HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs cct.07.2015 10:52 Am J Plc nhV&Developnwt Services. J Building&Code PAgulation Division e 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Piam%Fal.34082 772442-23712 Fax 772-442-"0 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL,TREATMENT PERMIT # P;-( 9 - U 13 3 Jpg ADDRESS: 2800 P.Jadd Ave. F*rt Pleme,R, Uvea BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: PEST CONTROL CONTP,ACTOR: Twin Poet canttor PEST CONTROL LICENSE #:J023203 We,the undersigned,hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites In accordance with the standards of the National Peet Control Association. Square-feet-if area treated; 's Chemicals used: upst 0a81d Percentage of solution; 0.0%_. _ ToW gallons used; 10 w._ Date of Treatment: 10/7115 Time of Treatment-, 8109 am Footing xxx- caldb -,f't Treatment xw 1st Treatment Re-Treat ite-Treat -Driveway --pools RIA'Treatment _ .het Treatment ._�. -Re-Treat .Ae-Treat Other Perimeter for Final Inspe n ist Treatment / Re-Iref W. Signature df exterminator Note. 7hem must be a completed fofr»for smb moulmd treatment or m-Paetment and this ftm must be on dtejab site to he pbW up by to inspector at time of esi*impa won or drd schwkiW Ihwection wit a//and a re-Inspw&n fike charged. FBC104.2.6 t�?t*fttae ofPiWxffl r r Tw naent fa,ommtlon of&TWItes. A rueather tes dant lotassits"posb'ng board shall he provided tD maim dgdketp rmtment CLv tftales as each required pnatactive treatment is rompletad, providing a copy for the peiw the pennit is Issued to and anodter copy for tyle bel/ding persalt files. rhe rme tent CerMflmtle steal/prrrv/de die product used,identity of the appllca* time and date ofrite ftatYt ant;site/Duan,a betted,clten;AW tbd,percent COnWtrattan And twmber of0ollons used, to establ/sh a wMable riSoni or ,ptt�tt�+ve � xt'gse �hAttl b�tn�'/rod/rrr�rntlte ptert/dn Js arra/exterlpr.�tenent shall Owe templed p*r to flue/bWlding apps W. St Lucia County requires for the final inspection for CQ,a Pe manent Sticker to be placed on ft elodrtcal panel box cover,listing all the tmatmants and dates of applications. RE��CE�V-t7r��3'7n b9LOCVCZLL uor�oa�aad a�a�auo� gsof Ted g0:Zj 9T0Z'LO'g00