HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) Flot=ida Budtng:Gode Ottine Pagel of r/strReg stratlaa: ="RatToprea Stats R Facb , Tublieatiens 1 Fscstafr i RCIS'Site$tape ficrSKh Busihes §+ Pr'ddt ctA{iprova) Profess nal { , alUSEW uhircuser' tirZtns - prg(lutC.lPCT<r�nFh�L'Ni>ProdiKt�r•in[if�Catic�n Seatcii=a aaaliraCon GtSt>a0pll'C2atr6n OetaEli. f'� �A,R- FL#.- EU0674>R10 Ap-Rl!0'tion,Type' Pevision Code, ersion 20]:4 APpliraVon status approved Gom[rients; Archived' -- ,Product Manufacturer: f)vtens;Coming Adtlress/t?hone/�matl Ona Qwens Corning;Partcway (740)404=7829,' greg:keeter@ov enscorning:com; AriEtrorized SigTratu're Greg Keele{ ����� .�..�._ ��� greg keeier@owenseaphing;'coi Techntcal'lepresentative: Mel Sanerzi4- Add(ess/Phtit?p/Etnait; 1 Oweris:Corning;FK?NY Toteda OH 43659;. (4-19)376=8360' m+lsanerant@owenscpmigxom utility Assurance Represe,ntatii,?g Address/Fhane/Email Ca[e9ory RooBug.: Su_li[a. ory; Asphalt Sliingles Go nJllance,Method Evaluatidn Report„frot f a Florida°Registered,Architect arra;Li_Eense0 Honda Pcofessronal'_Engmeere , Evaivadon Rep' Hardcopy,Received° Florida Enginoer or Architect tYame vihardeveloped RobertJ-''Nieminen: the Evaluaflon'Report Florida license' P&S9f66 Quality Assur ca EntityUL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration DateOBf 20/201,7 Validated ey; 7ohnezevich :PE” �1 Ualidatiom6heeklist Hardcopy Received Certihca[eof Indepei deltce RA0674 RIO C,M 70' C-01 NkWilrw 'df Referenced 5tanclard.anit Ypar(`of Standard) ,Standard - ASTM D3161, 20.619 ASTM D3462 2U04b. ASTM D7k58 2008: EquiVateRgeof Product Standards C�rtified;i3y Sectrons fromthe Code: http;//www;floridabuilding.orsg4pr/pr app;,.dtLaspx`param=wGEvxQwtDgtBN EYSV%2... 9/10M-15 4 Florida Buildtng'Code Oi lire i'age.Z,b 2- Product,Approvai LNefhcd' Metkod<1 donor, DatgSUbmif><ed 44/22/ZOY'5w Date Validated, OR/23%2t1SS Date Pendtpu FBC Approval 04(25/2015:_ Date Approve-6.b6F23120i5> Summa"r.''cf-Proaucts�- FL-0- Model;<NUmber.,or Name pescript'ron, fOfi7R T t7wens Camin9 Asphalt Roofing $tab Q„fab 5 tabiatnitiated starter'and hip.&.Hdge Shin des=and Staiters shiR9igs 9., Limits of Use Trlstdllation Lnstrtictwns- AppraWedfoi use 1n tiVNZ NQ_ FL1067>€.R10 tt 1015 0R-TJNAh FR'UC•ASPtit hT Approved E"o�ase aura+de NYIi�:'Yes- �SHItvGt F5 FG}067R_R10 ndF impact R©sistant,fit/Il; Vertfie- y ROOF 3 M Nie ttnen Pl -5916E Des+gn Pressure NlR; Ci�dted;tiy Indepertilent Thrii„Party Yes Uthe�Referta ER,Section 5. Evairf.3 0o Reports , = 1 -47'kfd AE 2015 04 Efr4Ai- FR_D-G--A-WA T` SHtNCLEa EI 106710 ndt;, Greated,;tlySndependentTtrriJ Patty;Yes, _ Pal Next -,(Ontattt)s.:,19A0 tloithhtonrueStreet�l'Sliahassec'F@�2kR4 Pfione85a-4E7%19'25 The state{of Fladtta