HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement 09/14/2015 10:18 7723350860 PAGE 01/01 jj ­ �{ o�'' 13'•r�:.. N.bTICE-OF COMMENCEMENT Permit No. '— � Tax Folio Nb. 3426- 500-03'4700.0'/6 State of Florida •County,_af St,Wcie . The undersigned hereby gibes notice that.Rni rovemerit will.be made to certain real.proper•Ly,and•in'accorda�ce with Chapter 7U;-,PloHda,5tatutes,'.': the following information•i&provWed irr•thls Notice ofCOmmencemont. Legal..Description of'Propertya(and.Treet•add ress.if;available): ; General description.ofimprovement: Tnsf-a] 1 ­ac=rdion R, bAh.MA Owner information or Lessee•infermatfon if the Lessee contractect for the Irnprgvement: Name HOwar ------- Address ! ]oi5rt_._5+�,T,L1r''4P FTS 34 Interestin•property_ - ' Name and address of fce•simple•tltleholder.(iFdifferentfrom owner listed-above):• r6iftra-tor'snl rye:-. Nlaste7r .C.r - tem �]tkm..fir-•o Contractor;Addr.PS5: 1634 ,,,U Ni emeyer cIr Phone Number: 777-3.35•-_1 1.77 34952 Surety(If applicable,a.copy of the payment bond is attached):Amount of bond:$ Name and address: Phone number, fn0-n(A`o Lender Name: Phone Number: $0 Lender's address: a S Persons within TheState of Florida designated by Owner upon wham notices or other'documents maybe served•as providgd.by Sect p �m 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes: AA pen Name: _ Rhone Number: o C Address: ;n W rn In addition to himself or herself,owner designates of. ___ to receive a copy c N Lienor's Notice as provided.in Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes. u, Om Phone number of person or entity deslgnated'by owner: 41 i Expiration date of notice of commencement: (the expiration.date may not be before the completion-of construction and flnal.payment' contractor.,but will be 1 yearfrom the date of.recording unless a different date is specified) n WARNING TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AMR THE EXPIRATION OFTHE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSI- n IMPROPER PAYMENTS.UNDER CHAPTER 77,3,PART I,SECTION 713.13,FLORIDA STATUTES,AND CAN RESULT IN.YOUR PAYING TWICE FOI IMPROVEMENTS To YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OK COMMENCEMENT MUsT'BE RECORDED AND-P05TEP OWTHE.)OR SrtE BEFORE THI INSPECnON.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAKFINANCING,CONSUI.T WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF.COMMENCEMENT. Under penalty Of perjury,(declare that I hale read the foregoing notice of commencement-and tt'at'the fa4ks stated therein,are.titre to•the best of, my knowledge and belief. (Signature of Owner or I.essee,or owner's or Lessee's Authorized Offi Director/PartnQr./Manager Homeowner (Signatory's Title/Office) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2.6 day of AUg. 2 �5 By Lin d Geiger ___ as for Z,1 F Name of Person f Type of authority(e.g.officer,trustee) Party on behalf,of whom Instrument was executed �✓� na`�09%*nj_(egpgR uced Identification (Signature of Notary ublic-State of Florida) NOTARY PU13LIC . (Print,Type,or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary•Pub(ic) liii�A18@jlap �d • Comml���1564B•t• r, ' expires 1/15/2016