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Florida Building Code Online E p � 0 1- . k BCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links Search P- B usines,'/Professi�nal � c User ib— pro-Alct USER�PubblicPprDVa[ A'Ioroial Menu>P—rfi.rt or 4nnlication Saarch>Anolication Lst>Application Detail FL# FL8228-R7 Application Type Affirmation Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived ❑ i Product Manufacturer Masonite International Address/Phone/Email 1955 Powis Road West Chicago, IL 60185 F; (615)441-4258 sschreiber@masonite.com Authorized Signature Steve Schreiber sschreiber@masonite.com i Technical Representative, k' - , Address/Phone/Email + Quality Assurance Representative P Address/Phone/Email r Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies i, Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing i t i 1 Certification Agency National Accreditation &Management Institute Validated By National Accreditation &Management Institute, _- Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year s;. ASTM E1886 2002 t ' ASTM E1996 2002 ASTM E330 2002 TAS 202 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By jfIY° _ EII affirm that there are no changes in the new Florida Building Code which affect my product(s) and my product(s) are in e. compliance with the new Florida Building Code. http:/hvww.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=vGEVXQwtDquftCwaMPtp3TglBvStmXEZDIS%2fLJbSu5ng%3d[7/28/2015 3:30:47 PM] Florida Building Code Online Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity Yes ONo ON/A _ =s Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A f„ Date Submitted 04/29/2015 Date Validated 04/29/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval " Date Approved 05/04/2015 i. s1 Summary.of Products _ _ �-- I FL# Model, Number or Name Description 18228 1 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 6'-8" Opaque I/S and O/S Single Door --- -- i -- -- ------- - --- Limits of Use j Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes ` FL8228 R7 C CAC NI006900A1,pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date i i Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 i Design Pressure: +85.0/-85.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL8228 R7 II FL0160Dx.pdf Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation &Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7,does Created by Independent Third Party: not exceed the design pressures listed. 3'-0"x 6'-8" max Evaluation Reports i nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ, FL8228 R7 AE 504A.pd but not required in the Wind Borne Debris Region. See DWG- Created by Independent Third Party: Yes r.. I MA-FLO160-07 for additional information. f i 8228.2 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 8'-0"Opaque I/S and O/S Single Door s 1 Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate 1 Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL8228 R7 C CAC NI006900.02.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +70.0/-70.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL8228 R7 II FL0161Dx.pdf Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation &Management Institute j where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7,does Created by Independent Third Party: not exceed the design pressures listed. 3'-0"x 8'-0" max Evaluation Reports ! nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ, FL8228 R7 AE 503A.pdf j but not required in the Wind Borne Debris Region. See DWG- Created by Independent Third Party: Yes e i MA -FL0161-07 for additional information. ` 8228.3 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 6-8"Opaque Inswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites j Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes I FI-8228 R7 C CAC NI006900.01.p Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes I Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 i Design Pressure: +50.5/-50.5 Installation Instructions , Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL8228 R7 II FL01.60Dx.pdf z Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute i where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7,does Created by Independent Third Party: j not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 6'-8" max Evaluation Reports nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ, FL8228 R7 AE 502A.pdf but not required in the Wind Borne Debris Region. See DWG- Created by Independent Third Party: Yes i MA-FL0160-07 for additional information. 