Iy_ani;AAJEE4 et(playnr[eo%�fnht 2Q07-jpf 3"Stzte ot,t7aKda.,piWa' Statemerir AcrnseitiitlfJ SMtnc Retund'Statemenf Under lb,lda�tart emaihaddre55es AfRduktk tewrds.ttyWt d)'tRbt want goat mail adJltesS reteasad In response t03 pgMIG iCCOnSS rawest da naf send etedtonicmallEathisentity;In�adrwnfadtaGo((IcebyahaltegrfryftatldioD?itna1l td7roy.havaang4ues<rons pleasacantatt850a87f}9S,`tFursuanCto: SectIgM1 45$Z7�(f}r Ftortda Statutes,etrd�tiee QttObirl 2Qt� UcettSeas[iceased'.bnder C+iaptar aSS,FS'musrpro4Jda itte OepaKm'6t[Wlth an emalf addtesslf^ su PeK aaYOgna Tbq araalL pmvtded Pta�,be used tat;oNKial communirauog Ytltllihe Gcenscq-floYeever eaWil addresse��raPubllCtemtd !f Y9?�do ace w7sb ta�-tyapatso'ibtldtasS please{J gYtdE khe DeraRm nc ttl[N an C(4fl11 address q{filch c8tft {nad6avaJtabte to the pubi2 tbdMermincityou orn.e tCcensecu'n fef .. _. , Prerduet'Approval AmeptOt u:euritYttt;ttn c�s hirn�/lwwwStoridfthrriI'dihsi►o Q/nr/m ann. dti.asnk?6Aedm=wGEVXOwtDcztBNEiEY5V%Z::. 9/10/201=5 W, ERI.Oft HUk-tRCH<&13EStGN,-LLC- '- N LC:N Certtcate oAuthare[otFon,;N9503: �j 353 CHRfSTIQN STREET, UtJIT#13 t, [TRI'_. f�;.ER DS OKFORD,OT (16478_ PHONE (203)262-9245 FI1�4:(203)262''-1243:.. EVAWATt0N REROFftT Owens Carrng; Evaluation ReportQ3,7940 Q212-R5 One Owens Corning P.,arttway FL1004 dO., Toledo,,Ohl 43659 [?ate of Issuance:02/06%2012' 4R6Ni665i 04/22/2015° Scope'; This-Evaluation Report is''issued eaicler Rui[e:61G20-3 and the applrcab;fe Cul`e"s ;and regiilatioPis governn ft the`°use of cdnstructioh materials in(fie State of F..lorida:The dacuriienfation submitted ktas Eaeesn reviewed by,Robert Nierriinen;P'E.for use of"tlie'.product cinder the Flodda Budding;:G d-and F..tor!da Building CodC,;Residential;Vdlume._ The prod"acts described he'reiri ha..ve'been evaluated:for cdriipfiance with tti`e;,5ih Editfan 12014)Florida_Bullding Cod0101ians .0,e herein:, UESCRtPTIQPJ: 'Owens'Gorning Asphalt R,6 qfShingles' taaEUt all be in accordance= Itf Ahe requirementsl:0--'eeCedite i`.Qirality Assurance Agency.note,herein. CONT{NUEt)CQMQLIANCE: 7h}s Evafuat%on Report is:valid until ,such time as the named produet(s) changds the referenced; lattiru ssuranee ocumenon cfiatigori` ti5s-6f tt Cbr#e.ftt�t netts the�srotli7tt ehaie—AecceAtaefthis` Evaluation►Report by Eike named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert(dieminen,P 6,`lf the producfi'ek anges dr,fh, referenced Cluality assurance documentationchanges Trfn tylt requires a complete eli of thW,,Evaluation Report: relative to ulJdated.Code requ remeittswiih'each.Code cycler AnvERnsEmcnrr The ;(valuation Report number preceded try the words "Trinity�`ERt) Evaluated may iae displayed in aciyer-tising.IfteratuCe, f#any;p'ortioriof