all claims. Any 1'ail'IC, Hl;\Cl 10 I\, i-ItiL 1 IXJtik'k'%'.i'llill 11.1014'11 HOUT JXCiOd Will be deemed a conclusive waiver by I-3LIycr ofall SLIC11 Claims against Seller. 5,FIJ.1'jz IvVil I i, !I- I I L'\-UFR ANY CIRC UMSTANCES FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL. PUNITIVE OR CON SE TATP;N. ANY DAMAGFS RELATED TO DELAY, WHETHER BASE) ON STATUTE. TORT. NM k( i J\( I.LD;N(;, V.Tj t H)L,1' 1,1 M I 0111: 17. STRICTLIABILITYOR FAUEF. IN NO !-I,7Nl vil-I `;Fl LFI, 131-. R F5 110%Sl BI-i" FOR DAi,,IAGI: DUE.TO THE/\('Ti ONS OF,0TI-f ERS OR TI IE FAILURE Ol� BUYFRTOCOMPLY f IZ'.1, LIA 1;1 Ll I'Y I,GR A_N Y CLAIMS W(Ll-L3F.LIM ITLI)TOTHE PURCHASE:PRICE OF TI IF GOODS SOLD Or'I, '-,2-qL to the sales office,;V�1.6111)1.11C price CILICititioll,vjill a copy toCredit Dcpartipnl.455 Fairway Drive, 'i-1 iL'IJ ci ajiv p.rovi4ion of this C,,,niritcl will not affect the cifforGeibility of any other provision oftLis Contract,and-CLicb- -lb!e Luld cliforceati[c to the ex cis the, 0111;-'Ict 11; sc%el tent permittel.l.by law. W'%RNING: CAUSES IN-IRRI'I',,VI'ION-IN,IURIOUSI'01-'Yl,',S. .Rf_SHLV MINED C-1r)\1",IzLi'i--.,Nli'\,)'CAL;SF,SKIN IRRITATION OR INJURY. AVOIDCONTACTWITH SKIN -AS PROMPTLY W!-I'll WATER. IF ANY MIXTURES GET INTO THE EYE, RINSE IMINIEDIATELY 'H OF CHILDREN. MH), M. V iENTION, - --,�C [KEEP OUT 01:R I HILDRE S. 11=;1 A S11EETS IZMSf)S)ARE E AT\NNVW.T1T,,1,NAM LIZ ICA.CIONI- 107