8228.4 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 6'-8"Opaque Outswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites A. Limits of Use_ Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL8228 R7 C CAC NI006900.01.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 b Design Pressure: +55.0/-50.5 Installation Instructions j Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL8228 R7 II FL0160Dx.pdf Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, does Created by Independent Third Party: a ` not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 6-8" max Evaluation Reports l' nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ, FL8228 R7 AE 502A.pddf f - but not required in the Wind Borne Debris Region. See DWG- Created by Independent Third Party:Yes l SMA-FLO160-07 for additional information. _ http://ivww.flotidabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=vGEVXQwtDquRCwaMPtp3TglBvStmXEZDI5%2fUbSu5ng%3d[7/28/2015 3:30:47 PM] Florida Building Code Online 8228.5 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit8'-0"Opaque Inswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o i 1 Sidelites -- I Limits of Use IIII Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes I FL8228 R7 C CAC NI006900.02.polf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes I Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date ' Impact Resistant:Yes 112/31/2020 I Design Pressure: +50.5/-50.5 I Installation Instructions x' ! Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL8228 R7 II FL01.61Dx.12df X j Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation &Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7,does Created by Independent Third Party: j not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0" max Evaluation Reports nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ, FL8228 R7 AE 501A.ndf 1 but not required in the Wind Borne Debris Region. See DWG- I Created by Independent Third Party: Yes MA-FLO161-07 for additional information. 8228.6 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 8'-0"Opaque Outswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o I Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate j Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL8228 R7 C CAC NI006900.02.pdf j Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +55.0/-50.5 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL8228 R7 II FL0161Dx.pdf Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7,does I Created by Independent Third Party: not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0" max Evaluation Reports i nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ, FL8228 R7 AE 501A.12df I but not required in the Wind Borne Debris Region. See DWG- I Created by Independent Third Party: Yes MA-FLO161-07 for additional information. } f 8228.7 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 6'-8"Glazed Inswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL8228 R7 C CAC NI006900.03.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date j Impact Resistant: No 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +52.0/-52.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL8228 R7 II FL0162Dx.lL i Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and I Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7,does Created by Independent Third Party: k not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 6'-8" max Evaluation Reports nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ FL8228 R7 AE 502Apdf j and the Wind Borne Debris Region. See DWG-MA-FLO162-07 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes for additional information. i 8228.8 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 6'-8"Glazed Outswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL8228 R7 C CAC NI006900.03.Rdf l Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 12/31/2020 j Design Pressure: +55.0/-55.0 Installation Instructions I Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL8228 R7 II FL0162Dx.pdf I Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7,does Created by Independent Third Party: r not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 6-8" max Evaluation Reports nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ FL8228 R7 AE 502A.pdf f I and the Wind Borne Debris Region. See DWG-MA-FLO162-07 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes for additional information. 8228.9 Fiberglass Side Hinged Door Unit 8'-0"Glazed Inswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites _..--....... ......... --.. ----- —. . ....... - --- .... ----- ......... .-._-. .... ...........................-----. .............. --- Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL8228 R7 C CAC NI006900.04.(df j ! Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 12/31/2020 ! Design Pressure: +40.0/-45.0 Installation Instructions i Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL8228 R7 II FL01.63Dx.�df Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation &Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7,does Created by Independent Third Party: ! not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0" max Evaluation Reports I nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ FL8228 R7 AE 501A.pdf and the Wind Borne Debris Region. See DWG-MA-FLO163-07 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes for additional information. — -- -- J http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dd.aspx?paramwGEVXQwtDquftCwaMPtp3TglBvStmXEZDI5%2fUbSu5ng%3d[7/28/2015 3:30:47 PM] Florida Building Code Online 8228.10 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 18'-0" Glazed Outswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o i Sidelites !Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL8228 R7 C CAC NI006900.04.pdf j Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date I Impact Resistant: No 12/31/2020 j Design Pressure: +43.0/-47.0 Installation Instructions i Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL8228 R7 II FL0163Dx.pdf Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute I where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7,does Created by Independent Third Party: I not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0" max Evaluation Reports nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ FL8228 R7 AE 501A.12df j and the Wind Borne Debris Region. See DWG-MA-FLO163-07 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes j for additional information. 8228.11 1 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 6-8" Impact Glazed Inswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use I Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FI-8228 R7 C CAC NI006900.05,pdf ( Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes !Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date ! I Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +52.0/-52.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida I FL8228 R7 II FL0162Dx-pdf Building Code not including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, Verified By: National Accreditation &Management Institute and where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7 Created by Independent Third Party: i do not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 6'-8" max Evaluation Reports j nominal size. See DWG-MA-FLO162-07 for additional FL8228 R7 AE 502A.pdf information. