HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application (2) A.Settlement Statement U.S.Departinent of Honsing OMB No.2502-0265
and Urban Development
B of Loan
1.O Flu Z.❑FmHA 3.O CoAvUrifits 6.File Number 7.Loan'umber S.Mortgago Ins Case Number
4.❑VA S.O Convlre 6.O Sc1lcFinance 62748 26
C.Note: This£Drat is famished to give you a statement of actual settler=tcrtsly.Aammds paid to anal by the settlemem agent ate ahnwa.Items mahked
" .o.c."were paid outside the cloqinw,theyflteshown herefor informational trumoses and menot included inif=tntale.
D.Name&Address ofBonower E.Name&Address of Seller F.Name&.Address of Lender
Susanne Bentley FanoleMacalk/a FederidNationd Mortgage
5801 Silver Oak Drive Association
Fort Pierce,FL 34982 14221 Dallas Parkway,Suite 1000
Dallas,TX 75354
O.Property location H.Settlement Agent Nama
First International Title-EEO Division
Lot 39 and 40,Block 20,INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT 66,St.Lode 1999 N University Drive Suite 300
Comity.FL Coral Springs,FL 33071 Tai M:264217217
5801 SILVER OAK DRIVE 9S4-7806751
Placeo Settlanem 1.Settlement Date
First International Title-REO Division 9/18!2015
1999 N University Drive Suite 300 fiord:9!18!2013
Coral Springs,FL 33071
J.Summary of florrower's Transaction K.Summary of Seller's Transaction
too.Groan Amount Due from Borrower 400.Gross Amount Due to Seller
101.Contract Sales Price S80,1100.00 401.Contract Sales Price $80,000.00
102.Pctsooal Property 402,Pe=miI Property
103.Settlement Charger to borrower $1,382.00 403.
104, 404.
105. 405.
Adjustments for Dema paid by seller in advance Adjastmenh for Items paid by seller In advance
(06.County prolmly trues 406.County property taxes
107.Assecialion Deus 407.Association Ducs
log.Other Taus 400.OtherTexca
109.Other 409.Other
110.Otbtr 410.Other
Ill. 411.
112. 412.
113, 413,
114. 414,
115. 415.
116. 416.
120.Gross Amount Due From Borrower 381 392.00 420.Gross Amount Due to Seller f80.000.00
200.Amounts Paid By Or In Behalf Of Borrower 500.Reductions In Amonnt Due to Seller
201.Depositarearnestmoney 58,000.00 501.Excess Deposit
202.Principal amount of new khan(s) 502.Settlettteat Charges to Seller pine 1400) 55,60328
203.Existing loans)wit=subject to 503.Existing Loans)Taken Subject to
204,Loan Amount3ndLien 504.Poyoffoffiral mortgage to
505.Payoffol'Re ndmortgago to205. .
206. 50b.
207, 507.
208. 508.
209, 509.
Adjustments for Items uapald by seller Adjustments for items unpaid by seller
210.Ctnum taxes tIMI 115 to 09/19/15 51,44952 510.County property taxes 01/01/15 to 09/18115 51.449.52
211.Association Dues $11.AnticisdodDucs
212.Outer Tates 512.Other Taxes
213,Other 513,Other
214.Other 514.Other
215. 515.
216, 516,
419, 517.
218. W.
219. 519.
220.Total Pald B)For Borrower S9,449.52 520.Total Reduction Amount Due Seller S7,052.80
300.Cath At Settlement Fromrfo Borrower 600.Cash At Settlement To/From Seller
301.Gross Amount due from btoerowcr(line]20} SSM82.00 601,Gross Amount due to seller(lime 420) $80,000.00
302.Less ormunts by/forbouowaa(lice 220) I $9.44952 602.Less reductions in amt.rix Wier(Lim 520) 57,05290
303.Cash From Borrower I $71,932.48 603.Cash To Seller s72,947.20
Section 5 of the Rest Estate Senlcoment Proccduma Act(ItESPA)requires the Section 4(a)of MPA mandates that HUD develop and prescribe this standard
fi'llowing: •IfUD must develop a Special Inl'orruadon Buoldet to help persons form to be used at the time ofloan settlement to provide fidl disclosum ofatl charges
borrowing money to finance the purchase of residential real estate to better imposed upon the bmmwer and seller. These eta third party disclosures that am
understand the=lure end meta ofreal enate settleatenl services; designed to provido the bor owev with pertinent Information during the settlement
-Each lender must provide the booklet to all applicants from whom itrecdves or for process in order to be a Wier Aupper.
whom it prepares a written application to borrow money to finance the purchase of The Public Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to
residential real estate•, h Lenders must prepare and distribute with the Bmklet a average one hour per response, including the time for reviewing Instructions
Good Faith Estimate of the settlement coati that the borrower is likely to Incur In warehing existing data sources,gathering and maintaining the data ties"and
connection with the settlement.Thuc disdowas am mandatory. completing and reviewing the collection ofiofonaation.
This agency may net collect this information,end you am not required to complete
th;s form,unless It dhptays a currrntly valid ONO control member.
The tnfmmadon requested doer not lend itself to confi_d_eati'dity.
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