the 6�ta`fuatron,Report'is displayed,then it shalt,be done in its er%tirety fNseiEcrioro: Upon r..equest,a.:'copy of`thfs4e'ntrte;Evaluatiori i2epart sh"all be>prouided to the user by the mariiafa2turer=;or its;. distributors'acid.shall-oe'avaitable'for inspectlQ'n at,the ioli'site at the i'equest:of the:Building-,Offtciai,. This;Evaluation Report consists of pages 1,thraugh 6. Pt 2�aTeC(17y:' tid\�1j t4jJt«rjfq�ii ' i F D �� r art *�`' thefa[simile,teata�r¢pltrngw�s'authors;etf6y':Ro�tcftliienrineq Robert!M i�lletrlinen,P "�fr,xot41� it}``" P6nCdC22f9tS,Thrtd?essm#scrveasratdlaccraeeeaugstgiied ..�/!t nftfJ4RdocpnrenL 5 n Flar�dv2egistratipo SJf6G Ffacida OC/1 AN 1984 ed seatedbard<ouras invup e,+ilranzmitteil(o the. . .. --, ._ .. .-- - •froductAuPsovaf�dminisira(o�indtotl4enamedtiicgs C):RTIFtCAnt?N Ofi1N�ERENDENCE 1: Trimtjil Eftp does%nat hi e�..nor doses it intend>to acquire ar will it acquire, a,financial interest In any company fiianufacfuring'or distrJbuting produ�s it evaluates,; I. T•r=imtyl tR-6 is not owned operated or-controlled by any company manufattunngardistnbuting prod'uctsit evaluates. 3: Robert'N,temmen,P,4-does',not h the nor will;acqu,.ire,a Rnanciai interest:in any cantpansj manufacturing or distributing products for which the<e�afuation reports�are 6emgissued . 4, 666 ert.N'iemineti;PSE.does not,have;nor.will;accju cepa Financial interest many,other entity involved,in, e appi I pr 6s;of the iratluce,: 5:.. This is a fsufiding ct5de evaluation. NTdni,Eyl ERD nor Rabere Niemfnen,Pc£ are;in any way,the 0esigaer of'Recard for-any, either project.on whtch chis;Evaluation:Report,dr„previous versions'th'ereof;is/was•rased'fo,r permitting`or d."esfgn guidanct..untess,retamed;' speaficaf ly fortfietpurpose. RottFtNc SYSFEM5'EVALLIATION;: 1:= SCOPE: Praduet Category: Roofjng Sub Category: Asphalt Shingles eoniplTance Statement :Owens:Ccirnitig,Rsphatt RabF Shing[es,,as produced't y Owens;Cornirig,ktarre demonstraeed compl�ante. wRK the'following secOions ofthe Ff`,Wa Bwldirg Code;and Florida Buiid`ing Code; Residential Volume through testing in - .. d: ' accordance with-the falloytingStandards C.Compliance is suf7�ect to the.lnstaltation=Regnirements and.Limitations/Condit[otis of Use Set forth herein: �r $TAN[3ARQ5: Section`" Proper Standard. Year 15072.5,R905.2:4- Rhysi6 Prdpert es `G57M 034"62:- 20c}3' 15072:71 89052;6;1. tNind Resistane8 ASTM D3163 2009.