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes - ----- - ------ -]-------— -------——1 - — _—_ _ -- -------------—- --I 8228.12 --rr Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 6'-8"Impact Glazed Outswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o f Sidelites j Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate ti Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL8228 R7 C CAC NI006900.05.p_df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +55.0/-55.0 Installation Instructions I Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL8228 R7 II F 016 Dx.pdf Building Code not including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute 1 and where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7 Created by Independent Third Party: a. { do not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 6'-8" max Evaluation Reports ! I nominal size. See DWG-MA-FLO162-07 for additional FL8228 R7 AE 502A.pdf f I. J information. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 18228.13 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 8'-0"Impact Glazed Inswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o j I Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate I Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL8228 R7 C CAC 1\1I006900,06 2df ( Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date I Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +40.0/-45.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL8228 R7 II FL0l.63Dx.pdf Building Code not including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute i and where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7 Created by Independent Third Party: j do not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0" max Evaluation Reports nominal size. See DWG-MA-FLO163-07 for additional FL8228 R7 AE 501.A.pdf information. _ — Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 18228.14 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 8'-0"Impact Glazed Outswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use — Certification Agency Certificate — f Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL8228 R7 C CAG NI006900-06.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 j Design Pressure: +43.0/-47.0 Installation Instructions ( Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL8228 R7 II FL01.63Dx.pdf Building Code not including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute and where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7 Created by Independent Third Party: do not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0" max Evaluation Reports nominal size. See DWG-MA-FLO163-07 for additional FL8228 R7 AE 501A,pdf information. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes I http:/hvww.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=vGEVXQwtDquftCwaNIPtp3TglBvStinXEZDI5%2fUbSu5ng%3d[7/28/2015 3:30:47 PM] Florida Building Code Online Contact Us::1940 North Monroe Street.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:S50-487-1824 . . The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic f _ mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S., please click here. Product Approval Accepts: PRE-71 ec�cp. 0 ®EE EM • - w sccuritv.Nk.7'gi(-%' Y -1 http:/hvww.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=vGEVXQwtDquftCwaMPtp3TglBvSbn)EZDI5%2fUbSu5ng%3d[7/28/2015 3:30:47 PM] NOTICE OF PRODUCT CERTIFICATION O tiOCERCAIC4T.ti P Y' p �� � �o . Com an Masonite International Corporation Certification No.: NI006900.04 0 1955 Powis Road Certification Date: 01/14/2007 West Chicago,IL 60185 Expiration Date: 12/31/2020 x Revision Date: 11/21/2014 Product: Fiberglass Glazed Inswing or Outswing Door w/and w/o Non-Impact Rated Sidelites (w/Wood Frame unless noted Specification: TAS 202/ASTM E330 The"Notice of Product Certification"is only valid if the NAMI Certification Label has been applied to the product as described within this document. The certification label represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that all certification criteria has been satisfied. This product has been approved for listing within NAMI's Certified Product Listing at ii,ww.Namieer-tificatiort.corn. NAMI's Certification Program is accredited by The American National Standards Institute(ANSI). Inswing Glazed Structural Water Missile Test Report Number Configuration or or Maximum Design Test Impact Drawing Number& Outswing Opaque Size Pressure Pressure Rated Comments X I/S Glazed 3'0"x 8'0" +40/45 2.86 psf No NCTL-210-3107-1/CTLA-805W Single Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" Anchor