HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4110099 OR BOOK 3786 PAGE 1825, Recorded 09/10/2015 at 03:27 PM Doc Tax: $2135.00 This Document Prepared By and Return to: JOHN SHERRARD, P.A. Attorney At Law 34 East 5th Street Suite 1 Stuart, Florida 34994 carrel tD t' Real 19-53 - 004- 01 Way d D This In Made this 8t day of ugu t , 2015 A.D. Between Pura Estate o dings, c. , a o on existin u der the laws Stat o Fors of the CouLuc].e Stale of orida gr ntor, and Brend whose address is: 469 SE 935 SW Grand Reserve Blvd. , Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 of the County of St. Lucie , State of Florida ,grantee. Witnesseth that the GRANTOR,for and inconsideration of the sum or ------------------------TEN DOLLARS ($10)----------------------- DOLLARS. and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand paid by GRANTEE, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said GRANTEE and GRANTEE'S heirs,successors and assigns forever, the following described land,situate, lying and being in the County of S t. Lucie state or Florida to wit: Lot 3 and 4, Block 32, Riverbank Unit Your, according to the plat thereof 8=erdAe# in P ok 11,pfBeginning. the 'c Re s of Sai"thence Cou tU209.1 leswi g: B gi at he Sou er eny a ng the es rly proo a t1 t S u e ver;Thely 2log11 to a i in the Seae Souf e , Numbe 32 set on the rig Na athence We to ly along sida 7th Pnning. and the r does by ully warrant t title to sai ad, and dercnd the same ainst I u cat of persons homsoever. In Witne s W reo, gran r hereu set its nd seal the ay a tabu wn Signed, ate anddelivere oB pre ence• Pur da Re sta i s, In B (Seal) Print e: i B�Add , ld, Pre 'de t Witness —`_ Elston Strce,P rt SL Lucie,FL s2 wr.' DONNA R J Printed N FRO g 2016 Witness ,roirasao5ss IRE (Corporate Seal) STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF St. Lucie The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 28th day of August ,2015 by Bonnie Shild, President of Pura Vida Real Estate Holdings, Inc. , a Florida Corporation, on behalf of the co gtytion. 2 who is personally known to me or who has produced his Florida driver' Printed Name: Notary Public My Commission Expires: 1$-111 rasaG—wdby#1Mp*Systum.1nc„2015(90063-355S F—FLWD-t