` 1507,2 7 1 A905:2`6"T, YJmd Resi Wt ce' 'ASTM Q7158;: 2Q48:; 3. REl'EREN`CES: Enfif Examination Reference Date- ULLLC'(CC[t9626} Physicals&end Reistan[e File R2453;,VOI 1 42/15f 2007 11CI.LG(CEt4626); Physipls&'Witid":ResisCarice 20120S1ra 82453: OS/15%�p �; UL LLC;(7ST9G28} P`hYsifal PrciperUes 06CA20�263 04(i8��"005' UL LLC T,9628):_------Wuid Resr� ice I1C $ _ a 02I18I2012 u4 LLC (TST9628}` P.hysicals,&:Wind Resistance 4786093137 42/01/2b1 UL LLC<(TST9628}, Wind,itesist`ogce 47$(1126532 02/1't3�20f4' UL EEG(TSF9628} Physical Prtjp?rties; Gtassificatign letter' 02(13/2Q.14' Miami-Dade(CER1592) F13C HVI{Z Goinpliatie< Venous IVCIAs Various;, V1 44,C`iQUA962% Quality=Cor trot Service C(irtiirmation:82453 Exp.48j�2Q/2017 ;4. PRGDU4TDESERIPTI'WN 45: AsphaifShirigie'' 4'1:1 Classic And..supreme,are f ibecglass reinforced S=tab asphalt raotstiingle's: 4;1-i� Berkshire'ar.'e fiberglass reinforced,4 tab asphalt bbf shingles:; 4 133 DevonshireO are fiberglass reinforced,:,5-.tab.a`spi ail rooF shing[es:. 4.-14, Duration, TfuDefimtion DuraCion�, Durations P'remu_m Cool, TruDefinrtion Duration Designer Color Collection Tru eftnittorf`Oakridge.,C{akridge'andWeatherGuaed HRarefibeig{assreinforcetl;;laminated,aspha(, �Qo,Fshirgles. 42 Berkshire` Nip & Ridge Shingles, HighRidge Hip 8i Ridge with Sealant,WeatherGuardI1P Nip 8c Ridge Shingles,. Pro'Edge Hi'p:&Ridge=ShtniOs::and D"UfziRidger"'"flip"&Ridge.Sitingles`aie fit�eral- %reinforeeit,hipFani rtdge'a'splialt' roof>shing[es;` 43 Starter5tripP1UsandStarter5[tinRleRolfare-starlerstrips_forasph`atf.rool=shingles. 5.; LMTATiONS: 5:I This=is a°b,tili ling code evaivat a6 Neither Trit ity(ERD por RoE7,ert Nieminen,.F:E.:are, ig-any way,;the Designer of. Record for any protect on which this-Evaluatiani;Reporti.,r previQus versions thereof,i/fasused for".perm tting or design guidance-.unless retained specifically for,rNat"purpose. 5z2 ThisEvaluatioh Repgrt is not"foc use in ttie HVFl2'. 5a3 Fire:Ctassifteatton isnot part-o "this,EvaluaCion,R`epoit;refer Co;.curient App'ro'ved Rafifirrg Materials Directory;for fire; ratings of this product. S A W{6d Classification:. 5_,4:1; All CWens Cornigg shingles notied.herein afe-Glassified-'in accordance-with'FBC Ta,t les:1507:2 7 i aid 89,05:215 1 tn'. ASTM 03161;Cass F andjoi ASTM 07158,Class-;H,tndicafing the 4ERa 5 4:�,. Ciassificattoni,6y kSTM'07158applies tg exposure category B ar Csand a budding he+gtit of 60 feet or less. Cafcufations by a .quaiifieif design prbfess(aaaf are requfCet(.for Ca id+t+ons.oukslde these;liri tkahans,.,, Comet tNd shingle;. marlufactu[er``for data`spet+ c, o each shingle, 5.4:4. Refer to Q.ulens Corin ig published(nforrnattoR qr}wind'resistant�„aid installation[iinifatron'S 5 5 All`pcoduct 04 the roof assemb`.(y"shall have quality assurance audit in:accordance.�i ii:h the.F(6 ida Buiiding bode and` E A'C:Rule�61Ca20�3r . 6. INTAQATIOI:, 6;� UR(erlayment . 