Detail-MA-FL0163-07 X O/S Glazed 3'0"x 8'0" +50/47 6.0 psf No NCTL-210-3107-1/CTLA-805W Single Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" Anchor Detail-MA-FL0163-07 XX I/S Glazed 6'0"x 8'0" +40/45 2.86 psf No NCTL-210-3107-I/CTLA-805W Double Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" XX O/S Glazed 6'0"x 8'0" +50/47 6.0 psf No NCTL-210-3107-I/CTLA-805W Double Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" Anchor Detail-MA-FL0163-07 Single w/Sidelite Glazed Sidelite Sidelite-No Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" Anchor Detail-MA-FL0163-07 XO/OX O/S Glazed Door 6'0"x 8'0" +50/47 6.0 psf Door-No NCTL-210-3107-I/CTLA-805W Single w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelite Sidelite-No Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" Anchor Detail-MA-FLO163-07 OXO 1/S Glazed Door 9'0"x 8'0" +40/45 2.86 psf Door-No NCTL-210-3107-I/CTLA-805W Single w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites Sidelites-No Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" Anchor Detail-MA-FL0163-07 OXO O/S Glazed Door 91 0"x 8'0" +50/47 6.0 psf Door-No NCTL-210-3107-I/CTLA-805W Single w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites Sidelites-No Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" Anchor Detail-MA-FL0163-07 OXXO 1/S Glazed Doors 12'6"x 8'0" +40/45 2.86 psf Doors-No NCTL-210-3107-I/CTLA-805W Double w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites Sidelites-No Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" Anchor Detail-MA-FL0163-07 OXXO O/S Glazed Doors 12'6"x 8'0" +50/47 6.0 psf Doors-No NCTL-210-3107-1/CTLA-805W Double w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites Sidelites-No Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" Anchor Detail-MA-FL0163-07 National Accreditation & Management Institute,Inc./4794 George Washington Memorial Highway/Hayes,VA 23072 Tel: (804)684-5124/Fax: (804)684-5122 NAMI AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: cc SIDE-HINGED FIBERGLASS DOOR UNIT 149"MAX. OVERALL FRAME MOTH A 8'-0"GLAZED DOUBLE DOOR WITH/WITHOUT SIDELITES o 04 21 MAX 36.375" MAX. GENERAL NOTES - D.L.O.-- PANEL 'VVIDTH- 37.5" MAX. _ F- W/ASTRAGAL I I~FRAME WIDTH z C 1. EVALUATED FCR USE IN LOCATIONS ADHERING -0 (r L THE FLORIDA BJILDING CODE AND WHERE PRESSURE REOJIREMENTS AS DETERMINED BY ASCE 7, MINIMUM Z Q L) DESIGN _DADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES, ~ DOES NOT EXCEED THE DES;GN PRESSURES LISTED. 2. WHFN INSTALLED IN THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE (HVHZ), '2 HURRICANE PROTECTIVE SYSTEM (SHUTTFRS) IS REQUIRED. Q d1 3. WHEN INSTALLED IN THE WIND-BORNE CEBRIS REGION, Ln EXCLUDING THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE (HVHZ), ¢ LJ HURRICANE.. PROTECTIVE SYSTEM IS NOT REQUIRED ON PANELS WITH IMPACT GLASS, BUT IS RECUIREC ON PANELS WITH NON-IMPACT GLASS. W cr3 4. PO-YURETYANE CORE FLAME SPREAD INDEX OF 50 z x AND SMOKE DEVELOPED INDEX OF 60 PER ASTM E84. zE POLYSTYRENE CORE FLAME SPREAD INDEX OF 150 I i I AND SMOKE DEVELOPED INDEX OF 115 PER ASTM E84. 0, 5. PLASTICS TESTING OF FIBERGLASS FACING: TEST DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION RESULT a o 2c�o r¢z SELF IGNITION TF_MP ASTM D7929 752 'F > 650 'F RATE OF BURNING ASTM D635 0.56 IN/MIN SMOKE DENS�fY ASIM D2543 53.4% v�ma TENSILE STRENGTH' ASTM D638 3.2% DIFF ¢ F o > 6. PLASTICS TESTING OF LITE FRAME MATERIAL: ___ .Z+` o TEST CESCRIPTI_ � SEON DESIGNATION RESJLT no LF IGNITION TEMP ASTM 11929_ 740 'F > 650 'F a na. RAIL OF BURNING ASTM D635 0.77 IN/MIV ;-z:N V SMOKE DENSI'(Y ASTM D2843 13.4% pddgrdumro � ? tl.'>- TENSILE STRENGTH' ASTM 0638 -7.507 DIFF DOUBLE DOOR UNIT W/SIDELITES N N(ni� ' COMPARATIVE TENSILE STRENGTH AFTER WEATHERING Wli'811Of1 No. Ni 60 G400- 1/ z to 4500 HOURS XENON ARC METHOD 1 RBNL'1 EI .. __ ? p U Z 7. IMPACT GLAZING LAMINATE MIAMI DADE BCCO NOA 09-0127.:3. DSBR weft(T'c 912 j„ ¢ J U_to m --- AWS 4 n p U to U d O Z j JO � O W Ln QUc ap 7 W N O W m 205 uj • • e a O OW I�NNW O _ Li I ^^ SINGLE UNI AOUBI_E DCOR UNIT SINGLE DOOR UNIT SINGLE DOOR UNIT SINGLE DOOR UNIT 'W/SIDELITES DOUBLE DOOR UNIT W/SIDELITES WITH S!DELITE WITH SIDELITE o U m a zo WHFRF. WATER INFILTRATION PERFORMANCE IS DATE: 7/5/07 TABLE OF CONTENTS DESIGN PRESSURE RATING REQU'RED TO BE 157 OF DESIGN PRESSURE /J CONFIG MAX WIDTH1+40.0 WING OUTSWING INSWING OUTSW'ING (�^��' SCALE: N.T.S. S11CCT DESCRIPTION -45.0 ___+79.0 _ -19.0__ +40.0 / -40.0 Owc.BY: SINS t TYPICAL ELEVATIONS & GENERAL NOTES _-. XX 74� -45.0 +43.0 -47.0 +19.0 -19.0 +40.0 -40.0 2 ANCHORING LOCATIONS & DETAILS -45.0 +19A -190 +400 -400cH�'�` CI IORING LOCATIONS & DETAII SKURT BALTHAZORDRAWING NO.: OXO 112.5 -45.0 +43.0 -47.0 +19.0 -19.0 +40.0 -40.0 FLORIDA P.E.OXXO149 -45.0 +43.0 -47.0 +19.0 -19.0 +40.0 -40.0 #565.5.3 DWG-'MA FLOi63-07 SHEEP i OF ,i Ln a: CO EL O 6"— — SEE DETAIL — —6" Q Cp �.. — C ._ r1 v n — rN � L7 U ( Ln N D_ 1 O NLLJ J J SEE DETAIL 0 ¢ — _ iil C O B B SEE DETAIL U } o SFE DF II. �J o-- .,�• S g 0 0 A N ,.0.. v Ir �.'ooyc. - ---6, 3..— 6.. 6" 6•. I I I I r 1 __..._ I 33(ALm ---- 3„ 3., — —3" I 3..I —I 6., 6„ I cn v:N o1 ' 3,. f"_' _ 2 6" �— SEE DETAIL — 3"6" a�'AnloNAMI O z / w 8 x 2—1 2" Cefi6catlxl t1D' N16_;G-700_r 7 c<.) w Reviewed By: J. ``w 3 w D': w� 'gOUO Z Date RWawe ASTRAGAL RFTA'NER BOLT HOLE a N #10 x 2"" MUST BE DRILLED THROUGH �� THE THRESHOLD & INTO THE o =z #8 x 2-1/2" #10 x 5/8" DETAIL "E" ASTRAGAL STRICTURE DEEP ENOUGH #10 x 1-3/4" ATTACH ASTRAGAL RFTAINFR BOLT FOR A 1.375" THROW o o #10 x 5/8" STRiKC PLATE TO FRAME —^o w #8 x 2-1/2" #10 x 3/4'" AS SHOWN. DETAIL "F" ASTRAGAL �N N N Oj #10 X 2" 0.124"ANNEALED DECORATIVE INSERT DOW 832 FRAME / DOOR 0.000•SAALE%IIID (OPTIONAL) DETAIL ""C" 0.124"ANNEALED .0124`TEMP. #6% 1-1/2"PHS O DETAIL "'D"' IYPICAL oc>m<Z i ::a .-... ;�'A,��•. Dare: 1/5/07 ::1' �:�Af .•,. SCALE: N.T.S. 4 0.962" 1.75" 11.047" DOW 632 A g': DOW 832 / ::I'�v.• DOW 832 / ;•rev OWC.BY: sws 1.375" CHK.BY: J a a"•A.",a.: i'A„t;� I F%T,RIOR INTERIOR XT-ERI.OB INTERIO3 OHAWINO NO.: INSWING THRESHOLD OUTSWING THRESHOLD HIGH_DAM_0/S THRESHOLD TYPICAL GLAZING DETAIL TYPICAL GLAZING DETAIL 0WG IAA-FLO163-07 IMPACT RATFD GLASS NON—IMPACT GLASS SHEEP 2 of 3 SEE DETAIL Ln „E,• SHT. 2 6'•— — —6.. O DO —6• 6 — — CD 3., 3 3 I—3'i O 6. in 1—3„ 3"—I �' � �6 rO U N O W Z 2L CL 1 I J O SEE DETAIL ¢ ¢o '•D" SHT. 7. — — � w N W � � O a z o n B SEE DETAIL A N "C" SHT. 2 �.J G% i — —OC L.J — $ oo m o z.. w z C �a� N odf 3" 3•' IS I 0 IX I I I I I I I I II I a a •� 3 6" 3" � —3" 6"3— I.— 3„ --I __ I— I -- I—3„� 3 3 3 3 m SEE DETAIL O 3" — 3" V)�� „F" SHT. 2 6„— I— — 6" z: V) LD 0 1. ANCHOR ANALYSIS FOR LOADING CONDIT,ONS PREPARED, Ad duntDtrAMI W a SIGNIn ED AND SEALED BY LUIS R. LOMAS, PE (FLORIDA #62514) WIIH 1HE LOWEST (LEAST) Celfflcali(PND.: ,NiCaG19 �LLJ FASTENER RATING FROM THE DIFFERENT FASTENERS 1.25° I , RevBy. i4.: �o�� z MIN .—0.25' Date RNewed: BEING CONSIDERED FOR USE. JAMB, HEAD, AND Max THRESHOLD FASTENERS ANALYZED FOR THIS UNIT INCLUDE SHIM �,o #10 WOOD SCREWS OR 3/16" TAPCONS. A PHYSICAL Ko �! CL- I- • �•, HARDWARE SCHEDULE o H x D SHIM MUST BE :LACED EACH ANCHOR ==' 1. K'WIKSET SERIES 40C GRADE 3 CYLINDRICAL LATCH AND LOCATION. TAPCON EDGE DISTANCE MIN 2-5/8". :'' o SER'ES 980 GRADE 1 DEADLOCK HARDWARE TO BE INSTAL-ED o o w 2. MULLIONS TO BE 2-1/2" X 4-3/8" STRUCTURAL GRADE TYPICAL MASONRY AT 10-1/2" CENTERLINE. NN"a FJ PINE ON CONTINUOUS HEAD AND SILL UNITS. BACK TO ANCHOR INSTALLATION BACK JAMS JNIIS JOINED WIIH 1" X 1/2" LUNG 1a. KWIKSET SERIES 400 GRADE 3 CYLINDRICAL LATCH AND CORRUGATED FASTERNERS LOCATED 3" FROM EACH END --- SERIES 980 GRADE 1 DEADLOCK HARDWARE TO BE INSTALLED AND MAX 7" O.C. OR #10 X 2" FLAT HEAD WOOD s AT 5-1/2" CENTERLINC MINIMUM WITH 8" GRADE 1 OVmQo SCREWS LOCATED 6" FROM EACH END AND MAX 12" O.C. Iso" t (ANSI/BHMA A156.16) SURFACE BOLTS INSTALLED z DE OF 3. THE WOOD SCREW SINGLE SHEAR DESIGN VALUES COME FROM MIN MAX AONDLATCH(1) AT IBOT-OMACTIVE DOOR PANEL - (1) AT TOP DATE 1/5/07 ANSI/AF&PA NDA FOR SOUTHERN PINE LUMBER AND ACHEIVEMENT SHIM OF 1-1/2" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT. THE TAPCON MUST ACHIEVECL- 12. 