61::1 Ugderiaymenk shap.ibe=accepta6te to Owens Corning.anii-shali.hbld current:Fior(ds:Skatervide,Product.Approv'1,-orb Locally Ap`pro`,±led'per Rule 6 G20o =3,per FSC Se4tibns ISo72 3,1SQ7 2 d or R9Q5 2 3; 6a2 Asp6ft5ltngfes: installation)of asph lC=shingles Shat(&omply wltb:'ahe manufacturers current published instrueifons, using_ minimum four,(4)naits,per shingle imaccorclance with FBC ediodsi15o7.2 or'.ftg05,2,with Che foi(ow+rig eiccepo,4os; BerkSi tre#shm'gies requrre:minlmum five(5}';nails per shingle: 3Y Weatt r card`HPshmgfes,retXuiie,ttfl- iiu rt srz',(6J`na+ls pershingle r Devonsl7freTHsktrngles.requiee=miniimumsiat'(6}nadspersh+ngl , ,� Stader Strip Pfus`iequires?rtiinimurtifive(5},natlspers trip: Eisler tp Otit+ehsCarn(ng'-iublished informonation„ wfstance ani!installatrpglim:tarrons- - 6.2:2• Faskeners-shaii be in;accordance wfth the manuf'acturei,`s pubhst ed reduite"menu,brat not less than 6C 1507:2.6 a[' 8905,2.5.. Staples are-'not'pe�ttiltted. 6 24' Where the.roaf scope,exceeds;21,units.vertical in 12.units hdr-lzontai, special methods of'fastenrng are iequired. Contact.the slifnglt riianufactuEer for•details:. Miplrtum Nailing Class+c°Sc`Sppreme: ........... `} 1 Notrnei Matteord;or Aro» aro! P [(Iormei Mensard'or Area para NVind Ateas High tfVinst Q�svenea K Wind Areas"; F(igh 1EY[nd doa"#vbs y.; Arae para;vlantosrinormefen; ;Areae vioritoa fuentea.= gree pora;vi titoa.riomr &j;'Are s vTentt s,tTeenos F i(A) r�` -z-.` gi- _2 ''1 t tA) t (; f t �'. iBl •'a ��l 5 Exposure;, � Ci9/B EKPeeure” - Erpoaletdn. Ettpe�rieidn 612::6 Minimum Na l+ng Be kshtro SdatSiitship (. u46otstrfi to t4a;Jr<stlGtda; tei�adnsetf�¢dr f3-Yi' � 83°1' z^ � - AsphaN raoftggooMOM. acmento,dg ttci4a da t l�lio Externar.Res'earchand Design;LLC. Evaluation Report03744"6.0212-R5 Ceyt� fate"o/AtrthorlraUon N9503 FL10674=RIO Revision S 04%Z2/2015 Page 3.of 6 ERp' 6.2:7 Minimum Nailjng—Devanshi�e"'.:;: r .e w. Nails Ten-t S n�s,tif'As hal6Roo[Cecreat; 6.2;8Mjn"imum"Na itng po4ti66 ruDefinitiona`C1ucaEia�;`Dur�tian�'Premium Cool 8t.'Tct�DefintE�or}*:Putatld':De r, Cato -'iectan: b Nap Patt4m `6 NoII - =.:..,,, ., wta5rxa<af rte+or�i� Aikf1lutte4m SnroNak EaquemadeC4tavas erlt(erK; �rimmtto(�deutou, ,E`uenta :` F�aotc�t`dis SiireFtsfi'6stee4�an+�wi�Ui� ___ _ s9 � _ ai�iJoF�znodar _ Arrde ficlavos - ea derlaw€SutettaYo ^. s • {tsgctba?rntctja: gg wEnse .. n\%rfi/ Sia"Fxpoayra 5fi 0tpgsut9 n Marts.' 6`+#Whl�exP?ut7crt.' txavx S 4Paig;¢ee�rpos!edi�{ . 596 fixyosur„ Na Exy6s}ga 5'3pt1q detrrpnskl6g. flarcv: 5ii{ufrj:deaxpnslrtdti 't Minimuoi.tJai(ing—TtDefinttXo, Oakridge°,0 'kridge�.; 4 MO Pette rs - Q`Nall Fattarrt Es-qltecfawa EstjttemaM, API 65I 6cparure �Ry fifi18 Ertposure Matls fvFoslcl&rdeGGlBpufg clam- £xpoafcri-cowfGlSpg. fifif8"ExpaSgte. CtaYit6 fifif6"Exfinsute Exposjr�ottite`56/6.pirtg. Etgwstctpnde 65/BDidg;, 6:2,ld Minimum Milli ng, the r:Guard`�NP-. '""F e`'4 Vfset+lafiH�l 4 ��•�� � i F+wAwret"llwmgh llMli il+�= . RIrwM iwrtlr Yr�e`dr��: EiiteriocResearch anti edgn;to Evaluafioh'Report 1337940 02;12;RS° O#ifjcateOfAuthodiutfd p95p3' FL10679=RI0 Rewsion.,5 04/22/Z015;; Page 4 of 6 TRINITY IERD -63 "ip;4L MOO , nlgles 6J�,l lhftzllati6h�� rkifi,- W6',HIP,and:Ridg6 SiiIngI ii, N96Aldge; Hip gC Aidge;Wj. SejIiqtj' giti'drGk&rcFP Hipand • Ridge -5 and-P using four "na 1 5'p i'g current u6l'-h6d 14' resistance ,sIst,nOd,in ta c,,,n 3 F a s t 8 n e r s:,s;4 a I I j'b -a 6 c 6 r do—p`6 h t h e"Mi a t if a c Lu r r,'s b 1,1 s'h d.�'requirements­ ' b 0 f t ib t.I d s t I F B C 15 0 7 2 6 of , ­,JeAn., p wit'. Nab R905,215'. StapjO!ki4Velncitt6ermitWd. ' .,3.3 Minimum:'Nillffig'=ROkshI&IO Hl" R1490d 74ni'_High Ridge: FlgA Fig.-! Toa j 'INPi .6.3.4 Minimum Nallft— em Fig.2 High Wind Fen 14Aa or .0;iwShitl9le. Minimumwm d n iW§ 7d Excess S0-5I6Se5Ia nt StOp Fas.0 ming 5,19411 S"Exposure' 12 777- 7L 6.15 Minimum Aallfne,,—We'affi&Guard'O HP_Npzan&',R'iqge;ll Oig.C:Hi'P,4,R,dlgo'ihinilp.'Fisionin-q Fig,A A. A Exterior-R&earch and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report:0*3'7940.02AZR5 Certificate a, ation#9503 FL10574-R10 Rev&ion,5.,04/22147015 Page 5 of 6 9 6:3 Nlininiuin Nailing PraFdge Nip&Rlige°Shiitgtesc. Prsvni[ing Standard; WintlDiroattati{ F Pattastontnq SoalantStrip � ern` 1� somiodt Fasten 7� Cover Ex osed � � _ Fastenors with Roof Cement 6:3:7 ivlinimum Nailing Dura$idge'"'Hr°,&Ridge Shingles: Note.<The; drawings beiovv,;:perta I n ta:rritnimunl,,as testeii atfaetitiient requirements.,; Befer.ta,(Iweris Corning: published r taliatro l nstrilctions forklfelr.ml6iri utli,requirements Taw 4val ndxrnNIforLei�[.. Y-aRtnpWR;- Dlr6tafttdalviontdprodxiurtiritu. }t- 'Yntatuprnot -t-y'. A t t u e+vetic'Catnsr�S.�{tWi. " P -Ing:. I T: LA ONO. 71 Latseling shalt be rn accordancew"ith the requirements fhe Accreditedx't�uality essuranee Agency-noted herein. 72 Asphalt shingle wrappers shalltndlcatie compliance weft:bne of thq°required Class ltcattons:.detatled iii FBC Table` "0 .2.6. S. BUILDING f)ERMiT.REQUIRErAENTS;, Asrequlred;iSy the'Building Officiat,o IAUthorrty Halling Jurrsdi6ilon ri order fa;properiyevatuat6the'installation;af this<Produdf, � MANUFACTl1RING PLANTS., Coritact=the iiar led QA';entity for f6f6rniatlon orrwhlch;ptarits pi'gduet products'coveced by--.FloY da Rule-9W3 Qa'_i julrements. =10 quAfn .ASSURANCE'ENTiTYt UL LLC QVA962S (41`4)24&6409;karelr.bachmannPUI.eorn END.OF EVALUATIONAEPORT-- EkfdriorResearctiand Design,LM. Evii ioii Report 037940 02 I2-RS;. Certificcite.ofAuihoriiation'IJ$S03- FL10674 R1Q' Revision 5:-t14[22/Z015' page 6`6f 6s'