4" X 4" FULL MORTISE 3UTT HINGES. SCALE: N.T.S. I- .. MINIMUM EMBEDMENT OF 1-1/4". MG.BY: SINS 4. WOOD BUCKS B" OTHERS MUST BE ANCHORED PROPERLY TO " ' CHK.BY: TRANSFER LOADS TO STRUCTURE. DBAWNC No.: TYPICAL WOOD BUCK DWC-MA-FL0163-07 5. MINIMUM DESIGN VALUE STRENGTH OF ANCHORS 171 LBS. ANCHOR INSTALLATION SHEET_L of 3 Luis R. Lomas P.E. 1432 Woodford Rd. Manufacturer: Masonite Lewisville,NC 27023 Report#: 501 A 336-945-9695 Date: 12/29/09 Product: Double Door with sidelites 12'x8' Scope: This analysis provides calculations,quantities,and spacing requirements for installing product to substrate,and it applies only to the product described herein.These calculations comply with requirements of the Florida Building Code. Drawings verification: This analysis verifies anchoring for the following drawings: DWG-MA-FLO121-05 DWG-MA-FLO131-05 DWG-MA-FLO148-06 DWG-MA-FLO171-07 DWG-MA-FLO123-05 DWG-MA-FLO133-05 DWG-MA-FLO152-06 DWG-MA-FLO173-07 DWG-MA-FLO125-05 DWG-MA-FLO135-05 DWG-MA-FLO154-06 DWG-MA-FLO176-08 DWG-MA-FLO127-05 DWG-MA-FLO139-05 DWG-MA-FLO161-07 DWG-MA-FLO129-05 DWG-MA-FLO141-05 DWG-MA-FLO163-07 Anchors to be qualified: 1. #10 Wood screw,for installation in wood frame substrates. 2. 3/16"ITW Tapcon,for masonry installation Anchor capacity in shear condition: Fastener type:#10 wood screw (NDS 2005,11.3) Side member: Douglas Fir-Larch Main member: Spruce-Pine-Fir Side member thickness: is= 1.000 in Main member thickness: %= 1.500 in Side member dowel bearing strength: Fu= 4,650 psi Main member dowel bearing strength: F_= 3,350 psi Minimum required penetration: 1.330 in Screw bending yield strength: Fyb= 80,000 psi Duration Factor: Cp= 1.6 Tabulated lateral design value: Z= 107.0 lbs Allowable Design Value: Z'= 171 lbs/anchor Mode IV Fastener type: 3/16"ITW Tapcon N.O.A.07-1126.10 Substrate: Hollow block Minimum embedment: 1.25 in Minimum edge distance: 1.13 in Minimum C to C spacing: 2.25 in Tabulated shear design value: Z= 112 lbs Actual C To C spacing: 3.00 in Minimum edge distance: 2.63 in C to C spacing factor: 1.00 Tabulated shear design value: Z= 197 lbs Actual edge distance: 2.50 in Design value per interpolation: Z= 189 lbs Allowable Design Value: Z'= 189 lbs/anchor Minimum anchor capacity: 171 lbs/anchor Note:Anchors with the least capacity is used for calculations to qualify anchors with higher capacity. Anchor calculations,minimum required anchors Double. Pressure against stops with bump threshold: 36.38 36.38 Design pressure: 55.0 psf Max. Anchor Al � Al � � Area Load Ind. Zone z O.C. Cap. Load Result A21, A2 95.25 (ft) (lbs) (in) (in) (lbs) Qty (lbs) . At 2.3 126 N/A N/A 171 1 126 OK Al , Al Az 9.7 535 6.00 21.00 171 5 107 OK 72.75 A3 1 9.7 1 535 1 N/A N/A 1 171 1 4 134 1 OK it• 1 51 •* aro TATE OF ; �p ORVO siONAL \yG\�� llO Luis R.Lomas P.E. FL No.:62514 1 of 4 1/7/2010 Luis R. Lomas P.E. 1432 Woodford Rd. Manufacturer: Masonite Lewisville,NC 27023 Report#: 501A 336-945-9695 Date: 12/29/09 Double. Pressure away from stogy 36.38 36.38 Design pressure: 55.0 psf Area Load Ind. Max' Anchor Zone Z (lbs) O.C. Cap. Load Result 95.25 (ft) s) (in) (in) (lbs) QtyLoad Al 12.0 662 6.00 21.00 171 5 132 OK AZ 12.0 662 N/A N/A 171 4 165 OK 72.75 Double. Pressure against stops with saddle threshold: 36.38 36.38 Design pressure: 55.0 psf Area Load Ind. Max' Anchor Al Al Zone z O.C. Cap. Load Result (ft) (lbs) (in) (in) (lbs) Q (lbs) A2- ,A2 4 95.25 Al 2.3 126 N/A N/A 171 1 1 126 OK AZ 10.9 599 6.00 21.00 171 5 120 OK A3 1 9.7 1 535 1 N/A I N/A 171 4 134 OK 72.75 A4 1 12.0 662 N/A I N/A 171 4 165 OK Double with sidelites. Pressure against stops with bump threshold: Design pressure: 55.0 psf 37.50 36.38 36.38 37.50 Max. Anchor Area Load Ind. Zone (ft') (lbs) O.C. Cap. Load Result \ Al /\ A4 /\ A4 /\ Al / \, �/ \ in (in) (lbs) QtyLoad Y I I Al 2.4 134 N/A N/A 171 1 134 OK � J J•. J:� 95.25 AZ 10.0 548 6.00 21.00 171 5 110 OK / Al A4 / A4 Al A3 1 9.8 542 N/A N/A 1 171 1 4 135 OK A4 2.3 126 N/A N/A 171 1 126 OK 147.75 A5 9.7 535 N/A N/A 171 4 134 OK Double with sidelites. Pressure away from stop:, Design pressure: 55.0 psf 37.50 36.38 36.38 37.50 Max. Anchor Area Load Ind. ' Zone z O.C. Cap. Load Result \ Al Al13 (ft) (lbs) (in) (in) (lbs) Qty (lbs) A2 L 3 4 l J A2 95.25 Al 2.4 134 N/A N/A 171 1 134 OK J••, P 3 P4 A3 /� AZ 10.0 548 6.00 21.00 171 5 110 OK Al • * Al A3 1 11.0 605 1 N/A N/A 1 171 1 4 151 OK A4 1 12.0 662 1 N/A N/A 1 171 4 165 OK 147.75 Double with sidelites. Pressure against stops with saddle threshold: Design pressure: 55.0 psf 37.50 36.38 36.38 37.50 Max. Anchor Area Load Ind. Zone z O.C. Cap. Load Result \ Al /\ A5 A// Al / ` (ft) (lbs) (In) (in) (lbs) Qty (lbs) 6 f 3A, 2.4 134 N/A N/A 171 1 134 OK I 95.25 AZ 10.0 548 6.00 21.00 171 5 110 OK I I Al Al A3 9.8 542 N/A N/A 171 4 135 OK Al �, Al \ A4 11.0 605 N/A N/A 171 4 151 OK 147.75 A5 2.3 126 N/A N/A 171 1 126 OK A6 9.7 535 N/A N/A 171 4 134 OK A7 12.0 662 N/A N/A 171 4 165 OK 11L o N E o51 = TATE OF �. w� Luis R.Lomas P.E. °*1 FL No.:62514 2of4 �!/4Cs• 4QRVaQ.•• G��\ 1/7/2010 Luis R. Lomas P.E. 1432 Woodford Rd. Manufacturer: Masonite Lewisville,NC 27023 Report#: 501A 336-945-9695 Date: 12/29/09 Anchor Locations: Double door with sidelites 0 m m M ari 1 — m a m_ cc — 1 1 I 1 I 1 — a o o R o cn n 1 — m a m - d 00 ZqO o c _ pX _ 16 p Q N Note: Anchor locations indicated in this document are the minimum required for the described product exposed at the design pressure indicated herein. 1R. . L 0�l���i NJ E • q � 01 ° = o � TATE QE ; s Luis R.Lomas P.E. FL No.:62514 3 of 4 1/7/2010 Luis R. Lomas P.E. 1432 Woodford Rd. Manufacturer: Masonite Lewisville,NC 27023 Report#: 501A 336-945-9695 Date: 12/29/09 Anchor Locations: Double door 36.38 -- 36.38 6.00 TYP. — 6.00 TYP. 18.19 TYP. 3.00 TYP. 1 1 6.00 l 16.65 MAX.O.C. 1 95.25 I 6.00 1 Note: Anchor locations indicated in this document are the minimum required for the described product exposed at the design pressure indicated herein. R' L 0 •���E *• 0 51 • �� TATE OFOR w� Luis R.Lomas P.E. FL No.:62514 4 of 4 1/7/2010 Fiberglass Door Performance based on assembled door units utilizing Masonite door panels,typical door lites, NFRC default wood frame and sills. ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATINGS -7 U-Factor(Btu/hr-ft2-"F)/Solar Heat Gain Coe ' ient(SHGC) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 114 Lite 1/2 Ute3/4 Lite Full Ute DEFAULT FRAME x400 in- s900 ins ic >1100 in Decorative IG 0.20 / 0.08 0.23 / 0.15 0.26 / 0.20 0.29 / 0.27 Glass Type 0)' Decorative IG with LowE/Argon N/A N/A 0.22 / 0.18 0.25 / 0.24 (Glass Type K)' Impact Decorative IG 0.20 / 0.07 0.24 / 0.13 0.27 / 0.17 0.31 / 0.23 (Glass Type 0)' Impact LowE Dual Pane 0.20 / 0.08 0.23 / 0.15 0.25 / 0.20 0.29/ 0.2 7 (Glass Type Y)' Impact Clear IG 0.21 / 0.10 0.26 / 0.16 0.29 / 0.22 0.34 / 0.29 (Glass Type X)' Blinds Dual Pane Clear N/A 0.27 / 0.19 0.31 / 0.26 0.36 / 0.34 (Glass Type TB)' Blinds Dual Pane LowE N/A 0.24 / 0.10 0.26 / 0.13 0.30 / 0.17 (Glass Type GB)' LowE/Argon Dual Pane 1" N/A 0.22 / 0.10 0.24 / 0.13 0.26 / 0.17 (Glass Type D)' LowE/Argon Dual Pane 1"with Grids N/A 0.22 / 0.09 0.24 / 0.12 0.26 / 0.15 (Glass Type D LowE Dual Pane 1 0.20 / 0.09 0.24 / 0.16 0.27 / 0.21 0.30 / 0.28 (Glass Type M)' LowE Dual Pane With Grids 1° 0.20 / 0.08 0.24 / 0.14 0.27 / 0.19 0.30 / 0.25 (Glass Type M)' Clear IG 1/2" 0.22 / 0.10 0.28 / 0.19 0.32 / 0.26 0.37 / 0.34 (Glass Type T)' Clear with Grids 1/2" 0.22 / 0.09 0.28 / 0.17 0.33 / 0.22 0.38 / 0.30 (Glass Type T)' Clear IG 1" 0.22 / 0.10 0.27 / 0.19 0.30 / 0.26 0.35 / 0.34 (Glass Type ' Clear IG With Grids 1° 0.22 / 0.09 0.27 / 0.17 0.30 / 0.22 0.35 / 0.30 (Glass Type T)' LowE Vent Lite N/A 0.23 / 0.07 N/A N/A (Glass Type D)' Clear vent Lite N/A 0.26 / 0.12 N/A N/A (Glass Type T)' Flush or Embossed(Opaque) 0.15 / 0.01 Air Leakage s0.3 cfm/ftz Note: Bold values meet ENERGY STAR Ll-factor and SHGC qualification criteria in all 50 states Test Report#STN14007-JM *See Product Code Structure Energy performance values have been established in accordance with International Energy Conservation Code(IECC); _• LI-factors determined in accordance to NFRC 100&SHGC values determined in accordance to NFRC 200. Based on 2'0"door unit width or greater(no sidelites). Our continuing program of product improvement makes specifications,design and product detail subject to change without notice, ©2014 Masonite International Corporation.All Rights Reserved. 7/14 TEC14902 US Generic Performance FG 110714.indd 1 11!7/14 9:38 AM